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spookyblookyboop 1 day ago
Ninja Espio...
Look at this dork. Calling himself "ninja espio." like dude your ass is already a ninja wdym鈦夛笍
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but yeah, I decided to draw the new Espio skin from Sonic Forces Speed Battle, because it's FUCKING awesome and he's ACTUALLY SO COOL YOU GUYS
Not much to really say here! Once again added my own headcanons here because I love being spiteful + he LITERALLY has the colour palette of the pride flags so like.. /j
I think this skin is just really cool and I love him sooo much you guys y'all have NO idea he's SSOOOOawesome and thenensme
the glazing aside, I just beg for a Charmy skin now. Please sega. Give me something. Me and the 3 other Charmy enthusiasts will go rabid.
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spookyblookyboop 6 days ago
steampunk silver
I decided to draw the Steampunk Silver skin from Sonic Speed Simulator!
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so apparently the only thing I like doing is drawing sonic skins from ass games. /J
But yeah, I decided to switch up a few things in the design and add some fun headcanons alongside it, because I like it alot ^^
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spookyblookyboop 2 months ago
woohoo Sonic Design!!!! Yay!!!
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So a while ago I made a few redesigns for older Sonic designs I had, with this design being a drawing of said redesign.
Not much to truly say about this design, I think it's really cool but who knows, maybe I've pissed off the multitude of Sonic enthusiasts who criticise details like Sonic's fur being too dark/light lmao
Out of pure embarrassment I'm prolly not gonna show the original design,,, go look at my tiktok or something for that lmao...
But yeah!!
If you're mad over the line on his chest,,, uhh,,, idk grow up or something RAAAH
(btw my lineless art isn't going anywhere, I'm just experimenting with what works with my style)
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spookyblookyboop 2 months ago
funny exe oc ooohh
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This is Black Sight!! I'm still working on their storyline, but yeah!!!
Heres some facts about her!!! If you wanna read about it!!
-In simple terms, she's a shape shifting spirit hellbent on creating a perfect world full of her puppets. (Or, what she calls them, her "friends.")
-Her closest puppets are Tails, Knuckles and Amy, hence why she has 3 separate arms. Black Sight doesn't actually attack directly, nor is she physically strong, but she makes up for that in her ability to mimic people's voices and lure potential victims into horrible traps.
-Black Sight doesn't kill her victims. Instead, she places the souls of her victims into a white void, and takes control of the bodies. I don't think she's even powerful enough to really kill someone.
-She can be weakened/defeated if you free the puppets under her control. Girlie is a control freak frfr..
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edit: I think it's a lil obvious to see what the inspo is here, but basically it's a mix between Rewrite and EYX.
Uh.. yeah!! I really like her,,
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spookyblookyboop 3 months ago
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Was getting invited to birthday parties like the most serious thing ever for everybody else as a kid too or was that just me
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spookyblookyboop 3 months ago
christmas sonic..
I drew that.. one skin.. in sonic forces speed battle.. heh... /J
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Is it bad to say I genuinely prefer this over the usual Sonic Christmas design we got??
Tho idk it just looks like it's got more fun stuff to actually showcase
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
woohoo Halloween art yaayay
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all the outfits are directly from the IDW Chaotix Halloween special from last year 馃
I love them so much you don't get kt
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
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short comic I made based on the fic whispers from the future; whispers on the wind by @blurredblu!
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
shadow teh hedgehog alien freak
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His wings legitimately suck to draw I hate him /pos
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Also a close up because I'm not letting all that detail I worked on go to waste because of his big ass wings 馃拃
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
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Had to sketch this out before it left my brain.
The last ep of Dark Beginnings did numbers on me I fear I may never cover.
Let me be delusional about the ending of this game p l e a s e I need this 馃槶
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
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she was fake.
but i still felt her warmth.
even if it wasn't real, i would relive this feeling a thousand times more.
~ mal-nourish3d
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
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the one and only GOAT boss in Sonic 馃
Anyway, Here's Vector lol :33 he was a bit tricky to draw but I got it eventually lol
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
Charmy art馃
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He's a very cute boy lol
incase anyone is wondering why I made Charmy's eyes blue and his skin more yellow, it's just how I like drawing him lol, I kinda prefer this anyhow
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spookyblookyboop 5 months ago
espio art aahrurhsd
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i loove espio
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spookyblookyboop 9 months ago
Fang comic rant
Ngl whenever I heard opinions about the Fang comic there's always some people who say something that doesn't make alot of sense. Like how Bean and Bark left Fang at the end of the comic, like that's somehow a bad thing??
Like did y'all just skim through the pages or something?? Because whoever legitimately thinks Fang didn't deserve what was coming to him, you literally did not read this comic lmao
Fang was constantly belittling and treating Bean and Bark like utter trash, and would do the exact same to Trip in the near future. I get wanting the best for your favourite characters, I love Fang too, but he most certainly deserved to have his team dump his ass. IDW Fang has never actually done anything outside of maybe 2 things to actually be called a good person, and it's pretty annoying seeing people try and call the comic bad because it treated a shit person, surprise, like shit lmao!!
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spookyblookyboop 10 months ago
i love him
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spookyblookyboop 10 months ago
What if Mighty and Ray were in Sonic Riders?
this is my first art post on here sksoekrksmtmsmt
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For a tiny little explanation on the general idea behind these designs.
I wanted Ray's outfit to be a reference to most of his Archie comic designs, most notably the ones including his jacket and the redesign of him having goggles and a scarf. The two rings there were mostly for show lmao, since I can just imagine how fun it'd be seeing him animated.
Edit: I changed up Mighty's design lol, wasn't exactly happy with the old one sooo heereess this one!!1 it's nothing much, it's pretty simple, but it fits.
These were made for the upcoming IDW Sonic Riders story! Idk if I emulated the style well or not, but I'm pretty happy with how they came out personally :3
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(plus old Mighty design)
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