soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
So, incredibly, today is the last day of my music project, Project 365. It has been a long journey, and it's incredible to think how much has happened in a year. To be honest, I can't remember what I was doing or even where I was exactly a year a go today. But, life has progressed, time has gone on and I've had the privilege of sharing some of the most amazing out there. Most of the artists I have blogged about are underrated but vastly talented, and I wish them the best of luck in their music endeavours.
My first blogpost on Tumblr was about my hatred of perfection, my annoying infatuation with keeping things a certain way. I wrote about how difficult it was for me to let go, how I can never let myself enjoy things that should be enjoyed. I wanted to keep this blog so I could change - so I could let go, so I could show myself that in a year, things could improve. 
My blog was "365 days of music and words and utter nonsense" and I think I've achieved that. Maybe not how I imagined, but I got here in the end. And I hope that one day I shall look back and I'll always see myself, being myself. 
So, how are things a year on? Honestly, they are so good. There are so many little things I'm likely to forget, but hopefully this blog will remind me of one of the most defining years I've had in my life so far. Yet, things haven't always been great. Ultimately, I've had so many ups and downs, but music has always been a steady constant in my life. And I might not have been able to follow through on all my hopes for this blog, but all that has shown me is that I can let go - that I don't have to try and be perfect.
Somehow on this journey, I have managed to pick up 60 followers. It might not sound a lot, but I am honestly impressed since it was never my aim to blog just for followers. However, it's nice to know that people liked a post they read, understood my passion for music or just felt like expanding their networks. I also discovered the amazing world of Tumblr, and I'm totally converted! I love scrolling endlessly through tags, seeing how the internet is a platform for others too.
So what is next for me? Do I continue blogging music? Do I continue my (mostly) daily updates? I don't know. I think it is hard not for me to blog about music that I love, that I want to share - especially after a year of doing it. So this might be the end of Project 365, but it certainly is not the end of Sound Attacks.
This has been Project 365 aka Sound Attacks. And this has, by in large, been a success.
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soundattacks · 11 years
She's back!
And here is to never (ever) growing up no matter how quickly time flies, no matter what life chucks at us and no matter what is ahead.
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soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
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soundattacks · 11 years
Just like the song on our radio set, we’ll share the shelter of my single bed. But it’s a different tune that’s stuck in my head, and it goes... if this is what we've got, then what we've got is gold. We're shining bright and I want you, I want you to know the morning’s on it’s way.
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soundattacks · 11 years
You're obviously not the one, but you remind me that life can be fun. Hmm. The past few days have been difficult. I don't know how to stop my insecurities getting the best of me. At the very least, I need to remember that even if the worst happens, I will get through anything. I will have no choice.
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soundattacks · 11 years
Heard this band on XFM exposure a few years ago, and they are still one of those bands that everyone needs to give a go.
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soundattacks · 11 years
Check the score! See that we're number 1.
Such an anthem. 
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soundattacks · 11 years
I might have been extra-soppy today. I just... it's been a weird day. So many things happened, that I can't pin down to coincidence, and they all added up to me thinking, self-reflecting... me realising how fast time has gone recently. Where are all my days going?!
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soundattacks · 11 years
This woman is pretty amazing, her songs cover such a wide variety of material - I love how she incorporates politics into her music! And, she is such a feminist icon!
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soundattacks · 11 years
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