soobscribe · 2 years
Hueningkai: hyung why are we lying on the floor?
Soobin: Taehyun kicked your ass unconscious
Soobin: so I lied next to you so people would think we're just chilling
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soobscribe · 2 years
San: hyung was I really drunk last night?
Seonghwa: you were so loud the neighbors called the pollice. And when they asked for your name, you shouted "BITCH GOOGLE IT, I'M FAMOUS!!"
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soobscribe · 2 years
Hongjoong: you were supposed to do something about the raccoon under our porch!
Mingi: I did. I named him Lord RapGod and apparently he likes froot loops
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soobscribe · 2 years
Soobin: I wish you would really eat fruits more often
Hueningkai: I am
Soobin: oh yeah? What kind of fruit?
Hueningkai: fruit loops
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soobscribe · 2 years
Manager: we know you like your weekends off, but we really need you to come in on saturday
Yeonjun: yeah, no problem. I might be a little late because public transportation is slower on the weekend
Manager: what time do you think you will get here then?
Yeonjun: on monday
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soobscribe · 2 years
Seonghwa: why is there a tall and handsome man staring back at me-
Yeosang: that's your reflection
Seonghwa: I know right
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soobscribe · 2 years
Yunho: hey do you wanna hear a joke?
Jongho: ok?
Yunho: money
Jongho: oohh I get it
Yunho: I get it too
2ho: *starts laughing in filthy rich*
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soobscribe · 2 years
*TXT's group chat*
Beomgyu: you know, people should really capitalise the G in God
Hueningkai: yeah, I agree!
Taehyun: okay then, beomGyu hyunG
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soobscribe · 2 years
Yeonjun, flirting: aye what those fingers do?
Hueningkai: play instruments like no other
Hueningkai: *starts playing Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven*
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soobscribe · 2 years
Wooyoung: what's something guys do that you find is hot?
San: I like it when they roll up their sleeves so you can see their forearms
Wooyoung, thinking: damn, I only have two arms
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soobscribe · 2 years
Yunho: a wise person once said "Make memes, not war."
Seonghwa: and who was that?
Yunho: me
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soobscribe · 2 years
Beomgyu: I usually get nervous when I talk to cute boys
Yeonjun: aww
Beomgyu: I guess that's why you're so easy to talk to
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soobscribe · 2 years
Yeonjun: we have more in common than you think
Soobin: that's a terrible thing to say
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soobscribe · 2 years
Hongjoong: what is he doing out there?
Wooyoung, in a corn field: *banging two pots together* IT WOULD BE A SHAME IF I WERE TO GET ABDUCTED RIGHT NOW!!
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soobscribe · 2 years
Mingi: *mumbling something in Latin*
San: oh my god stop doing that, it won't exorcise me
Mingi, checking off the list: it was worth a try
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soobscribe · 2 years
Taehyun, preparing to cook: remember what I told you to buy?
Beomgyu: milk, eggs and chicken
Taehyun: good
*a few minutes later*
Taehyun, checking the groceries: I didn't ask you to get cheese, a Kinder Joy or a rubber chicken...
Beomgyu: you weren't specific
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soobscribe · 2 years
Hueningkai: hyung let's be honest... you love me
Soobin: I literally would sell you for moldy sandwiches
Hueningkai: last night you came into my room, charged my phone, fixed my blanket, and kissed my forehead
Soobin: y-you weren't asleep?
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