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when u visit ur mom for the day before she goes on a trip....u ask for food lol #momsfood #mymomisthebest #grilledcheese (at The Sanchez House)
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Today was the last day with these wonderful children I considered my own! I am going to miss them terribly as they were my first real class here in the big state of Texas! Although my Korean Stundents touched my heart.....these kids came from not knowing hardly anything to growing above and beyond and ready for 2nd grade! We cried, laughed and got upset with one another at times....but as I said in my speech during the awards...."We are one big family!" I have never thought I would touch so many little ones in my 1st year of teaching....started out with 24 in each class so had 48 students to see daily....I am glad to have been their Math and Science teacher! #1stgradeisthebest #1stgradeteachersrthebest #1styeardownmanytogo #ilovemyjob #imgoingtomissthem #icriedlikeababyallday
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Delicious lunch Today!^^ Summer Sausage and smoked cheddar cheese!^^
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We r going to melt haha....we made it!!! #wemadeit #fcdallasvslagalaxy #ourfirstsoccergametogether (at Toyota Stadium)
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#teacherappreciationweek #teacherlife🍎 #ilovemyjob❤️ #my1stgradersarethebest
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Half way Mark on my meal prepping lol...breakfast was done before my laundry and almost finished with my lunches and dinner for the week...just need to make the chicken now while my clothes are turkey meat is done!^^ #Icandothis #healthierme #weighinistomorrow #mealprep #memememe #onajourney
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When u have had a long long long week and day...u need a first drink in a while and probably my last for a while...#redlobster #malibuhurricane🍹 #ineededthis #ustime❤️ #longweek (at Red Lobster)
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One of my favorite pics from my big 30 birthday party! Love my siblings to death! we are all scattered but glad when we get together we always have a good time and fun convos! #nationalsiblingsday❤️
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Made 부대찌개 (Army Stew) For dinner!!
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Ran to central market to get his Mochi Ice cream....but I wanted something with Cookies and tried this and it was Amazing and super delicious! 10/10!!! #rubyjewelicecreamsandwiches #Aweosome100% #Deliciousness (at Park Central Apartments-Dallas)
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Yay! this means I can be more organized and be more creative with my centers and have more supplies!^^ #teacherlife🍎 #suppliesfortheclassroom #ineedthesethings
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When u have a Math Training on ur birthday and u hope it is fun...amd it was!!^^ #teacherlife🍎 #takeawaymathfun #3dshapes
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Yesterday celebrated my birthday early with the fam...Andrew Surprised me with 50+ Roses and took me to get my new purse!^^ (at Dallas, Texas)
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2nd day without my watch and I feel lost bc I can't track my steps and I can't tell u the temp and other various things lol....i have my fossil watch....but the date is wrong lol I keep thinking it's the 22nd lol
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We soooooo just ate all of this after not really eating much all day ...we have been wanting Korea Style Fried Chicken since we have both been here in the states!! (at Super H Mart)
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First day has been amazing!! Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!^^ (at Houston, Texas)
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