squealpig · 5 days
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squealpig · 5 days
when they grip you by the hips and start bouncing you faster on their cock 😵‍💫🥴
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squealpig · 5 days
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squealpig · 5 days
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i want a cage so bad </3
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squealpig · 5 days
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How to Properly Discipline Your Pet, ch. 1
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squealpig · 5 days
shut up I’ll pee on u
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squealpig · 5 days
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squealpig · 5 days
I would never ask my sister to pull out. To be clear.
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squealpig · 5 days
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squealpig · 5 days
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200 notes · View notes
squealpig · 5 days
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squealpig · 5 days
kittygirl who hisses at everything
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squealpig · 5 days
the one i want rn ended up in a psych ward for a while... meowmeowmeowmeowmeow
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squealpig · 5 days
puppy's territory !
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squealpig · 5 days
birthday later this month... weeee
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squealpig · 5 days
"no, no, please, stop fighting back, stop it, I don't want to hurt you ok, I'm just - I just need to fuck you, alright? I don't want to hurt you but you're so - look at what you do to me, ok? I need to fuck you, I have to, I'll go slow, I promise, just once, ok, don't make this more difficult than it has to be, alright? just relax.... Fuck you're so tight, fuck, you feel so fucking good... good, take it, take it you fucking slut, I knew you were getting wet from this, stop whining, it doesn't hurt you just have to relax. No, no I can't slow down, you feel - fuck - you feel too good, just take it shut up, shut the fuck up or I'm gonna have to shut you up"
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squealpig · 5 days
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