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Eoghan • DIY punk stuff • he/him • newish to punk fashion • i make paintings and patches • 17
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Rinne mé é as adhmad inné agus chuir mé péint ar sa maidin seo
Is breá liom é tá sé an- gleoite
I carved this little owl out of wood yesterday and painted it this morning, I've never carved before and it's based offs painting I did a while back
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Very little done in the jacket but it's definitely gonna be my favoutie
Ní bheidh sé críoch am ar bith go luath, ach is aoibhinn liom é cheanna féin
Thosaigh mé ag éist ar "the clash" arís sa deireadh seachtaine agus ceapaim go bhfuil tá tuillte acu an spás ar mo bhríste gairid
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Making a top for Berlin Pride tomorrow
The nail fabric I got from a friends fashion school scrap pile, the patches I stenciled myself with silver paint. I'm about to handsew all this on.
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recent big passion project of mine :] really happy with it
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I haven't posted in a while but I started on a new jacket, there's still a lot to do but I'm happy w it so far
Tá mé ar ais arís agas beidh mé ag póistáil as gaeilge freisin
Bhí mé imithe le fhada mar bhí mé ag obair ar an seaicéad seo, tá a lán a dhéanamh fós ach táim sásta leis
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ough I am so tired because I made 10 fucjig patches back to back on one diet pepis and like 4 taquitos but behold the fruits of my labor

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new patch vest 💖💖💖 it’s so silly!!!! im very proud!!!!!
and ALSO…

how cool is that?!?!?!?!?!?! i wore it out for the first time to a show last night and it got sooo many compliments i’m so so so happy
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A couple of my favourite patches going into my new jacket, had to demolish the old one it looked like shit.
The ram is a stencil everything else is hand painted.
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Back and front of the jorts
So much done but so much left to do
#patches#diy#punk pants#art#punk vest#punk#diy or die#punk art#up the punx#descendants#mcr#bikinikill
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More stuff!!!
Should've covered my shorts in blank patches first but I'm still a baby punk and learning new things :'D
Patches: boys will be girls girls will be boys (lyrics from "Boys will be Girls" by We Are The Union), Limp Wrist, books not bombs, folk punk forever, Punk statt Putin (punk instead putin)
The last patch is also the title of a book I'm reading :P
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Made some patches, bought some patches. The ones I didn't make myself are from ThreeRaccoons on Etsy!! Huge fan of now these shorts are going.
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Added a back patch to my jacket finally!! It's from Trashmerch on Etsy! :]
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battle jacket reveal
im also taking name suggestions because i think she deserves one
Edit: her name is now Florence 💥💥
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How to make a stencil for your patches
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You will need:
Watercolour paper / card
Art knife / boxcutter
Acrylic paint
1. Find what you want to make into a patch. It's best if you can find a black and white image of what you want (or just draw it), whatevers in white should be able to support itself when you get rid of the negative space.

2. Print and use the edge of a pencil to shade the back of the image, it should look a bit tike this.

3. Flip around and use masking tape to stick it to card or watercolour paper, then use a blunt pencil to trace around your image. You should be left with a faded outline of what you want on the card underneath.

4. Use an art knife or box cutter to carve out all the negative space

5. Finally used a sponge and some acrylic paint and dab it over the stencil onto your fabric. I ironed the fabric I used beforehand so it was flatter and easier to print on

Anyway Ive struggled finding ways to print that work for me so I hope this works for other ppl
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Hi!! I saw the stenciled patch you made and I think it looks awesome, what base did you use for the stencil? I've tried a few different materials but none have worked for me
Hey tysm for the ask,
I accually just used watercolour paper, it's thicker than card and it deosnt curl up like normal paper after U use it
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