someweiirdo · 10 years
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Okay, cosplay time! I'm the Fem!Kankri, my friend is Meenah. Yes, I know my cosplay isn't perfect, but it will be in due time. Also, these are just total derp selfies, we aren't being serious here. We made a video, don't forget to check it out! The bloopers are up, and the actual cosplay video will be up soon too. Youtube channel: VampireAnna 💛
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someweiirdo · 10 years
Soooo, I know I haven't blogged for FOREVER on this account, but yeah, here I go again. I'm going to talk about HS shippings today, and we all know, the land of HS shippings is either the best or scariest place in the entire universe and beyond. Even if the universe covers everything, it still goes beyond that. So, let me just warn everyone, I ship AAAALMOST everything. Almost. But I dislike probably one of the most shipped thing out of homestuck, and most cannon. Sollux x Aradia, I cannot stand it. I don't know why, but I just don't like it. Just like my friend, he doesn't like Gamzee x Tavros! When he told me that a little part inside of me just died, because it just works so well in my head! I guess that's what some people are like when I say I don't like SolRadia though. But, ever since I knew what homestuck was, my HS OTP would have to be Eridan x Sollux. Or any of the Captor's and Ampora's in ANY order, really. Same with the Vantas' and Captor's. But onto my main point, whatever you ship is cool! If you ship something and someone doesn't like it, don't let them give you any hate for it. I mean, they can die a little inside if you ship/don't ship something, but don't let them laugh at you for it. It's not worth it. Shippings to me, are like cookies and ice cream. Some people like cookies. Some people like ice cream. Some people like both. Some people like neither. Most importantly, one person can like ice cream, the other can like cookies. Nobody cares if people like cookies and/or ice cream right? So, why do people care if someone ships one thing but not another? At the end of the day, it's a shipping, not a way of life. Well, maybe it is. But that's not the point! People have different preferences and should not be judged for that! Sorry for ranting on a bit, but I had to get this across because I get so much stick for shipping the wrong things. So do other people, so I just wanted to try and stop it. Okay, my nagging is over. On a higher note, I did some cosplaying with my friend! I'm cosplaying as Kankri, her as Meenah. In the pictures that I will shortly post, I shall warm you that my cosplay isn't quite complete and so I had to make do with being a Fem!Kankri because I don't have my wig or turtleneck yet. I WILL get them soon, and shall post proper cosplay pictures when I have done so. 💛
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someweiirdo · 10 years
Hello! I'm a new blogger here, someweirdo, otherwise known as Iris. I'm going to be blogging about homestuck, cosplay and I might also do a bit of blogging about bullying. I, luckily, am listening to Kankri's broadway song about tagging stuff so I shan't forget to do that! Well… at least right now. Well, I hope this blog helps or entertains anyone who might invest the time to read it, and I shall continue to post random updates as and when I write them. :3
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