sproutics-garden · 10 months
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you’re the apple of my eye (psychotic rizz)
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
whoever makes those sad baby grimace videos I hope you wake up with cement being poured into your ears
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
I saw the hair and then saw an opportunity
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
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was feeling devious so here’s wally + a labyrinth reference for my jim henson sillies
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
this is my offering to the welcome home community I just think he’s neat
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silly guy
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
I further welcome home-ified my friends, and this time, I also did myself
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The one on the left is called Mac Pivot but the right doesn’t have a cool name yet, so if anyone has ideas please hmu
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
My entire heart goes out to my fellow trans kids in Kentucky. I’m sorry this has happened to you. I want you all to know that the entire trans community in every state, red or blue, is standing behind you. We will be your support, since your state clearly will not be. Your doctors won’t be. Your school and teachers won’t be.
Many of you will be forced to detransition, an incredibly physically and mentally grueling process. It’s a horrible thing, to force someone away frown who they truly are. To take away something that could save their life. If you can leave the state, I urge you to. If you can’t, I promise that we will always see you for who you are. You are a beautiful person, and I will never see you as anything less than. Whatever you tell me you are, man or woman or anything in between or outside of that, that’s what you’ll be to me and the rest of the trans community.
As for the rest of us, I urge you to donate to organizations such as The Trevor Project and sign any petitions you can find. Call your congresspeople, don’t email them. Calling will get you answers much faster. Peacefully protest. Spread awareness. This isn’t something I’d normally post about, but this is so endlessly upsetting and devastating for this community. If anyone needs anything, my dms are always open wide. You can add me on snap or discord or TikTok, and I’ll help in any ways I can.
Much love,
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
currently welcome home-ifyinf my friends
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drawing myself next because I am not the priority
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sproutics-garden · 1 year
new movie pitch, woke peter pan which will feature: peter pansexual, gendy darling, the lost trans boys, and twinkerbell
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
paying special tribute to how spotify’s amazing algorithm welcomed me today
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
I slept for 13 hours last night and proceeded to have a dream where my friends house got covered in bees and they left wax so there was no house it was just bees and wax
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
Peace is restored; the sex bots have returned
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
i like that we as a society have decided that the narrator is either a short chubby British muppet or a lanky magical muppet
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
real conversation I had with my boyfriend
“I hate the British bro”
“What about the narrator”
And that is how i died
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
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is this yalls tumblr sexyman
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
Dhmis brainrot (click for higher resolution)
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I haven’t worked with ink since 2020 ffdhshwjsnw
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sproutics-garden · 2 years
there is no easter bunny
there is no tooth fairy
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