souma-stars · 1 year
A Smile for You :)
adonis otogari x fem! reader
Today was the worst day of your life. Everything was just going wrong. You woke up late, with an extreme case of bedhead. You were low on groceries because you've been so busy with work, that you've just been too tired to go out and get some food. Work wasn't that great either; your boss was strict and you found it difficult to get along with your coworkers. You just hated your life so much, you felt like you were trapped in a pit of sadness for the rest of your life.
After a long day of work, you were just so exhausted. On your way back home, you entered an alleyway and collapsed to the ground, curling yourself into a ball and letting your tears stream out. You just wanted to die here in this spot. You never wanted to return to the things that made you unhappy.
By some miracle, one of your friends Adonis Otogari was walking through the same street. He stopped at your alleyway after hearing cries, thinking you were a stray animal who was probably hurt. He turned into the alleyway and found you. It wasn't an animal, it was a person.
"Oh miss, are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Here, take my hand. I will help you up." He extended his hand towards you, a concerned yet gentle expression on his face.
You looked up to the sound of his voice, and met his eyes. You were surprised to see it was him.
"A-Adonis, is that you?" You refused to believe your eyes. It was definitely Adonis. Seeing his face again made your heart ache a bit. Because you had been busy with work and feeling exhausted, you never had the time or the energy to meet up with your friends. You always felt bad for having to turn down their offers to hang out. You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you looked at his familiar face.
"Oh y/n! What are you doing here? Did you get hurt?" Adonis remained concerned though he was happy to see his friend again. "Y/n, you are crying so much. Please do not cry, everything will be alright." He gave you a soft smile, and brought a hand to your face to gently wipe away your tears.
"Adonis..." you began to cry again, grateful for your friend's kindness. Adonis pulled you into his arms and held you. You buried your face in his chest and cried more.
"It's okay y/n, just let it all out. I'll be here for as long as you want. It's okay, everything will be alright." He began to rub your back gently, wishing to soothe you of your worries.
He remained with you in the alleyway until you had felt better. When you had stopped crying, you looked up at him.
"Adonis, I'm so sorry for not being able to meet with you. I was so busy with work, and I've been very exhausted. I can barely carry myself..."
"Y/n, please do not apologize, I completely understand. I wish you could have told me you were struggling, I would have helped you out in an instant. But y/n, do not worry anymore. I am always here for you. I will help you until you feel better." He wore the most gentle expression on his face. You couldn't stop looking into his kind, golden eyes.
"Adonis...thank you so much." You buried your face in his chest again and hugged him tightly. He held you tighter, wishing to provide you comfort.
"Of course, y/n. Now, how about we get some food? Let us go eat some meat, so that you can feel stronger and feel better." Adonis took your hand in his and held you up, bringing you to your feet. Though you were still drained, the thought of eating together with one of your best friends brought a smile to your face, and your heart raced thinking about this precious time you were going to spend together.
You looked up at your friend and smiled, feeling grateful for having someone like him in your life. Adonis looked down at you and returned your smile with an even warmer one, happy to have someone like you in his life. Together, the two of you walked hand-in-hand to eat meat, and you felt as if happiness had finally returned in your heart ♡
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souma-stars · 1 year
keito hasumi x gn! reader
The two of you strayed from the path to the festival, taken away by the beauty of a meadow of dandelions which laid downhill, past some trees. In excitement, you took him by his hand and rushed to the direction of the flowery field. He didn't like sudden surprises, but he didn't stop you from taking him with you. Wherever you went, he wanted to go with you.
When you reached the field, you both settled somewhere in the middle, under the ray of sun that shone through the sky clear of trees. The meadow felt absolutely surreal. It was as if the two of you stepped into a portal, to a place where it was just the two of you alone, surrounded by the swaying dandelions.
"I have never seen so many flowers in one place, it's as if we are in a whole different world!" You exclaimed in wonder, taking in the scene around you.
You looked so beautiful with the way you were mesmerized by the dandelions. It was a moment he wanted to freeze, to take into his hands and hold close to his heart. He picked one dandelion from the ground and looked at it, lost in his feelings.
"Oh Keito have you heard? If you make a wish and blow on a dandelion, your wish will come true!" You looked at him in excitement. "Let's make wishes together and see if they come true!"
Keito chuckled at your childlike demeanor brought upon by the field of dandelions. "Yes, I supposed that wouldn't hurt," he said as he picked another with his free hand. A second wish in case his first one didn't come true.
"Yes, let's make two wishes! Two is better than one!" You smiled as you picked a dandelion with each hand. "Okay Keito, you can go first!"
He looked at you and then at the dandelion in his hand. All of this felt silly to him; of course, there was nothing that proved dandelions could make your wishes come true. But deep inside, there was a wish that he had really wanted to come true. If only this dandelion in his hand held the power to do so. If it did have the power, then why not wish for it?
He took a breath and began his wish: Please let y/n be mine.
It wasn't a long wish, but it meant so much to him. Those simple words had led him down a trail of thoughts and memories of the times he had spent together with you, each and every one he cherished with the heart he opened for you. For so long he had been by your side, and by your side is forevermore where he wants to be. If only the dandelion in his hand could grant him this much.
You watched him as he sat silently with his eyes closed, surprised that he actually put faith in the dandelions. He looked serene for the most part, but upon a closer look, the small creases in his skin indicated his desire for his wish to come true. It was a beautiful sight, and you hoped that whatever he wished for, it would come true. After a moment, he opened his eyes and blew on the dandelion, watching the fluff dance in the air before they hit the ground.
"Wow Keito, you took a really long time, you must really want your wish to come true!" You said to him thoughtfully.
Keito glanced at you for a second before immediately turning his head away, shielding your eyes from the bright red that spread throughout his cheeks. "N-no it wasn't anything serious. It's not like dandelions can actually make wishes come true anyways." He slid up his glasses nervously and tried to pull himself together.
"Yes they can! I hope they can make your wish come true!" You smiled at him. He quickly turned his head back towards you with a surprised look on his face. The way you said those words, unaware of what they truly meant. He felt his heart ache at the thought of you realizing his feelings and rejecting them, after giving him so much hope for his wish to come true.
"Okay now it's my turn!" You held the dandelion in front of you and closed your eyes. There wasn't anything in particular that you wished for, but there was one thing that you could not ignore: You wished that this feeling could never go away. It was an unnamed feeling that had been occupying your chest for a while, but today it was stronger than ever. You didn't know what caused this feeling to surge: was it the sight of dandelions combined with the gentle warmth of the sun? Was it the underlying wonder and excitement that dandelions could possibly make wishes come true? Was it the man next to you, the person you had admiration for and trusted? The person you had known since the beginning of time, with whom you had shared your happiest moments with? Even though a small part of you wished to know what brought upon this feeling, whatever this feeling was, you wanted to continue feeling it.
You opened your eyes and blew the dandelion, watching the fluff with hope that your wish could come true.
And then for a moment, the world had gone quiet. You watched as the dandelions swayed quietly in the gentle breeze, until you had felt a pair of lips softly make contact with your cheek. It hadn't startled you, nor did you try to stop it. It was as if you were welcomed into a warm embrace, telling you that you had finally made it to where you belong.
As soon as the lips left your cheek, you turned towards him slowly, shades of red spread across your cheeks. He met your eyes for only a brief moment, before looking away in embarrassment. He was so adorable with the way he never acknowledges his feelings- if only his feelings were clear to him as they were clear to you. You smiled in adoration and leaned in closer to the man, gently placing your lips on his and watching him realize your feelings for him. He smiled, and pulled you closer. Together the two of you laid in the field of swaying dandelions ❋
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souma-stars · 2 years
keito hasumi x fem reader
warnings: slightly nsfw-ish, yandere, slight horror, biting
word count: 1.6k
a/n: ok keito is kinda ooc but its bc of the vampire charm ya know. also this one is super long so i added a word count :D i had so much fun writing this i hope y’all enjoy!
You were invited to a banquet held at Sakuma Residence, a mansion that had seemed to stretch from one end of the Earth to the other. It was a celebration for a vampire tradition significant to the Sakuma family, but many were invited and were dressed to impress. Ladies in lavish ball gowns and men in neat and fitting tuxedos. Nothing about this banquet screamed poor.
You had heard rumors circling around that there were actual vampires among the guests invited to the banquet. They could not be easily distinguished from normal humans, but if recognized, it would be best to avoid encountering them as they could change your life right before you know it.
These mysterious rumors made you wary and a bit afraid, but at the same time excitement was pumping through your heart. As you danced through the night, taking turns with different strangers, you wondered if you were yet to encounter a real vampire, or if you had already met one.
Eventually the clock had struck midnight, and the deep, rich sound of a bell echoed throughout the hall. It was already the next day, but the night was far from over.
As you danced, a distant figure caught your attention. It was a man with dark-green hair and glasses, who was standing alone with crossed arms. He seemed to be watching something that was in your direction, but you denied that it could possibly be you.
Until a few more dances later, as you were in the midst of switching partners, a hand was outstretched in front of you. You looked to see who it was, and low and behold, it was the man.
"My lady, may I be honored to have this dance?" The man asked courteously with a small smile on his face. Your face began heating up. He was the only person that night that had actually asked for a dance. Throughout the night you were simply transitioning between partners with no formalities.
You took a breathe and said smiling, "Yes, you may."
The man smiled and gently took your hand within his, pulling you close to him as his other arm wrapped itself softly around your waist. You placed one hand on his chest and looked up to admire your partner.
From afar, you wouldn't be able to tell that he was handsome, but now that you were this close, you could see how all of his features aligned. Now you were not only charmed by his polite demeanor, but you were also charmed by his handsome features. Your heart raced as you thought about this man and wondered if there could be more to this night.
"My lady, I am delighted to be dancing with you tonight. May I get to know your name?" the man had asked.
"O-oh yes I am delighted as well! My name is y/n. What is your name?" You blurted nervously as you were brought back to reality.
"My name is Keito Hasumi. It is a pleasure getting to know you, y/n," he stated coolly.
"It's a pleasure getting to know you too, Keito," you said with a shy smile.
Keito Hasumi was his name, and you made sure not to forget it. As you two continued to converse, you gazed into his lime-green eyes and felt yourself falling deeper. Unfortunately, what had remained out of your sight were the fangs behind his lips.
Before you knew it, your dance had come to an end. Keito slowly released you and held one of your hands to his lips for a small kiss.
"It was a pleasure dancing with you, y/n. I hope we can meet again soon," Keito said as he let go of your hand and smiled at your slightly saddened face.
"I hope to see you again too," you whispered with a small smile.
And like a swift breeze, he was out of sight. You were lost for a second and had felt slight panic in your chest as you hoped to not lose him. Though you were sad, you had truly hoped that you would meet again that night.
Little would you know, you would.
After a few more rounds of dancing, you felt yourself getting exhausted for the first time this night. You left the dance floor in search of a restroom where you could be alone and away from the the extravagant orchestra and the chattering voices.
As you turned this way and that throughout the dimly-lit halls, the silence began to creep up on you and you wondered if you actually knew where you were going. In efforts to remain calm, you opened doors and peeped inside to see if you had found the restroom, but to no avail, you remained lost.
The hallways became more dim as you wandered through unexplored territory. You knew for sure you were lost, so now you searched with hopes to find a person to help you. As you closed the door to a room you looked into, you suddenly felt a cold breath tickle your ear.
"Y/n." a familiar voice whispered.
You gasped and turned around to meet Keito's face inches away from yours. You nearly let out a scream before his hand covered your mouth as he dragged you into a nearby room.
You found yourself on the wooden floors of an old bedroom, directly within the moonlight that shone through the large glass windows. Your heart raced at the sudden change of scenery as well as the sudden appearance of the man. You were secretly a bit happy that you were able to see him again, but you couldn't push away the fear in your heart.
Keito held you within his arms as his face inched closer to yours. He cupped your cheek with his hand and shifted your face so your eyes could meet his.
"Y/n, I'm happy to see you again. Are you glad to see me too?" Keito asked softly.
You couldn't get a word out. Thoughts about the mere distance between you two had completely clouded your brain. All you could do was stare hopelessly into those lime-green eyes.
Keito chuckled, revealing his fangs that glinted in the moonlight. Your eyes widened when they shifted to the source of the glinting. The truth hit you hard: Keito was a vampire. Now you were frozen and shaking with fear, your heart nearly exploding out of your chest as fear crept up within you. You didn't think vampires were actually real, did you? You had no clue of what they could be capable of. You won't die, will you...?
Keito tightened his grip around you as his expression became serious and his eyes locked on yours.
"I've waited so long to have you, y/n. You could not imagine how much it took for me to hold myself back... days and nights I spent watching you, dreaming of you, to hold you in my arms like this and have you all to myself, draped in the sweet scent of your blood... I wish you could just be mine."
One truth was already hard enough, but finding out that he's been after you for who knows how long? You felt like a deer caught in headlights, he had you trapped under his spell before you even knew it. This entire time you had left yourself so vulnerable, there was no escape to this and that fear haunted you.
"K-Keito..." you spluttered out shakily.
"Y/n please don't worry, I won't hurt you, I promise. You're so precious to me, I cherish you as if you are the rarest gemstone to exist on this planet. There's nothing to fear, you're safe in my arms," Keito attempted to assure you, panic clear in his voice. The look of fear in your eyes, he didn't want you to go farther away...
He didn't want you to go farther away. You couldn't, you shouldn't. You were his and only his. He decided you were his. No one could take away anything that belonged to him. Now that he had you this close, there was no way he was letting you go. No matter what it took, he would make sure that you will truly be his in the end.
Your breathes halted as Keito suddenly pulled you into a strong embrace, holding you so close you found it hard to breathe. You tried pulling away but his grip was indestructible.
"Keit-" you tried calling out to him as you made poor attempts to escape. Every time you tried, he pulled you in even closer.
"Please y/n, please cooperate. I'm doing this for your best, for our best. I told you, you don't have to worry."
"What are you going to do-"
"I'm turning you into a vampire. That is the only way we can be together forever..."
You stopped resisting as the words struck you. You had felt it deep inside of you: There was no hope in trying anymore. This was the end. You lost.
Your body went limp within his arms as you finally gave up on yourself. Keito smirked at the sight of you surrendering yourself to him. He secured one hand on your cheek and exposed your neck, leaning in to plant a small kiss on your skin.
"Thank you for cooperating y/n. I'm sorry, this will hurt just a little..." Keito whispered into your ear.
You gazed soullessly at the wallpaper of the old bedroom, eyes barely held open by heavy lids. As you felt the sharp tip of his fangs touch your skin, your thoughts drifted from reality to another world. A world away from the banquet full of lavish dancers. A world where it was just you and him, together for the rest of eternity. The thought of it didn't seem so bad after all, did it?
The moment his teeth sunk into your skin, your vision went black. It was the end.
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souma-stars · 2 years
akatsuki x gn reader, sfw
warnings: SADNESS OVERLOAD T-T, slight fluff, mention of seppuku
a/n: I’m so sorry to anyone who reads this, break up songs truly hit different :,( also this one is pretty loooongg
- Breaking up with you surely took a huge toll on him. You were probably the first person he had ever dated and had romantic feelings for, so he’s surely going to have a hard time coping with it.
- One of his main coping mechanisms would be becoming an even bigger workaholic than he already was. Drowning himself in the paperwork would prevent him from thinking about you and feeling the painful emotions that had resulted from your breakup. Obviously this doesn’t help him get any better as he loses more sleep and eats less.
- In the rare moments when he isn’t working, he’s thinking of you. Thinking about what went wrong, what had he done wrong and what he could’ve done better. Were you going through something that led you to break up with him? Why couldn’t you tell him? If only he was there for you when you needed him and yada yada. All this overthinking leaves him to yet again lose more sleep and have less energy throughout the day. It’s clear on his face that he isn’t doing well.
- However one day he’ll make it through all of it, with the help and support of his fellow Akatsuki members and his friends. He might still feel a bit bitter when thinking about your guys’ relationship but he would know that it was all for the best. Somewhere far in the future there would be a brighter day for him.
- No matter how hard he tries to leave the thought of you, there is always something to remind him.
- Being a person who sews, Kuro is very attentive to the smallest of details, and it was no different when it came to you. There were so many little things about you that he made mental notes of. Your favorite drink at the cafe that you both frequented at. Your favorite artist whose concert you’ve been yearning to go to. Your favorite color, your favorite flower, the type of clothing you enjoyed wearing.
- It wasn’t just your interests, it was also about you. The slight bounce in your steps when you walked— sometimes when you walked you would purposely skip over the cracks in the sidewalk. The way your eyes sparkled like the stars when you were excited. The way your brows furrowed when you were lost in thought.
- When he held your face between his hands and caressed your cheeks which were so soft, leaning in to meet your lips that had the sweetest flavor he had ever tasted. The warmth shared between you both had brought him so much comfort that he swore he could spend the rest of his life engulfed in it.
- As all of these little things built up one by one in his mind, his eyes would become wet and he would have to take a minute to compose himself
- One of Kuro’s major insecurities would come out during this time as well. The question would ring in his head— did you leave because you were scared of him? Were you acting like you weren’t afraid of him this entire time? There were certainly times where he had startled you but you had always welcomed him with open arms and a smile regardless of anything that happened. If you were scared of him, he would definitely understand. But it wouldn’t make him feel any better about himself.
- None of this went unnoticed to his younger sister, who had also missed your presence. The times when you came over and she would take you by your hand and drag you to her room, where she would sit you down and paint your nails while she rambled on about her interests. It was nice having someone other than her brother to hang out with for once…
- Over time, Kuro would eventually accept what had happened, knowing it was for the best, like Keito. If this breakup meant happiness for you, then he could be happy. His friends would help him get his mind off this matter and help him understand it to the best that he could. If he were to ever see you out in public, seeing and knowing that you were happy with your current life would bring peace to him and he would be able to move on just as you were able to.
- He would definitely take this out on himself. Souma would view himself as nothing less than a failure and would believe that this is the end for him. Like Keito, this was also probably his first time dating someone so he would also have a hard time coping with it.
- Being someone who is straightforward about his thoughts and feelings, Souma would surely have a hard time holding in his emotions. Many times he would hide away from others and shed painful tears. Or if there was nowhere to hide, he would shamefully burst into tears in front of others, insulting himself at every chance he got. Even at night before he sleeps, silent tears would fall on his pillow as he reminisces about the times spent together with you.
- At some points he may even become dangerously close to committing seppuku but there would always be someone there to stop him in time.
- His daily routine would probably be unaffected on the outside but on the inside he would always be thinking of you. He would practically be possessed with thoughts of you and the breakup because he would see no way past it. Like Keito, Souma would overthink the situation like crazy, to the point where it would physically drain him. It would be obvious on the outside that he was feeling down, but no one could ever comprehend the havoc wreaking in his mind and heart.
- With the support of his best friend Adonis, his Akatsuki seniors, and his close friends, Souma would eventually pull himself together. He would realize that his relationship with you was only a single step on a set of a thousand stairs. There was so much more to his life than this, and he was sure to reach them all!
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souma-stars · 2 years
keito x gn reader, sfw
keito writing manga based on reader/reader is keito’s muse
a/n: kinda long brrrrr i went crazy
After weeks and months of working as a producer at ES, you were finally able to get a day off. And by no coincidence, Keito, your s/o, was also able to get a day off! Though you guys had already made a list of things to do together on a day off, in the end you guys decided to stay home and indulge in your own hobbies.
You decided to spend your day sitting back and playing a relaxing video game. It had been a while since you had touched the console, so when you heard the little start sound and touched the buttons, you had felt flames of excitement burst within you.
Just as you with your video game, Keito had been looking forward to drawing and working on his manga. Ever since you had moved in together, he had found himself more inspired and excited to create. In other words, you had inspired him just by existing. Whenever you guys were home together, he would sneak glances throughout the day, just simply observing your mannerisms and the way you do things. Your qualities were such a great fit for the main character of his story, so much so that you usually feel a mysterious sense of familiarity while reading the newest additions to his story (Keito enjoys sharing some of his works with you to hear your opinions and insights, but of course there were many other of his works that he ensured would never see the light of day aka you).
And then at night when you both sleep in your shared bed, the nights when you fell asleep first were the nights that Keito had the most trouble trying to sleep. There was no way he could remove his eyes from the sleeping beauty in front of him. You were so up close, there were so many little details to take in. Though he would eventually fall asleep the deeper he was immersed in his imagination.
An hour or so within your fun time, Keito enters the living room holding a book and joins you on the couch, sitting on the far end of it and facing you. It was always nice to have his company, but you wondered if the sounds from your game would bother his reading.
"Are you okay reading with these background sounds? You could move to somewhere quieter if you want," you asked with concern.
"It's alright, I don't mind," he replied with a small smile.
"Okay :) ," you said with a smile. You were glad to have his company and to be his company. You turned your head back to your game and continued playing.
The setting was absolutely perfect for Keito. He opened his book and turned to his bookmarked page, positioning the book so that it covered all but his eyes. He began reading you reading his book.
The way your eyes were locked on the screen, the way your facial expressions changed microscopically, the way your fingers fiddled with the buttons and controls on the console, the way you were sitting back all relaxed with no burdens. The list could go on and on, but there was so much about you that he enjoyed. One by one, new ideas sprouted in his head. It was as if he was falling deeper into you the more he gazed. There was truly no better feeling than this. The feeling of coming back to life after being dead for so long, just how did he get so lucky to have you?
At some point you once again became aware of Keito's presence and realized that you haven't heard any page-flipping for a while, so you turned your head to check up on your beloved and see lime green eyes locked on you. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your face heating up as you quickly looked away in embarrassment.
But of course no one could be more embarrassed than the man himself. He immediately darted his eyes and tried to focus on the words in front of him, making a poor attempt in using them to cover his red face. Was there any way he could recover from this? Was this truly his end? No, you guys were together so he had to ensure there was clear communication between you both.
"S-sorry about that..." he blurted shamefully, eyes still looking away from you.
"It's alright, I don't mind," you responded with a shy smile, your face still red as you looked over at him.
He glanced over at you and a small smile began to appear on his face. Just how did he get so lucky to have you?
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