Light in darkness Poster idea
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This was the main idea I had decided on because we can find happiness even in dark times. My other idea was of finding balance in society, however, I wanted to create an output that was more realistic. Here was my initial idea playing upon freedom vs constraint:
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Draft 2
How can relaxation be expressed among artwork? Methodically, can relaxation be conveyed through creative processes? According to Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary (1981) defines relaxation as “lessening of tension” (p. 114). With a range of collected definitions, a summary was described as a state of well-being that is different to another. Therefore in order for this emotion to be conveyed through an artwork is personalised to one’s own state of being and creative process. Other factors such as the physiological and psychological can contribute to the overall expression. Contextually, patterns repeated across artworks determine what is identified as relaxing. Therefore, how can relaxation be created, with both its freedom and creative limitations?
For an outcome of a piece to be seen as ‘relaxing’, does not necessarily mean the artist have to be in that emotional state themselves. Isabel Emrich, known for her "Underwater" painting series, used a GoPro to capture images underwater. With her best-selected images, she uses them as initial reference points for her paintings. Onward, she would freely express her interpretation with her strokes and colour swatches, instead of replicating the photo directly. Her approach is primarily through capturing moments of what brings her joy in her day-to-day life, which is then expressed in her paintings. Her thesis project “Total Immersion” takes the reader through a series of her pieces that evoke her healing journey, hoping to heal another that also views her work. Emrich described her process going forth as intuitive. When painting, there can be moments when things do not go according to plan. Through an intuitive process especially in regard to traditional painting, mistakes can tend to happen. These mistakes can be unnoticed but make up for the piece overall. Observing the method of Kelogsloop, appears to be also intuitive. His initial sketches are merely playful scribbles with a lack of methodology, yet bring a therapeutic response to the artist and feasibly to his audience. “I’ll paint as I feel in that single moment, like a direct feed from my mind to pen and paper.” The intuitive responsiveness may not be intended prior, however, one can argue it can make up for the individual expression. 
Does intuition play a part in expression?
The balance between overwhelming and moderation
Do you have to feel relaxed to express relaxation through art? Does the artist have to feel relaxed to evoke relaxation in the mind of the viewer through the art they produce?
Analysing specific pieces, patterns that reflect it looking relaxed overall. Ie. techniques, comments on what personally seems relaxing
Bringing one’s own experiences, individuality, not intentionally expressing relaxation
Decrease in tension literally shown in art
All comes down to behavior
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How is relaxation expressed artistically?
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Subtitle The balance between overwhelming and moderation
Abstract -
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Draft Critical Commentary
Note: Subheadings are there just for the draft/indication. They will not be there for the final commentary.
How can relaxation as a feeling be expressed among artwork? The response of the creator often reflects upon the work itself. With developed skill in practise and more work produced, there is an identified pattern of assurance that a message can be conveyed more effectively in a piece. Therefore how can relaxation as a contradicting adjective be created, with both its freedom and creative limitations?
Isabel Emrich, known for her "Underwater" painting series, used a GoPro to capture images underwater. With her best-selected images, she uses them as initial reference points for her paintings. Onward, she would freely express her interpretation with her strokes and colour swatches, instead of replicating the photo directly. Emrich described her process going forth as intuitive. Her approach is primarily through capturing moments of what brings her joy in her day-to-day life, which is then expressed in her paintings. Her thesis project “Total Immersion” takes the reader through a series of her pieces that evoke her healing journey, hoping to heal another that also views her work. Observing the method of Kelogsloop, appears to be also intuitive. His initial sketches are merely playful scribbles with a lack of methodology, yet bring a therapeutic response to the artist and feasibly to his audience. “I’ll paint as I feel in that single moment, like a direct feed from my mind to pen and paper.” 
Plannings/further ideation
Paradox between relaxation being freedom as constraint
Janice Sung
Speak more about specific pieces & effect on the viewer
“Speak from the Heart” 
“In My Own” 
What it is
Importance of methods
Effects produced as a designer
How it can be applied to my own
Conclusion + Abstract later
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Taking a closer look at my inspirations + their inspirations
Isabel Emrich 
works: http://www.isabelemrich.com/underwater-paintings-1
method/context: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5721c01a2eeb81e76d872571/t/5dddf9e3305b2260c95218e8/1574828520083/Emrich_Total+Immersion_2019_+Final+Pages+Version_reduce+size_copy+x7.pdf
methods: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V90FKYo-fx0
He was inspired by Brad Kunkle (below) who also used gold leaves on his paintings. Gustav Klimpt was another.
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Janice Sung
method/context https://www.bonfemmes.com/bon-femmes-spotlight/spotlight-on-illustrator-janice-sung
Her primary inspiration was Audrey Kawaski for the “soft, beautiful and seductive” reflected upon her pieces.
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Christian Hansen
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Reflection 4.0
The class made some comments on this image by Christian Hansen. (https://www.commarts.com/project/21800/a-cover-for-the-album-swans)
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Common words that popped up were: - space - underwater - adventure - explore - abstract - scifi Comments that interested me was: - powerlessness; as the space surrounds them - the light colours make it seem like a positive thing rather than they are in danger; this observation was not something I picked up on. They analysed whether the environment was positive or negative. This exercise helped reinforce that it is good to get another perspective/pair of eyes on a piece of work. Everyones comes together with different experiences and understandings of their work and others to observe each others work differently. 
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Group Critique | Reflection 3.0
I was put in a group and we all had print outs to critically reflect upon. I learnt and discovered new things about others text and also my own.
Text 1 | Can you translate a memory into a digital font family? Klim and Dia collaborate on Söhne https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/klim-dia-sohne-graphic-design-101219
I did not know much about Klim Foundry’s work before reading this article. What took my interest was his work was created through a mainly analogue process and took over 100 attempts before getting it right. Also it was fascinating that Klim intended on capturing a memory through typography which I’ve never heard of. 
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Text 2 | Jean-Michel Basquiat
Basquiat takes notice of the simple things and incorporates it in his work such as “packaging and objects” instead of just research into that specific area. I thought this was an unique because I generally look into the research to create something rather than incorporate the little things. He intends for his paintings to “look as if they were made by a child” yet they reflect deeper issues such as poverty and racism. I like the play upon a childish and mature artwork.
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My Text | The Meaning and Purpose of Leisure pg. 2
What took my interest into this piece of text was the context of leisure. The subheading “The Paradox of Leisure” took my interesting into understanding what it is to be in a state of leisure. “The paradox of leisure - as freedom, as constraint- is one that both approaches to leisure theory recognise” This statement took my interest as it regarded leisure as both freedom and constraint. It explained the subheading as a “paradox”. “Critical theorists do not deny the possibility that leisure choices could be made freely, but do argue that the ideological structures that shape the world make such choice (almost?) impossible (Coalter, 2000), or at least impossible in a significant way.”
Also we learnt a new word: epistemological “relating to the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope, and the distinction between justified belief and opinion.”
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Reflection 2.0
I was surprised with the comments made on my 24 selected images.
Keywords from Image comments
Mixed mediums
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I love filming and using editing softwares. I’ve previously made short films with team members. Christopher Nolan is a director I’m inspired by. His most recent film was ‘Tenet’ (shown on the top right). The genre film noir is also one that I can appreciate (bottom left).
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I enjoy modelling. However, behind the scenes I have co-directed with the photographer to establish the type of shot to be created. The other two are photographers I am inspired by. Top right @rarepenguin, Bottom left @_tommykuo, Top left @divak_ports, bottom left: a friend of mine.
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The top right pancake image is one of my own created using acrylic paints. The other three are my aspirational ways to create my paintings. I would be interested in learning how to use oil paints, as shown in fourth image by Isabel Emrich. 
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These are a few more of my paintings (except the first one that was a charcoal sketch).
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These are more of my illustrative heroes including; Janice Sung and @Kelogsloops who have a semi-realistic approach to their illustrations. The feeling of tranquility is brought out of their works which I particularly appeal toward.
@Gotte is a Hamster illustrator with very cute yet subtle water colour illustrations.
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The top and bottom left are my digital illustrations. I sometimes like the simplicity of line-art. The other two images are pieces of inspiration.
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First Class Reflection
(Critical commentary reflecting upon what you are learning, or what you might explore next in your design research)
Discovering different personality types in our class was a new approach for me on what I’ve learnt about the Myer Briggs personality types. I’ve previously done the test on myself multiple times and looked into what the site has to say about my strengths, weaknesses and more. This further took my interest into understanding what other types there are and what their initials stand for ie. mine being INFP. Summary of my personality test research/knowledge The possible initials make up of these options: (I,E) Introverted or Extroverted, (N,S) Intuitive, Sensory, (F,T) Feeling or Thinking, (P,J) Judging or Perceiving.
Each lettering combination makes up its list of strengths and weaknesses ie. ESTP, ENFP, ISFJ. A slight change of lettering can make up a whole difference in personality. Many factors including one’s environment, consequences, and upbringing can make up for a personality. This can also simply be in their nature.  Take, for example, the INFP with the ‘NF’ can make them much more creative and may be a bit more sensitive toward emotions. Whereas a person with ‘ST’ in their initials maybe a lot more analytical and logical. It does get a bit complicated diving into it as I’m still learning.
My applications and discoveries Collecting my understanding of these types allows me to understand that everyone has their differences and has their reasons for their decisions. Seeing my friends’ test results also gave me a better understanding of why they act in certain ways at times, although I do try not to heavily rationalise purely on their personalities. This is a soft science after all. 
In class... When we were assigned to put our sticky notes with our personality types on the board, I was surprised with the results. Sometimes I like to guess what but they can be quite off to the results. I knew there would be a bit of NF’s considering they can be “more creative” (not to say that other types are not creative). It was interesting to see people that did not have that. Again, this reminded me personality type does not always link to one’s interests and passions. Naturally, it is also much easier to understand someone getting to know them. Therefore I can not always assume I am correct with my initial judgments. The personality is simply the base of the cake. 
Aside from the personality activity... the Pepeha one was a nice way of understanding how effective simple words can be. When the note that said “Never touched snow before” was pointed out, I agreed that it brought out emotions of desire to feel something. It also made me visualise I was in another environment.
Understanding of Conflict When the notes were arranged into groups I was super curious about how they would work together. The unique abilities and perspectives of everyone can make a project much more compelling and engaging.
While David mentioned there may be a conflict between certain types ie. ESTJ and ENFJ because of the two having leader personalities, I saw the chances of a compromise. From my understanding, the two types are goal-oriented. However, ENFJ’s have great people skills and are empathetic, and can balance out the ESTJ’s logical approach to achieving things. Therefore there is a chance the two could work very well together. 
The conflict between people is inevitable. I agree with the statement of how contrasting personalities can spark new ideas, ironically because of disagreement. The compromise within a not so desired situation creates room for improvement and growth. There are greater chances of consistent agreements or friction between similar types which can have its difficulties.  
To conclude... When assigned to group work in the future, I’ll try not to make quick judgements on what they’re going to be like. It may be helpful to ask what each person’s strengths and weaknesses are, working in a team. This can create effective results, saving time, energy to understand one another.  Whereas, if I’m working on my understanding my own strengths weaknesses can help me toward achieving what is needed to be improved. 
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Mediator (INFP-T)
According to the Myer Briggs personality test my personality type is Infp. Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Prospecting. My strengths are being caring, kind and creative. My weaknesses however can be that I can be emotionally vulnerable, overly self-critical and becoming unfocused; struggling to commit to certain actions.
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