•My Quill Is Poised•
264 posts
PROFILE IMAGE by Darklephise. TWST OC Ask Box: Open
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squidwen · 1 month ago
2024 Pentergeist Dorm Outfit!
(prev. years):
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And now for THIS Year!:
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(Ft. Albert, Eugenio, and both forms of @squidwen 's DeVerre)
Decided to take inspiration from the ghosts' color palette, general Haunted Mansion vibes (Victorian set for the time period, as each dorm seems to have one), and now adding SKULLY inspiration!
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @ramshacklerumble
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @cyanide-latte @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3
@tixdixl @prince-kallisto @candiedchiliarch
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squidwen · 2 months ago
I love you speculative biology. I love you worldbuilding projects. I love you creature design. I love you fantasy biology. I love you speculative evolution. I love you science fiction.
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squidwen · 3 months ago
Animal/Rescuer AU Animal Doodles!
It's been a bit since I posted my 700 follower milestone, but between then and now, I've been doodling a few things. A lot of things actually...
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(Billy McUrse-Savanaclaw, Basil Balanaga-Scarabia, Verrick (Cat) All belong to @squidwen) (Tidus-Octavinelle and Albert (Fox) are my own OCs)
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @cyanide-latte @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3
@tixdixl @prince-kallisto
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squidwen · 4 months ago
700 Follower Special AU Just for You All!
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Co-authored by @squidwen (All borders provided by CafeKitsune)
Inspirations: The Rescuers/Rescuers Down Under, Great Mouse Detective, Lady and the Tramp, The Aristocats, Oliver & Company, Bolt, Princess and the Frog, etc.
CW: Exploitation, child endangerment. (NOTE: No NSFW elements will be referenced or alluded to, nor will this AU allow such elements to be included.)
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The world is a dangerous place. Hazards occur naturally or otherwise on a daily basis, people fall through the cracks in society; it seems like the most that ‘kindness’ affords is the attention of those willing to take advantage of it. 
And this attention seems to be currently directed…at Yuu. 
Yuu is still young, likely no more than 12. In a world that seems to have it out for Yuu, the orphanage is maybe the last bastion of safety until The One comes walking through to officially make them a part of their family. But again, it’s been 12 years, so none can blame them if that hope is starting to wane.
Dire Crowley touts himself as a generous, benevolent caretaker; which is a funny way to say ‘Neglectful’ and ‘Exploitative’. Yuu doesn’t get a chance to find this out until after the whirlwind that was their adoption settles. The man seems to care more about appearances, and where his next hefty payout will come from. So then it falls on Yuu to keep the home looking presentable, Crowley looking generous, and the indentured servitude swept under the rug. 
Not all attention is bad, though. Unseen by human society, the Animal Kingdom keeps its eyes trained to lend a claw out to the vulnerable. The National Rescue Conglomerate, or NRC, are a group of animals from all across Twisted Wonderland who answer the call for help wherever they hear it. The Seven Delegates may not agree on everything, but the one thing they can agree on is that someone will answer a call of distress. 
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Said Delegates are:
Riddle → Hedgehog with a prickly temper
Leona → Lion who only seems lazy until the going gets rough
Azul → Coconut Octopus that has quite the reach of influence
Kalim → Otter trying to do more for himself than just float along
Vil → Peacock who’s fanning out to teach a new generation of Rescuers
Idia → British Blue cat who rarely ‘paws’es his games for anything
Malleus → Komodo Dragon with a reputation as fearsome as his fantasy counterpart
Other Members of the NRC/characters include:
Queendom of Roses Representatives
Deuce → Rabbit with a penchant for perfectly timed traps
Ace → Flamingo who’s sleight-of-feather makes for a great distraction
Trey → Tortoise that always has something cookin’ under that shell
Cater → Butterfly so social, he’s heard everything
Sunset Savannah Squadron
Ruggie → Hyena willing to laugh in the face of danger
Jack → Wolf with an affinity for leading the pack
Coral Sea Set
Jade and Floyd → Moray Eels more than happy to put the squeeze on trouble
Scalding Sands Squad
Jamil → Cobra with words that have plenty of bite of their own
Pyroxene Posse
Epel → Cygnet learning how to navigate the world with grace
Rook → Seagull with a keen eye for detail
Lamentation Isle League
Ortho → Electronic Toy Mouse that knows when and when not to play around
Briar Valley Vanguard
Lilia → Vampire Bat with adopted kids and a lot of history under his wings
Silver → Squirrel that doesn’t find himself usually one for chatter
Sebek → Crocodile with enough heft to tip the scales in his favor
Shaftland Animal Sanctuary
Niege LeBlanc → A Human running an animal sanctuary with his Seven Adoptive Fathers
But even with their help, Yuu won’t be completely out of the woods. Crowley keeps a few ‘pets’ he’s willing to deploy to get them back:
Sam → Poison dart frog
Ashton → Stag
Crewel → Dalmatian
Trein → Owl
Who might be the ones to help rescue Yuu from their situation, and what might happen from there? Will it be smooth sailing once out from under Crowley or will there be others out looking to get Yuu in their clutches? Would they try to return to their orphanage? Maybe their story ends in the joining of a family that actually has their interests in heart? Do they forgo humanity altogether and just live among the animals that so cared for them up until this point?
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This AU was built with the immense patience and help of Squidwen. We offer it out to you all as a sort of ‘Follower Milestone’ gift for everyone, since I recently reached 700 folks following me. What we are offering in this AU is:
A chance for you all to throw your OCs in to see how they handle trouble in the form of a real-world animal. Be it through art, writing, roleplay with your friends, This post and AU is more or less a sandbox for folks to play around in!
I’ll be occasionally posting pics depending on what I see/find time to doodle. For reference FOR those doodles, below both Squidwen and I have found where each of our own OCs fit into this general world:
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DeVerre and Eugenio → Orphans from the same institution, ‘adopted’ by Crowley to be sold to the highest bidder. 
(Squidwen’s OCs)
Verrick → White Persian Cat (Wears a tailcoat).
Seth → Giant Pacific Octopus (Needs a pipe that blows bubbles)!!
Tallis → Hummingbird (Wears a belt and aviator goggles).
Billy → Black Bear (Wears a snorkel parka hood).
Basil → Burmese Python (still has his purple pince-nez, and maybe a legwarmer around his throat)
(Trinket’s OCs)
Albert → Fox (wears a carf)
Tidus → Giant Mudskipper (Big ol’ glasses)
Lázaro → Xoloitzcuintle (skele birthmarks)
Levi → Rock Lobster (blue markings)
Galen → Stray Mutt (hat/poncho or bandana)
Of course, with Protagonists, there usually are antagonists (all of which for this AU are human):
Rebekya Balanaga (Squidwen)
The prim, pale owner of the modeling agency Pearls of Ophenheim. DeVerre especially catches her eye. The girl has unusual silver hair and very pale skin; something that’ll cause a fuss and stir attention in magazines, she hopes. Heels, camera angles, and a ton of make-up, and no one will be able to tell that a child is working for her.
→ She has a pet albino python called Princess.
Honest John and Gidel
Just two, hardworking fellas on the look out for their next employee or circus act. Children make excellent workers, especially those who don’t have much. Yuu is especially of interest to them, given how dextrous they seem. Would they make a good trapeze artist? Or contortionist - given the right training? Or, heck, maybe they’d be happy to just do all the menial tasks around Playful Land, right?
Aadesh Sona and Mr Rajesh Khan (Trinket)
These gentlemen are vital when it comes to producing anything. Animal-testing is the aim of the game for these two, but at times, testing on animals can prove slow, and even a waste of time. Why test chemicals on rabbits and mice when you can just skip to human trials? And since DeVerre and Yuu have been “adopted” by Crowley, no one will stop to ask where they are.
→ Aadesh and Mr Khan as well have their own pets. Basil the Burmese Python being Aadesh's, and a tiger named Shakti. 
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As for our own OCs, Eugenio and DeVerre do manage to escape from Crowley’s clutches; with the help of the orphanage cat: Verrick. He sensed something was off with Crowley the moment he stepped through the door. Fearing for the children’s safety, he calls a meeting with the NRC to discuss saving them.
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Both of us hope you'll enjoy the premise and find a bit of fun coming up with little scenarios for your OCs to get into. I specifically want to say how grateful I am to have 700 of y'all following for TWST content or the like and I hope to offer more fun things in either interactions, chats, or lil doodles of our characters doing stuff. I esp. wanna thank Squidwen for the help in concocting this whole thing. It's been so much fun to RP with ya and look forward to writing even more UvU
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia @writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki @valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @cyanide-latte @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3
@tixdixl @prince-kallisto
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squidwen · 5 months ago
Twisted Wonderland OC Asks!
Hello, Tumblr! It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these but a lovely friend of mine encouraged me to give OC asks another go. I loved doing them in the past!!!
If you have a question for any of my OCs, type their name/their associated emoji (replacing [x] in the questions below) in my ask box. Please submit only a maximum of 3 questions :)
Links to OC bios are pinned on my blog.
Vane Millingwood 🐛
William (Billy) MacUrse 🐻
DeVerre Sangloine 🪞
Basil Balanaga 🐍
Seth Trent 🐙
Jonah Craggins 🦎
Tallis Underplume 🪶
What is [x]'s opinion on school relationships?
Does [x] want to get married and/or have kids?
What is [x]'s favourite outfit to wear and why?
Does [x] have any enemies, and why do they hate them?
What was life like for [x] before NRC?
Would [x] like to go for a coffee with me?
Could [x] help me with my homework/a project?
I'm going on holiday in Summer Break. Would [x] wanna come?
What's [x]'s favourite time of year?
What does [x] wanna do when they leave NRC?
Does [x] believe in fate?
Is [x] an optimist or a pessimist?
Does [x] have a crush on anyone?
I wanna confess to my crush, can [x] give me any advice?
How would [x] react to failing all their exams?
Does [x] have any phobias?
What is [x]'s taste in music?
Can [x] teach me a dance from where they're from?
Does [x] worry about the future?
Is [x] better in hot or cold weather?
Ask list by me :)
Reposts, replies, and comments are appreciated x
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squidwen · 6 months ago
TWST Scenario #7
MC: *waiting in the lunch queue*
Leona: “Out of my way, Herbivore.”
MC: *looks slowly over their shoulder* “Excuse me?”
Ruggie: *shrugs* “He’s a prince.”
MC: “Oh my word! Really? Are you really a prince?”
Leona: “I am. Now move-”
MC: “Should be used to being “in line” then.”
Ruggie: 🤣
Leona: 😑
MC: *grabs their lunch tray*
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squidwen · 8 months ago
Congratulations on 400 Followers, Trinket 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
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Wait...THERE'S 400 OF YOU NOW?? Time for a raffle, then!
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A lot of yall like TWST Stuff, but something I don't see a lot of are Overblot designs. Granted, not every OC is going to Overblot. But for those that do, I wanna help design them and give them some pizzaz. But not just a REGULAR Overblot with a phantom and neat lil design. I'm talking "Takebayashi's 'The Conception' fanbook" Overblot Monsters.
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Four (4) Winners will be randomly selected to receive a colored, partially rendered sketch of A TWST OC of theirs.
-Must be Following me (New follows are OK) -Reblog and Like this post to enter (Allowing 4 reblogs per account to prevent spam) -SFW Only (Just listing this as a precaution) -One (1) TWST OC per winner -DMs must be open on Tumblr for me to contact the winners. If winners are unable to respond 24hrs after contact, another winner will be selected
July 17, 2024 (17/7/24) - Aug. 1, 2024 (1/8/24) My hope is that I'll have enough time to work on these to start posting around October for Spooky Season
I can't say thank you enough, y'all ;w; Again, This has been one of the most welcoming and engaging fandoms I've got to interact with in a long time.
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house @thehollowwriter @rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt @honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys @oseathepebble @oathofoaks
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin @scint1llat3
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squidwen · 10 months ago
🖌️ with Verrick? The vibe is up to you :D
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(IIam so sorry about the quality-internet on desktop is down and I had to take a picture of the screen)
@ceruleancattail @squidwen @thecosmicjackalope @vaporvipermedia@writing-heiress
@oya-oya-okay @k-looking-glass-house@thehollowwriter@rainesol @cyn-write
@heartscrypt@honey-milk-depresso @br3adtoasty @jackiecronefield @ruggiethethuggie
@demonichikikomori @hoboyherewego @achy-boo @oreoskys@oseathepebble
@tunabesimpin @hamstergal @fumikomiyasaki@valse-a-mille-temps
@hallowed-delights @kimikitti @plutos-hell @thetwstwildcard @atwstedstory
@comingyourlugubriousness @ice-cweam-sod4 @twst-the-night-away @nammanarin
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squidwen · 1 year ago
Commissions are Open!!
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Just £20 for a full body embroidery piece!
DM if interested!
Payment via PayPal.
Allow 1-2 weeks to make.
Great for birthday presents!
You can decide if it gets turned into a badge or stays on the fabric (no extra charge).
If you want it mailed to you, please cover shipping costs 💗
Reblog to spread the word 🔄
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squidwen · 1 year ago
🐙After Hours with Azul
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Synopsis: You spend a lot of time at the Mostro Lounge, and Azul’s starting to wonder why. You’re not some creepy stalker girlfriend, are you? You two might be “official,” but you’re at the Lounge all the time!
However, Azul reckons there’s a reason behind it that’s deeper. More serious. After taking you to his room, the pair of you snuggle up, arms, legs, and tentacles, and Azul’s hearts simply can’t take the real reason behind your frequent visits.
You preferred the Mostro Lounge after-hours. It seemed more like an actual Lounge, with nothing but the cool lights and the final tunes of the piano player on the stage. No one bothered you either. None of the waiters told you to leave. No one even offered to clear your drink and plate away. The staff cleaned their tables, hung up their aprons, and that was that.
Except for Azul.
He got up from the piano and crossed the Lounge over to your booth. Your breath hitched at his cool hand on your shoulder. You always preferred him without gloves. His hands were beautiful; long, slender fingers with a callous on his right middle one from years and years of endless writing.
‘Another evening claimed by my establishment,’ mused Azul.
At last, you moved. His words thawed you enough to stand.
Azul welcomed you into his arms. His other hand sparked against your ribcage as he rubbed circles into your back. Somehow his chilly touch melted you. You became almost gelatinous in his embrace, as if you were the octopus rather than the warm, sweet little human.
‘You’re coming here more often, angelfish,’ Azul said.
‘Naturally. The foods good and the music’s even better.’
‘I’m sure the music is not better.’
You pulled away.
Azul held onto you. ‘Sorry-’
‘You’re still doing it.’
‘It’s a bad habit.’
‘You need to stop thinking you’re not good enough.’
Your kiss on the shell of his ear silenced any protests. Azul shivered with bliss.
Everyone else had already left; there was no point in keeping up airs. Who would you be trying to impress? Azul was stronger than he looked. Although he masqueraded as a human, he still retained most of his cecaelian strength, and he lifted you out of the booth. You felt as though you were floating. You were as weightless as the exotic fish in the giant Lounge fish tank.
Azul tucked you into his chest, one arm under your legs and another under your back. You smelled his cologne; lavender and something that reminded you of the sea. The tips of his bangs tickled your forehead. Together, you slipped out of the Lounge and through the halls of Octavinelle, hiding around corners for the coast to be clear before ploughing on towards Azul’s bedroom.
A snap of the fingers and the door swung open.
A lilac bed, freshly made, beckoned you forward. Azul laid you gently down. The duvet and mattress moulded to your figure, gasping and depressing as you wriggled your shoes off. ‘I can’t believe you had the energy for that!’ you laughed. ‘After playing all night.’
Azul laid down beside you. His hands, warmed by your back and thighs, searched for yours and brought them to his lips. ‘It’s the nature of octopuses to be dextrous, my dear. Three hours of piano playing was nothing but a warmup.’
‘How modest.’
Azul reddened.
You kissed his nose. ‘Tell me more. If you can brag to anyone it would be me. Not that I need to be told about how amazing you are. You just carried me up to the top of Octavinelle as if it was nothing. I bet Jack couldn’t even do that.’
Azul, however, did not bring up anything. It still didn’t feel right to. Not with you. Not yet. He was still so new to this. He had never loved anyone before, and the pair of you had only made your relationship official a few weeks ago. Azul was trying to strike a balance between impressing you, and boasting. He wanted to seem cool, not conceited. You already accepted him for what he looked like… for some reason, but surely there was only so much you could take. You could tolerate ugliness, but vanity?
‘A good businessman never puts all his cards on the table,’ said Azul.
You rolled your eyes. ‘Business talk? Here?’
Shoot, Azul thought. Play it cool. ‘You are in the bedroom of the dorm leader of Octavinelle and the manager of the Mostro Lounge.’
‘I thought I was in my boyfriend’s bedroom.’ You started to pull away again. Azul gripped you tightly. His strong fingers were like suction cups. ‘Come on, Azul,’ you sighed. ‘If you’re a businessman, does that make me a customer? Or some associate? I know this is new to you. It’s new to me too. But just… let yourself be… well, mine. Even if it can only be in this room. I need that.’
You shifted closer to him and snaked your arm under his head. His ear rested in the crook of your elbow, letting your fingers fiddle with his hair. The fedora fell away. His locks were stringy from hours under a hat, but you didn’t mind. It was like his head was a giant snowdrop; the petals stuck together as it tried to bloom after a long winter.
Azul drew closer. The bed creaked.
‘My angelfish,’ he breathed.
You hummed.
‘Why do you stay at the Lounge for so long?’
Your stroking stopped.
Azul tensed. ‘If you don’t want to say then-’
‘No, no. It’s fine. It must seem creepy, like I’m some crazy stalker girlfriend who watches your every move now that we’re together. But it’s not. Seven, it’s not. I just… it’s just a soothing place. Some people like the library. Others like the park. But the Mostro Lounge is perfect for me. I’ve been going there all year just to unwind. You might not have noticed. You’re always so busy.’
‘No other reason?’
It was your turn to tense.
Azul detected it immediately.
Sitting up, his cerulean eyes pierced into you like icicles. He was the businessman again. All the tenderness had been leached out of him. Something was wrong. He knew it. Something he was determined to get to the bottom of. It wasn’t that he didn’t like you being at the Lounge. He loved it. Your presence always made him play better, and he was happy to smuggle you on-the-house desserts whenever he could. But you had been showing up too often, as if you were hiding, or escaping, something.
‘Let’s not have secrets from each other,’ he said.
‘Please, angelfish.’ Azul blinked and his eyes became gentle again. The eyes of a lover; lidded and pleading. To prove that he was being open – and to give you permission to do the same – he lay down beside you again and transformed back into a cecaelia. His skin speckled with lilac until it was completely purple; his legs unravelling into eight black and purple tentacles.
Azul couldn’t meet your eyes as he transformed. It embarrassed him. He felt so grotesque. So hideous. But then, you came to him again, and wrapped your arms around his torso. The feeling faded. Azul took you into his arms.
The tentacles wound around your legs like ribbons around maypoles. Cool and slick; the suction cups kissing your exposed skin, making it prickle with gooseflesh. You stayed still to invite them higher. Azul delighted in the feel of you. You were more detailed when he held you this way. He sensed every inch of you. You were beautiful, and more tentacles came up to bind you.
Around your waist. Around your hips. Around your stomach. With ease, they pulled you in close to Azul. The cecaelia buried your face in his chest. You could hear his three heartbeats. They were fast. You couldn’t help but smile into Azul’s shirt.
‘Are you comfortable, my darling?’ Azul asked.
You nodded, too relaxed for words. Azul’s touch was velvety soft. All your dark bindings were gentle and plush, like a caterpillar wrapped in a chrysalis.
A final tentacle cupped the back of your head. You shivered as the suction cups kissed your scalp. The feeling wasn’t unpleasant, but it brought you out of your comfort just enough to feel like talking again. ‘What about you?’
‘I’m at my best when you’re with me,’ Azul said.
You melted a little more. ‘Same here. And I confess, that’s the reason why.’
‘Why what?’
‘I’m sorry. I know I’ve come on too strong and I’ve spooked you.’
‘No, not at all.’
‘I just…I… you know you’re my best friend.’
Azul’s heartbeats got even faster. ‘A-And you’re mine,’ he breathed. ‘The Leech twins… they’re not the same as you.’
‘The others aren’t the same as you either. Don’t get me wrong, Ace and Deuce are great, but they’re like twins, and Jack and Epel are dedicated to sports, and Sebek’s obsessed with Malleus. I sort of feel like I just touch-base with them, but I spend time with you. And even if it’s not “with” you, just to see you, hear you play, admire who my partner is, even just sit in your Lounge, is enough.’ You mustered the strength to crane your head back and kiss his jaw. ‘I’m millions of miles from home, but I somehow feel there when I’m with you.’
Azul had never heard anything like it. You were so sweet. So kind. No one ever complimented him without wanting his attention, or recognition; without wanting something in return. Octavinelle was full of sychophants, none bigger than the Leech twins, but you… you were as pure as driven snow. You loved every inch of him, inside and out; something Azul had thought was impossible for him to find. To deserve.
His tentacles bundled you up even more, pressing you in close until it was almost uncomfortable. His suction cups kissed you. Thousands of kisses. Small pecks, until the tentacle cupping the back of your head lifted you to Azul’s lips.
Velvet. Smooth. Soft.
When you broke away, you were both breathless, and exhaustion descended upon you. The night had been long; the conversation hard. Azul loosened his grip on you but kept his tentacles in place. He could think of nothing sweeter than to fall asleep to the feeling of you, and you didn’t mind. You had never been so comfortable; so warm and welcome.
With a final kiss, you snuggled into your cecaelia and drifted off to sleep, lulled by the rhythmic thump of Azul’s heartbeats.
Author note: Well hey! It’s been a while!
I hope you enjoyed the fic! I had to write an Azul one after being away for so long! He’s by far my fav character, and it was his birthday recently so I think we’re all in Azul-mode atm.
If you liked it, please like, comment, and share.
- Squidwen
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squidwen · 1 year ago
Thanks for tagging me!!~~
Last Song: The Rifle's Spiral by The Shins
Favourite Colour: Black
Last Movie/TV Series: The Boy and the Heron
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: Savoury (currently have a taste for padron peppers. Can't get enough. They're so good!)
Relationship Status: Alone and Free~
Last Thing I Googled: Birdandblend.com
Current Obsession: Designing OCs, Embroidering gifts for friends, building an outfit around one accessory.
Tagging: @ anyone who fancies it :)
im so sorry to everyone who has ever tagged me in a dashboard game and i havent done it. my brain explodes every day and i forget, htjat people tag me in things
but 2 people tagged me in this (tag 9 people meme) in the last 24 hours so i feel obligated LMAO (tagged by @eslover and @carlysky815
Last Song: "local anesthesia" by covey
Favorite Color: it depends on the day, but purple and yellow are strong contenders right now
Last Movie/TV Series: i.. have no idea im going to be honest. i saw the sonic movie for the first time a few weeks ago?? i dont watch movies or tv often anymore
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: sweet or spicy, though it's hard to choose
Relationship Status: engaged, @deaddying <3
Last thing I googled: "japan how long must you go to school to bw a doctor" typo included. the answer is at least 6 years btw
Current obsession: MILGRAM. fuck my stupid baka life
Tag nine people:
@wxdragonghoulxb @neontetra @blueepink07
@roseofcards90 @amugoffandoms @linabirb
@assortedinsanities @ruruss @red-moon-at-night
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squidwen · 1 year ago
🪡Embroidery Remake🪡
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This is a remake of a piece I did back in 2019 (which was 5 years ago 🤯🤯) of @chaoillustrations ‘s OC, Amai!
I love her design ;;; Big pointy ears are such an aesthetic feature on an OC. I’m getting more confident with full-body embroidery now and I made the first piece back before I knew how to make badges to YAY! Progress!
Please like and reblog 💗
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squidwen · 1 year ago
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(Late) MERRY CHRISTMAS to @the-trinket-witch !!!
I simply had to sew So’e! She’s too cute! Lil’ witch lamia with a hat and rainbow scales 😆😆😆
Thanks for making my 2023 so much better! I love our SquidWitch role plays (and I think it’s so funny how Al’s stayed pretty consistent but DeVerre has had a total metamorphosis XD) and you always nail my commissions! 💗💗💗
I hope you have a fab 2024!
- Squidwen
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squidwen · 1 year ago
Haven’t done a picrew in ages!!!
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jumping on this picrew chain but creating a new one bc the other was too long and bc i want to :3
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tagging @dracolunae @frogxxam @jadejemdoesstuff @navysealt4t @oreidam1014 @phantom-does-a-thing @spacedustmantis @abstinence-buys and whoever else is interested!!
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squidwen · 1 year ago
Oops! All Snakes!
I've seen 2 other folks with TWST OCs based on Kaa and figured...Fuck it I'm drawing them together to show how diff people interpret a character.
Left to Right is: @eirasummersart 's Adorable Akshaya and Kuldeep, my own Slimy Bastard Aadesh, and @squidwen's Biggest Flirt on Campus Basil Balanaga. (Thank you two for giving the OK to throw them all together!)
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squidwen · 2 years ago
😍😍😍😍😍 Best boi’s event cards!!!!! LET’S GO!’n
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UNLOCK: SSR Albert Eastwind
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Set home: Give me a moment, please, to ‘reel’ myself in.
Home Idle 1: I don’t normally dress up this much, but it’s a special occasion
2: Altus has this event each year. The competitions can get pretty heated sometimes!
3: My cousin claims he could win the Joke Contest, if he could only get through his routine without being close to tears laughing, himself.
Home login: Today’s a rather nice day to go kite flying.
Tap 1: Was there anywhere you wanted to go? A stall or sight?
2: It’s nice to be back home, it’s been so long I may have to dust a bit~
3: The kite dogfights can get quite heated, sometimes you have to wonder which end of the string to watch more.
4: Theres free admission in the city museum; it's inside that decommissioned dirigible, the N.A.S Admiral. We call it 'Old Admiral Boom'
5: Afterwards, do you want to grab any of the meat pies Altus is famous for?
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squidwen · 2 years ago
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An extremely belated Father’s Day gift! haha
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