somethingoriginal16 · 6 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
Lance vs. Lotor
Y’all have to agree we all want Lance to have issues with Lotor so like what if Lotor is just so nice to Lance and Lance doesn’t like it. Like Lotor is SUS™ and stuff but Lance won’t want him there because he’s another threat to his place in Voltron. What if Allura and Lotor get along really well? What if Keith and him bond over their half blood similarities?
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
Shiro's maybe dog
Continuing from my last post about Lance's family. . . You know the dog that the fandom likes to believe Shiro has??? She's probably dead too.
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
Some langst
I wonder if anyone else has noticed that Lance's family is 100% dead. Like nobody in his family is still kicking if the show is going to be scientifically accurate. They have traveled to worlds where how they cycle with star (like the sun) could have (and for sure does) a different time frame in which it does an orbit around the star. Some planets it's an hour other planets it's a fucking year. They have been to corners of the universe that are so far from Earth and planets and shit. Miss me with that shit that Lance will ever see his family again.
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
thing from weblum
Everyone is trying to say the Galra in the Weblum was fucking Lotor
But honey
I put my money on that being Keith's mom. Like the Galra was obviously going to kill Keith but it was like
Shit bitch that is my child
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
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Shakespearean insults, with cats.
7 more here.
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
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#Always be an Esmeralda
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
Nude Art Tours Pt. 2
 this one was smaller and was more like a tour where the artist (also nude) took as though and explained the works to us and talked about stripping away barriers between the viewer and the art like social status etc. it was a lot more personal with people asking questions and giving their opinions. we were told beforehand and I think this was a really good message for all nudists “no inappropriate touching, same rules apply here as if you were clothed”. afterwards we also got to stay nude at the bar which was amazing. I talked with one lady a 40 year old lawyer and it was her first nude event and I told her my whole story about how I got into nudism and about my Biblical beliefs and everything and she was so amazed she was like “thats the best story, I just wanna hug you shame we cant hug” and I said dont worry dude go ahead and she was like “wow hugs are so much warmer nude” haha. and then i was talking to these two girls, best freinds who came on a dare. first year uni students doing art. and they ended up so relaxed they almost forgot to get dressed before they left LOL. and lastly there was this other guy who was struggling cause his Muslim roommate had been saying that what he was doing being nude around other men was forbidden and he was so happy to hear my story about religion and culture and how nudity fits… the other thing that really surprised me was while going around the gallery, we were all nude and so was the artist, but there was staff and volunteers around watching the art and explaining stuff, they were just like uni students and security or something mostly girls but they were fully clothed when we went in but the artist said they were told they could strip if they wanted, then like 5 minutes in they all just stripped off and were saying it felt more normal since everyone else was nude. so these random students who were just at work randomly strip full nude and are just chilling, it was surreal. It was really fun actually meeting people in a smaller setting and really watching them come out of their shell. I will defiantly be doing more in the future!
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 7 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 8 years
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“Once upon a time
There was a bear
And a boy.”
(btw if you read this on my actual tumblr it’s a lot clearer/easier to read sorry about that)
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somethingoriginal16 · 8 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 8 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 8 years
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somethingoriginal16 · 8 years
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When you feel somewhat disconnected and lost, you can use this spread to tap your intuition and conduct a checkup on your cosmological alignment.
The first card reflects your day-to-day, earthly experience.
The second card shows you what light you’re shining and sharing.
The third card shows you the magic that you’re working in your life.
The fourth card reflects your ambitions. The stars you’re reaching for.
And the fifth card shines a light on your path - your soul’s journey.
(As a reminder, on September 30th, 2016, all of my tarot readings are being discontinued to make space for new programs and services. If you’d like me to read the cards for you on this subject, then I would be happy to.)
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