spinelesbians · 4 years
(Hi, all.
I'm sorry to announce this, but I am planning on shutting down my Spinelesbians blog. Unfortunately, I'm unable to motivate myself to continue writing for it on a weekly basis. I've lost the spark to write constantly for Spinel. That and personal issues/commitments have left me too busy to sit down and attempt to bring that spark back.
It's been a fun journey, and I won't delete the posts here - if anything, I'll leave it up as a memory to those who want to read back on things I've written. I just want you all to know I care for each and every one of you.
As a final note, the inbox will be open but anon will be off. I will not be taking anymore requests, but you are free to message me and such or just leave nice little posts. 
Thank you all for this fun ride.
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spinelesbians · 5 years
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just a doodle of the baby that got out of hand…. 💖
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spinelesbians · 5 years
EDIT: WOOPS forgot to mention that this takes place in an AU where Spinel escapes after her injector explodes! she lurkin’
Hey y’all! I’m back w my first post in forever oooomg. I am so sorry. But alas! I am in fact still alive, and still raging on main for the crazy baby. This one is kind of short and I’m not super happy with it being that it’s really a drabble rather than anything. However there’s maybe perhaps a part two coming (that I could actually spend more time on. wink wonk)? Let me know what you guys think!
Summary — You wake up one night with the sinking feeling that you aren’t alone, and you sure aren’t ready for what’s about to happen.
Warnings — a yandere-ish(maybe?) evil!Spinel, because I absolutely love how crazy and sporadic she is before Steven poofs her and come on… we all wish Y/N could have been there for Other Friends, so here’s a maybe-perhaps halfway decent thing I came up with to quench some potential thirst.
Keep reading
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spinelesbians · 5 years
" Looks like yer gonna need a few lessons in self lovin', dollface. "
"Not takin' compliments, huh sweetpea? Sounds like we gotta have a talk 'bout how wonderful 'n lovin' ya are. And if ya keep denyin' me, well, you'll 'ave a talk.. with my lips... on yers." -Spinel
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spinelesbians · 5 years
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Happy Valentines Day from your bestfriend girlfriend Spinel!!
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spinelesbians · 5 years
*timidly taps spinel to get attention* Spins dear... I’ve been feeling a little a little, um, needy? A-And I’d really like to be kissed cocooned in your arms as I fall asleep. (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
Your taps are ghost-like against Spinel's skin, barely even noticed till she actually hears your voice. She turns to you with a curious expression, soft smile accompanying her shimmering eyes.
" Yes, dollface? "
At your request, she physically lights up with excitement.
" Of course we can snuggle up, cuddlebug.~ C'mere and let me take care of ya. "
Her arms waste no time wrapping you up in a gentle hug, lifting you from the floor with ease. As your now flush to her chest, she carries you to your shared bed with a pleased hum.
" 'N I don't think yer bein' needy babygirl. Y'know I love t'snuggle the night away with ya. "
As she makes it to your room, she carefully clambers in with you in tow. You're tucked sweetly under the covers before her form makes its way around you again, keeping your head resting underneath her chin. You're surrounded by her at this point, as well as trapped by her limbs. Not that you're complaining, of course.
" Love ya sweetpea.~ "
Her words are followed by slow, sweet kisses to your head and face, before she nuzzles into you for a long night of cuddling and smooching.
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spinelesbians · 5 years
*Y/N walks in covered head to toe in wet purple paint, it was dripping everywhere* We need to plan a sneak attack on Amethyst....*A mischievous smirk forms on their face* Oh Spinzy honey~. How about a hug for your darlin'? *Without another warning they lunge for their girlfriend to try and give her a hug, determined to get her covered in as much paint as possible*
Spinel had no idea what you had gotten into, nor the fact you had snuck into the room behind her. Your voice got her attention however, and she raised her head from the comic book she was reading.
" Eh? Sure too- "
Before she realized what hug she had just agreed to, your arms wrapped around her in the goopiest hug yet. Purple paint stuck to her clothes almost instantaneously, and she squawked in surprise at the feeling.
" Y-Y/n?! What in th' diamond's name is this?! "
She turns to face you, a shocked expression plastered on her now purple form. It takes a bit of explaining on your end to answer her, but as you do, that shock melts to a mischievous grin.
" Well, if yer wantin' to go prank someone, ya could'a just said so dollface. Let's go get 'er! "
And she's helping out with your plans, albeit giving you some prank hugs back from your first one.
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spinelesbians · 5 years
Just wanted to say that the things you do make my day better and puts a smile on my face even if it makes me look like a stupid Cheshire Cat and squeak. If you don’t mind me asking how would Spinel deal with a cuddly hopeless romantics gf that likes to hug and hold her a lot
(Glad this blog puts a smile on your face, anon! As for your question, I blurbed a bit about some headcanons below.)
Spinel with a Cuddly, Hopeless Romantic Partner
Frankly, Spinel loves how cuddly her partner is. She's been void of touch and interaction for the past six thousand years, after all. If the person she loves is wanting affection in any shape or form, she'll happily provide. If anything, it's a way for the two of you to grow closer and bond over one another. Learning all the right places to kiss, all the right tickle spots, and certainly all the best cuddling positions.
You're a hopeless romantic? Well, so is she! While her understanding of romantic gestures may be different from human standards, she is certainly going to catch on quickly about them. She'll be eager to learn about what makes you smile, what brings your heart joy. Whether it's love letters left at your bedside while she's out, or maybe just surprising you with a gift or your favorite meal. Spinel is always wanting to see you shine.
Spinel is also quite the curious gal when it comes to new romantic ideas. She's probably bugged you to death about what you like, and probably half of your close friends to get a better idea of what makes you happy. She'll keep it all to heart, making sure no detail is left undiscovered. Your favorite color? Movie? Flower? Music? Animal? Videos you watch to make you laugh? All memorized. She's keen to every little detail.
If you're romantic towards her, however, she'll practically melt each and every time. That silly little poem you slipped to her one day before leaving for work? Stored in her gem and practically read every night before bed. The kiss you pressed to her cheek this morning? She's still holding her hand to the spot, smile as wide as when it first happened. She's hopelessly in love with you too, and she will never want to change that.
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spinelesbians · 5 years
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“Wowza, doll-face… ya sure are somethin’, ya know that~?”
wanted to practice coloring so of course i drew ~her~
(pls click for better resolution! also i couldnt decide which color palette i liked more so i just went with both)
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spinelesbians · 5 years
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been meaning to do some sketches for this for a while but instead my hand ended up doing a full on drawing xD
based on this ask/post from @spinel-gotcha-heart !! dkjfghkdg i just thought it would be fun to draw ;w; (hope you don’t mind i drew a lil something for it!!)
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spinelesbians · 5 years
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Show Me Your Teeth!
Hey I really love @drawinggalaxy‘s Dragon! Spinel and you should really check them out because their art is amazing and I love them so much and I aionvwovnwd yeah
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spinelesbians · 5 years
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she’ll cast a spell on you 🧹✨
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spinelesbians · 5 years
“Thinking back on what went wrong, everything had clearly been my fault. But I could never say the words I wanted to say: that I have always, always been thinking about you.“
Original by E VE
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spinelesbians · 5 years
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beanie baby ,,, snail
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spinelesbians · 5 years
When the Earth Cries
Your girlfriend spends her afternoon standing in the rain. A fluffy fanfic that consists of small misunderstandings, cuteness overload, and a possible cold.
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The rain falls in scattered waves– the droplets either dripping as gently as kittens’ kisses or as heavily as the more than uncomfortable sensation of Lapis giving someone the old one-two to the face; there was no in-between. Spinel stands in the rain, gloved hands lifted out in front of her and head tilted slightly back, her expression oddly calm. Her long twin-tails are sleek and dripping, made heavy by the amount of water she had managed to soak up.
You sit at your doorstep, propping up your chin with your hands– you slouch as you watch her stand out in your lawn during the light storm, grinning ear to ear. What on Earth is that lil’ slinky doing? You dearly want to know, yet you don’t want to disturb her; she looks so peaceful and perfect–so very picture-perfect out in the rain, but you have already taken enough pictures of her to fill an entire album. You smile thoughtfully. You still have yet to decide which one would be best suited to be your home screen wallpaper.
Moments pass quickly, the droplets beating with the retreating seconds when Spinel suddenly opens one eye to regard you. You freeze up instantly, feeling as if you had interrupted something. She raises a brow.
“Eh, nice weather we’re having, huh?” you say, grinning nervously up at her. You fight the instinctual urge to do finger guns.
“Pfft.” Your girlfriend smirks slightly at you and closes her eyes once more, her small shoulders rising and falling gently as she takes in a deep breath. She shuffles her feet slightly. “How long have ya’ been watchin’ me?”
You flushed sheepishly at the honey in her voice, and you press your hand against the side of your face, averting your eyes even though she wasn’t looking at you. How were you supposed to casually admit that you had been watching her for about thirty minutes straight without saying a word? How long had she even known you were there?! “W-well, I guess it’s been–I just followed you as soon as you rushed out here, so…” you trail off with an awkward giggle and shot a glance at her.
Spinel was pursing her lips, eyes now closed again, and brows slightly furrowed. “Can’t hear ya very well doll. Could you repeat that?”
“I…you know what? Here,” you push yourself up and off the step with a small groan, brushing off any dirt that might have gotten on the back of your pants. You start walking towards her, nearing away from the overhang of your roof. “I’ll just–”
“WAIT!” Spinel snaps up quickly, eyes expanding into wide, white plates as she stretches out her arm to stop you from moving a step closer. Her open palm goes flying toward you, stops abruptly, and presses carefully, yet firmly, against your chest. You give her a startled look, and she’s starring back at you with such a panicked expression, the side of her wet ponytail still clinging to her face from the sudden whiplash. “You can’t!” she insists almost pleadingly.
“Uh…,” you stare at her blankly, wondering what had gotten into her. “Why not?”
“Why not?! Because! Humans get sick when they go out into the rain! Don’t they?” Spinel says, pulling her arm back towards herself to clasp her hands nervously. She shakes her head slightly, and her water-adhesive ponytail plops back against her shoulder; she’s thoroughly soaked. “Steven told me!”
You quickly slap a hand over your mouth to suppress a laugh. You can’t stand how cute she is, though it’s not necessarily her fault for not knowing better. “Oh Spinel, humans don’t get sick that easily.”
“…Then, what?” she presses, cocking her head almost suspiciously.
“Uh, well…,” you begin, hoping that you could phrase it in a way that made sense for her. You fidget a little. “…humans get sick because change in temperature weakens their ability to fight off germs…and rain is usually pretty cold. So, I’ll be fine.” You flash her a thumbs up.
Spinel doesn’t even blink. She stares at you silently, and you don’t know if she got it or not. Regardless, you take her silence as proof that she was adequately reassured, and you happily walk away out and into the drizzle. She lowers her eyes nervously as you stand next to her. “Uhm, sorry for freaking out.” She rubs the back of her neck, flushing slightly. ‘Hehe–course you would know better than me ‘bout that kind of stuff.”
You smile at her and lean over to brush the few wet strands of pink hair still plastered against her face. From your close proximity, you can see the tiny droplets of rain scattered on her bottom eyelashes. The gem noticeably brightens a little as you touch her. “Well,” you begin, “To answer your question, I followed you out as soon as you rushed out here into the rain like a lunatic. I was gonna stop you from getting all soaked, but…,” you laugh slightly, “you seemed to be having a lot of fun doing whatever you were doing. It was adorable, actually. Wholesome content.”
You could tell Spinel was trying hard to suppress how pleased she really was, but she couldn’t help a small bounce. Her adorable twin-tails bobbed slightly, and you smile gaily, leaning forward to give her a quick peck on the cheek. The gem is absolutely beaming at this and leans her head towards yours, eyes blissfully squeezing shut. One glance at her face, and you can tell that her heart–her figurative one, for that matter– is fluttering.
“You make me really happy,” Spinel confesses, face darkening a bit. She burrows her head into your shoulder and intertwines her gloved fingers with yours.
You melt a little inside as you give her hand a small squeeze. Gazing at her affectionately, you realize the way she’s got her soft face against you reminds you of an adorable puppy you saw a week ago, and your heart aches from just how much you adore her. Without looking away, you lift your free, curious hand out to feel for the rain. It’s seemed to quiet down now, you think to yourself, lone small droplets tickling your palm. After a few seconds it suddenly dawns on you what you had wanted to know all this time: “Hey, but what were you doing?” you ask curiously.
Spinel pulls back slightly and mutters softly, as if her mind was somewhere else: “Ya see…I think I read somewhere about the rain that made me…” –and her expression falls slightly– “…feel kinda bad. I read that when it rains, it means that tha’ Earth is crying.” She solemnly looks towards the dreary gray sky.
“O-ohh, Spinel…”
“So I was giving the Earth a hug. Like this,” she asserts dutifully, holding her arms out to the sky again.
You are now fighting the impulse to double over and fall into the soggy, wet grass. Your girlfriend had rushed out into the pouring rain and was trying to give the world a hug because she thought it was crying. You want to scream. You don’t deserve her.
You can hardly contain yourself; externally, though, you simply and slowly bring your hands to your face, shoulders shaking with mirth. You wheeze unattractively; you wonder–are your windpipes combusting?
Spinel purses her lips and stares at you with wide-eyed incredulousness. It takes her several beats for her to respond as you struggle for self-control, and she watches you intently as if in a trance. Soon enough, however, her brows arch and she asks sharply, “Wha..Are you getting sick!?” You peer up at her through your fingers to find that she’s bristling.
Without meaning to–obviously–you suddenly sneeze, and Spinel looks like she’s about to cry.
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spinelesbians · 5 years
Hey spinel, I keep on dreading school each night and it feels as though each and every week is feeling heavier on me, I don't know how to find comfort during these times anymore.
Spinel takes a seat next to you, carefully placing her hand atop yours.
" I know school is a dreadful thing, sweetheart. There's no suga' coatin' it, I know that. But! Yer strong, I know you can get through it. "
She squeezes your hand.
" But if ya need comfort or someone to talk to, y'know I'm always here for ya. I can be yer comfort durin' these times, okay? I love you so, so much. "
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spinelesbians · 5 years
Hey Spinel, it's been a while since I last sent something! (Sorry, I get shy/socially awkward, or both at once) But uhh, here! *-gives you my favourite sweater-* Here's one of my favourite sweaters! That way, if things get a lil lonely up there, you have something of mine to keep you warm :'>
" Hiya dollface, no worries about th' awkward part. Ya know I love ya, no matter what. "
She pauses to listen to you intently, gently taking your sweater in her gloved hands. It doesn't take long before she's already pulling it over her head - pigtails puffed up from a bit of static. Feeling the warm fabric on her shoulders makes her sigh, and she embraces you.
" Thank ya kindly, sweetpea. Ya really know how to make a gal feel special, y'know? "
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