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spectacularsafarisuganda · 10 months ago
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Tortoises will go into their hard protective shell when they feel they are in danger. And yes, their shells are sensitive to touch. shells have nerve endings, so they can feel every rub, pat or scratch. Planning a trip to explore reptiles in Uganda, the Reptile Village, in Entebbe a home to multiple species should be your first stop. #exploreuganda #spectacularsafarisuganda #reptilevillage
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 10 months ago
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Embark on an unforgettable 3 days adventure to Bwindi impenetrable National Park, a UNESCO World heritage site and sanctuary for the endangered mountain gorilla.
The 3 days gorilla trekking Safari will offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature, witness one of the world’s most endangered species and explore the wonders of the park.
Day 1:
Journey to the Gorilla Sanctuary
Day 2:
Unforgettable Gorilla Trekking
Day 3: Farewell to Bwindi and return to Kampala/Entebbe.
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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The Monkey you are most likely to meet anywhere in the area is the #vervet Vervets are archetypal monkeys, slight of build, agile and long tailed. Always seen in noisy, bickering, family troops containing lots of young animals. They generally inhabit well-wooded and well-watered grasslands but can also be found from semi-arid regions to evergreen forest edges. #spectacularsafarisuganda #vervetmonkeys #exploreuganda
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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The Marine Life of East Africa is spectacular. You don't have to be an experienced diver to explore the colorful features of the ocean. Visit the numerous marine conservation organizations for guided tours, educational materials including marine conservation, marine life and the importance of preserving the environment. #exploretheeasafricancoast #spectacularsafarisuganda #marinelife
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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Imagine a column of Wildebeest 40km long and two or three abreast, patiently plodding across the plain for hour after hour, all on the move in the search for fresh new grass.
Imagine it taking over two weeks for the column of animals to pass a single spot.
Visualize them all bunching together into protective herds in the evenings or scrambling each others backs in their panic to cross the river and stay clear of the snapping jaws of the crocodiles.
Now you may begin to have an idea of the awesome spectacle that is serengeti migration.
#spectacularsafarisuganda #wildebeestmigration #serengetinationalpark
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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Arriving from the open plains of Tanzania and Kenya, #uganda appears deliriously moist and green.
20 percent of the country's surface area consists of open water, notably lakes, Victoria, Albert, Kyoga, Edward and George and the Nile River.
Seasoned safarigoers are attached to Uganda for its abundance of western rainforest species; the charismatic gorilla, which has been habituated for tourist visits in #bwindi and #mgahinga National Parks.
#exploreuganda #pearlofafrica #spectacularsafarisuganda
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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The Changing Seasons
To everything there is a season, including African Wildlife. A safari in the rainy season is a wonderous experience, the bush vibrant with new foliage, panoramas of wildflowers to the horizon, animals plump and fit with most of the herbivores giving birth at this time.
Birds breed and nest during the rainy season, and often display extravagant breeding plumage.
While the roads may be muddy, and the tall grass may make it hard to spot wildlife, it is still possible to have an unforgettable green season safari.
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
Night Safari
A night game drive under huge starry skies, reveals another side of the bush, one that is alive with scurrying nocturnal animals.
The person behind the spotlight swings the beam back and forth, checking under bushes and trees and among branches, looking for shining eyes.
Most exciting of all is an encounter with the leopard. Rarely seen in daylight, it will completely ignore the interruption moving purposefully along, with a haughty flick of a white-tipped tail, it slips silently into the night.
A night safari is remarkable
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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Wildlife marks its mark
Most large herbivores are fond of taking mud and dust baths to cool themselves and help rid the skin of parasites.
This habit creates pits of activities around the ecosystem, spots which are temporarily clear of vegetation, but rich in the nutrients of the animals that visit them.
When the wallow falls out of the favor, the vegetation that recolonizes the spot is particularly lush.
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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Wildlife makes its mark
Major herbivores make their mark on the vegetation, and therefore the look of an area, more than the carnivores.
Grass along River Nile is kept short by Hippos grazing at night.
Feeding giraffes hedge the smaller acacia trees and create a browsing table which is more dense than if the shrub were not browsed.
It is important to leave behind your fears of the unknown and look beyond headlines and experience #PearlofAfrica
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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Take in the entire world of the African bush, down to its smallest insect inhabitants.
The wonderful wildlife and extraordinary ecosystems that it inhabits.
Animal signs everywhere, some are subtle and fleeting, like the nests of birds and insects, others are etched into the ecosystem.
Few People visit once, most are drawn back again and again. #exploreuganda#spectacularsafarisuganda#gorillatracking#bwindiimpenetrableforest#PearlofAfrica
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 11 months ago
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In #Eastafrica, two types of waterbucks occur; the Defassa waterbuck and the common waterbuck distinguished only by the white pattern on the rump.
The Defassa waterbuck have long bodies and necks, shorts legs and a mane on their necks.
Only male waterbucks have horns curved and vary in length from 55 to 99cm, determined by age.
You can see them in #ugandasavannahnationalpark, #murchisonfallsnationalpark#queenelizabethnationalpark and #kidepovalleynationalpark#ExploreUganda#spectacularsafarisuganda
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 1 year ago
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Baboons are omnivorous and highly adoptive monkeys. They will eat just anything edible.
They can survive solely on grass which gives them an advantage of occupying savannahs with less competition from other monkeys.
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 1 year ago
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Rhinos are seldom found far from a source of water, but during a period of drought they can go for up to five days without drinking. They are fond of rolling on their sides in mud or dust wallows. They can not roll on their backs because of the elongated, blade-like protrusions on their spine. Visitors are allowed to track Rhinos at Ziwa rhino sanctuary and at a small fee charged.
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 1 year ago
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An Elephant's inherent mobility allows it to select foods from a variety of habitats over a home range which may be thousands of square kilometers The availability of grass for a good part of the year is important. Elephants move daily and seasonally between different parts of the habitats from woodland to grassland, from bushland to swamp, and back again. You will most likely see them in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park and Kidepo Valley National Park.
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 1 year ago
Baboons take to the trees for defense purpose, but spend most of their waking time on the ground, foraging for shoots, seeds, flowers, roots and insects.
Baboon society is based on enduring core friendships which are probably formed between females as they grow up. Baboon' main enemy is man with whom they compare for agriculture crops.
They are frequently seen on the fringes of forest reserves and even along the roadside elsewhere in the country.
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spectacularsafarisuganda · 1 year ago
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Nudging up to the congolese border south of lake Edward, the Ishasha plains can be visited en route between Mweya and Bwindi national park.
Ishasha is worthwhile both for its game viewing and its wilderness atmosphere.
The lions of Ishasha habitually climb high into the trees, a custom that probably developed to escape biting insects but is now ingrained
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