sqlmickey · 8 years
Cursor Transformation
Cursor Transformation #SQLServer #SQLPASS
One of my favorite presentations to give is called, “Changing Your Habits to Improve the Performance of Your T-SQL.” After giving this presentation in Austin, TX this past January, I had one of my students contact me. He saw in one of my demonstration how bad cursors can perform. He wanted to see if his stored procedure could be written using set theory. Scenario He has an application that can…
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sqlmickey · 8 years
Where in The World Has Mickey Been?
I was so sad to see that my last post was January 12th, but I do have to give myself a break. I’ve been busy with life and presentations. My oldest daughter is off to college this fall, but before she decided to go to Chicago or Boston, I wanted her to experience the cold. Especially since we live in Southern California. I tied our college visitation trip with a SQL Saturday in Chicago, which…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
T-SQL Tuesday #74 - Knowing When Data Changes Occur in Standard Edition
T-SQL Tuesday #74– Knowing When Data Changes In Standard Edition #tsql2sday #SQLServer
Robert L. Davis (b|t) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday blog party. The party was started by Adam Machanic (b|t) in December of 2009. This month’s T-SQL Tuesday’s topic is on Data Change. This is an important topic for me, since I’m about to create our first Data Warehouse at work. I’ve chosen to champion the companies who are using the Standard Edition of SQL Server. Crestfallen I took a…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
Year in Review for 2015 and Future Goals for 2016
Year in Review for 2015 and Future Goals for 2016 #SQLFamily #SQLServer
This has been another spectacular year in the SQL world. Unfortunately, I can’t find my list of goals, so I’ll have to wing it. I can say, that I have had some unexpected surprises this year.   Level up! I have two favorite activities in the SQL world. One of which is speaking. This year I presented 14 times to over 1300 people. I spoke at two conferences, one of which was my second year at PASS…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
SQL Source Control and Git Support In the Real World
SQL Source Control and Git Support In the Real World #GIT #RedGate @RedGate
When I heard that Redgate had improved the Git support in SQL Source Control, I have to confess I got excited about it. I even tweeted about it. There’s a good reason for that too. I fell in love with SQL Source Control the first time I used it in another company. Before it came along, we scripted out database objects, which is a pain. At one point in one company, we used the Visual Studio…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
Adventures Into Azure Databases For The First Time (Part 2 of 2)
Adventures Into Azure Databases For The First Time (Part 2 of 2) #Azure #SQLServer #RedGate #SQLPass
In my last post, I started a two part series to learn how to create and migrate a database from SQL Server 2014 to a new Azure Database. Recap of My Goals In Part 1 of this series, I completed the following goals: Activated my free credits through my MSDN license. Created my first empty database. Determined how to connect to the database. In this post (part 2), my goals are: Poke around the Azure…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
Adventures Into Azure Databases For The First Time (Part 1 of 2)
Adventures Into Azure Databases For The First Time (Part 1 of 2) #SQLPass #Azure #AzureDatabase #RedGate #SQLServer
Whether we want to accept it or not, cloud computing is here to stay. Microsoft has made a big push in that direction for a few years now. When I first started using Office 360, I wasn’t sure I would like it. Now I love it. I love being able to access Word, Excel, and Outlook from wherever I am. Now I want to do the same with my databases. To do that, I need to take the plunge and learn how to…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
My Eleven Day PASS Summit 15 Experience
My Eleven Day PASS Summit 15 Experience. #Summit15 #SQLPass #RedGate #SQLSaturday #SQLFamily
“STUEWE!” This is how I knew PASS Summit was about to begin. I was walking to the Friday night SQL Saturday Portland speaker dinner, prior to PASS Summit, when I heard my name being called, well, yelled. Since it was already dark, it took a minute to spot the black SUV with Mike Fal hanging out the window waving at me. But wait, that is not when my Eleven Day Summit Experience started. Day One –…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
T-SQL Tuesday #72 Summary - Data Modeling Gone Wrong
T-SQL Tuesday #72 Summary–Data Modeling Gone Wrong #TSQL2sday #SQLServer #SQLNewBlogger
This month marks the 72nd T-SQL Tuesday.  Adam Machanic’s (b|t) started the T-SQL Tuesday blog party in December of 2009. Each month an invitation is sent out on the first Tuesday of the month, inviting bloggers to participate in a common topic. On the second Tuesday of the month all the bloggers post their contribution to the event for everyone to read. The host sums up all the participant’s…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
T-SQL Tuesday #72 - Bad Decisions Made With Surrogate Keys
T-SQL Tuesday #72– Bad Decisions Made With Surrogate Keys #sqlserver #tsql2sday
This is my second time hosting the t-SQL Tuesday blog party. The party was started by Adam Machanic (b|t) in December of 2009. This month’s invitation topic is on Data Modeling Gone Wrong. Being a Database Developer, I deal with bad database design decisions daily. One of my app-dev teammates loves to tell me that the bad decisions were made because I didn’t work there yet. (That makes me laugh.)…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
T-SQL Tuesday #72 Invitation - Data Modeling Gone Wrong
T-SQL Tuesday #72 Invitation - Data Modeling Gone Wrong #tsql2sday #sqlserver #SQLpass
This month marks the 72nd T-SQL Tuesday.  Adam Machanic’s (b|t) started the T-SQL Tuesday blog party in December of 2009. Each month an invitation is sent out on the first Tuesday of the month, inviting bloggers to participate in a common topic. On the second Tuesday of the month all the bloggers post their contribution to the event for everyone to read. The host sums up all the participant’s…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
Live Blogging PASS Summit Key Note 2015
Live Blogging PASS Summit Key Note 2015 #Summit15 #SQLFamily
(function() { var lb24 = document.createElement(‘script’); lb24.type = ‘text/javascript’; lb24.id = ’24lbScript’; lb24.async = true; lb24.charset=”utf-8″; lb24.src = ‘//v.24liveblog.com/embed/24.js?id=1307475’; (document.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0] || document.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0]).appendChild(lb24);})();
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sqlmickey · 9 years
Top 10 Ways To Create Your Meet and Greet List For Summit?
Top 10 Ways To Create Your Meet and Greet List For Summit? #summit15 #sqlfamily #sqlserver
There was a time not to long ago when I didn’t know how to meet others in my profession. I didn’t know about SQL Saturdays or PASS Summit. The conferences that I was starting to attend were full of people who really didn’t want to network. But I’m persistent. I was determined to find a community of professionals who wanted to network. Then I found my first SQL Saturday and I fell in love with the…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
Questions Answered From Presentation: SSRS 101 Creating Reports for Diagnostic Data
Questions Answered From Presentation: SSRS 101 Creating Reports for Diagnostic Data @DBAFundVC #SQLServer #SSRS
On Tuesday, July 7th, 2015, I had the privilege of speaking for the DBA Fundamentals Virtual Chapter. Thanks to the 375 who attended and to all who will be watching the recording. While I can’t read the comments during my presentation (way too distracting), I did enjoy reading the questions and comments that were sent to me. Below you will find answers to the questions I was sent. Questions…
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sqlmickey · 9 years
Exploring SQL Prompt 6.5
Exploring SQL Prompt 6.5 @RedGate @SQLPrompt @SQLPASS
The SQL Prompt Team has been working hard at the Redgate campus in England, and they have out done themselves yet again with their latest release, 6.5. I’m extra excited about this release, due to the fact that several of the features I’ve been wanting for a while are available this time around. In this post, I’m going to go over my top three favorite new features.
Tab Coloring
I was so happy to…
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sqlmickey · 10 years
Questions Answered From Presentation (Part 2): Creating SSRS Reports Efficiently Through Best Practices
Questions Answered From Presentation (Pt 2): Creating SSRS Reports Efficiently Through Best Practices #PragmaticWorks
On Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015, I had the privilege of speaking for Pragmatic Works. For the month of March, they are highlighting Women in Techand have the whole month lined up with female speakers on each Tuesday and Thursday. I was the first in the line up for the month and it ended up being my largest audience to date. There were 419 people listening in. I even saw some comments about there…
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sqlmickey · 10 years
Questions Answered From Presentation (Part 1): Creating SSRS Reports Efficiently Through Best Practices
Questions Answered From Presentation (Pt 1): Creating SSRS Reports Efficiently Through Best Practices #PragmaticWorks
This past Tuesday, March 3rd, 2015, I had the privilege of speaking for Pragmatic Works. For the month of March, they are highlighting Women in Techand have the whole month lined up with female speakers on each Tuesday and Thursday. I was the first in the line up for the month and it ended up being my largest audience to date. There were 419 people listening in. I even saw some comments about…
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