20 posts
🦋 Hello babes 🦋 *requests are open*
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sooobinscalculator · 4 years ago
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It’s all fun and games until you send these gifs to your mom on accident. Me. I did that.
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sooobinscalculator · 4 years ago
EXO ~ Napping with You
EXO X Reader
A/N: Hello, this is just how I imagine the EXO members would take naps with their significant other. Enjoy :D
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
•| Xiumin |•
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Always tired when he comes home from wherever he was.
He takes your hand and brings you to the room, always wanting you to lay next to him.
After you both are comfy laying on your stomachs with your faces turned toward each other, he'd start telling you about his day.
You two would talk for a while.
About nothing in particular, you both enjoyed sharing small talk in the cool stillness of your shared room.
He's usually the one to doze off first.
You'd be talking and his responses would become delayed lazy hums while he struggled to keep his eyes open.
You'd watch his face droop into relaxation and sleep.
It always made you smile, how his cheek that was pressed against the bed would push his lips out in a slight pout.
Kisses on his forehead.
You'd place your hand on top of his and fall asleep as you rubbed circles on his skin with your thumb.
•| Suho |•
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Just knows when you're tired.
You don't even have to say anything.
It'll be silent in the room and his arms are wrapping around you, pulling you close to him and draping a blanket over your body.
He likes when you sleep in his lap, either curled up against him or with your back pressed against his chest, legs draped over or between his.
Fingers through hair for dayz.
Loves how soft your hair feels and can't get enough of it.
You love how soothing his fingers feel running gently across your scalp.
You can fall asleep quick when he does that.
His scent, warmth, soft heartbeat, and arms wrapped securely around you really help you to relax.
He loves the feeling of holding you against him.
Litters your head with kisses, if you're still awake he'll go for a peck on the lips occasionally.
Once you're asleep, he'll rub your back until he drifts off as well.
•| Baekhyun |•
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Thinks you're so cute when you're tired.
It became a habit for you to slip into his clothes (usually sweatpants and a hoodie) and ask him to come sleep with you.
Becomes a big softie for you, coming over and pinching your puffy cheeks.
Kissing your pouty lips while calling you his little baby.
You'd whine when he'd continue to be all mushy gushy over your cuteness, complaining to him that you were losing precious nap time.
Picks you up and carries you to the room, slipping under the covers with you.
Brings you close to him and drapes an arm around you, one of your hands either fisted or splayed on his chest.
Your head would rest comfortably on his shoulder.
He may not be as tired as you so he'd watch some TV (quietly of course).
The background noise was somewhat soothing to you along with his steady breathing.
You'd fall asleep in no time tucked against him.
•| Lay |•
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After eating with you, specifically after lunch, he'd always go into a food coma.
He'd help you clean up before dragging you with him to the room.
You start playing some soft music before jumping onto the bed.
He's already curled up in the sheets waiting for you, eyes heavy and opening slightly when the bed sank from you climbing on.
Definitely likes spooning.
Doesn't waste a minute, once you're on the bed he's pulling you towards him.
Curls around you perfectly, his torso pressed against your back and his arms wrapped around your waist.
His warm breath fans out along your neck as he rests his chin somewhat in the crevice of it.
Your hand sometimes comes up to gently brush the side of his head, a happy hum coming from him.
He'll snuggle deeper against you.
You'll both eventually knock out to the soft music and warm embrace.
•| Chen |•
(I didn't know if I should include him or not, but here he is anyways if anyone wants to read it)
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"Yes please."
It's usually at 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon when the two of you want to take a nap.
You've usually just finished your work at this time and he's stepped out of the shower having come home from practice earlier.
He smiles warmly as he sees how tired you are, your hands rubbing your temples and your hoodie (or, his actually that you've claimed) cinched up around your face.
He'll open his arms for you to climb into, your body curled against him as he carries you to the room.
The two of you usually just start out close and facing each other, staring at one another for a moment and marvelling at how beautiful the other is, before falling asleep.
Of course a few kisses and small talk before fully dozing off.
When you're asleep is when he moves around, becoming a huge cuddle monster.
His leg will drape over yours, arms wrapping around you, or he'll just drag you completely on top of him.
Hugs you against him like you're a plushie or soft toy.
You're asleep half the time since you've gotten used to it and only realize you're in these positions when you wake up.
•| Chanyeol |•
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You'll come home from work or wherever you were and he's already in the room, taking little power naps.
At the sound of the front door opening and closing his deep voice is whining out your name from the room.
You're in no rush to put your things down and get settled but he gets more and more impatient.
He doesn't want to fall asleep again without you in his arms.
Once you're in the doorway his arms are shooting out from under the blankets, his hands making a grabby motion.
You'll get dressed into something more comfortable which is usually one of his large t-shirts and a pair of gym shorts.
Baby gets the biggest smile on his face when you approach the bed and get in, opening the blankets for you to slip under and exposing his bare torso to you.
He prefers to sleep shirtless as it keeps him cooler, which you don't mind *cough cough* 😌
Likes to snuggle against you, his head resting against your chest and big arms wrapped around your waist as you have one hand on the back of his head and one on his back.
Deeply inhales cause he likes your smell, helps him relax and fall asleep quicker.
His hair always has a subtle vanilla smell and is soft as you rest your chin against the crown of his head.
Once you're in that position Chanyeol doesn't plan on letting you leave it any time soon, even when your body tries to naturally move around in sleep.
It doesn't take long for the two of you to knock out.
•| D.O |•
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Sleeps anywhere.
Sitting on the couch, at the table, on the floor.
If he's tired, he's sleeping, then and there.
You don't like when he falls asleep in an uncomfortable looking position though cause you don't want his back to get messed up or anything.
You'll gently wake him up and help him move to the room.
Once he's in bed he'll hold onto your wrist and signal lazily for you to get in next to him.
You climb in and when you are comfortable, the two of you start out similar to Chen, facing each other and laying closely to one another's body.
He likes when your hand gently traces his face, fingertips grazing down his soft cheek to his chin or gently smoothing over his puffy lips.
He'll use what little energy he has left then to bring your face to his and kiss you.
Then, in a few seconds he's out, you following soon after.
•| Jongin |•
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At a certain time of the day, you like to burn incense or light candles or diffuse essential oils (whichever you like).
You do this while you clean, along with playing some background music.
Jongin watches you move around from the couch and although he's not doing anything, he starts getting very tired.
Maybe it's the incense/candles/essential oils, who knows, but for some reason he gets exhausted just watching you.
You're pretty tired after cleaning as well.
You stand in front of him with your hands on your hips, taking off your gloves and bandana you wear to keep your hair back while breathing heavily.
"I'mma shower."
"Okay, I'll be here..."
After you're refreshed from a warm shower, you really wanna take a nap then.
Jongin had already moved from the couch to the bed, laying on his side waiting for you.
He likes to feel dominant (hsoekdnw n e ways) so he prefers to be the one holding you close to him.
The two of you sleep in a position similar to Chanyeol's, except flipped.
Jongin keeps you tucked against him, your face almost smushed against his broad chest, while his arms wander all over your back.
K i s s e s. Pecks or deep, Jongin will go for it if you're still awake.
His steady breathing, warmth, and smell make you fall asleep, along with the fatigue catching up.
He'll take a little while to fall asleep because he likes to keep soothing you, but it won't take long before he's out, arms a little more relaxed around you.
•| Sehun |•
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Like Lay, goes into food coma.
Eats then gets up to go to the room.
"You coming?"
"Oh, I thought I'd watch some TV."
"Please nap with me."
"Okay big baby."
You're joking but he is fsfs a big baby when sleeping with you.
C u d d l e M o n s t e r
Likes to pull or push you into different positions, his hands all over you as he cuddles into you or brings you close to him.
Throughout the variety of positions, the two of you maintain small talk, chatting about your day or future plans or anything.
Eventually, he'll settle down and he'll resort to his favorite position before falling asleep.
Either he's on top of you or you're on top of him. Most of the time, it's him on top.
He'll shift so his head rests against your chest and his arms reach up on either side of your body.
Likes to be babied by you 😌.
Gives you satisfied sighs/groans when your fingers play with his hair, gently tickle the back of his neck, or run up and down his back.
Falls asleep eventually and you follow soon after as his body feels like a cozy second blanket over your body.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Yay, the end. I hope you enjoyed the abundant truck load of fluff :D
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sooobinscalculator · 4 years ago
✨~ '95 Line Skater Mood Boards ~✨
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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──
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sooobinscalculator · 4 years ago
Stray Kids the type to:
Bangchan: put a kickboard under his feet and try to stand on it in the pool.
Lee Know: search up every question on the internet and copy and paste the answer. Also asks other people for the answers all the time.
Seungmin: hiss at people and bite them.
Felix: wipe all the frosting off his cupcakes and eat just the muffin part.
IN: lay under the covers super still and think that no one can see him.
Han: always ask for kisses from others but back out when someone takes it seriously.
Hyunjin: shed his hair everywhere and put it on other people's heads.
Changbin: lick some shampoo because he wants to know if it tastes as good as it smells.
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sooobinscalculator · 4 years ago
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✨ b a b i e s✨
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
You Cant Hold My Heart
Pairing: Changkyun x Reader
Word Count: I honestly have no clue, maybe like 1k+ 
Genre: Angst/ Futuristic
Warning: Possesive!Kyun, includes mind control 
Note: Idea for this prompt by @changkyunie0​ , I’m so sorry it took so long but I Hope you enjoy :) Also sorry for any mistakes
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“Why are we here Changkyun?” You ask on a random spring afternoon. The white walls that surrounded the two of you often felt enclosing, the harsh silver of the metal table chained to your cold metal seats that had been welded into white floor often drove you crazy. 
In fact, everything about your new life drove you crazy. The new world, ruled by greed has forced you into the crevices of insanity, pulling you to the edges of inhumanity and timid fright. You don’t know how you ended up in this place, and you often questioned why you hadn’t yet tried to escape the facility yet.  
The one thing that had been holding you grounded this entire time was Patient 123. He was housed three doors down from you, and for what you assumed was months you just watched the quiet boy. You watched him in the cafeteria for your meals, the only time you would be able to see any sort of human connection. You would watch him when they evaluated his rooms during inspection week. And then, whether it be the forces of nature, he had been miraculously paired with you for partner talk. 
Partner talk was the insurance that you got sincere human interaction. Despite there being a meal plan, with groups of people, that couldn’t force people to interact with others. And everyone here was much to paranoid to spill any details to the hearing ears of the public, so often times, most everyone just ate in complete silence. 
“You ask that question everyday,” He laughs, leaning back in his chair. 
“Do I?” You furrow your brows, trying to think back to yesterdays conversation. But before you can try to pinpoint the same question, Kyun interrupts your thoughts.   
“Its okay, its cute.” 
You were thankful for Changkyun, it felt as if this weird place you had been shipped to who knows how long ago was a little brighter because of his presence. With him, you could feel more then the dull silence that loomed over you. You felt a warmth seeping into your blood stream, and butterflies swarm in your stomach. It didn’t matter that you’d been having partner talk with him for months, the same feeling returned each and every time.
You look at Changkyun, hand gently folded together in your lap, fingers picking at the corners of your thumbs, “I love you kyun.” 
He smiles, rising from his seat and makes his way over to you in less then a two steps. He bends down, carefully placing his lips on yours, “I love you too.” 
His eyes were ridden with guilt, its easy to tell. You frown, suspicious of his actions now. In a place like this it was always easy to become so wrapped in your own bubble that actions even remotely curious would steer you in a different direction. 
But you knew that Changkyun wasn’t like the rest of the people place. You knew he wouldn’t be capable of the monstrosities and horror stories you had heard from the others in the quiet whispers that roamed the halls. You knew he was in love with you, and that you were in love with him. 
“Times up.” The guard says, walking into the room and taking your arm by force to take you from the room first. 
“Why are we here Changkyun?” You ask, looking at Changkyun in the eyes. You see hiss eyes fleet over to yours, a strange glint to them. However, his posture is as normal, slouched back in his chair, arms folded across his waist. 
“You ask that question every day.” He states, a smile spreading across his lips. 
“Do I?” You ask confused, trying to think back to yesterday when you last saw the boy. 
“Its okay, its cute,” He smiles even wider, your thoughts being interrupted by his words. You felt a wave of confusion spread over you. Where had you heard this? It seemed to familiar. You brushed away the feeling, and looked at him, eyes glazing over with adoration. 
“I love you kyun,”  You smile. Watching as he stand from his seat, he walks directly in front of you, bending down to place a kiss on your lips. Smiling into the kiss, you hear him say the words back. 
“I love you too.” 
“Times Up.” 
“Why are we here Changkyun?” The words tumble out of your mouth the moment your seated across from him. 
“You ask that question everyday,” His eyes are slanted wide, a smile spreading across his lips. This smile seems weird to you, but you don’t understand it. It kyun, you tell yourself, he wouldn’t do a thing to hurt you. 
“Do I?” You freeze for a moment, the familiarity of the conversation fumbling over you. 
“Its okay, its cute.”
You frown, trying to recall your last conversation with him. But you couldn’t remember. Why couldn’t you remember? You sigh, and look at the man across from you, his eyes turned into unreadable emotion. Its as if he was waiting to hear you say something. A moment of silence has him impatient, you can see his teeth tightly clenching together. Somethings wrong. 
“I love you kyun,” You tell him hesitantly. His posture unraveles, a small sigh escaping his lips as the same uneasy smile spreads across his lips. He stands, makes his way over to you, and gently places a kiss on your lips. 
“I love you too.” 
“Times up.” 
Here you sat. You felt like you had been here a million times, but as you silently watched Kyun slouched in the chair in front of you, you couldn’t understand why you couldn’t remember your past conversations with him. Did you see him yesterday? You weren’t sure. 
“W-why are we here Changkyun?” You ask with uncertainty. 
“You ask that question everyday.” This facial expression he carried made you feel dizzy. It wasn’t the kind of dizzy that you felt when you won a stuffed animal at the fair, or the kind of dizzy when someone finally asks you out after countless days of flirting. This wasn’t the warm eruption of butterflies swarming in your stomach nor was the sensation feeling of happiness. No. This kind of dizzy took your breath right out from under you. It made you feel cramped, like you had been stuck in a tiny box with no air holes. This kind of dizzy scared you, fear trembling slowly through your fingertips, spreading further throughout your body. 
“I do?” Confusion sweeps through you again. the same type of confusion you’ve felt before, but could never understand. The look bestowed on Changkyuns face was unrecognizable. A smile stretched upwards as he looks at you. The smile that initiates a response of panic. This smile wasn’t a comforting warm smiles. This smile was one that looked down on you, it made you feel like you had felt before you met the boy. The feeling of being used, the feeling of a lab rat being tested time and time again. 
“Its okay. Its cute.” And then it hits you all at once. Just like a building crumbling to the ground during the forceful impact of the wrecking ball. 
“Somethings wrong with this,” It was just an utter, the words playing in your brain without the realization that they came tumbling out of your lips. You look back at kyun, his face puzzled with bewilderment. 
He frowns. You don’t understand, just like you hadn’t understood anything, and with more composure this time, you face him head on, “Changkyun whats really going on here, why are you looking at me like that?” 
His eyes darken, almost as if a cloud of black thick fog has gusted through him. He wasn’t the warm kyun you knew right now. Where did the warm kyun who held your hand across the table and always got up to give you a kiss to say he loved you go? Always.
He always held your hand. He always kissed you on your cheek. He always told you he loved you. In that order. 
had you been re-living the same day? What was this feeling? 
“You said the wrong thing y/n.” His voice filled with a dark possession, almost as if a demon had crawled inside his body. 
“Take her away.” Kyun says while standing, his guard on high alert. 
You pull away from the guards who try to latch onto your arms. You thrash against them, knowing something was wrong with this. Something was wrong with Changkyun. 
“What are you doing! Put me down! What happened to you kyun!” 
The guards hold you in place, your thrashing momentarily stopping as an evil look arises in Changkyun. This wasn’t the man you you loved. Not anymore. 
He walks towards you, steadily. The laughter that follows in low, and slow, but manically menacing, “Up her dosage by double. We’ll try this again tomorrow.” 
“Try what again!” You cry out, eyes threatening to spill the tears puddling in the corners of your vision. 
“Shaping you darling, you will be the perfect pet, you just need some more training,” He mutters, a foul psychotic aura emitting from him. 
“Why are we here kyun?” 
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
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✨ C U T I E ✨
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
So I saw on Instagram someone do this but for NCT Dream and so I asked my non kpop friend for her opinions on Monsta X and this is what she put—
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
Look at their Weverse updates 🥺 so cuuuute
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Such babezzz 🥺
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
|The Small Moments|
Kim Mingyu
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Pairing: College!Mingyu x Reader
Word Count: 730
Genre: Fluff
Warning: Cute domestic bf Mingyu teehee
Note: I’m sorry if this got a little repetitive but anyways enjoy :)
“Would you stop that!”
“Stop what?”
“Being so freaking cute together. It’s disgusting,” Seungkwan exasperates, rolling his eyes and flailing his arms around his body.
You were sat on Mingyus lap, arms draped around his neck, his secured around your waist as the two of you giggled and conversed about how your days had been. It was lunch, and the weather had been sunny with a cool breeze, the wind wafting through your hair gently as you happily stared at your boyfriend.
“Your just jealous,” You giggle, twisting around to meet Seungkwans frustrated eyes.
“Not jealous, disgusted. It’s different,” He mocks, poking his younger out like a five year old child.
“I think it’s jealousy,” Mingyu mocks back, popping out his head from the side of your body, an evident smirk playing on his lips.
“I think you all need to shut up,” Jeonghan laughs from his spot at the outside cafe table that your group had been sitting at.
“I agree,” Wonwoo says while tapping at his computer.
“You guys are no fun, let us mock the disgusted fool,” Mingyu groans jokingly, earning a small punch from Seungkwan in return. You chuckle at the action, sliding your arms further down Mingyu’s neck, bringing your head to the crook and laying it gently down while shutting your eyes in appreciation.
You appreciated this moment of content. This moment of bliss. Everything from the smell of roasted coffee to your bickering friend, even down to the soft wind and the way Mingyu held you on his lap. You loved every second of this small moment. Because it was right now, when you felt the most content.
Obviously being in a relationship had its ups and downs. When you and Mingyu first decided to call it official, walking on eggshells to make sure the other one was always happy didn’t have its perks. At first the fights started over miscommunication. Because you both didn’t want to overstep the boundaries you hadn’t yet trespassed. But every relationship is about learning the small things about each other.
And with the years that passed you could read Mingyu like the back of your hand, and fights virtually didn’t exist unless it came down to who would get the last slice of cake in the fridge or who was going to walk aji that night. Really the only big fights were out of frustrations that your schooling caused for the both of you.
And it was moments like these, after the long hours of school, and days without seeing each other that you most appreciated. Because even though you knew hard times did happen, especially during the dreaded finals weeks, it’s these small moments that made you gracious of life.
“Y/n, earth to Y/n,” Mingyu says from below you, catching your attention from your thoughts.
“Jeonghan asked if you were going with us to Friday nights party?” He re-asks you as he rubs circles in the palms of your hands.
“Depends, do I have to drive?”
“Not if you agree to go,” Jeonghan laughs from across you.
“Then I’m in,” you smile and turn back to your boyfriend. As Jeonghan, Wonwoo, and Seungkwan delve into a different conversation, Mingyu gently speaks directly to you.
“What we’re you thinking about that made you miss Jeonghan question?” He asks while tucking one of your stray hairs behind your ear.
You smile back at your thought, “I’m just really happy right now.”
He smiles, happily knowing that his babygirl was in a good mood, “How come?”
“Because, it’s these little small moments that make me the happiest. It’s just blissful and makes me all warm a giddy and I don’t know, it just makes me happy,” you reply, twirling your fingers that were intertwined with his.
Mingyu stared up at you, his eyes boring into yours, the love that filled his face as he took in your words. He loved how you took these times and made the very most of them, no matter the circumstance.
“I love you,” He smiles, leaning in to attach his lips to yours tenderly. You respond with the lightest of pecks before you hear the groaned yelling of Seungkwan yet again.
“Will you two stop it with the couple shit!”
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
Can somebody explain to me why god gave all the snatched waists to kpop boys? I’d like a thorough investigation on this.
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
R E B L O G   IF  ______________
I can randomly pop in your dms 
I can go to your ask and ask random af questions 
I can vent to you 
I can potentially help you (i.e, Self Harm/Suicidal Tendencies, Personal issue at school, and weight loss.) 
I can Send you cute songs to help you smile 
I can Send funny ass memes to make you smile 
I can be your friend through the hard times and even forever 
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
What your fandom says about you:
Boy Group Version
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You are the sweetest of sweet
Absolutely and undeniably the most pure
But like we all know you wanna see your boys shirtless
But that’s not happening
But also like
Y’all are super chill, friends with everyone like Jackson Wang
Speaking of Jackson Wang:
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There is no in between.
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You are ready to fight any bitch who disrespects your babies
But like your also super sweet
But definitely thirsty mfs
Especially if you specifically bias Kai, Chanyeol, Sehun, or Baekhyun
Especially Kai
Definitely watch their videos on repeat
Especially the monster mv
Me too tho
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Your like exo-l
Like don’t even try to attack your babies
Because like
Your called an army for a reason
But like you guys are also sometimes clueless and radiate big baby energy
That is until it’s concert season
Then it’s over for all y’all
Swears jimin is prince Eric
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Definitely stressed out
You probably can’t keep up because there 21 crackheads to keep track of
And more being added
And who the hell knows what’s going on with nct 2020
I feel like y’all are also rly chill
But like definitely the clowns around these parts
Swears hendery is prince Eric.
Also JCC is probably your favoritist thing in the world
You probably read too many mafia AU’s too
WayV is apart of NCT and if you tell them otherwise you will be murdered on sight.
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You fucking want Wonho back
And that’s it.
Because me fucking too.
You guys are just like Carats tho.
Very down to earth and chill.
Except y’all can’t be pure with a wild Changkyun running around
And don’t even get me started on their stage presence
Might as well just join a strip club and start calling them daddy
But besides that
Y’all are the absolute squishiest
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Your the kind of fan who will watch and rewatch the same video ten times in a row because of that one part that makes you giggle
Very chaotic
But also very kind
Atiny are like carats and monbebes
Like can we just fill these stans up in a room cuz like they are going to bring out all the positive energy in the world
But y’all can also never stay in one lane
And do I blame you?
No because those boy be making you swerve in and out of traffic
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I genuinely cannot keep track of you myself
One second it’s chill
Y’all are vibin
The next
It’s more chaotic the aghase
And that’s sayin something
I think it’s just JYP
Change my mind I dare you
But like yeah
You guys are in between being the chillest people in the world
And also
The most chaotic people in the world.
You also miss the fuck out of Woojin but respects his decision
A/n: Pt 2? Suggestions?
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
[6:34 am]
You can hear boyfriend!sicheng quietly breathing in your ear as he sleeps peacefully with his arms wrapped around your torso, pulling you incrediblely close to him.
The light barely shines through the curtains but what little does come through shines on his face, illuminating his soft resting features making you swoon just like the first time you had met him.
You run his fingers through his hair and breathe in his scent, hoping this moment lasts forever.
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
SuperM the type to:
Baekhyun: say he's twelve for the discount kids meal.
Kai: get lost on purpose in Ikea.
Ten: lock himself in the restroom and make TikToks.
Taeyong: never answer the group texts and take forever to message one person back.
Mark: clog the toilet, freak out, and throw his stuff out the window.
Lucas: claim that the letter purple is an endangered species.
Taemin: think about a joke 10 minutes later and start laughing.
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sooobinscalculator · 5 years ago
NCT 127 Confessing to You / You Confessing to Them
Genre: Fluffffff ff f f f
Word count: *beep boop*
NCT 127 X Reader
This has been in my drafts for a while and it actually was a different group at first but I changed it so sorry if it's a little funky or some of the words are weird. Hope you enjoy thooo.
None of these gifs are mine :))
Taeyong ♡
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He confesses to you.
You were close friends with him since school.
You guys would always "jokingly" flirt and it was obvious to the other members what was going on.
You both had feelings towards each other but were too paranoid of confessing and ruining the friendship.
You had invited him over to your house one lazy evening and you were sitting on the couch with him watching a movie.
He had his arm draped behind you and he sighed heavily, catching your attention.
"Everything okay?" you asked.
"Y/N, we really need to talk. I don't want this to ruin our friendship or anything, but I need to get this out."
"I've fallen so hard for you over these past years and if you don't feel the same as me, just know that I don't want our friendship to change from this."
"Taeyong....... Why haven't you said anything sooner? I've been in love with you since we were in school!"
"Wha- Why didn't you say anything!?"
You both would laugh it off and continue your night with deep conversations and kisses (YYEEEEEEEEAAAAAAA coot).
Yuta ♡
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You confess to him.
You had been introduced to Yuta by your best friend Johnny.
Johnny found out you were crushing on Yuta and would try everything in his will power to get you and him close together.
Johnny invited you over one night to hang out with the boyzzzzz.
You and Yuta at this point have gotten closer (as friends...... 🙃).
Haechan really didn't want to watch the horror movie that the others picked out.
You and Yuta volunteered to do something else with Haechan so he wouldn't feel left out.
"Let's dye my hair," Yuta suddenly suggested.
"YESSSSS," Haechan glanced at you for approval.
"You both can do it," Yuta smirked at you while handing you several hair dye bottles.
"O-oh okay," you nervously muttered.
While washing Yuta's hair, Haechan left to get some snacks.
Yuta was groaning softly as you massaged his scalp, making you go CrAzY skskaksjdnxnak.
"Yuta, I have something to confess," you said as you bit your lip.
"Yes?" he asked with a raised eyebrow as he opened his eyes.
"I-I like you. Really, really like you," you said softly as blush spread to your cheeks like wildfire.
"Really? Me too," he says nonchalantly.
"Oh phew okay. Wait.... You LIKE ME TOO?!"
"Yeah Y/N, I'm gaga for you," he says while bopping your nose with his finger and winking.
You internally scream as Yuta laughs at your blush.
Jaehyun ♡
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(Woof okay)
He confesses to you.
But in a DiFfErEnT way than he would've wanted to.
You were invited to a late night club by your friend Jaehyun.
He constantly would try to pull your dress down, saying it was too short.
You'd stare at him with a raised eyebrow and remind him that the two of you were at a club.
The daaannccciiinnnng kekeke.
He's obviously a great dancer, and you were surprised at how well your body responded to his. (I-)
Went into a drinking competition at one point with you (after getting a little tired of dancing).
You won.
Now he's all TiPsY!
Moooore daaannccciiinnnng
His dancing was getting a little more rAuNcHy.
"Jae I think we should get you home," you laughed while facing him.
"Y/N.... You're literally glowing. You're an absolute goddess," his words were all slurred but still made your heart flutter.
"Aw thanks Jae," before you could finish that sentence he kithes you 😌.
"I'm so in love with you," he slowly parts from the kiss and speaks SO SOFTLY skskskjdeokf.
You think you might pass out.
"I've been in love with you for the longest time," he looks you in the eyes and almost seems completely sober.
You agree to leave the club with him and head to his house (😏).
Jungwoo ♡
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This bebe 🥺
He confesses to you.
Master of cheesy pick up lines!
You and him constantly had pick up line battles.
He always won.
You got into a pretty heated battle at one point, and you were determined to win.
"Is that a mirror in your pocket? Cause I can see myself in your pants," *insert baby boi wink*.
"No but I can definitely see something in your pocket. Is that a lollipop or are you just happy to see me?" you cheesily smiled.
"Once you have a lick, I'm sure you can answer the question yourself."
"Ew Jungwoo, let's get back on track..."
He laughs at your baffled behavior.
"Okay, what has 36 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk?"
You already knew where this was going and stared at him with a raised eyebrow.
"My zipper," *insert wiggly eyebrows*.
You were very determined to win this round though.
"Kiss me if I'm wrong. Dinosaurs still exist right?"
"Oh yes, definitely."
"Jungwoo......." you sighed and rubbed your temples.
"Fine, fine. I guess you really want me to kiss you that bad..."
He muttered the last part so you couldn't really make out what he said until he leapt onto you and mushed his lips against yours (EEEEEEEEEEEEEE).
"I am dinosaur," he says cutely.
More kisses on the couch.
He admits defeat after giving a heart-warming confession.
Mark ♡
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You both kinda confess at the same time.
You were childhood friends that had been separated when he moved and attended a different school.
You met back up with him when you had bumped into him at a cafe and exchanged numbers.
After coming home from work, Mark invited you to one of his band's concerts.
You got that VIP experienceee. Backstage access and all.
Mark giggled and jumped up and down like a fangirl when he saw you come backstage.
You joined in the crackhead energy and jumped/giggled like a fangirl as well.
"Enjoy the view," he says before walking onto the stage with his other members.
Tired baby after the performance :'( .
"Late night snack?" you asked.
He loved the idea and drove off with you to the nearest 7/11.
Got into a deep conversation about life and stuff.
"You know what, let's share one of our deepest secrets with each other. Just for fun and because we've been friends since we came out of the womb and our trust is impossible to break," he suggests.
You can see that he's also just as nervous as you but you, for some reason, love this idea.
"1, 2, 3!"
"I like you."
You both slap a hand on your mouths as you shout those words in sync.
You both burst into a GiGgLe FiT!
Mark drops his ice cream which makes you guys laugh twice as hard.
"That's crazy....." he sighs as he catches his breath while pulling you into a hug.
Lots of kisses on the cheek. 🥺
Winwin ♡
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You confess to him.
You hadn't seen him in a while because he was AcRoSs ThE wOrLd at the moment.
You had been face timing him every day.
He always fell asleep on you though.
"I'll be coming back soon," he says over the call.
"Good," you said through your mouth full of cake.
"Are you eating cake without me?" he pouts.
"Yes," you say as you shovel another bite of the vanilla ice cream cake into your mouth.
"It's alright, there's an unlimited amount for me anyways."
You didn't understand his comment at first but furrowed your eyebrows at him when you did.
He laughs his bay bee boi laugh 🥺.
"It's good to see you again though," his comment makes you smile.
"Good to see you too," you wink.
You talked with him about how everything was going where he was and how everyone was doing.
It was getting later in the evening. (Later in the day for you.)
You watched as his drowsy eyes slowly closed.
Suddenly you thought this was the pErFeCt TiMe To ThInK oUt LoUd.
"You're so cute Sicheng. I'm literally head over heels in love with your perfect, soft, baby face," you rambled as you were swooning over his peaceful, sleeping face on your screen.
"Baby face?" he muttered as his eyes flicked open and stared into yours.
"Oh shi-"
You hung up quickly.
He called back within two seconds and you stared at your phone screen while curling into fetal position.
"You're so adorable," he says as your red face and twinkling eyes appear on the screen.
Haechan ♡
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You confess to him.... Through a kith. 🙃
He had a whole day off and you decided to take him to an amusement park.
"Y/N!!! Let's share a cotton candy!!!"
You let him eat most of it, claiming it was his day so you would treat him to whatever.
Lots of relaxing rides instead of rollar coasters; a chill day.
It was getting late and the park looked amazing at night with all the lit up rides and twinkling lights everywhere.
So you and Haechan decided to take pictures and hit up all the rollar coasters now.
You rode the merry-go-round several times and took several crackhead videos and pictures on it.
You had your arm wrapped through Haechan's and your head was resting on his shoulder as the two of you strolled around the almost empty park.
"Thank you for this night."
He looks down at you and you lean up and KiSs HiM (WHAAAAA My HeArT 🥺).
A slow smirk spreads on his face and he leans back down to kiss you again.
"Thank you for this night," he says between kisses.
Johnny ♡
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He confesses to you.
You had a long day at work and was tired of all the cranky, asshole customers.
You had ranted about it to Johnny over the phone during your break.
"Well, gotta get back to it," you sighed as you looked at the time, seeing your break was over.
"Alright, I'll pick you up today," he said through the phone.
You exchanged goodbyes and hesitated before getting up and joining back up with your coworkers.
MoRe BoOtYhOlE cUsToMeRs.
You were just mentally and physically exhausted all around.
Finally your shift was over and you were excited to see Johnny (a bright side to your cruddy day).
"Hop in loser," he said as he rolled down the window on the passenger side and stared at your slumped form sitting on the bench.
"I'm... Exhausted," you muttered as you rubbed your eye.
"I'm sorry Y/N. A warm shower will probably really be nice when we get back home. Is there anything I can do?"
"No, it's okay Johnny. Thanks though."
"You know, that's what I really admire about you," he says as his hand rests on your thigh.
"What's that?" you chirp and lean close to him with your elbows resting on the center console and your chin resting in your hands.
"That you're so strong and that you push through each and every day. You give 100%, even if everything sucks. You always give your best. That's what really made me fall for you," he said, his hand moving from your thigh to your face, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Aw, thanks Johnny," you said, taking his hand and kissing it as you heart melted. "You know my heart belongs to you."
Doyoung ♡
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He confesses to you.
You and Doyoung (after weeks of begging him to do this with you) had composed a bucket list together of things you wanted to do.
One of them was spend a night on a beach.
"Ew, there's going to be sand everywhere," he huffs and pouts as you lay out the blanket on the sand.
"Oh well! All part of the experience!" you say as you pull your shirt off (you have a bathing suit underneath ObViOuSlY).
He chases after you into the crisp, ocean water.
He doesn't go very deep and neither do you; you both chill out in the knee deep section.
Night starts to fall and you and Doyoung take aesthetic pictures with the orange sky and dark blue water.
"So pretty," he sighs as you both sit on the blanket, wrapped up in towels with a small fire in front of you.
"Yeah it is," you sigh as well.
"Just like you."
"Yea- Huh?" As you turned your head to question him, he leaned in and connected his lips with yours.
You savor the moment, staring into his eyes as he slowly parts from you.
"You ruined it. I was aiming for your cheek until you turned your head," he jokingly smirks.
Taeil ♡
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You both confess at the same time (like Mork).
All the members knew that Taeil was madly in love with you and that you were the same way.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Haechan shouted as everyone was thinking of something to do.
"YES!" everyone immediately caught on to the plan except for Doyoung and Taeil who protested the game.
"Taeil truth or dare?" Mark asked.
"I'm not playing," Taeil shrugged his response.
"Taeil truth or dare?"
"Urmmm... I just said I wasn't playing."
"Taeil truth or d-"
The evil expressions that were plastered on all the boys faces was easy for you to catch and you groaned in realization of what was happening.
"Who are you madly oBsEsSeD with? And don't lie, I read your diary," Mark folded his arms across his chest.
"I- WaIt A mInUtE!"
"Hey Y/N, who are you madly obsessed with?" Jaehyun suddenly blurted the question.
You blinked in confusion, hoping your blank expression would eventually cause them to change the subject.
"W-well I think it's pretty obvious now," you said as you nervously scratched the back of your neck.
"What? No way," Taeil gasped softly at your comment.
"You like me?!" you both blurted at the same time.
"Mission accomplished gentlemen," the rest of the boys in the room said in satisfaction as they high-fived each other.
Whew! This post took me forever to write and edit!!! Hope you enjoyed it though. Now I must relax my cramping wrist :') .
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