writing hard
647 posts
Vanessa - sideblog for my writing, ocs and sometimes fanfic, I *cannot* follow back from this blog - replies/asks come from harryflynns
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
spacebiotics · 3 years ago
My intention isn’t to BOSS people around. But people who don’t create on tumblr really have to understand that if creators stop posting here, you won’t have anything else to like but maybe memes. If you want content to circle around to your dashboard… you have to pay it forward and reblog. That is why this website is dying. The Ban is not the only reason.
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spacebiotics · 3 years ago
AHHHH I finally read the alt endening of your Bloodlines fic and I'm screaming internally, both ends are just perfect and bittersweet (the one that made it in AO3). For a moment I thought Neil had some wird twisted obsession towards Gavin or something deeper Idk, but he (Gavin) is just nothing but a entertainment(??
And Nineeesss, poor thing :c He's basically just a machine again
Neil does (or did) have a twisted obsession over Gavin! It was never about love. Perhaps Neil would view it was such, but no. It's abuse, manipulation and Gavin was simply the one that got away at the beginning which caused Neil to obsess over him. It was only when Gavin purposefully 'rejected' him at the end of Bloodlines, that Neil's obsession turns extremely black and white, comes to a head and turns deadly - because in his mind, if he couldn't have Gavin after everything he did 'for him', then no one should? I did want that second to last chapter to be that turning point for Gavin, but much too late for it have any real impact on the ending? I was very torn over what 'ending' to have actually - I view both of them as a soft epilogue more than anything? And the one I chose was definitely very bittersweet. Gavin starting to grow as a character, but that meaning he faces the consequences of his actions and getting the help he needs as well? But he still isn't free from Neil. It was definitely a learning experience writing! Looking back, I would definitely change some aspects and put more development time into others? And despite the heavy subject matter, it was also very fun to write? Neil was a very fun character to write and develop because he was so extreme in his behaviours and actions? He was a very good narrative foil to Gavin? I'm very glad you liked this series so much! And the learning all about the endings! It was such a nice thing to hear and ramble about after such a long time because I feel like the ending to Bloodlines has been very... Devisive. So thank you!
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spacebiotics · 3 years ago
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If you like something, reblog it.
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spacebiotics · 3 years ago
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Free downloads for fiction writers!
Hello dears! My site is undergoing some serious construction, and in the process I’ve been adding/changing some of the free downloads I have available for fiction writers. (And adding cute lil’ pictures to go with them! Awwww!) Take a looksie if you like <3
Get access to my Little Fiction Writing Toolkit right here.
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spacebiotics · 3 years ago
Writing advice #?: Have your characters wash the dishes while they talk.
This is one of my favorite tricks, picked up from E.M. Forester and filtered through my own domestic-homebody lens.  Forester says that you should never ever tell us how a character feels; instead, show us what those emotions are doing to a character’s posture and tone and expression.  This makes “I felt sadness” into “my shoulders hunched and I sighed heavily, staring at the ground as my eyes filled with tears.”  Those emotions-as-motions are called objective correlatives.  Honestly, fic writers have gotten the memo on objective correlatives, but sometimes struggle with how to use them.
Objective correlatives can quickly become a) repetitive or b) melodramatic.  On the repetitive end, long scenes of dialogue can quickly turn into “he sighed” and “she nodded” so many times that he starts to feel like a window fan and she like a bobblehead.  On the melodramatic end, a debate about where to eat dinner can start to feel like an episode of Jerry Springer because “he shrieked” while “she clenched her fists” and they both “ground their teeth.”  If you leave the objective correlatives out entirely, then you have what’s known as “floating” dialogue — we get the words themselves but no idea how they’re being said, and feel completely disconnected from the scene.  If you try to get meaning across by telling us the characters’ thoughts instead, this quickly drifts into purple prose.
Instead, have them wash the dishes while they talk.
To be clear: it doesn’t have to be dishes.  They could be folding laundry or sweeping the floor or cooking a meal or making a bed or changing a lightbulb.  The point is to engage your characters in some meaningless, everyday household task that does not directly relate to the subject of the conversation.
This trick gives you a whole wealth of objective correlatives.  If your character is angry, then the way they scrub a bowl will be very different from how they’ll be scrubbing while happy.  If your character is taking a moment to think, then they might splash suds around for a few seconds.  A character who is not that invested in the conversation will be looking at the sink not paying much attention.  A character moderately invested will be looking at the speaker while continuing to scrub a pot.  If the character is suddenly very invested in the conversation, you can convey this by having them set the pot down entirely and give their full attention to the speaker.
A demonstration:
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
“What?”  Drizella continued dropping forks into the dishwasher.
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
Drizella paused midway through slotting a fork into the dishwasher.  “What?”
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
Drizella laughed, not looking up from where she was arranging forks in the dishwasher.  “What?”
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
The forks slipped out of Drizella’s hand and clattered onto the floor of the dishwasher.  “What?”
“I’m leaving,” Anastasia said.
“What?”  Drizella shoved several forks into the dishwasher with unnecessary force, not seeming to notice when several bounced back out of the silverware rack.
See how cheaply and easily we can get across Drizella’s five different emotions about Anastasia leaving, all by telling the reader how she’s doing the dishes?  And all the while no heads were nodded, no teeth were clenched.
The reason I recommend having it be one of these boring domestic chores instead of, say, scaling a building or picking a lock, is that chores add a sense of realism and are low-stakes enough not to be distracting.  If you add a concurrent task that’s high-stakes, then potentially your readers are going to be so focused on the question of whether your characters will pick the lock in time that they don’t catch the dialogue.  But no one’s going to be on the edge of their seat wondering whether Drizella’s going to have enough clean forks for tomorrow.
And chores are a cheap-n-easy way to add a lot of realism to your story.  So much of the appeal of contemporary superhero stories comes from Spider-Man having to wash his costume in a Queens laundromat or Green Arrow cheating at darts, because those details are fun and interesting and make a story feel “real.”  Actually ask the question of what dishes or clothing or furniture your character owns and how often that stuff gets washed.  That’s how you avoid reality-breaking continuity errors like stating in Chapter 3 that all of your character’s worldly possessions fit in a single backpack and in Chapter 7 having your character find a pair of pants he forgot he owns.  You don’t have to tell the reader what dishes your character owns (please don’t; it’s already bad enough when Tolkien does it) but you should ideally know for yourself.
Anyway: objective correlatives are your friends.  They get emotion across, but for low-energy scenes can become repetitive and for high-energy scenes can become melodramatic.  The solution is to give your characters something relatively mundane to do while the conversation is going on, and domestic chores are not a bad starting place.
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spacebiotics · 3 years ago
just a little rough extract from a zero piece i’m working on that i really like? (for some context, zero is my demon oc and they’ve just arrived at a bar to collect on a contact!) Humans were strange creatures. They were also stupid. A contract meant clauses and Zero never worked for free. People were always so surprised to see them when it was time to collect if they hadn’t held up their end of the bargain, but it wasn’t Zero’s fault the majority never bothered to read the small print. It was how they found themselves outside Otto’s; they were after a contract that had skipped town and the six months they had agreed upon were over. A momentary frown crossed Zero’s features as they took another drag of their cigarette.  Everyone always tried to run.  Crickets started to chirp in the background and there was a soft breeze that rustled through the trees. Fireflies were slowly starting to drift through the air. The lazy silence that had settled outside only lasted for a few minutes before another car pulled into the little dirt parking lot. Zero’s eyes narrowed, watching out of a corner as a group of young women noisily made their way towards the bar. Humans weren’t strange. They hated them.
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spacebiotics · 3 years ago
Writing Tip June 4th
A list of body language phrases.
I’ve included a very comprehensive list, organized by the type of body movement, hand and arm movements, facial expressions etc. In some cases, a phrase fits more than one heading, so it may appear twice. Possible emotions are given after each BL phrase unless the emotion is indicated within the phrase. (They are underlined for emphasis, not due to a hyperlink.)
Note: I’ve included a few body postures and body conditions as they are non-verbal testimony to the character’s physical condition.
Have fun and generate your own ideas.:-)
Eyes, Brows and Forehead
arched a sly brow:  sly, haughty
blinked owlishly:  just waking, focusing, needs glasses
brows bumped together in a scowl:  worried, disapproving, irritated
brows knitted in a frown: worried, disapproval, thoughtful
bug-eyed:  surprised, fear, horror
cocky wink and confident smile:  over confidence, arrogant, good humor, sexy humor
eyes burned with hatred: besides hatred this might suggest maniacal feelings
eyes flashed: fury, defiance, lust, promise, seduction
eyes rolled skyward: disbelief, distrust, humor
forehead puckered:  thoughtful, worried, irritation
frustration crinkled her eyes
gaze dipped to her décolletage: sexual interest, attraction, lust
gimlet-eyed/narrowed eyes: irritation, thoughtful, mean, angry
gleam of deviltry:  humor, conniving, cunning
kept eye contact but her gaze became glazed: pretending interest where there is none/bordom
narrowed to crinkled slits:  angry, distrust
nystagmic eyes missed nothing (constantly shifting eyes):  Shifty
pupils dilated:  interested, attraction to opposite sex, fear
raked her with freezing contempt
slammed his eyes shut:  stunned, furious, pain
squinted in a furtive manner:  fearful, sneaky
stared with cow eyes:  surprised, disbelief, hopeful, lovestruck
subtle wink:  sexy, humor/sharing a joke, sarcasm
unrelenting stare: distrust, demanding, high interest, unyielding
Place To Place, Stationary Or Posture
ambled away:  relaxed, lazy
barged ahead:  rude, hurried
battled his way through the melee:  desperate, anger, alarm
cruised into the diner:  easy-going, feeling dapper, confident
dawdled alongside the road:  lazy, deliberate delay for motives, unhurried, relaxed
dragged his blanket in the dirt:   sadness/depressed, weary
edged closer to him:  sneaky, seeking comfort, seeking protection, seeking an audience
he stood straighter and straightened his tie:  sudden interest, sexual attraction
held his crotch and danced a frantic jig: demonstrates physical condition – he has to pee
hips rolled and undulated:  sexy walk, exaggerating for sex appeal
hovered over them with malice/like a threatening storm: here it’s malice, but one may hover for many reasons.
hunched over to look shorter:  appear inconspicuous, ashamed of actions, ashamed of height
leaped into action feet hammering the marbled floor:  eager, fear, joyous
long-legged strides:  hurried, impatient
lumbered across:  heavy steps of a big man in a hurry
minced her way up to him: timid, sneaky, insecure, dainty or pretense at dainty
paced/prowled the halls:  worried, worried impatience, impatient, diligently seeking pivoted on his heel and took off:  mistaken and changes direction, following orders, hurried, abrupt change of mind, angry retreat
plodded down the road:  unhurried, burdened, reluctant
practiced sensual stroll:  sexy, showing off
rammed her bare foot into her jeans: angry, rushed
rocked back and forth on his heels: thoughtful, impatiently waiting
sagged against the wall:  exhausted, disappointment
sallied forth:  confident, determined
sashayed her cute little fanny:  confident, determined, angered and determined
shrank into the angry crowd:  fear, insecure, seeking to elude
sketched a brief bow and assumed a regal pose: confident, mocking, snooty, arrogant skidded to an abrupt halt: change of heart, fear, surprise, shock
skulked on the edges of the crowd: sneaky, ashamed, timid
slithered through the door:  sneaky, evil, bad intentions
stormed toward her, pulling up short when: anger with a sudden surprise
swaggered into the class room:  over confident, proud, arrogant, conceited
tall erect posture:  confidence, military bearing
toe tapped a staccato rhythm:  impatience, irritation
tottered/staggered unsteadily then keeled over:  drunk, drugged, aged, ill
waltzed across the floor:  happy, blissful, exuberant, conceited, arrogant
Head Movement
cocked his head:  curiosity, smart-alecky, wondering, thoughtful
cocked his head left and rolled his eyes to right corner of the ceiling:  introspection
droop of his head: depressed, downcast, hiding true feelings
nodded vigorously: eager
tilted her head to one side while listening:  extreme interest, possibly sexual interest
Mouth And Jaw
a lackluster smile:  feigning cheerfulness
cigarette hung immobile in mouth: shock, lazy, uncaring, relaxed casualness
clinched his jaw at the sight:  angered, worried, surprised
curled her lips with icy contempt
expelled her breath in a whose:  relief, disappointment
gagged at the smell: disgust, distaste
gapped mouth stare:  surprised, shock, disbelief
gritted his teeth:  anger, irritation, holding back opinion
inhaled a sharp breath:  surprise, shock, fear, horror
licked her lips:  nervous, sexual attraction
lips primed: affronted, upset, insulted
lips pursed for a juicy kiss
lips pursed like she’d been chewing a lemon rind: dislike, angry, irritated, sarcasm
lips screwed into: irritation, anger, grimace, scorn
lips set in a grim line: sorrow, worried, fear of the worst
pursed her lips:  perturbed, waiting for a kiss
scarfed down the last biscuit:  physical hunger, greed
slack-mouthed:  total shock, disbelief
slow and sexy smile:  attraction, seductive, coy
smacked his lips: anticipation
smile congealed then melted into horror
smile dangled on the corner of his lips: cocky, sexy
smirked and tossed her hair over her shoulder:  conceit, sarcasm, over confident
sneered and flicked lint off his suit: sarcasm, conceit
spewed water and spit: shock
stuck out her tongue: humor, sarcasm, teasing, childish
toothy smile:  eagerness, hopeful
wary smile surfaced on her lips
nose wrinkled in distaste/at the aroma
nostrils flared:  anger, sexual attraction
nose in the air:  snooty, haughty
Face in General
crimson with fury
handed it over shame-faced
jutted his chin: confident, anger, forceful
managed a deadpan expression:  expressionless
muscles in her face tightened:  unsmiling, concealing emotions, anger, worried
rested his chin in his palm and looked thoughtful
rubbed a hand over his dark stubble:  thoughtful, ashamed of his appearance
screwed up her face:  anger, smiling, ready to cry, could almost be any emotion
sneered and flicked lint off his suit: conceit, derision, scorn
Arm and Hand
a vicious yank
arm curled around her waist, tugging her next to him:  possessive, pride, protective
bit her lip and glanced away:  shy, ashamed, insecure
brandished his fist:  anger, threatening, ready to fight, confident, show of pride
clamped his fingers into tender flesh:  anger, protective, wants to inflict pain
clenched his dirty little fists: stubborn, angry
clapped her hands on her hips, arms crooked like sugar bowel handles:  anger, demanding, disbelief
constantly twirled her hair and tucked it behind her ear:  attracted to the opposite sex, shy crossed his arms over his chest: waiting, impatient, putting a barrier
crushed the paper in his fist:  anger, surrender, discard
dived into the food: hunger, eager, greedy
doffed his hat:  polite gesture, mocking, teasing
doodled on the phone pad and tapped the air with her foot:  bored, inattention, introspection
drummed her fingers on the desk:  impatient, frustrated, bored
fanned her heated face with her hands: physically hot, embarrassed, indicating attraction
fiddled with his keys: nervous, bored
firm, palm to palm hand shake:  confident, honest
flipped him the bird: sarcastic discard
forked his fingers through his hair for the third time:  disquiet/consternation, worry, thoughtful
handed it over shame-faced:  guilt, shame
held his crotch and danced a frantic jig:  physical need to relieve himself
limp hand shake:  lack of confidence, lack of enthusiasm
propped his elbow on his knee: relaxed, thoughtful
punched her pillow:  restless, can’t sleep, angry
rested his chin in his palm:  thoughful, worried
scratched his hairy belly and yawned:  indolent, bored, lazy, relaxed, just waking
shoulders lifted in a shrug:  doubtful, careless discard
slapped his face in front of God and country:  enraged, affronted/insulted
snapped a sharp salute:  respect, sarcastic gesture meaning the opposite of respect
snapped his fingers, expecting service:  arrogant, lack of respect, self-centered
sneered and flicked lint off his suit
spread her arms wide: welcoming,  joy, love
stabbed at the food: anger, hunger, determined
stood straighter and smoothed his tie:  sudden interest, possible sexual interest
stuffed his hands in his pockets: self-conscious, throwing up a barrier
sweaty handshake:  nervous, fearful
touched his arm several times while explaining:  sign of attraction, flattery, possessive
wide sweep of his arms:  welcoming, all inclusive gesture, horror
Sitting or Rising
collapsed in a stupor:  exhausted, drunk, drugged, disbelief
enthroned himself at the desk:  conceit, pronouncing or taking ownership
exploded out of the chair:  shock, eager, anger, supreme joy
roosted on the porch rail like a cock on a hen house roof:  claiming ownership, conceit, content
sat, squaring an ankle over one knee:  relaxed and open
slouched/wilted in a chair and paid languid attention to:  drowsy, lazy, depressed, disinterest, sad, totally relaxed, disrespectful
squirmed in his chair: ill at ease, nervous, needs the bathroom
flung himself into the bed: sad, depressed, exhausted, happy
prostrated himself: surrender, desperate, miserable, powerless, obsequious, fawning, flattering
punched her pillow:  can’t sleep, anger, frustrated
threw himself on the floor kicking and screaming: tantrum
Entire body and General
body stiffened at the remark:  offended, anger, alerted
body swayed to music:  dreamy, fond memories, enjoys the music
bounced in the car seat, pointing:  excitement, fear, eager
cowered behind his brother:  fear, shyness, coward, desperate
curled into a ball:  sorrow, fear, sleepy, defensive
heart galloping:  anxiety, joy, eager
held his crotch and danced a frantic jig
humped over his cane, each step shaking and careful: pain, aged
inhaled a deep breath and blew out slowly: buying time to find words/thoughtful, reconciled
quick and jerky like rusty cogs on a wheel:  unsure of actions, self-conscious, tense, edgy
rocked back and forth on his heels:  impatient, cocky, gleeful
manhandled the woman into a corner:  bully, anger
slumped shoulders: defeat, depressed, sad, surrender
stiff-backed:  priggish, haughty, affronted
stood straighter and straightened his tie:  sexual interest, wants to make an impression
stooped and bent: aged, arthritic, in pain
stretched extravagantly and yawned:  tired, bored, unconcerned
sweating uncontrollably: nervous, fear, guilt
tall erect posture:  confidence, military bearing
was panting now at:  afraid, exhausted, out of breath, sexual excitement
-Sharla Rae
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spacebiotics · 3 years ago
i’ll probably migrate towards being a blog more for my writing in general and any other related posts i see on my dash i’ll have to see if i can properly introduce my OCs in the near future 
i’m not entirely sure what to do with this blog? i’m not really in the dbh fandom anymore (i’m not saying never, because you never know, but) so i’m not sure whether to change this into a general writing blog? like reblogging writing tips and things i come across on my dash? would people be interested in that? in seeing more of my original works for my ocs? works for other fandoms if i post them?
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
i’m not entirely sure what to do with this blog? i’m not really in the dbh fandom anymore (i’m not saying never, because you never know, but) so i’m not sure whether to change this into a general writing blog? like reblogging writing tips and things i come across on my dash? would people be interested in that? in seeing more of my original works for my ocs? works for other fandoms if i post them?
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
Here is the alt. ending for Bloodlines for @anne-fxx and for anyone else who is interested! Just keep in mind the general TW for how Neil was; abusive, manipulative, as it is told from Neil’s POV here. Also it hasn’t been beta-read, tweaked, improved or checked for mistakes/spelling in any way as it ultimately wasn’t used and I went for the “Gavin lives” ending instead! Hope you enjoy if you read!
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
I ADORE YOUR FANFICS SO MUCH. I usually don't read the notes and those things (I know i should) but yours I just have to do it. Your bloodlines fic was one of the first I read I love it, the way Neil plays Gavin and how he almost felt... is just perfect. But what's the alt. ending about??
Oh gosh, thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
The alt. ending to Bloodlines was essentially Gavin dying and it from Neil’s POV as he attends the funeral. He still has Nines under his control and it was also hinted that Fowler was in Neil’s pocket as well. I might still have it saved as a doc because I wrote them both up and decided. If you’re interested, I might share the doc here!
Thank you for reading and your ask!
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
After conferring, me and @mechabones have decided to orphan Woken Furies, our G9 fic that we were working on and posting to AO3 together. It will remain uncompleted, but the chapters that were released will remain up for anyone to read, we will just no longer be associated with the fic.
If anyone wishes to perhaps continue the fic or recycle and revamp the ideas and themes that are already there, you are more than welcome!
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
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What You Wanted - my Frank Castle fic is now up on AO3!
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
My intention isn’t to BOSS people around. But people who don’t create on tumblr really have to understand that if creators stop posting here, you won’t have anything else to like but maybe memes. If you want content to circle around to your dashboard… you have to pay it forward and reblog. That is why this website is dying. The Ban is not the only reason.
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
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“I raise my flag, dye my clothes
It’s a revolution I suppose 
We’re painted red to fit right in
I’m breaking in, shaping up…”
#dbh #connor #rk800 #DetroitBecomeHuman
Commission for amazing and very patient @PieceOfCheese4 hundred hearts to you dear!
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
Tagged by @mechabones thanks for the tag! Favourite Color: oh, i got lots? uh, anything blue, pink or purple? 
Currently Reading: not currently reading anything at the moment (i suppose i could count your shinso fic, bones!) but outside of that, the last thing i read was this punisher (& daredevil) fic that got frank’s characterisation super spot on
Last Song: fly with me by yung bae (very 80s, pop, j-poppy) link if anyone wants to listen!
Last Movie: goddd, it was so long ago? i think it was one of the MHA movies 
Last Series: the punisher netflix series (sorry not sorry for my main blog spam)
Tea or Coffee: i like both, but if i had to pick one, coffee!
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy: sweet and spicy!
Craving: sleep, work gets me
Currently Working on: lots of OC writing (some of which should be on my blog and is more than welcome to be read!), but currently i am also writing a frank castle/punisher fic that i’m hoping to put up on AO3! 
Tagging: (definitely no obligation!) but @technohumanlation @quilty-kelloggs @headfulloffantasy
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spacebiotics · 4 years ago
In light of the recent PostPlus nonsense tumblr is trying to pull, here's a reminder that monetization of fanfiction can lead you to legal trouble. On Ao3 it's against the TOS to even mention any money-sending site at all because of the conditonal protection they offer.
Putting your entire fanfiction blog behind a paywall is like pointing a neon sign saying "please sue me". I bring this up specifically because tumblr mentioned fanfiction in the post that they made and that is going to leave a lot of people misinformed.
Remember: Do NOT paywall your fanworks.
And rest assured, my blog will never be pay-to-read, even if this weren't a fanfiction blog. I think the whole thing is ridiculous.
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