sosaysthenarrator · 8 months
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Those Pretty Things In the kingdom of Illyad one’s familiar reputation is of utmost importance to your standing in society. Something the Desmarais family is all too aware of, a once prominent family brought down by scandal and shame. In a last ditch effort to climb back up the social ladder the family sends young Juniper Desmarais to spend her last year of school at the prestigious Wilbury boarding school. A place so respectable that even the mere mention of graduating from there will open doors. But as Juniper struggles to stay afloat in a school that will expel you for the smallest of slip up, she soon discovers that the school is far darker than it shows. Throwing her down a path full of missing students, strange lights in the woods, and a dark secret that the kingdom has chosen to forget.
a Jane Austen inspired light academia fantasy with a dark fairytale twist.
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sosaysthenarrator · 9 months
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sosaysthenarrator · 11 months
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there she stood. There she remained. Stranded on an island too small for anything more than sand and rock. And one other thing.
A lighthouse. It calls to her. Keeps her safe. Keeps her trapped.
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sosaysthenarrator · 1 year
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After going to see Across the Spiderverse I had an itch to draw my own spider. I took a bit of inspiration from a piece of media I tend to think about when I think of traveling through different realities, Bioshock Infinite. So here is a turn of the century spiderwoman unafraid to swing around a city in the sky.
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sosaysthenarrator · 1 year
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
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A rather peculiar match indeed.
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
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The royal court Sorcerer 
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
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She shouldn’t have wandered off from the base but she’s never seen butterflies that were quite so blue. Further and further she followed the captivating little bugs, deeper into the woods. The locals warned them not to enter the forest and soon she learned why. The trickster has found his new plaything.
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
Moxie (Stranger Things OC)- pre season one
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Moxie is the weirdo of Hawkins. A teenage girl who randomly started appearing around town one day, no home address, no school records, no family. Most people just see her doing odd jobs for anybody willing to give her work. But many townspeople keep their distance from this wild child.
Moxie has never been one to follow the rules of polite society: willingly tells people when they’re being stupid, not one for small talk and pleasantries, talks about the most random things, and can never seem to be still for long. It gives the impression of an erratic and antagonistic stranger to the rest of the town. Something that Moxie will play up when around people she doesn’t like.
Rumors spread around about her, especially around the high school. Some say she was raised by wild animals, others say she escaped from the psych ward, and even a few say she’s a crazy Russian spy. All in all Moxie is seen as an outsider to most people in Hawkins.
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But to those Moxie is close to they see a very different girl. She cares far too much for the people she like, will do absolutely anything for them. This high level of compassion also brings out her protective side, will literally fight for those she loves. If it came down to it she would rather herself be killed than anyone else. She’s responsible and calm under pressure.
Moxie is probably the closest to the Byers family. She started out being an occasional babysitter for Joyce since Moxie would do it for nothing but food and a place to sleep. She quickly became a regular helper in the household, doing a lot of the chores while Joyce and Johnathan are busy. She loves to listen to Johnathan talking about photography or Will talking about DnD.
Through watching over Will, Moxie became close with his friends as well. Since she (somehow) owns a car Moxie will sometimes drive the boys around town, she secretly loves doing it. She even has a walkie-talkie in case they need an emergency ride
If Moxie isn’t at the Byers’ house, she can sometimes be found at the Munson’s trailer. Eddie claims that freaks need to stick together, but Moxie thinks it might partially be because she brings food with her. Still she can’t complain about a place to sleep and some good company.
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But many times Moxie would rather sleep in her car, not wanting to be seen as burden to the few people who actually like her. Especially on warm nights when she can just lay on the roof and look at the stars. It’s times like this where she can finally just be herself, not the town Weirdo, not the guard dog, not the caregiver, just the broken child she really is.
Moxie is more compassionate than she wants to admit, she can’t turn away from someone in pain. She was never really shown compassion as a child so she shows it to others instead. She would never want anyone to feel like she did, like no one cares. Wounded? First aid is in the trunk. Need to vent? She’s all ears. Close to tears? She’s not going anywhere.
If Moxie was being honest with herself, she hates being the weirdo. She wants to go to school and mingle with people her age. She wants parents who make curfews and ground her when she comes home late from a party. She wants a big group of friends and maybe even a boyfriend? She wants normal. But Moxie isn’t normal, she wasn’t even born normal.
So Moxie watches the sky and tries to calm her nerves. Something’s wrong, she can feel it.
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Music she would listen to: I Want To Know What Love Is - Foreigner/ Shout - Tears for Fears/ Jessie’s Girl - Rick Springfield (tell no one)
Modern music that fits her: Girl Anachronism - The Dresden Dolls/ Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High - Arctic Monkeys/ I’d Rather Be Me - Mean Girls 
(Thanks for reading all this! I’d love to hear your feedback. any questions? any ideas? Who should she be shipped with? *wink*. Anyway I hope to maybe write a bit about her involvement in season one next)
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
The Cowardly Lion (wip piece)
The back of my throat is burning. I’m leaning over the gas station toilet; heaving out what little was in my stomach. The events of the past hour are burrowing deeper and deeper into my subconscious, like a bullet tearing through everything in its path.
Chains, laughter, masks, blood, sniffing, flesh, those… things. Oh god, those monsters are going to kill me. They looked human but they… they… they.
I cough up the acid in my stomach till I collapse to the floor. The bathroom floor is disgusting and smells like sewage. I don’t care. I just lay there, staring at the ceiling, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. I glance at the watch on my wrist, 3:22 AM, 5 hours remaining.
5 hours till the game begins, 5 hours till they hunt me down and… I’m crying harder. Fuck, I’m so scared. I might be in shock, is this what being in shock is like? I feel like my body is rejecting reality, just completely numb.
After awhile I slowly stand up, though I’m still very shaky. I take a couple of deep breaths, trying to clear my head. Okay, okay, I’ve got to think. Just stay calm and think. I have a 5-hour head start so I need to make the most of it.
I begin to pace the room, tapping my teeth with my fingers, a habit I picked up during a rather stressful school test. I need to run away, get as far away from the city as I possibly can. Let’s see, I have $1,500 of rent money, how far can I fly with that? No wait, I’ll waste all my time just getting to the airport and buying the tickets. I don’t own a car and there’s no way I can out run those things. Think, think.
I catch my reflection in the mirror. Shit, is that what I look like? I’m sickly pale with blood shot eyes. My hair is a matted mess, blood rolling down my face. I feel queasy just looking at the red liquid. My legs go limp and I grab the sink to help keep myself up.
I look like a coward. No, I am a coward, always have been. I’m meek and scrawny, barely able to even finish gym class. But I’m not just physically weak; I have always taken the path of least resistance. Always the people pleaser, even when I shouldn’t have been.
I can see the bruises around my neck from where they dragged me. Couldn’t run. Didn’t fight. Just watched. And now I’m running away, probably forever. I’ll run till they catch me. Till they drag me back, and kill me. I’ll die like the coward I’ve always been.
From the mirror I can see my eyes hardening, growing colder.
I don’t want to run anymore. I don’t want to be a coward. This is my life we’re talking about here and I’m just going to let them take it from me?
I know I don’t stand a chance against them. They tore a guy’s arm off and I can’t even do a push up. I know that either way I’m going to die, but at least I’ll go down knowing that I tried. That I didn’t just run away with my tail between my legs, I fought them off for as long as could. I will fight them off.
I wash the blood off my face and straighten my clothes. Before I leave I take one last look at my watch.
5 hours till the game begins. 5 hours till they hunt me down. 5 hours till I, for once in my life, fight back.
(wrote it in a writing class. the assignment was to show an emotion without saying it, i chose fear and i think i did a pretty good job. i’m planning to turn this into a full story... maybe)
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
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It’s just another night in Gotham, Clover tells herself. Another night of police sirens and the distance sounds of destruction. If she waits long enough she swears she can hear the laughter.  But she is safe here in this little apartment, Clover tells herself. No one can find her here, no one would look here. She’s safe, no one will notice her. He can’t find her here.
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sosaysthenarrator · 2 years
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If only she could just work up the nerve.
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sosaysthenarrator · 4 years
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Maud and Skye use one of the beds as cover as the two chasers begin to chuck pillows at their targets. Rowan sits between them as she quizzes the two for the up coming Potions quiz.
“What’s in Doxycide?”
“Dragon Liver,” Maud answers as she head shots someone. “Awesome,” Skye chuckles, high-fiving each other.
“How much?” Maud freezes at Rowan’s question. A pillow shoots by them and the group ducks. Maud scrambles to grab another pillow, only to grab one of Rowan’s books and chucked it without a second thought.
the book whizzes past a few lucky heads before flying out the dorm and crashing into the common room. Maud runs after it, hoping to fix everything before a Prefect shows up.
she ends up having to clean cauldrons for a week.
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sosaysthenarrator · 4 years
The Celestial Ball
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Maud goes to her first dance with one Barnaby Lee. the two seem to enjoy themselves despite neither knowing how to dance.
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sosaysthenarrator · 4 years
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Maud’s patronus turns out to be a cheetah.
I’m not the best at drawing animals, or feet
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sosaysthenarrator · 4 years
Flying Solo Together
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“So, I heard you wanted to become an Auror,” Maud says with an encouraging smile, “want to tell me about it?”
“Well there’s not much to say,” Talbott replies. He rubs the back of his neck, suddenly feeling nerves. “I’ve seen what dark wizards can do and I want to be there to stop them.”
“That’s quite the noble goal, Talbott.” The conversation dies off, the two stare at the sky and all it’s wonder. Maud takes a deep breath before continuing.
“My father was an Auror.” Talbott turns his head towards Maud, watching as she leans against the pillar. “I remember this one time he came home with part of his hair singed off,” Maud chuckles, “and if you ever asked him what happened he would make up some story about a dragon barber.”
Maud fails to stifle her laughter as it comes out in snorts and hiccups. Talbott joins in, “I didn’t know that about your family.”
“That’s because I don’t tell anyone,” the laughter falls off in her voice, “not even Rowan.” Silence returns to the pair. Surprisingly it’s Talbott that speaks first.
“Why tell me?”
Maud shrugs, “I’ve spent all day trying to get you to talk about your parents, so it’s only fare I do the same.”
“Ah... well, thank you.” The two turn back to the stars, a much more comfortable silence than before.
“You too.”
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sosaysthenarrator · 4 years
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another trio of Gryffindors about to get in so much trouble.
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