other account of spookys1fan
10 posts
this page is for my headcanons, i do art on my other page, my pronouns are yes. feel free to use any headcannons you find interesting! ^^
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 1 month ago
More headcannons I guess
Do you have any Pantala tribe head cannons?
Oh yeah! I headcannon that ailkimgs have prehensile tails as dragonets before cocooning and having a semi-prehensile tail afterwards like opossums! Oh and silks I think would be much taller than hivewings and would be like constantly hunched over in “respect” for the hivewings.
And I think hivewings would have tails like insects and two fingers and one thumb on front talons and just two on back! I also think purebred/royal hivewings would have pure black eyes like insects!
Honestly for leafwings to me they are like the opposite to icewings? Like if a icewing is a caribou then leafwings are the deers of the tribes? Oooo and I love giving them diff leaf patterns! I also give them frills shaped like leaves!
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 2 months ago
Another headcannon really
… orrr chunky icewing and streamlined seawings?…
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 2 months ago
Oh yeah copper based blood is a real thing! It actually occurs in sea-dwelling creatures like Mollusks and clams!
I headcannon that seawings have black blood which means they have copper based blood. Copper based blood Is more efficient in transfering oxygen when under cold or low oxygen conditions which would allow them to travel the ocean depths easier. Creatures who can breath on land and in water all thave frilly gills, and it makes sense why seawing would have frilly gills. This would make them able to be on land for far longer if they just had regular gills.
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 4 months ago
I have a headcannon that only royal icewings have blue blood.
...that's it. Idk
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 6 months ago
I headcanon that sewings have three categories of their tribe.
1) surface wings: are born out of water and rarely go into the water other than to keep moist. This is for a variety of reasons. Like a specific job, reason, can't swim for various reasons, or they just don't like water/have a fear of water.
2) shallow wings: go in and out of water without prejudice, or don't have a preference. They don't really care where their business takes place and don't mind the ocean or surface.
3) deep wings: never/rarely come to the surface. Seawings who dont come to the surface usually don't come up because of the other tribes, and because of their culture and upraising. They think of the sea as their only home and that the surface belongs to the other tribes.
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 6 months ago
I headcannon that seawings have black blood which means they have copper based blood. Copper based blood Is more efficient in transfering oxygen when under cold or low oxygen conditions which would allow them to travel the ocean depths easier. Creatures who can breath on land and in water all thave frilly gills, and it makes sense why seawing would have frilly gills. This would make them able to be on land for far longer if they just had regular gills.
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 7 months ago
I headcanon that silkwings have tails like opossums so they have prehencile tails as dragonets but after they go through metamorphosis they lose a bit of it so it's only semi-prehencile so it's like a weak extra hand, it's basically to help them balance when they climb or to hang onto stuff when building with silk. So babys can hang upsidown like rainwings but adults can't. And I think that is adorable.
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 7 months ago
I have a headcanon that mudwings scales are so tough and fire resistant because they need to eat ALOT of food with a ton of protein and fat. And thats why they are mostly carnivores. It's also why they're so obsessed with food and it's also why food is such a big part of they're culture! It's also because they have to wear down they're tusks because they grow continuously throughout life and if they don't they can get in the way if eating and doing basic tasks like talking and itching, and it can hurt them eventually.
Yes I do headcanon them with tusks and no one can stop me.
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 7 months ago
I headcanon that sandwings have a sort of photosynthesis where the more sunlight they get the longer and warmer their scales are! If they get enough it can get so hot it's almost like firescales, but they still get heat exhaustion so it usually doesn't happen
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spookymyloveisinfinite · 7 months ago
I headcanon that six-claws is trans and because ostrich never had any previous bad outside influence she is really super supportive of it even if she doesnt fully undestand and she makes her little drawings with herself and six-claws with little flower crowns and necklaces and gives her big eyelashes. And if some dragon gives them shit about it (which is rare in the scorpion den) she's like "six-claws is the best big sister lady dragoness in the whole wide world and-and don't talk to her like that or i-ill claw your snout off!"
I'm literally squealing it's so cute omfl-
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