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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Quarantine effect on metal patient
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Quarantine effect most of people who already experience anxiety disorders . Scientists tell people in times like these is especially with social distance seems to be creative . The best way to remain engage with people in their lives right so. If you’re at home because schools are closed or you’re working from home .
Now people can easily do things like video calling your family members make sure that you’re checking in in a very intentional way. You know also check on your neighbors doing things to remain engaged and not really overdoing it. During social distancing you don’t have to completely avoid anyone obviously unless you are quarantined.
We always aware about isolation can make one feel even more depressed anxious . The continue to have those thoughts that are really hard to get out of loop once. If you started about thought when it comes to your set up at home . It will destroy your comfort environment. This how quarantine effect on metal and health person.
Quarantine impact on Kids
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so you know now that we’re kind of going into spring at least here in India one of the great things. During this time you can absolutely like in Gabe get that sunlight coming into your home .You know try to do things to really get that get you know change the environment in a way that you can feel .
Quarantine effect on parents and kids mind. So many parents wondering how do I talk to my kids about this. so I think it’s important to not eon towards trying to give them false hope right it’s important to just be honest about what’s happening .
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Origin of Hurricane Storm
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The collision of warm and cold air often results in large rotating weather systems known as cyclones. Low-pressure zones can lead to days of cloudy weather and precipitation. When such systems develop over warm ocean water, typically between 5° and 25° above the Equator. They can produce massive storms known as hurricanes, tropical cyclones, and typhoons. These three types of the storm are the same defined by a[wind speed in excess of 74 miles per hour.
But they occur in different parts of the world: The storm is called a hurricane if it develops over the Atlantic or the eastern Pacific Ocean. If it develops over the Bay of Bengal or the Indian Ocean is called a cyclone. If it develops over the western Pacific is called a typhoon. Strong and deadly, these storms are dangerous not just for their winds, which can range in excess of 150 miles per hour. They also for the massive amounts of water they dump from the sky and push inland through a storm wall of ocean water.
Storm Effect
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On September 8, 1900, between 6.000 and 8,000 people drowned in Galveston. when a 20-foot storm surge flooded the town in the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history. In Asia, individual typhoons have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives-including a storm in 1970. Bangladesh killed 300,000 with an estimated 30-foot surge of water. Hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons form as winds from different directions meet over the ocean. Warmed by the ocean, moisture-laden, low-pressure air begins to rise.
As cooler air rushes in, it is also warmed and hydrated. it begins moving upward. Typically, this air movement leads to little more than thunderstorms. sometimes the system will organize itself and begin to spin, gathering force as it moves across warm water. Now the system is classified as a tropical depression. It’s extremely low pressure When its winds reach 39 miles per hour. It becomes classified as a tropical storm. At 74 miles per hour, it is reclassified as a hurricane or other serious storm.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
History of Spaceflight Lunch
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centuries of scientific breakthroughs-from Chinese rockets to Newtonian physics- laid the groundwork for 20th-century spaceflight. Serious impetus took hold in mid-century and played out actively amid Cold War politics, as the Soviet Union and the United States staged a game of orbital one-upmanship, sending satellites and humans into space.
Since the end of the Cold War, international cooperation has largely replaced competition. It has become common for countries to pool re- sources and share technology. Even the most advanced methods of spaceflight continue to conform to the basic principles that Newton laid out nearly 400 years ago, however.
Every voyage into space, whether manned or unmanned, obeys the law of gravity. Rocketry forms the backbone of space exploration, and New- ton’s third law of motion governs the principle behind the rocket: The action is the high-speed escape of gas through the rocket’s nozzle, and the reaction is the forward movement of the rocket.
In 1957 a Soviet Spaceflight Lunch the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, into space. The United States responded with Explorer I the following year. Once satellites were successful, it was only a short wait until the first manned flight into space took place. Various animals, from mice to dogs to a chimp, were enlisted for preliminary tests. Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin edged out American astronauts with his pathbreaking launch in I961. Inaugurating the Apollo program in 1961, the United States took the lead in the moon race in 1969, landing Apollo 11 there on July 20. The U.S. remains the sole nation to have accomplished manned extraterrestrial landings.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
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Origin of Light
Solar energy results from nuclear fusion in the sun’s core, which creates an enormous, continuous flow of radiant energy that travels through- out the solar system. The energy that reaches us from all the stars twinkling in our galaxy can- not compare with what we receive from the sun, the only significant source of energy for Earth’s atmosphere.
This radiant energy released in the form of electromagnetic waves, which travel unimpeded from the sun in straight lines at the speed of light-186,000 miles a second. Although the intensity of the energy diminishes as it travels the 93 million miles from the sun to Earth’s
outer atmosphere, the amount of energy received by Earth from the sun in ten seconds still is equivalent to all the electricity generated on the planet in one week. Electromagnetic waves vary in length, which is measured as the distance between the crests of waves
Different types of Light
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All the types of these waves together constitute the electromagnetic spectrum, which ranges from extremely short ultraviolet waves to very long radio waves. Visible light, which occupies a narrow band of that spectrum, comprises colors that vary in wavelength from short to long.
Shorter wavelengths scatter more effectively in the atmosphere, which is why the sky is blue-a color with a relatively short wavelength-on a sunny day. At dawn and dusk, light must pass through more atmosphere, allowing the longer orange and red light waves to predominate over the widely scattered blue waves.
The multicolored arc of a rainbow is produced by sunlight striking raindrops beneath a rain cloud. Light refracts-bends-when it passes through drops of water. Each color of light refracts at a different angle: Violet bends more than blue, which bends more than green, and so on, with red refracting the least. If sunlight enters a raindrop at just the proper angle, it refracts, and its many colors spread into a visible array.
Sunlight refracted through millions of raindrops forms a rainbow. On a primary rainbow, red is the outside color and violet the inside color. Occasionally a secondary rain- bow appears slightly higher in the sky, and in it the colors of the rainbow are reversed (opposite). A rainbow’s position in the sky depends on the sun’s altitude above the horizon-the lower the sun, the higher the rainbow appears.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Introduction about Weather
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knowing the weather in advance is an obvious benefit-for farmers wondering about rainfall. Weather also helps sailors wondering about navigation. In modern times, pilots and passengers wondering whether inclement weather may affect air travel. With data gathered from networks of balloons, satellites, and other equipment, meteorologists can create reasonable short-term predictions. They can monitor local conditions closely enough to give advance notice of when tornadoes, hailstorms, or other dangerous events are likely to occur.
Weather forecast tools
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The systematic analysis was not possible until the mid-19th century. Tools to measure basic variables like temperature and pressure were developed well before then. The development of the telegraph provided a missing link in the 1800s the ability to assemble data quickly from different geographic locations. At Washington’s Smithsonian Institution, Joseph Henry was preparing daily weather maps using telegraphed reports by 1849. Early meteorologists at the Cincinnati Observatory began preparing forecasts in 1869. Two years later the U.S. Army Signal Corps began the operation of the first network of national weather stations. In the 1930s radio had replaced the telegraph for communication. its observation balloons had replaced the naked eye for observation.
A global network of radiosonde balloons-so named for the observation equipment attached to them-were launched from different spots around the globe each day. The data feeding back about atmospheric conditions and allowing meteorologists to see what was happening at ever-higher heights. That system is in place today weather forecast system.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
3D printing is a manufacturing process that gives object tree dimensional from a digital file. The term 3D printing refers to a multiplies process. Objects are joined, deposited under mechanics to give beautiful structure to object.
Introduction of 3D printing
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In the not-too-distant future, common household mishaps-a broken coffee mug or a lost screw-won’t require a trip to the hardware store. you will just click the correct template on your home 3-D printer and manufacture a replacement your- self. The technology behind 3-D printing is moving fast. It may be among the next disruptive forces in fields from medicine to defense to manufacturing to home renovation. 3D printing is the process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It starts with a virtual design of the object to be printed-computer software can scan existing items or allow you to create a unique design.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Anicent roots of Monotheism
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Monotheism was found in Jerusalem. Judaism traces its origins to the biblical patriarch Abraham. They lived sometime between 2100 and 1500 B.C. The religious heart of Judaism lies in Jerusalem, in present-day Israel. Driven from the area by ancient Romans in the Diaspora of the first century the Jews dispersed throughout the world. Subject to frequent persecution over the centuries, as many as six million Jews were murdered during the 20th-century Holocaust.
In 1948, the state of Israel was established as a Jewish homeland. Today time large Jewish populations also exist in many major European and American cities. Christianity also part of Monotheism. Christianity evolved from Juda- ism with the teachings of Jesus. Jew born in Bethlehem about 2,000 years ago. The actual calendar date of his birth is elusive-somewhere between 6 B.C. and A.D. I. Jesus’ disciples believed he was the son of God and the promised messiah, or Christos in Greek, whose death and resurrection promise salvation to his followers. Christianity spread to Europe with the proselytizing of the Apostle Paul and other missionaries.
Rise of Monotheism
Monotheism belief rises through other missionaries and the conversion of Constantine. Roman emperor eventually spreading around the world with European missionaries during the later ages of exploration and empire. Christianity now has three major divisions are Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism.
Islam is the most recent of the religions originating in the Middle East. It evolved in reaction to the polytheistic beliefs of early inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula. By the sixth century A.D., Arabs were feeling the influences of three surrounding monotheistic religions-Judaism, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. Islam believes that this world was born the founder of Islam, the prophet Muhammad, around A.D. 570.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Plants are one of the most crucial living organisms on earth. They are helpful to man and animal for living on Earth. They produce oxygen that is crucial for the survival of living organisms. Trees provide shelter for animals and are also known for their medicinal benefits.
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Defination Of plants
Plants are multicellular organisms in the kingdom Plantae that use photosynthesis to make their own food. Most paleobotanists believe that land plants evolved about 430 million years ago from predominantly freshwater green algae. Living members of these groups seem more evolved today, so it is assumed that some of their traits were developed after they transitioned to land. Primitive Trees were simple structures that did not look like modern plants.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Scientist View on Black Holes and Wormholes
Scientists know there must be more out there than meets the eye because the unseen substance has gravity and appears to be holding together the parts of the universe that we can see, galaxies in particular. Because the un-seen matter does not emit radiation. scientists call it dark matter. Believed to constitute about 95 per-cent of the universe’s total mass, dark matter and dark energy may comprise
unfathomable numbers of tiny sub- atomic particles. Candidates for dark matter include cold dark matter (CDM), sluggish elementary particles; weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPS), heavy hypothetical particles that rarely interact with other matter; and massive compact halo objects (MACHOS), known objects such as planets, neutron stars, and white dwarfs that are presumed to be in the halos of galaxies.
About Black Holes:
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A black hole forms when a large, dying star collapses. The gravity created by this condensing matter completely overpowers any outward forces, including light. Although a black hole emits no light, its presence is detectable by radio astronomy equipment. Its extremely strong gravitational pull
sucks gas and dust toward itself, forming a whirling accretion disk around the hole. The disk heats any matter that crosses it, emitting x-rays (opposite).
Appropriately enough, British theoretical physicist Stephen W. Hawking (b. 1942) was born on the 300th anniversary of the death of Galileo. Since 1979 Hawking has held the chair in mathematics at Cambridge University once held by Isaac Newton, Hawking studies basic questions of the origins, nature, and future of the universe, and he seeks a unified theory able to reconcile Einstein’s general theory of relativity and quantum theory. Early in his career, at age 21, Hawking was struck with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)a degenerative neuromuscular disorder commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Despite his ALS, he remains vitally invested in his work, sharing ideas with scientists and the public through books, on the Internet, and on television.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
The International Space Station (ISS) is a global collaboration in space engineering. Its Technology and the largest scientific cooperative program in history. Canada, Japan, Russia, the United States, and || European nations represent the core partnership at the heart of the
operation. Involvement and interest come from other countries of the world as well. The International Space Station was first launched in 1998 and has been in operation ever since. It represents the first permanent human presence space. Powered by an array of solar photovoltaic cells spread like wings on a
truss structure above the vessel, ISS is made up of a series of cylindrical cabins for work and habitation. Additional modules are launched and connected with each new mission. Not only do the men and women living in the space station manage many different ongoing experiments. They are themselves experimental subjects. They learn how to conduct life and work in the weightless environment of an orbiting spacecraft.
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Considering all the potential dangers, manned spaceflight has been a remarkably safe undertaking. Those who have died on space missions (4.1 percent of American astronauts, 0.9 of Russian cosmonauts) have become heroes. Although it occurred during a training procedure, the 1967 loss of the three-member Apollo I crew. Lost of the crew had a great impact on the United States. No one who witnessed the launch of the space shuttle Challenger on January 28, 1986, will forget the horror of the explosion. IT occurred 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven crew members, including New Hampshire schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe. And on February I, 2003, the entire crew of the space shuttle Columbia perished over the southwestern United States.
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“Phoenix is now on the surface of Mars, much to the joy of everyone here in Mission Control,” wrote NASA blogger Brent Shockley on May 25, 2008. “As icing on the cake,” he said, “we’ve landed nearly perfectly level.” After nearly ten months of travel, the exploratory spacecraft landed on the planet’s north pole, a destination determined by NASA’s overall strategy to “follow the water” on Mars. The mission will allow scientists to study materials dug from regions of high ice content on the planet’s surface. Two further objectives are to study the history of water in the Martian arctic plain. search for evidence of a habitable zone. Phoenix will also aid in NASA’s long-term goals: determining whether any form of life has arisen on Mars, characterizing Mars’s climate and geology, and preparing for human exploration.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
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We live on this planet but we don’t know about the entire universe. We don’t know how this universe creates. Some 15 billion years ago this universe appeared from a hot energy ball. Later this ball cold and create life on this planet
galaxies race away from each other, they move not through but with space, for space itself is expanding. The image often used is a loaf of raisin bread. As the dough rises, the raisins (representing objects in space, such as galaxies) move away from each other- and so does the dough they rest in. Expansion is a property of the universe as a whole and not just of galaxies.
Discovery of the Universe
Edwin Hubble first discovered that the universe is expanding in 1929. In the decades since then, astronomers have turned their attention to the implications of this finding. It countered pre- vailing ideas about the future of the universe, presumed to be a slowing
down due to the pull of gravity from its matter, which would result finally in a collapse that some termed the “big crunch.’ With Hubble’s findings, astronomers had to grapple with the implications of a universe that is not only
expanding but accelerating as it goes. Many astronomers believe the acceleration tied to dark energy, a type of antigravity force radiating from deep space. The nature of dark energy, about which we know very little, might determine the fate of the universe. If stable, the universe’s dark energy might continue to expand and accelerate forever. If it is unstable, the universe could ultimately be pulled apart in a scenario dubbed the “big rip.” If dark energy has the capacity to change, it could gradually decelerate and become an attractive force that contracts the planet in an implosion like a big crunch.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Outer Planet is a kind of planet in our solar system. Outer planets are beyond the asteroid belt. The planets that orbit the sun on the other side of the asteroid belt are called the outer planet. Four of them-Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune-are are also known as Outer Planet. The outer planet also called gas giant.
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Some information about Jupiter Outer Planet
Jupiter is the innermost planet among the gas giants. Jupiter is larger than all the other planets in our solar system. This giant planet gave a name according to the premier Roman god. Jupiter can almost be likened to a sun at the center of its own miniature solar system. Much about the planet remains powerful space-based telescopes can- not see its surface. It surface cannot see because of obscured a mystery.
Some interesting fact about Saturn outer planet
Saturn is the most distant planet visible to the naked eye. It is noted for its brilliant rings-the remains of the torn-apart moon. Saturn asteroid-which shines more brightly than the planet itself. Composed mostly of hydrogen and helium gas. Saturn has such a low density that it would float like a cork if dropped into water.
Some relevant information about Uranus and Neptune
Uranus gets its blue-green glow from methane gas in its atmosphere. It is composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. Its axis is uniquely tilted at 98″ possibly the result of a collision with an immense object. Its rings tilt sideways as well.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Asteroids and Meteors are part of our system. Asteroids and Meteors are leftovers from the formation of our solar system 4.6 billion years ago. All Asteroids, comets, and meteors are forms of interplanetary debris-rocky and icy fragments left from the formation of the solar system. They usually travel at a great distance from Earth, but we see them, even with the naked eye, when they near our planet.
Origin of Asteroids and Meteors
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Millions of asteroids orbit the sun, usually in a belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. A few brush past the planet Earth. Generally larger than comets and meteors, asteroids are chunks of rock and metal that can range from 100 yards to almost 600 miles in width. Comets sometimes likened to big, dirty snowballs, are made of rock, ice, dust, carbon dioxide, methane, and other gases. They originate
in the Kuiper belt. As comets journey toward the sun, they begin to de-frost. Solar heat vaporizes ice, which forms a halo of gas and dust, called a coma, around the comet’s nucleus. Approaching Mars, comets may form tails, some hundreds of millions of miles long. Meteors, more commonly seen from Earth than asteroids or comets, are known to most as shooting stars, but they are actually not stars at all.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
Human migration is a kind of movement. This movement made by people from one place to another place. People do migration with intention of permanent settlement or temporary settlement in a new country.
History of Human Migration
Human Migration starts about 60,000 years ago. A second great wave of migration took humans-now anatomically the modern species Homo sapiens-out of Africa. Within 10,000 years, they had made their way across thousands of miles to Australia. They were crossing land bridges exposed by the lower sea levels of the glacial Pleistocene. By 40,000 years ago, another wave of migrants had ventured into the Middle East and Near East. 30,000 years ago some of these hunters had followed antelopes and mammoths across the steppes into northern Asia and Europe. As hunters spread through Siberia between 20,000 and 10,000 years ago, older groups began to develop more advanced cultures. Residents domesticated plants and began trading with shells and obsidian in the Middle East, shaped pottery in Japan. They painted clothed human figures on rocks in Australia.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
How human evolution rise?
They were (and we still are) primates. Descended from a group of apes. Primates also gave rise to gorillas and chimpanzees. Around 4 million years ago, something in the environment led the first hominids to leave the trees and walk upright, marking the official transition to human status. These early with an ape’s and their hands featured long, flexible thumbs. This how human evolution rise.
The most famous fossil member of these early humans is the Australopithecus afarensis. They have known fondly as “Lucy,” whose partial skeleton was discovered in 1974. Her species, which lived in eastern Africa between 3 and 4 million years ago, is one leading candidate for being a direct ancestor of Homo sapiens. Australopiths died out about .2 million years ago. By that time, their descendants, a new kind of hominid, were already roaming Africa.
Origin of Human
The genus Homo, which came into existence roughly 2.3 to 2.5 million years ago. This marked by a distinct increase in brain size. By 1.9 million years ago, these humans had tall skeletons like those of today’s Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens skulls still featured sloping foreheads. Homo sapiens have heavy jaws. Late species of Homo also demonstrated another similarity to modern humans. The desire to èxplore new lands. Starting around 1.8 million years ago. The first great wave of human migration occurred when adventurous members of Homo erectus trekked out of Africa. This happened in Europe and Asia. However, these hominids eventually died out. They were not the direct ancestors of today’s humans. That honor falls to the first members of our own genus, Homo sapiens, who appeared in East Africa about 200,000 years ago.
study of human DNA has in-creased our knowledge of human origins and migration. Although virtually all of our DNA recombined with every generation. The two parts of the genome remain mostly unshuffled. The Y chromosome passed down virtually unchanged from father to son. DNA in the
cell’s mitochondria on the other hand passed down only from mothers to children. Very rarely, but at a steady rate over time, a harmless mutation will occur in the DNA. This genetic marker will be carried through subsequent generations. Geneticists have traced the markers to the original pair of Homo sapiens ancestors, “Mitochondrial Eve” and “Y chromosome Adam,” two Africans who lived about 60,000 and 150,000 years ago, respectively.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
The basic concept of mechanics is that a force applied at one point can overcome friction, gravity, and other forms of resistance to produce motion at another.
This physical law has been long understood, and inventors de- vised machines in order to amplify the effect, allowing larger amounts of resistance to be overcome with less power.
History of Physical Science
Archimedes, a Greek mathematician, made early strides in understanding the mathematics underlying physics. Legend has it that while bathing he inspired by observing the displacement of water. His insights helped in hydraulics and in the basic principles of leverage as well.
He determined that the force needed to leverage an object declined with its distance from a fulcrum. In the 1500s Nicolaus Copernicus and, subsequently, Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler revolutionized humankind’s understanding of the planetary motion. Their work relied not just on astronomical observations. The experiments with moving bodies and an understanding of inertia and solar system and the rules regarding the effects of force over distance.
In 1665 Sir Isaac Newton began two decades of thought and experimentation that resulted in a set of universal laws of physical scienc Culminating with the 1687 publication of his Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Newton provided the mathematics of how objects, including the planets, move and interact-tools and concepts still vital to science and engineering today.
WHAT IS WORK in Physics?
 Scientists have refined Newton’s laws and their implications. All mechanics is fundamentally about motion. Closely related to all three of Newton’s laws of motion is the concept of work. To a scientist, work necessarily involves motion. Work is produced in a given body by an external force that is applied at least partly in the direction of movement. It is measured as a transfer of energy be- tween the objects. Thus work might involve compressing a gas, rotating a shaft. Work applying leverage, or count- less other movements or operations necessary in a society that depends on machines. Two other concepts critical to Newton’s laws of motion are force and inertia.
Force any action that has the ability to maintain, alter, or distort the motion of an object. Force has magnitude and direction. Inertia is a property inherent in a body by which it opposes any impulse to begin or change in movement. A NEWTONIAN DEFINITION of work, given in terms of force and inertia, applies to many realms of the physical world-including the efforts of this 1943 prison work crew.
FUN FACT-Archimedean screw: Spiral-shaped pipe that raises water when rotated, attributed to Archimedes and used by Romans for water management. /Newton: Named for Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727), The unit of force necessary to provide a mass of one kilogram with an acceleration of one meter per second.
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souvik5002 · 4 years ago
If you want to know all information about TERRESTRIAL PLANETS. At first, you should know about Terrestrial it refers to Planet. It is like our Earth. It is made up of rock. The word Terrestrial came from the Latin word “terra” which means Earth. Terrestrial Planets have similarities with our Earth.
Description of Terrestrial Planets
The first four planets nearest the sun known as the terrestrial planets because of their Earthlike characteristics, especially their rocky composition. Each of the four terrestrial planets-Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars-has distinctive features that set it apart from its neighbours in the solar system.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury orbits the sun in only 88 Earth days. It revolves on its axis so slowly that one Mercurian day lasts 59 Earth days. It has a large iron core, suggesting that it lost most of its surface in an ancient collision.
Mercury appears to be shrinking still as its iron core grows cold. Venus has the densest atmosphere of any planet in the solar system and composed largely of clouds of carbon dioxide some 40 miles thick.
These clouds trap incoming sunlight, which heats the planet’s surface to 880°F day and night. No trace of water has been found on Venus’s surface. It shines luminously, making it the third brightest object in our sky after the sun and the moon. Earth has a unique blue-and-white appearance. 70 percent of its surface covered with water. its atmosphere filled with clouds rich in oxygen.
Some more information about Terrestrial Planets:
Both its optimum distance from the sun and the vapor-make Earth conducive to life. Earth’s terrain varies more than that of any other planet, and its lifeforms thrive on land and in water. Mars’s iron-rich soil gives it a reddish glow. Half the size of Earth, Mars is known for the oversize features of its terrain. Its Valles Mariner’s canyon stretches some 2,500 miles, equivalent to the distance from Los Angeles to New York City.
Its Olympus Mons volcano stands at least 15 miles high, more than twice the height of Mount Everest. Despite Mars’s inhospitable atmosphere, the United States still hopes to send a manned spacecraft to this,
Earth’s closest neighbor. Ceres, a dwarf planet, resides in the asteroid belt that orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter. About one-fourth the size of Earth’s moon, Ceres is the largest object. Belt of solar system leftover essence of water in three states-liquid, solid and vapors
The asteroid belt, located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. The asteroid belt is a wide belt of material orbiting the sun that contains perhaps millions of asteroids.
Ceres, an asteroid recently upgraded to a dwarf planet, is also found here. These asteroids are spread out over such a large swath of space that a spacecraft traveling through the belt would rarely encounter one.
They tend to collect in orbiting groups separated from one another by significant gaps, called Kirkwood gaps and which are caused by the gravitational pull of Jupiter. Jupiter’s gravity occasionally pulls an asteroid out of orbit and sends it hurtling to the sun. A rare asteroid veer out of the belt and rockets to Earth.
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