What happened with Siwon and ELFs in China...

It all started when netizens discovered that Siwon liked a tweet from Chosun News titled “ World Attention-grabbing ‘Hong Kong Youth’ Interview”, which is about a 21-year-old Hong Kong student being shot by Hong Kong police with a live round during the ongoing Hong Kong protests.

As ELFs in China believe that his action means that he supports the Hong Kong protestors, who they deem as ‘rioters’, and thus he supports Hong Kong independence, they are angered.
Following the China ELFs’ discontent and criticisms, Siwon posted an apology on Weibo, saying that he saw the problems arising from what happened on Twitter, and he just wanted to voice out his concern with the hopes that violence and chaos can be resolved soon, apologising sincerely.

Although he already apologised and unliked the tweet, China ELFs are still not happy about this issue. Fans claimed they were disappointed, and some even said they want Siwon to leave Super Junior. Comments were also made that he should ‘stop interfering in China’s internal affairs’, and that he does not understand anything so he should not like the tweet.

My thoughts?
Siwon may be a celebrity, a K-pop idol, but he is still a regular human being, a regular citizen. He certainly has his own rights to voice out his views and opinions. Why should a person be denied their freedom of speech because of their fame? Many stars have used their fame and influence to bring attention to social or political movements and issues, so why can't Siwon do that? Even if he is not deliberately trying to bring attention to this subject, liking a tweet on his own Twitter should not be a problem. It is his own personal space, his freedom, and no one should be able to take it away from him.
Siwon’s case is not the first one, as a matter of fact. Regarding the Hong Kong protests, Korean actors Kim Ui-seong, Kim Jung-eun, Yoon Kyun-sang also posted supportive comments to Hong Kong protestors or liked related posts, but people in China were angered and left negative comments.
What is really baffling is that those people take everything like personal insults instead of looking at matter objectively. The tweet that Siwon liked was the interview of the Hong Kong youngster shot with a live bullet. That particular incident gave rise to strong opinions that the Hong Kong police is using excessive force and violence, as the teenager was not holding any weaponry that could possibly cause much harm to the police on top of the fact that the bullet hit the student’s torso at a close distance. This incident is a matter of human rights, so shouldn’t any human being with some conscience left fight for the upholding of their rights? And why could any one look at the video clip and still say that firing the bullet was the right thing to do, and commenting as if they were the ones hurt the most?
I may be biased and my points may not be presented nicely and clearly, but the thing is, this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you read through this post, I hope you get to understand more about the situation.
But I won't cry / And I won't start to crumble / Whenever they try / To shut me or cut me down I won't be silenced / You can't keep me quiet / Won’t tremble when you try it / All I know is I won't go speechless
Five Demands, Not One Less Fight for Freedom, Stand with Hong Kong
#siwon#choi siwon#super junior#sj#suju#suju siwon#hong kong protests#hong kong#free hong kong#stand with hong kong
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6 days ago I made a post on Instagram in support of freedom for Hong Kong. This is a 7 year old art that I’ve posted many times before without issue. The only difference is this time I made the post in support of Hong Kong fighting for freedom against the oppressive Chinese government.
The next day, my post was removed for “hate speech”. This isn’t Instagram’s fault. The Chinese government paid attackers to mass report me, thus triggering the algorithm to automatically remove my post. I appealed the removal and my art was restored.
However, ever since that day, I’ve been shadowbanned as well and I’m still shadowbanned. No doubt due to the same abuse of report button by the paid attackers. The Chinese government have figure out a way to censor and control free speech even outside of their country.
Now people who aren’t already a follower on Instagram will not see my art. All of my free Hong Kong hashtags don’t show up anymore in search. This is how the Chinese government silence those who support freedom.
This is why the people of Hong Kong are fighting so hard to keep their freedom. No one in the free world should have to live under this level of abuse and censorship.
You can help me fight this injustice. Repost my art on Instagram with the hashtags #FreeHongKong #StandWithHongKong #HongKongProtest and share the story. Even if they censor me, the Chinese government can’t censor us all.
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Blizzard I've supported you for a while. I was really excited for Overwatch for switch, but mark my words you will not get another coin from me until you make this right. And if you wont? Fine, but I want you to actually go to Hong Kong. I want you to look their people in the eye and tell them that your market value is worth more than their human rights. I hope you change, Blizzard.

Anyone who is following me PLEASE read up on the Hong Kong protests/police brutality and try not to support any company that is against the protesters. This is a fight for human rights it is so much bigger than just video game drama. They are suppressing the free speech of people fighting for their rights.
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This is not a battlefield, the place where all the smoke coming from is the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

The police said there are rioters hiding in the campus and tried to get in and search the whole university, the students resisted since the police does not have search warrant, so the police keep bombarding them with teargas.
After negotiation, the police agreed to back down, but then they started to bombard with more teargas and rubber bullets, then rushed into the campus and arrested students.
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here is an adorable headcanon about my OTP Wolfstar ·so I have this really weird muggle AU where Remus is the owner of a small bookshop and also a writer ·Remus just loves books so much he started his own business of a bookshop in a small town ·because the shop is so small he didn’t have much customers so he mostly spend his time in the shop immersed in his own world of books ·everybody knows that one can’t earn much with such a small business especially when there aren’t much customers ·so Remus writes too ·he writes like every genre because he’s such a good writer and this is really important for the plot ·and here is how our star Sirius comes onto the stage with such style and grace ·reading books is not punk rock okay said Sirius ·but his best mate James is not gonna agree with him ·because he had a huge crush on this author L. Evans ·and James has been to one of the booksignings of L. Evans which left him fanboying the life out of him ·like cAN YOU BELIEVE HOW GORGEOUS SHE IS SIRIUS ·AND HER REAL NAME IS LILY OMG SUCH A BEAUTIFUL NAME ·and Lily Evans has a collaboration book with R. J. Lupin and you know where this is going ·James of course was talking about the book the whole time ·and that makes Sirius SO annoyed ·SO annoyed that he read the book just to shut James’s mouth up ·and WOW this book is quite good i must say James why didn’t you tell me about this earlier ·i did it’s just that you didn’t listen ·Sirius quickly searched for the authors and of course he found out about the fact that R. J. Lupin writes PUNK FICTION also ·NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL PUNK ROCK ·PUNK ROCK EXISTS IN NOVELS JAMIE I AM DYING RIGHT NOW ·OR NOT BECAUSE I NEED TO READ HIS BOOKS OKAY ·but seriously i have totally no idea what punk fiction is and please don’t judge cause i just found out about that like a few weeks ago ·and Sirius loved this book genre so much ·and he also happened to like the author more and more by time ·one day he went to a small bookshop in the neighborhood because he was looking for places to buy new books and big bookshops simply don’t carry much books of his favourite type ·he walked into the bookshop ·looked around ·and spotted this really attractive guy ·his eyes so bright ·his smile so cute ·his hair so pretty ·and correct me if I am mistaken, is he typing??? His hands are so delicate and so flowing can you describe hands as flowing i seriously don’t know ·when their eyes meet it’s like electrocution god it felt so wrong yet so right and right now it felt so cliche to me tbh ·so they talked and Sirius learnt that he is the owner of the bookshop ·so he politely asked him if he can fetch him the whole collection of R. J. Lupin’s books ·the cute guy’s eyes widened a bit and left him an adorable smile then quickly went to get the books ·you know Sirius is a bit VERY MUCH rebellious so he peeked at the boy’s laptop to see what he was typing ·oh he is writing a fic ah ha good for him wAIT ·his name ·R. J. Lupin??!! ·and Sirius freaked out that instant ·no way he just talked to the REAL R. J. LUPIN and asked him to fetch his own books ·and Remus returned at that moment ·but he was WAY more CHILL than Sirius ·oh you discovered?so do you want me to sign these books or what? ·although Remus was slightly blushing as well because he did not expect to have a fan to bump into him in real life ·but can Sirius not smile at him pleaseeeeeee he is having a heart attack ·and he blushed even more when Sirius said, ‘Yes please sign them for me thank you’ ·'oh and also’ Sirius added ·wAIT WHAT DOES HE WANT ·'I would like a date with you, that is, if you dont mind…’ ·'WHAT DO YOU MEAN OF COURSE I DONT MIND I AM VERY GLAD AND HONOURED TO BE YOUR DATEEEEEEEE’ ·he fainted
What is this supposed to mean
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Just a quick wolfstar headcanon with a bit of Regulus and James. But seriously what is the ship name for the JamesXRegulus ship?
~it all began on a sunny day when Sirius decided to go shopping with his brother Regulus ~and when they were finished and were walking to their car ~Sirius was trying to take selfies on his phone and could not see the boy in front of him ~Remus was so immersed in the conversation with his mate James that he did not notice the boy suddenly appearing at the corner ~so they bumped into each other ~‘Oi! Watch it mate!’ ~‘seriously are you telling me to watch it?! How could you, i mean do you know that i am taking a selfie—’ ~‘oh god this boy looks so cute how can he be so attractive man help me…’ Sirius thought to himself ~‘okay how can i not look at him stop it sirius black STOP IT’ ~‘hey my name is Regulus and i think my brother, Sirius here, is too immersed in your beauty so i guess he would regret so much when he finally gained his concious and realized that he did not ask for your number’ smirked Regulus as he quickly noticed his brother is just going to stand there and stare at that cutie pie ~after all, that’s what brothers are for, right? ~‘haha hi my name is James and this is Remus, please don’t mind if i interrupt because he is really shy and he would probably give you a wrong number since he can’t remember his number’ James quickly scribbled some numbers on a piece of wrinkled paper ~he then hesitated for a while and coughed a bit 'and… this is… my own number, so er, you can call me too… if you have time…’ *more scribbling* and then *cough cough cough* ~Remus was like 'James Potter how could you just give my phone number to somebody in the streets like that i swear i’ll tell your father’ ~but in fact he was very pleased because holy cow that boy is hella handsome i am so going to get him someday ~of course they all exchanged numbers and kept in touch because who would miss such a great chance to meet a new FRIEND
*cough cough* this is inspired from one of my shopping experiences with my sister which i bumped into a rather good-looking boy *coughing intensifies*
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Another Wolfstar headcannon of mine. I mean, I do ship other ships but this headcannon has too much Wolfstar feels. Only Wolfstar can make this headcannon great. Stop the babbling and give you guys the thing now.
~Remus lives alone ~and in the beginning of this story, he hates dogs :( ~Sirius is an animagus that takes the form of-you guessed it-a black dog ~when Sirius is in his dog form he is the leader of the pack of stray dogs in Remus’ neighborhood ~Remus’ house is located in a small alley and there are often many dogs around ~Remus normally just shoos the dogs away(including Sirius of course, when he takes his dog form) ~Sirius, with intelligence as a human’s (it’s because he is really human), soon realized that although Remus occasionally feeds the dogs(it is just him taking out the rubbish), he actually does not like the dogs at all ~in fact, Remus is AFRAID of dogs, but he just pretends that he hates them, because what would mean people say to him, a grown man, afraid of dogs not even half his size? ~being nice and kind to such cute guys like Remus, Sirius gets the dogs to stay away from Remus’ house and leave him alone ~Remus is really surprised at first, because where did all the dogs go? I thought they depend their living on my leftovers everyday? ~after days he grew comfortable with his now dog-less living environment ~on the other hand, Sirius, as the rebel he always is, visits Remus’ house regularly ~he jumps into the house as a dog and then stays inside for some time then left. Without a trace. At least he thought so ~one or two dog hair would stick on the chairs and Remus always notices that the cushions are placed different from the way he left them on the sofa ~no matter how careful Remus is, he still didn’t catch Sirius in the act for quite a long period because Sirius always leaves the house before Remus returns ~except one day when Remus wasn’t feeling well and his boss was so kind to let him take some rest at home ~and that’s how Remus saw a black dog chilling on his sofa and then hurriedly leaping out of the window ~Sirius thought, hey, I have already been caught red handed so why would I still keep my spying a secret? I can be a dog this whole time I mean, there’s no better excuse than being a cute fluffy love-seeking dog chasing its favourite person around ~so as simple as it may seem, Sirius started to follow Remus where ever he goes, waiting for him at the door, running after his car etc ~Remus just sort of get used to Sirius’ presence and eventually overcame his fear of dogs ~and one may even say that he now adores dogs, really ~Remus also lets Sirius stay in his house before he needs to go to bed ~which is a good thing he did because they are just meant to be lol ~duh I think you know what happens next ~since Sirius is an animagus all this time ~one day he just couldn’t help meeting Remus in his human form, like, bam! Hello cutie my name is Sirius and guess what I know your name is Remus and also I am that black dog that stays in your house everyday haha ~the two are not just bros and you know how it goes ~Cause For the First Time in Forever Remus loves dogs with All. His. Heart.
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Requested by @dogsandwolves INFJ Libra Slytherin Thunderbird Aesthetic
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That one time in my school’s computer lab, we had some free time so the teacher let us go online for about 20 minutes. And I went on Tumblr. Well I didn’t expect my dash to be filled with loads of stuff that teachers aren’t supposed to know about when I first logged in. At first everything was fine, after I scrolled past a few pictures of Benedict-and I should tell you that we always had a sort of rumor that this teacher who is in charge of our computer lessons likes to spy on what we are doing on the computer. And that rumor is proven to be true when I ran into an explicit drawing of Mystrade. The computer screen went completely dark and of course my computer was being shut down by someone else. I didn’t realize it was done to stop me surfing Tumblr because some other classmates also was shut down from the computer and they were on slither.io. I tried to go online again but then I came across another piece of explicit work of probably Drarry. The computer shut down again. The process repeated for a few times. Then I know. The teacher has now seen things. WoNdErOuS tHiNgS iNdEeD.
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Today some classmates of mine performed a drama and then this one boy takes up the role of God When the show is over we had our usual lessons and this boy attracted the teacher’s attention in class And the teacher walked to him, glanced at his work, and said, ‘Oh Jesus your handwriting is so bad’ I swear the whole class rioted because I dare tell you this is the best pun a teacher has ever made
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