souberbielle · 2 years
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Izzy Hands
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souberbielle · 2 years
I had a dream that the first episode of Our Flag Means Death season 2 came out, and I still remembered the final few scenes quite vividly when I woke up. I can’t bear being the only person to experience this, so here it is in script format:
 IZZY HANDS, dressed as Bert from Mary Poppins with his collection of instruments, runs desperately through the woods until he reaches EDWARD TEACH, who is in a line of people climbing a grassy hill. Has he joined a cult? That's the vibe.
IZZY: We need to talk.
Ed sighs and steps out of the line and away from the path to face Izzy. Behind him, the procession continues.
IZZY: Do you remember the day I halted your wedding, intending to claim your virginity for myself?
EDWARD: Of course.
The moment is very intense. Both look pained. Edward looks down at the two large stone rings he is wearing, one on each hand. These are clearly Very Significant.
IZZY: But you refused me. It was on that day we made our bargain.
Dramatically, he holds up A CATFISH. We zoom in on its face...
 ... before entering a flashback. A much younger Ed with a Davy Jones style tentacle beard (but with a few strands of regular hair mixed in - this is understood to indicate his youth) stands with Izzy in a kitchen. Izzy is his usual canon age.
EDWARD: I can't believe you thought I was a virgin!
Both laugh.
EDWARD: So, do genies just crash people's weddings at random, or?
IZZY: I'm not a genie.
Ed playfully climbs onto the counter and sits on a kitchen scale.
IZZY: How much do you weigh?
EDWARD, looking at the digital display: Dunno. I can't read.
Izzy smiles, utterly charmed. As are we all. What a delightful young rapscallion!
 Cut to: STEDE BONNET, who has not previously appeared in the episode, pulls himself up onto the seaside cliff he has been climbing and stands heroically, looking out at the ocean. His face is in shadow, but he looks determined. He is wearing a wizard hat. Does this mean that he, not Blackbeard, is the chosen one Izzy must train? Perhaps.
End of episode.
Thank you for sharing my burden.
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souberbielle · 2 years
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POV: You’re Jon Snow and your little brother has stopped to say hi on his way to the high table
Part 6 of my attempt to develop some artistic ability by drawing a picture for each chapter of A Song of Ice and Fire - here’s a Rickon. I shouldn’t have tried to color the inside of his mouth.
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souberbielle · 2 years
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Part 5 of my attempt to develop some sort of artistic ability by drawing a picture for each chapter of A Song of Ice and Fire - here’s one of the statues in the crypts of Winterfell
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souberbielle · 2 years
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Part 4 of my attempt to develop some sort of artistic ability by drawing a picture for each chapter of A Song of Ice and Fire - here’s Illyrio Mopatis
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souberbielle · 2 years
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Part 3 of my attempt to develop artistic ability by drawing a picture for every A Song of Ice and Fire chapter - here’s a weirwood face
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souberbielle · 2 years
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Jon Snow and his new puppy
Part 2 of my attempt to develop artistic ability by drawing a picture for each A Song of Ice and Fire chapter - I actually don’t hate this one, so we’re off to a good start!
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souberbielle · 2 years
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Welcome to the beginning of my attempt to draw a picture for every A Song of Ice and Fire chapter, in hopes that, in the process, I’ll transform from a person who cannot draw to a person who can.
I’m still solidly in “cannot draw” mode, and for some reason I chose to start off with a hand with perspective??? I don’t know what I was thinking. But, hey, this is the first one; there’s nowhere to go but up!
Anyway, here’s dead Ser Waymar about to end the Prologue of A Game of Thrones, along with its narrator’s life.
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souberbielle · 2 years
fanfiction was such a good idea. like put those guys in situations
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souberbielle · 2 years
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How it started
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How it’s going
I saw something really hard.
If possible, could you show me pictures of your pets as babies and of them now?
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souberbielle · 3 years
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It’s National Puppy Day, so here’s Kip with a cookie!
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souberbielle · 3 years
I casually announce to the room at large that I’m thinking of going “upstairs” and I’ll “be back” and Kip is whichever one rushes over to cling to my leg like it’s the only thing keeping him from being swept away by a hurricane.
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souberbielle · 3 years
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Klaud Frollo
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souberbielle · 3 years
In case anyone was wondering, my dog can talk
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souberbielle · 3 years
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It was pointed out to me that Kip’s favorite dog park looks like the surface of the moon
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souberbielle · 3 years
Everyone SAYS they want a fairytale wedding but when I show up and curse their firstborn suddenly I’m a jerk.
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souberbielle · 3 years
What kind of dog is Kip?
He's a chocolate bunny an American Water Spaniel!
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