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THE GREATEST PSYCHIC OF THE 21ST CENTURY ☆ reigen arataka rp ask blog
Last active 2 hours ago
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
It's certainly been a while since you've answered my calls but I know you've just been DYING to hear from ME again! This little
"Tumblr blog"
of yours is quite amusing! These askers sure do want to know a lot about your love life, ha-ha! 😉 But I must say, it's quite an ingenious marketing strategy—for someone like you, maybe! Do let me know if wasting your time on a here actually rakes in anymore business! And pick up the phone once in a while, will you?
Your rival,
Firstly, I am not "wasting my time", business has actually severely increased since I began this mini venture of mine.
Secondly, you really ought to learn how to mind your own damn business every once in a while, huh.
And another thing! I'll pick up the phone when I chose to do so. But to the point, you really must be a fan if you want to call me as much as you do. It's okay, you don't have to play secret admirer. You can just admit it.
Signed, Reigen Arataka "The Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century" LEVEL 131 MAX SPIRIT POWER
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Do you have any advice on how to be a good friend?
To be a good friend you have to have empathy. That is your foundation. From there you need to openly communicate and give your other the trust they deserve.
Any relationship, platonic or romantic, should center around these three things. It's simple.
I would give you something more specific, but the questions so broad I could be typing for hours...
Signed, Reigen Arataka ✨
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If i wanted to get into the exorcism business, how would i go about it? what are some tips on getting started, and how i can become stronger to defeat evil spirits?
The exorcism business is a competitive and rough terrain to navigate! But worry not, I've got some A-List tips for you, Anon!!
My start-off wasn't like many others in the business, that's for sure! But I figure it might help give you some perspective:
I was in my early twenties when I first started ✨Spirits N' Such✨ and at that point in my life I was searching for a new purpose. (Everyone goes through an arc like this, so if you're ever in a rut, just know we've all been there.) You see, in the deepest parts of me my one goal has always been to make an impact. To change the world in one way or another. It was after months of boring office work and years of deep daydreaming that I realized my powers could influence the change I sought. Now let me be clear, I, to this day, still can't tell you how I want to change the world, I just want it to be a better place overall. Sometimes that's all you can hope for.
The point of the tangent was this: your starting point should always be brought on by a goal. Operating a business in general always requires you to have a mission statement, after all.
So, to begin, select the reasoning you're beginning.
Secondly, this industry is ALL about connection. Run around, intern with a few businesses, have meaningful conversations. Fill your time with people and paperwork and you'll be right on your way.
Thirdly, master your craft. On the side of things, you should always attempt to be as powerful and as up to date as possible. Don't fall behind just because you've welcomed in a busy life, keep growing on your own too. You can't have anything if you aren't strong yourself.
Finally make sure you take care of your own in the meantime too. If you aren't healthy and safe, then you have no right to preach those kinds of things to other people. Be smart, resilient, and kind to yourself. You deserve it just as much as others do, don't forget that.
This business isn't just about tackling spirits, it's about supplying people with the reassurance they'd lack without you. If you do all those things, you won't just grow stronger with your powers, but also with your ability to be a human. I think that's a pretty powerful thing be, anyways.
Signed, Reigen Arataka ✨
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What do you do to maintain a healthy work/life balance?
This is one of the more difficult questions I've had to answer so far, if I'm being honest. A subject like this requires a lot of transparency on my part. Here we go.
Harnessing a healthy work/life balance is all dependent on your own stability. If you live in uneven thought then you're bound to produce everything but balance, if that makes sense.
In my early adulthood I struggled a lot maintaining focus on work while still getting the most out of my free time. It was certainly not something that I overcame easily, either. It took dependence and trust on the family I had built around me to teach me what was worth the stress and what wasn't.
If you're own your own, I can suggest many things, lists, calendars, self-mandated relax time. More than anything, it's important to find time to relax. Your brain won't process if it's running on ten all the time. It's okay to run from responsibility sometimes. It's okay to take a break. So long as you do this all within reason.
Overall, the most important thing to remember is that you aren't your job. Your job is simply an addition to who you are, not the definition. Therefore, you must treat your job as an accessory while still respecting that it's there. You must honor your own needs and find things that fulfill you beyond just your career.
You've got it kid, I believe in you!
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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I feel like serizawa should get the credit for making up the term. Since. He calls yo-
He doesn't call me by anything other than my name.
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I think ghosts are whispering to me sometimes I hear a high pitch ringing in my ear
You have excellent scoping skills, anon!
It's written in ancient texts that when spirits try to communicate with the living some may experience a ringing in their ear(s). With this in mind it is VERY likely that you may be the lucky vessel they've chosen to attempt to speak with.
Spirits call out to the living world for many reasons... They could be a deceased relative trying to share their final wishes or even someone out to drive another crazy with incoherent whispers.
Though for us to assess the reason they chose you, it'd be wise for you to come see us in person. Good luck until then, friend.
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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who regularly calls you arataka instead of reigen
My mother, my older sister, a long list of clients and Serizawa.
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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Not funny.
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Did you know that Nicolaus’s Copernicus father was also named Nicolaus Copernicus? Its very important to me that you know that
Thank you for spreading this knowledge.
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reigen more like gaygen
You must think you're so clever.
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have you heard that people are shipping you with serizawa?
Yes... I am on the internet.
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Hi Reigen, I appear to be haunted by some sort of spectre which makes me have homosexual thoughts about my coworker. Do you have any advice on how to make this stop? I'm not gay.
This is a kind of spirit that can only be tackled by a lot of self-reflection, my friend.
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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Hello Reigen. I think I have a problem.
It seems that every time I come in contact with photos of you or hear your name I tend to get dizzy, act erratically, pass out, harm others, destroy cities, among worse things that could put me in some legal trouble. Am I cursed?
Another example of "not cursed; just delusional".
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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If you were a monkey, you'd be a proboscis monkey
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This is a whole ass man; why would you compare me to this.
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incredibly sorry for the previous ask, wont ever happen again. however, i have also considered that the cause of my personal issues may not be the lack of physical contact but instead the horrible cursed pendant i found in the trash that i haven't been able to get rid of for seven years. do you offer anything for that. please its whispering things to me i dont think i can do this anymore
I may let your poor behavior slide... This time.
Anyhow, let's get to business then, shall we. We do offer services here in-house that will remedy this situation you are suffering from. Select a consultation time and my lower ranks can handle this for you in minutes.
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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hi there mr exorcist i have this problem where ghosts keep appearing i👻👻👻👻👻 see it happened right th👻👻👻 fuck i cant stop them👻👻👻👻👻👻👻 can y👻👻👻👻👻👻👻ou do anything t👻👻👻 help me plea👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻
Now listen closely, I will detail the path you must take in order to dispel this energy all on your own... free of charge.
I wanted you to go to the settings of your keyboard... and click on 'banned words'... then enter in the ghost...
You're welcome.
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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what is your scale on the fagmeter 1000 ™
Let's refrain from using such language. You could seriously offend and/or hurt someone. You shouldn't make light of such terms in any kind of manner.
Thank you.
Signed, Reigen Arataka 🌟
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