Something Fishy is ONLINE! Check it out and if you like it, please share it with your friends! xx
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That's right! But not until the 7th of November!
We have one last Film Festival to screen at (Cornwall Film Festival) before I unleash 'Something Fishy' online. I'm excited to share it with those of you that haven't seen it and I hope, if you enjoy it, you will share it with your friends and family.
I would also like to thank all of you, for putting up with the endless Facebook posts, tweets and blog/vlog updates that you were kind enough to follow, read, re-tweet, support or politely ignore all throughout last and some of this year.
By sharing the entire journey with each of you, I was in a way held accountable for the result, which lets face it, being my first film, could have been a very public disaster. Without being too soppy, I know that it was all of your support that encouraged me along the way and kept me believing that I could do it.
And then there was my amazing crew. If it wasn't for the best crew in the world, it never would have been a success and I would never have had the chance to be immersed in such a nurturing experience; not just as a creative but as a person. Every donation and every helping hand I received, was like winning the lottery each day - so damn humbling and moving.
I currently have a few projects in the works and I hope I can continue to rely on your support and positivity. When these projects start to heat up and I start to status, tweet, blog/vlog about them all over again, I hope you can forgive me come Wrap Party time when I reward you with free booze. ;) Or if I can't afford that (here's hoping I can) loads of hugs....I've been told many times I give a good hug :)
Much Love and remember 7/11/11 youtube here we come!
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Canberra Short Film Fest
We are screening at home again! 
Its been lovely getting into American festivals, if only someone would fly me there! :) Getting into Canberra means we can go! ROADTRIP! 
Something Fishy will play in the Grassroots section. As this is my first film. Don't get confused with the other Something Fishy :) The other Something Fishy will also be at the festival, yep, great minds think alike..... and I look forward to going through the same set of confusion that we had at Dungog.... at Canberra. The only easy way to clarify the difference between the two shorts, of the same name is, mine is a bout a little girl and is a comedy and I am a female Writer/Director and the other Something Fishy is about a little boy, is a drama and is helmed by a male Writer/Director. Girl with girl, boy with boy....Think that helps or maybe I'm just confusing everyone? Either way, I still haven't seen Dan Wood's Something Fishy and I look forward to catching it this time round.
Friends films like THE BURNT CORK, DESERTED, BEE STING and THE NAKED LADY will also be screened. Congratulations to those guys and again, I hope we can re-create the school camp feel of Dungog, at Canberra, if that's possible?!
If you're up for a weekend away, Canberra Short Film Fest is from the 16-18th of September! Put it in your diary!
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We just got accepted into DC Shorts Film Festival!
Hey guys!
Good news in today!
Something Fishy is off to DC Shorts Film Festival in September!
The festival has a unique addition in which you can read the judges scores and insights into your film. It looks like they mostly found my film utterly disturbing, god love America! I look forward to continuing to evoke that reaction in people for years to come! What can I say? I'm just a dark kinda gal and I'm looking forward to finding new ways to push people's buttons and shock them with my take on things.
If you're reading this, thankyou for all your support! Do get onto twitter and follow myself @KRISTYBEST and my production company @SERAPHICFILMS and keep on re-blogging, re-tweeting and helping us take this little film around the world!
If you haven't checked it out already, turn to page 20 of this weeks That's Life magazine to find the fundraising poster for Something Fishy, which is currently my Facebook pic! There's a little column on the film and how Facebook helped us make the film!
Fingers crossed for further success and please keep up to date with the projects to come - Web Series, 'Deadheart' and international collaborative project 'Y'.
Catch you online!
Kristy x
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New Project - "I can see the head!"
Sorry..Was that a bit of a gruesome image to coincide with your mid arvo sugar crash?
Since it seems people actually read my blogging, (people get bored on Facebook from time to time) I figured I would put out a call for people this way.
What is going on? 
5 young filmmakers from all over the world have united to do a special kind of project, at present it is called Y, yes, just the letter Y, minimalist and chic, si? hahaha
We are looking for 3 more filmmakers but they must be from South American, Asian or Nordic countries and be presently living there. The other catch is, they have to be in their 20's. Yep! Plenty of criteria. It is also a pre-requisite that they have a link to their work. You can have only made one film, that's fine, we just want to see what you're about and whether you make a good fit with the other 5 crazies already involved!
All will be revealed in time to come! For now though, if being involved in something unique interests you, as a filmmaker, or a producer, distributor, crew etc, do shoot an email to [email protected] We would love to hear from you. 
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Dungog & a rant brought to you lovingly by Kristy :)....
Dungog was fun! I have a massive crush on the biggest group of talented filmmakers and I am looking for an excuse to continue hanging out with these amazing people. There is nothing better than being surrounded by people you respect and admire, who are passionate, motivated and all in all, quite wonderful people! You guys know who you are! Thankyou for being my inspiration for this past week and I'm sure, for a great deal longer than a simple crush normally lasts!
The one thing I felt sad about, thanks to some amazing D&M's, late night chats and coffee talk, is the fact that, we, as filmmakers, went broke making our films, (some of us having to quit our jobs because we couldn't juggle both) and we are all continuing down Struggle Street as we pay entry fees to festivals. Then, surprise, surprise, what happens next? We all do it again! Now, no one is 'complaining', it is of course, our choice and one we happily take part in, it's just a shame your casual job at the local cafe, isn't going to be making much of a dent in that growing credit card debt. But this is the price you pay to pursue your passion and embark upon a career full of ups and downs, right? Or is it?
Is there a way around it? A solution? How many shorts does a Producer need to produce for a production company to say 'we know you're work and know you're capable'. What kind of pieces must a Director direct, before they can be trusted. Does a writer need to write in every genre to be considered experienced and an editor need to cut a music video for a major artist to count?! How many films must one compose to prove they're versatile enough to do more than short films? And does it even have to do with that? Is being a successful filmmaker part luck? Part hype? Part who you know? Or all of the above?
There are a lot of questions there and I know that creatives in all fields face the same issues, all based around the chicken and the egg type conundrum but its been on my mind for the last week and you know me, if I'm thinking it, I have to say it.
Everybody faces hardship when starting their career and by no means is this meant to be a whinge; more me talking out loud, needing to get off my chest the worries I've taken on, after hearing people that I think, are deserving of a great deal of opportunity, talk about continually getting their foot stubbed at the door. I mean, I have only made one short film, so I'm happy to be sitting smack bang in no-mans land but some of these people have proven they've got the experience and the talent and still find those doors are awfully hard to open.
I also would like to bring up the fact that I feel greatly starved of information about the upcoming female generation of Australian filmmakers and I would like to see people I respect, getting more exposure! This is not some feminist rave, just something I've become increasingly aware of. For example, I'm not sure if you've seen it but Martha Goddard's 'The Bridge', is awesome and I want to see someone blogging about it! If the SMH can't do a story on young female filmmakers because it's not as interesting as planting one about the 'actors to watch out for', (who have all conveniently come from one agency based in Sydney), then I jut don't know! (Yes, that sounded like my grandmother talking right then but I mean it nonetheless!) The women that surrounded me at Dungog were - Claire Phillips, Cassie Kelly, Alexandra Edmondson, Katarina Mandic, Shelley McLaren, Liz Deegan and Megan Riakos. Films from Candice Storey, Martha Goddard and Priscilla Bonnet were also screened. These women are doing great things and I hope to see more about them very soon! 
There's my rant for the day :)
Thankyou to the people that sat through a session at Dungog, that was largely about death and incest just to see my film! I know it was a heart wrenching one......The dancing at the party straight after was just the relief needed!
If you haven't, please look up these women, their films and the great things they're doing.
I should also mention our lovely troupe of boys up there! Ben Mathews, Benjamin Speed, David Joshua Ford, Brad Hurt, Anil Griffin, Luke Graham, Heath Davis, Dan Reissinger, Alex Barnes and Chris Trimm. All as equally as fabulous and talented as eachother and again, I would love to see some write-ups on all the wonderful work you are producing! I know there's quite a bit of awesome press circulating on the majority of you! Well done! You deserve it!
I would also like to re-inforce, before I go off into my little cave to brood about something else :) The many women at the festival, that came up to the girls in our 'cabin' and told us that once we have children, we'd be locked out of the game and that it was impossible to get back in......? Well, I'm calling a big fat Bullshit on you and I hope everyone else is doing the same! :)
Rant over.
Love you all.
Cheers for the support and if you managed to read this far, thankyou for your amazing, undying friendship! hahahah
Kristy xx
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Vail, LA now Dungog!
Something Fishy will be screening in Dungog on the 28th of May!
It's so great that we finally get to share our film with an Australian Film Festival audience.
I'd like to also congratulate my friends, who will also have their films screened - Candice Storey and the HDC boys with the short 'Bird Therapy', Priscilla Bonnet with 'Fully Famous', Ben Mathews with 'HR Guy', Heath Davis with 'Bee Sting' and David Joshua Ford who has 3 films up! 'Entwined', 'Lillie' and 'Ferdinand the Third'.
It's going to be a mighty big few days and I look forward to seeing you all there!
Before I leave you with dreams of country style partying, I'll leave you with some words from Sasha, the lead in 'Something Fishy'. I was at her families house yesterday for a Russian feast and her first words were, 'when are we making the next film?!'. Always working.....Good to see at 7 years old! All those with big pockets kindly step forward and we can help her dream and mine, come true! haha. See you at Dungog!!!
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We got in!!! It's our second festival acceptance and one that I am super excited about!
85 films were chosen from 800!!
LA Comedy Shorts is sponsored by one of my favourite websites, funnyordie.com and from the moment I wrote 'Something Fishy', I wanted it to screen at LA Comedy.
Does this give us a certifiable right to say that as a team, we are funny?
Yes. I believe it does. :)
On a more serious note, it is such a nice reward as I am busy plugging away on our next projects 'una vista', a co-prod with fuddle features and 'deadheart', another co-prod with More Sauce.
Keep up to date with all things wacky and weird at www.seraphicfilms.com or follow me on twitter and listen to me ramble about bs all day :)
K x
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Last chance to see fishy before Vail!
Hey guys! 'Something Fishy' will be screening this coming week, to be precise, Wednesday 23rd February at THE CHAUVEL in Paddington, NSW.
The film will screen alongside all the other grant recipients and should be a great night!
Here's the link for the facebook event
It starts at 4pm, so leave work a little early and we'll see you down there!
Stay tuned for more news and don't forget to LIKE the film on Facebook and Follow us on twitter and facebook at SERAPHIC FILMS.
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We got into a Festival!
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  Hello lovely supporters! We got our first festival acceptance - VAIL FILM FESTIVAL in Colorado!
Something Fishy will be one of 30 short films shown at the festival, which begins March 31 and runs till April 3rd.
Now, just as a reminder, our Facebook GROUP for Something Fishy will change to a group for the production company - SERAPHIC FILMS , from tomorrow.
The Something Fishy PAGE  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Something-Fishy-A-short-film-By-Kristy-Best/172585239432064
is the new place to be to support the film!
Hopefully this will be the start of some more acceptance letters!
We're so excited to be a part of Vail. Already it is obvious the festival is run by lovely, supportive and generous people!
I will be doing my best to get over there but first I will have to rob a bank, sell a kidney, or maybe even become a professional dare do-er and have people place bets on certain dares....WHO KNOWS! But it would be awesome to see Something Fishy premiere and make its American debut!
Thanks again for all of the support guys!
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Something Fishy GROUP
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In 9 days....
In 9 days, we will have some goss to share with your lovely little ears! Stay tuned on tumblr, on our website - www.seraphicfilms.com and our facebook PAGE & GROUP!!!
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First Time Filmmakers Grant Screening!
February 23rd (Wednesday) from 4-7pm at The Chauvel in Paddington is the screening date for all of the films that were awarded the First Breaks grant from Metro Screen & Screen NSW. This is a sneaky opportunity to see 'Something Fishy' and ten other films all for FREE. See you there!
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Quick update....
I received a beautiful email from Berlin Film Festival yesterday morning.
Berlin is the first festival we entered and my immediate thought was, 'here we go our first rejection' and I was right. It was a rejection but one with a bit of an upside.
The organizer of the festival informed me that 'Something Fishy' was 'a contender right up until the last minute'. They basically had trouble working out where to place it in the program.....She eloquently continued to explain what had happened and how they felt about the film and our future with the festival.
I didn't feel disappointed or discouraged.  More than anything, I was bowled over that we were a contender! I mean, IT'S BERLIN! One of the most prestigious in the world!And to have your first film get into Berlin as its first festival would have been so mind blowing, I possibly could have suffered a minor heart attack.
When I entered 'Something Fishy' into Berlin I knew it was for the sake of entering and that was all. I figured, it's a comedy, not an arthouse film, so there's no chance!  So, such a lovely response, is as good as winning.
Again, if I didn't have such a great team, there would have been no chance of even grabbing the attention of the board at Berlin. Hopefully, next year will be our year :)
So friends, this is our first bit of news. We should hear about other festivals come February and I promise to keep you in the loop!
Fingers Crossed!
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Did someone say The official Something Fishy poster has been made and has been cleverly designed by Kaga Bryan? Well, now it has been said!
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