Spring Echo
122 posts
Wanna rp or play FFXIV? Harune's the name, insane is my game! I also except prompts!!!
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springecho · 3 years ago
Surface Pressure (FFXIV Parody Edition)
Haven't been here in awhile, but I got inspired by Enconto's song so here I am!
I'm the strong on,
I'm not nervous
I'm as tough as the crust as the earth is.
I kill Primals, Save the masses,
Armed with the strength of multiple classes.
I don't ask how hard the work is, Got a rough indestructible surface.
Threats to Eorzea, I find 'em, I flatten 'em.
I take what I'm handed, I fight what's demanded,
Under the surface,
I feel like a Chocobo asked to take on Ifrit.
Under the surface,
Was Louisoix ever like "Yo, I don't wanna fight Bahamut."
Under the surface,
I'm pretty sure I'm worthless,
If I can't be of service.
A flaw or a crack
The straw in the stack
That breaks the heroes back
What breaks the heroes back
Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop, whoa
Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'till you just go pop, whoa
Give it to the Warrior, they are tougher
Give 'em all the heavy things we can't shoulder
Who am I if I can't fight for them all?
If I fall to
Pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go, whoa
Pressure that'll tick, tick, tick 'till it's ready to blow, whoa-oh-oh
Give it the Warrior, they are stronger
See if they can hold on a little longer
Who am I if I can't carry it all?
If I falter
Under the surface
I hide my nerves, and it worsens, I worry that something's gonna hurt us.
Under the surface
Holding in poisonous light from coming to the surface.
Under the surface
I think about my purpose,
How long can I keep at this?
What if the Echo goes?
Can't beat my foes?
I try to stop anxiety but on and on it goes
But wait
If I could shake the crushing weight of expectations
Would that free some room up for joy
Or relaxation, or simple pleasure?
Instead we measure this growing pressure
Keeps growing, keep going
'Cause all we know is
Pressure like a drip, drip, drip that'll never stop, whoa
Pressure that'll tip, tip, tip 'til you just go pop, whoa-oh-oh
Give it to the WoL, it doesn't hurt 'em. Watch as they handle every Eorzean burden.
Watch as the buckle and bend but never breaks,
No mistakes just
Pressure like a grip, grip, grip and it won't let go, whoa
Pressure that'll tick, tick, tick 'til it's ready to blow, whoa-oh-oh
Give it to the hero and never wonder,
If the same pressure would have pulled you under.
Who am I if I don't have what it takes?
No Cracks, No Breaks
No Mistakes, No Pressure.
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springecho · 5 years ago
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AU : revolutionary girl utena 🌹
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springecho · 5 years ago
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Power of Dios that sleeps within me. Heed your master and come forth. Grant me the power to bring the world revolution! 🌹⚔
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springecho · 5 years ago
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springecho · 5 years ago
When you realize after Alphascape, the Midgard you've come to know is actually an old man dragon.
WOL: *stares at Mount size Midgard*
Midgard: Pray speak, child of man, why thoust look upon me so?
WOL: I faced younger you during Omegas trial.
Midgard: Thy inquire answers as to our entanglement?
WoL: You were gold and had fire hair... And now you're just a bald old man that sleeps alot.
Midgard: *burns the food Wol has been cooking* Apologies, mine elder eyes mistaketh for an enemy.
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springecho · 5 years ago
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Tfw ur the Crystal Exarch trying to summon the Hero Of All Things across space and time to save the universe but u keep getting random members of their Squad instead :/
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springecho · 5 years ago
If you are not the tank...
Tank sets the pace, end of story.  If you don’t like it:
come in as a tank and run your own dungeon
suck it up, buttercup
I don’t care about your stacks, I don’t care about your procs - I have procs too, they fall the fuck off.
Get over yourself if you are not the goddamned tank.
The tank has every right to:
let you eat it
not pull aggro off you
put his blade away and sit and watch the slaughter
You pull it, you tank it.  Ain’t got time for your bullshit today, Satan.
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springecho · 5 years ago
WoL taught by the Scions, Through Song!:
(*this is dumb I know, but i was watching Oliver & Co.)
Y'shtola: Now listen up, You've got a lot to learn-
Yda: And if you don't learn, you don't eat.
Y'shtola: But if you're tough and always use your head, You'll feel right at home on these streets.
Thancred: When you've got talent ev'rything is free. Watch how we do things, ooh, I guarantee;
Yda: You're gonna see how the best survive,
Thancred: We make an art out of staying alive,
Papalymo: If you do just as you're told,
Yda: These are streets of gold!
Papalymo: by the Twelve....
Thancred: Ev'ry allyway is a miracle mile.
Tataru: You'll take these towns and you'll take it with style.
Y'shtola: If you play it brave and bold;
Yda: These are streets of gold!
Papalymo: Yda!!
Minfilia: To live from week to week, You need technique. So you'll practice ev'ry day.
Urianger: Thy only rule is: thou shalt  not get caught-
Y'shtola: -Get what you can and then get away.
Thancred: Remember all the places you can hide.
All: Remember we are always on your side.
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springecho · 5 years ago
@chasingkitsune it's our last dungeon run xD
When your party’s DPS is pretty much comprised solely of Dancers
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springecho · 5 years ago
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Today in 1945 Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated. As someone with a Jewish great grandmother, and just as a human being, I pay tribute to those who keep the memory of the ones who suffered alive. Be not deceived, the Holocaust was one of the darkest chapters in humanity’s long history of violence. 
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springecho · 5 years ago
Linked in a Discord. If anyone knows who the mastermind behind this is…
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springecho · 5 years ago
Clap Your Hands:
If you find Estinien hot,
clap your hands!
If you're crushing on Alisaie,
clap you hands!
If you like them mean and brooding,
We have villains for the lewding.
If you'd marry any FF chara,
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springecho · 5 years ago
So I have finished all the MSQs and decided to do my job quests. I am doing my Gunbreaker quests and I had to go to Dragonhead, on top of the Observatorium...
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springecho · 5 years ago
I'm in that boat currently. And believe me, Its hard, but we are all warriors of light in our own personal stories. We can win, We WILL win, WE WILL STAND TALL SCREAMING AND SHOUTING OUR PERSONAL VICTORIES!!!
healing isn’t always fun. it’s work. it’s hard.
sometimes it’s taking time for yourself. sometimes it’s crying for hours and hours. sometimes it’s relapsing. sometimes it’s being mad and angry and frustrated. sometimes it’s seeking help. sometimes it’s just talking it out. sometimes it’s forcing yourself to eat. sometimes it’s reliving something traumatic. sometimes it‘s wanting to scream. sometimes it’s singing your favorite songs very loudly. sometimes it’s laughing with your friends about stupid things you did. sometimes it’s having hard conversations.
again, healing is hard. but it still needs to be done. and i‘m proud of each and every one of you who are trying. because i know it can be so so so draining. i believe in you.
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springecho · 5 years ago
When you start a Free Company and a Newbie joins:
Newbie: HEEEEYYYYY!!! :D
A: hiii!!! xD
B: Hello!!
C: What's up!
Newbie: Nothing much! Hey, can you guys help me beat Ifrit? I'm having trouble.
A: Sure! No prob.
B: I need to work on my healer anyway.
C: Extreme or Hard?
Newbie: ..... There's... There's more?
A: Oh.... Oh hunny...
B: You're a baby, you poor thing.
C: Who's your favorite Scion?
Newbie: Papalymo! He's so cute! :3
A: *crying in the corner*
B: *trying not to laugh*
C: His shinning moment is great when you get to Stormblood. 😂
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springecho · 5 years ago
Thancred when Ryne starts dating:
Ryne: Don't worry, he's a good guy. I'll be back before the dusk.
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springecho · 5 years ago
The Passing Flame Ch. 2:
Rhun kept his usual pace behind his two sisters, as he was usually lost in thought during their morning walks to the Scholar. Classes, Training and feeling far behind the rest was always weighing heavy on his mind. He knew he didn’t have a knack for taking leadership like his parents, nor was he even interested in such. He sighed softly as he looked on towards his siblings. As much as hated when Hyliea bullied him, he very much admired her strength and courage when it came to combat classes.
Her skills where unmatched by many of the other students, even Raubahn had a difficult time defeating Hyliea, boasting about alike her and Harune where in strength and Valor. Railee was very much in the same boat but took more to their mothers’ side of combat. Her strikes where always in range, her casting ahead of the rest. Rhun found it hard to believe he was related to them, and often was the butt of Hylieas’ “adoption” jokes.
“Rhun? Rhun!” Railee flicked his forehead to gain his attentions. “Ow… what was that for?” He rubbed the sore spot on his head. “Seems we have visitors at the council.” She pointed down the long, dirt path that lead towards Ala Mhigo Palace. “I just saw Papa and Mother heading towards the Palace, and a number of guards but not of our own.” She pointed towards the base of the Palace and the stairs leading up to the giant doors.
“What? You think the Scions are gonna go on a super epic mission?” Hyliea exclaimed excitedly. “We’re getting new students, Father told me this morning.” A whisper voice spoke from between the three causing all but Railee to jump. “By the twelve Fae!! Why must you sneak up on us like that?!” Rhun exclaimed while holding his chest.
The young girl looked up at him, her platinum blonde hair pulled into two pigtails with half of her hair falling just below her shoulders. Her eyes where blue and she held a sleeping carbuncle in her arms. “Cause izzy is sleeping, and I do not wish to disturb him.” She stated plainly. Fae had a knack for summoning like her father Alphinuad. She possessed many of the same qualities towards magic like him but didn’t care much for political views and was very critical when it came to being a team healer.
Ryne would talk to her about helping everyone on her team and that the healers job was to look out for her fellow classmates when they ran team drills. Though, it never really quiet set into Faes’ head to be more kind, instead, she would often shoot back that “If they weren’t so reckless they wouldn’t need me all the time,” and would leave her team mates hobbling to the chirurgeons’ office.
“By the way…” Fae looked towards Rhun once more then moved over to stand behind Hyliea. “Duck.”
Rhun tilted his head in confusion until he felt a body slam into him from behind. “YOOOOOO, Whas’up Sparky?” The slightly older boy smiled a toothy grin and ruffled Rhuns hair before getting off of his back. Rhun stood, coughing up dirt and dusting off his clothes. “M’toya! Why do you always have to be- “
“A cat.”
All three girls spoke as they looked at M’toya with distaste. “Ah, c’mon. You love me.” He chuckled, then draped an arm around Rhun. “At least you do, right best bud?” He smiled again which earned a small smile from Rhun as well. M’toya was named after Y’shtolas’ late master but revised it to fit into her Miqo’te culture. His hair was medium length in the front, much in a similar manner as his fathers; Urianger but spiked in the back like his mothers. He was a few inches taller than the triplets and a year older as well.
His hair color was the same color as his fathers and his feline ears were much longer than a normal Miqo’tes, due to being half Elezen. “C’mon, if anyone knows the dirt on what’s going on, is Lyam.” M’toya took off running towards the Scholar, making the other four follow out of their own curiosity.
Upon reaching the entrance of the Scholar, M’toya scanned the student body for a certain blonde haired info boy. In a showed corner, the boy in question was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed as if in waiting. M’toya grinned seeing him and quickly, with the rest who caught up, hurried over to Lyam.
“Well if it isn’t fireball and the Elezen Quartet.” Lyam smirked and chuckled at his own joke.
“I wish you’d stop calling us that, we sound like a terrible bard group.” Railee crossed her arms giving him a judgmental stare.
“C’mon princess, I’m only play’n.” Lyam came closer to Railee, putting his arm around her.
“Remove your arm, or risk losing it.” She glared dangerously at the older blonde boy.
“You know, I like when you play-” “-Lyam!” Rhun spoke rather loudly, earning a few raised eyebrows from M’toya and a few of the others. Rhuns cheeks flushed red realizing his outburst, Lyam removed his arm from Railee and came to stand next to Rhun.
“No disrespect, little sun beam.” Lyam ruffled his hair and turned to address the rest of the crew. “Simply put, Starlight came early for us.”
“Meaninnnnnnng?” Hyliea sounded exasperated and on the verge of losing her patients.
“Fenyx, Akelda and Tsuyu.” He stated proudly.
Before Lyam could blink, he was being dragged towards the Auditorium by the others, excitedly and eagerly wanting to meet up with old friends.
~Ala Mhigo Place~
Harune bowed in respect to her old comrades from the east and shook hands with the others from Ishguard. It was a pleasant reunion at first, exchanging stories of parenthood, how each of their homeland is doing and normal anxieties about their children attending Ala Mhigan scholar so far from home.
“Ah, Rhun will be happy to see Tsuyu, he is quiet smitten with her.” Alisiea giggled softly and she and Yugiri spoke of their children’s puppy love. “Indeed, Tsuyu speaks fondly of young Rhun, though she isn’t too thrilled at attending the same Scholar as Fenyx.”
Ser Aymeric chuckled as he overheard Yuguri. “Ah yes, Fenix spoke of his distaste at the knowledge of Tsuyu being a classmate of his, but thank the gods Akelda will keep him in check.”
The mention at the young Wyrmblood sparked a question Harune has been withholding for months.
“Has… Has there been no word from Estinien still?” The room grew quiet, Aymeric seemed to be debating on how to answer said question.
“Unfortunately no, I was hoping he would show to escort his son to Ala Mhigo but-”
“If that bastard only knew how much Fenyx suffers, I wish he would prioritize his on kin sometimes.” Lucia spat out. She made her point know since the day Estinien entrusted Ser Aymeric and Lucia with the care of his son.
“The boy is indeed suffering, we waited until the last minute to board the airship, though once more, Estinien was nowhere to be seen. The only sign he lives is only due to the month gil installments he sends for Fenyx.” Aymeric stated with a sigh. Estinien always sent gil to compensate for Fenyxs’ care, though Aymeric and Lucia have put all gil aside for Fenyx for when he is of age to be on his own and wishes to do so.
Hien slapped Aymeric on the back, causing the tall Elezen man to fumble forwards. “Enough brooding. The lad will have his friends to keep him from being lonesome and my daughter to spar with too!” The Eastern Lord gave a huge grin.
Harune looked amongst old friends and comrades, ‘some things never change.’ She though as everyone began to take their seat in preparation for the council meeting.
The last to joing the group was Thancred, who escorted both Urianger and Y’shtola to the Palace.
“What a pleasure for the two of you to grace us, and not under explosive circumstances.” Lyse joked as Y’shtola rolled her eyes.
“Yes, my kitten seems to have a knack for explosive experimentation. I have informed the Scholar to inspect his room for any mishaps he may be cooking up.” Y’shtola took her seat along with Urianger.
“I reassure you, we sweep his room every morning he leaves for class.” Lyse affirmed. She then stood to address the room, taking on a much more serious tone.
“With the exception of our missing members due to other obligations, I welcome you all to this meeting. Old friends and comrades, it is good to see our homes and lands restored to what once was. Eorzea celebrates peace amongst each other as well as the prosperity of our eastern brothers and sister who are ruled by a most gracious Lord and Lady.” Lyse took a breath and let out a soft sigh.
“How I wish we could forever speak of peace.” She took her seat at the front of the table, all eyes focused on the Ala Mhigan leader, as she prepared herself for the flurry of questions that would was over here like waves crashing on the shore.
“I have been informed from our Shadow hunters, an Ascian yet lives.”
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