Belle of the Boulevard
55 posts
Georgia Belle Dunne Junior Student Sports Committee Member Cheer Team Member Sandwich King Part-timer Part of Harvest Academy
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
「 girl power 」
@minoriii @rosetti-stone
「 The weekends fast approached and with Halloween over, so were the different sales and promos that came along with it! There were a few stores that went out of their way to extend it for the weekends and that was all Georgia needed to know before asking a few friends out. Taking out her phone, she punched in a few keys and threw out an invite to two girls she’s been meaning to ask out for a nice day out. They certainly weren’t pigs, but who doesn’t love a discounted buffet?」
「 To Power Tough Girls: hey hey! are you both free? saturday lunch out in the city, y/y??? the promos just until this weekend! we HAVE to go! 」 
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
「 out of her league 」
「 Georgia caught a glimpse of what happened last renaissance faire and boooy was it juicy. She doesn’t usually pry, but Ash was one of her closest friends and he knew him since childhood! Back when he was still a stupid boy that knew nothing but talk about his sister and animals. In a way, he still is, but obviously he grew up enough to actually run around and smooching girls. First he crushes on the Freya Mae, and now he’s eyeing an actual popstar?! God... that boy did not know how to aim for girls within his league. 」  
「 But! Because she’s such a great friend, she wanted to at least help him out. The girl Georgia suspects Ash of liking was a cheerleader too, and it’s in these rare times that Georgia was able to use her position in her clubs to actually get friends instead of simply getting embarrassed by it. Now all she has to do is approach her...」   
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「 There down the hallway, Georgia saw Lanna walking by with a stash of books. The smaller girl looked like she could use a cart, or a helping hand... this was Georgia’s cue to get on her good side. “Lanna-- Lanna, right? Need help with those?” Georgia appeared out of nowhere and waved at her fellow cheerleader. She acted surprised at the sight of her and her books and offered to help, some of the books already being taken to relieve her. 」  
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
There’s that blushing expression again– soooo cute! Frey’s impression was right. She’s not the most honest of gals, but she’s really sweet and just needs a bit of help when it comes to breaking down her walls. Said wall happens to have a door, and thankfully when Frey knocked, Georgia opened the door for her.
“Sure thing! I don’t want to intrude if it’s not okay with them.” From what she remembers, she rooms with one of the cheer squad members, too. Laney was the friendlier of the two, and Frey likes to think they were pretty good friends. After all, she’s the one that recruited them both to the team, he he. “Laney’s your roommate, right?Can you ask her if she wants a smoothie, too? We can get her one!”
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It might hurt her wallet since she’d end up purchasing three smoothies, but treating her friends– and soon to be friends– was a small price to pay for some good ol bonding.  
「 Georgia doubted Laney would mind, but her other roommates might appreciate the peace and quiet. After all, their cheer captain was too full of cheer and having too much energy around can be exhausting! She has her ways to make people feel comfortable with her, “C-captain! You’re spendin' too much! I mean it’s not in my place but... you really don’t have to!” 」
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「 Wasn’t she a scholarship student? Georgia already felt embarrassed over being treated like this... thankfully, she didn’t have to make any excuses to convince her cheer captain to take it easy. “And Laney’s not at home anyway, so there’s no need.  Maybe we can just grab lunch together or whatever. We usually have packed lunch if Laney cooked extra. We can share!” 」
「 It wasn’t in her place to assure that, but Laney was too kind and too giving. She’d be thrilled at the thought of having people eat her food and Georgia was positive she’d agree to have lunch with their cheer captain, they seemed close anyway. And if she’s good in Laney’s book, then she is on hers, too. “Anyway... we should go. The sandwiches I made are good, ya know... so don’t waste it.” She began leading the way to exit the cafeteria, feet heading towards the dormitories. 」
「 order up 」
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
“That’s where you are mistaken, Georgia, I am the merest man you will ever find. It could be my superpower even. Mereman; Always being a little less than average.” It explained his grades and everything.
Kurt glanced at the paper she handed back, the horse stand wasn’t a particularly hard item to make, but he didn’t need her knowing that. This was the 3rd item this semester she asked him to make. He wasn’t taking commissions, especially for free. 
Crumbling the paper in his hands Kurt froze. Kurt
y? Goddess, she really wanted this damn horse. Pulling his bandanna lower to cover his eyes Kurt blinded himself from Georgia’s cute but horrid attempt at being cutesy.
“How about this, you try to make the stand and let me know how it goes.”
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「 “M-mereman?” There were multiple things that Kurt said that confused Georgia and she would have laughed at this silliness if she wasn’t too busy being confused and startled by the joke. She froze in time for a moment, mouth agape as she looked back at Kurt and his attempt to say no to her. Maybe Mereman’s secondary power was ice? Unlucky for him, she had a fire in her that was just itching to burst out. 」
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「 "Oh, fine! You know what I meant, Kurt! C’mon!!!!” Dropping the cutesy act that did not suit her at all, Georgia grabbed Kurt by the shoulders and began shaking him up while she ‘asked’ for that stand. “Name your price, Whelan. There’s gotta be somethin’ you want. I’ll... I’ll..,”」
「 What can I offer? Money would be her last resort and her expertise were more on sports. As for the academics... well, there’s a reason she bugs Cam to do her homework, although if she tried, she can definitely use that as an incentive, too. “I’ll do somethin’. Name it! Just please make that phone stand for me?” 」
「 heavy hints 」
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
⌜ *:*:âœŒâœż – Georgia suddenly rising only makes Laney laugh more. She really must learn how to control that embarrassment of hers! Otherwise when they graduate and set off to college, even more people will discover and exploit her weakness. “ He he
 okay! I think I still have some snacks here we can take back to the dorm. ” ⌟  
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⌜ *:*:âœŒâœż – She takes Georgia’s hand and rises up, too. It was a short 1 hour nap, but it’s enough to shake off her exhaustion and truly prepare herself for some actual studying. Even the most diligent of students need to take a break but now it’s time to get serious. With Georgia by her side, Laney heads back to their dorms with their study materials ready. This was going to be a long night to make up for their slack time.  Note to self: no more dozing off!  ⌟  
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*:*:âœŒâœż almost sisters ✿ ✌:*:*
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
「 queen of the hill 」
「 After winning not just the group contest at the renaissance faire but the costume contest too, Georgia felt like a true queen during that short escape from the school. Her costume was all thanks to her roommates and if she pushed it a little more, Kurt’s gift-- the pendant-- was like a good luck charm! Gratitude to both him and Laney were due, plus along with their guardians and other friends, they had a buffet to go to!」
「 That night, Georgia folded her costume neatly and stored it in a small box along with the souvenirs she got from the faire. Tokens from the games, trinkets she bought with her savings, and last but not least, a crown to mark her personal victory. She planned to take a quick selfie while wearing it, but the door of her room opens and she finds herself quickly stashing the crown and shoving it under a chair. 」
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「 Ahh! How embarrassing... maybe she’ll take that selfie another time...」 
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
Renaissance Faire Games Masterlist
If you are listed below for participating in any of the renaissance faire games, you may reblog this post to count as activity. 
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
「 Activity Check 10/21 : ✓」
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
Kurt wasn’t getting out of wearing a costume, that was painfully obvious. And while the girl’s looked good in theirs there was no way he was walking around with them when they had on shitty costume jewellery. When they weren’t looking, he eye’d over the several pieces of plastic they had on.
The head accessories weren’t bad.. but Georgia’s necklace and Laney’s bracelet needed work. Heading back into his room grumbling, he searched around his ‘tool box’ for some old pieces. Once he found good matches to their looks, he put one in each hand and returned to the girls.
Holding out a closed fist to each girl he grunted. “Presents. Now take it before my arms fall off.” 
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「 If Georgia wasn’t pumped up enough earlier when she finished putting on her costume, she sure was now. She didn’t expect Kurt of all people to give presents, especially for the faire. Just earlier they forced him to have a costume, too! How the tides have changed... “Awww, aren’t cha sweet?”」
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「Georgia wore the necklace immediately and admired the moon shaped pendant. It was gorgeous! Too gorgeous... a part of her felt like she didn’t deserve wearing something so pretty, but his dormmate-- no, friend... went to the trouble of giving this to her so there was no room for those kind of thoughts. “Woah! This really completes the outfit!” She gave him a grateful smile and even if they both weren’t the affectionate type, she threw her arms around him for an appreciative hug. “Thanks Kurt~”」 
RenFaire "Adjustments"| Closed
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
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「 “I think i’m all set
!” Looking back on her reflection, Georgia is pretty satisfied with her look for the renaissance faire. While not the most princess-y of gals in the academy, she agreed to match maiden outfits with Laney. The one she chose for herself wasn’t too restricting and she can still freely move even if she had a dress on! The sleeves were too weird for her taste, but this was the lesser evil among her other choices. “Alright, this should work!” She pumped herself up and put on her boots. Renaissance faire, here I come! 」
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
So they were playing that game, he rolled his eyes as he heard her get off the couch and approach both him and the picture. “It’s a majestic piece of art.” He replied in a voice he imagine a snotty art gallery owner would have. Taking the picture of the door to study more closely. He took the elbow to the side with grace and continued his act.
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“Note the fine lines and the fiery disposition that you get from this piece. Not possible for any mere man to make.” Kurt clicked his tongue, “If only I was masterful enough for something like this. Georgia please take this away.” He placed the paper in her hand. “It hurts my soul.”
「 T-trickery! Kurt was always a silent guy and if they played their cards right, he’d submit to most of their orders... sometimes he even gave off the impression that he’s afraid of his three female roommates. That Kurt was no where to be found, and Georgia was seeing a whole new side to him: and it was foiling her plans to get free items! "B-but! You’re not just any mere man, aren’t ya Kurt?”」 
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「 She returned the paper to him and tried hard to be sweet. Laney and Lyla can probably pull it off so easily... Georgia on the other hand is so unnaturally stiff.. Guh... “I really think you can do it, Kurt..y.” Oh my God. Where did that even come from?! “Please believe in yourself more. You’ll never know until you give it a shot, ya know!” 」 
「 heavy hints 」
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
⌜ *:*:âœŒâœż – “ We did
 it’s been an
 ” A quick check to her wrist watch tells Laney just how long they slacked off. As much as she likes napping, even she knew they really over did it this time. “ A-an hour? Oh no. ” Her panic over the matter only increases as Georgia blames her, and her half-asleep brain fails to understand she was just joking. “ But I wasn’t the only one who overslept
 ” ⌟
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⌜ *:*:âœŒâœż – Laney’s sleepy brain thought Georgia was actually mad. She can be a bit like her dad sometimes and nag her
 but when she turns around with a wide grin, it became clear to Laney that she was assuming wrong. She’s teasing her again! “ What happened to your countdown, hm? ” A soft giggle escapes Laney as she teases the redhead back, their foreheads bumping a little. “ We should seriously get up
 maybe we should study back at the dorm. You know, with an actual desk. ” ⌟    
「 ”Hey, I wasn’t the one who wanted to rest. You should have at least put on an alarm or somethin’!” Georgia is quick to defend herself, but when Laney retorts and starts giggling, something inside the redhead broke. Aaaaah, teasing is not her strong point... She never should have initiated if she can’t push through. Cheeks now flushed red, the butterflies at the pit of her stomach getting wilder, Georgia is left staring back at Laney full of struggle. She’s so darn cute!!! 」  
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「 "Y-yeah! Let’s go back to the dorm, so we can study, ha... yeah.” The redhead immediately stands up and dusts her back. That completely woke her up and she has to play it cool now if she doesn’t want to become a stuttering mess that can’t even form a complete sentence. Snap out of it, Georgia! “If we stay here longer, you might end up trying to sleep again. So...” She offered her a hand with a shy smile on, at least. It doesn’t really matter if she gets all flustered and shy like this. Laney has been with her for far too long, she’s probably used to all of her quirks by now. “...let’s go?” 」     
*:*:âœŒâœż almost sisters ✿ ✌:*:*
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
     Lifesaver might have been exaggerated title, but Cam enjoyed being useful one way or another. It came with free food and favors, so that’s a plus. “Just remember it’s not for free.” Nothing will ever be free.
     He hoped she’d feel grateful enough to spoil him with food today, but as soon as he heard she planned to take him to eat at Sandwich King, he knew she was being a cheapskate again. “Sandwich again? Shouldn’t the one being paid with food have a say so in where he eats?” Looking up from his face down position, an evident frown on his face. She caught on with his hunger, so there’s no point in lying
 “I might have skipped
 it’s why i’m asking.”
     Georgia was too considerate to let him starve through their morning classes so he knew she’d give in and agree. He already had a snack in mind that they could back from the snack counter. But once he saw her going through her bag, he realized he was getting too ahead of himself and he might not even get a chance to get out of the classroom at all. She brought food along.
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     “A bread bowl?” He fixed his posture and sat up, bread already being taken. It looked good, admittedly, so he did not hesitate to take a big bite at once. The egg almost dripped and he had to use both hands to eat, careful not to let any fall on his desk or the floor. It’s really good?!
 is actually good..” Offending her wasn’t his intention, it just came to him as a surprise she prepared something so tasty this early in the morning. It was either she practiced to cook this so much in the past, or: “Did you get Laney to help?”
「 “What’s wrong with eating there? I work part-time there but I’m not complainin’.” Georgia did not want to spend extra money for food when she can easily get discounted ones. Cam was a logical person, he should understand that. Then again, it’s probably because he is logical that he knows she’s just being cheap... “Fine then, you choose! But nothing too expensive, okay?! And stop skipping breakfast, geez!” 」    
「 Once she showed him the bread bowl and he didn’t hesitate to take one, Georgia admittedly felt a little excited at how he eagerly took one. She’s working hard to improve on her cooking with Laney! By the time she goes back to their hometown, she plans to cook for her dad and show him how much she’s grown and become more womanly. Since Cam was an honest critic, she hoped to get good feed back from him. 」    
「 “Uh huh, a bread bowl! Try it, go on!” Unlike her expectation, Cam didn’t give her feedback but instead questioned her. Slowly, Georgia closed the container, obviously dumbfounded at Cam’s reaction. He could have at least thanked her! Or say it’s good without sounding like a total asshole, ugh!!! 」    
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「 “...are you trying to be annoying on purpose or you’re just that angry, huh?!” She tried to remain calm, she really did. At first she simply twitched at his implication that she never could have made this by her own. Laney did help her, of course! They always cook together and she gives great pointers. But it doesn’t mean she can’t do amazing things on her own! Here she was trying to be nice to him and this is the kind of treatment she gets? Aww hell no. 」 
「 She turned her head around to the opposite and crossed her arms, too annoyed to face him right now. “Laney did in fact help but she didn’t do all the work! Hmp.” There goes her appetite to eat that other bread bowl. Good thing classes were about to start soon so she can completely ignore him without fail. 」       
â†Ș equivalent exchange
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
「 Activity Check 10/7 : ✓」
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
Opening the door to the dorm, Kurt knew right away something was wrong. Georgia was quiet, too quiet, and by a quick glance as he took off his coat, he was pretty sure the book she was ‘reading’ was upside down. Ditching his coat on a hook by the door, he cautiously made his way into the living area half expecting Lyla or Laney to jump out at him. He never knew what these girls would do and that scared him, a lot.
When he wasn’t  covered in sparkles and silly string as he passed the corner, he started to relax, but the new decor did catch his eye. Someone posted the same picture of a phone stand all over the room, there was even one taped to the television.
He squinted at the one on the door to his room. “Is this another internet meme I don’t understand?”
「 Georgia waited patiently for Kurt to say something, anything. He’d have to be blind not to notice any of the numerous pictures she posted in their dormitory! Her eyes were glued at his back instead of the book she was reading, so when he finally notices, a wide grin easily spreads on her face."I don’t meme, Kurt. What kinda question is that?” 」
「 She stands right up, abandoned her book on the couch and walks to him as if she has no clue what he was looking at. Note that Georgia is not an actress nor is she a good liar. “Oooh, what’s that you got there? Looks like something really cool.” Her voice was too high-pitch and too unnatural, but she’s winging it. She elbows him on the side as she pretends to carefully analyze the picture, "I think that’d be cool thing to make. Whatchathink?” 」
「 heavy hints 」
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southernbluebelle-blog · 7 years ago
「 heavy hints 」
「 Georgia was surrounded by talent in her dorm. There was Laney with cooking, Lyla with flowers, and Kurt with wood. While browsing the internet today in her free time, she changed upon a neat wooden stand for phones. It looked so cute! She’s not talented at woodwork herself, but Kurt was... she just has to find a way for him to make it for her. 」
「 Right after classes and extra curricular activities, Georgia printed out a bunch of pictures showing the cute horse phone stand. Then, she scattered it around their dorm in the hopes of Kurt seeing it and taking the hint. By the time he comes back to the dorm, Georgia was casually sitting by the couch in the living room, pretending to read. “Welcome hooome.” She called out with a lazy wave and acted as if it was just like any other day. 」
「 With the amount of pictures she laid out in the dorm, she doubted he’d miss it. There’s one posted on the door of their room, on his desk, near the sink... you name it, it’s there. “Come on... notice it...” She wasn’t even reading now, eyes keeping watch of Kurt and where he goes. 」    
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