sombrasdatabase · 3 years
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sombra icons! pls like/reblog if using.
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sombrasdatabase · 5 years
Pride Month Piece
I decided to do a Angel Jet Hack piece for this month. It took all day, but I'm happy with it. They're all bisexual in this, and Fareeha is a trans man for my partner who is also trans and loves Fareeha and this OT3. I gave him a braid to show off the golden beads. Anyway I hope you like it.
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sombrasdatabase · 5 years
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Honeydew Mei mets Bobasaur. ^.^
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sombrasdatabase · 5 years
I made a Spidersona Mercy. I did this one faster. Woohoo!
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sombrasdatabase · 5 years
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Sharing my Spidersona Sombra here. The lines aren't perfect, but all I've got to work on right now is my Note 5. I do hope you all like it though.
You can follow me on Twitter to see more. https://twitter.com/SecretSombras?s=09
You can check out my AO3 here:
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sombrasdatabase · 5 years
Me shipping Sombra x Pharah x Mercy like
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sombrasdatabase · 5 years
All's Fair in Love and War (Chapter 1)
Content/TW: Overwatch, Gangster AU, Pharah, Sombra, McCree, Domestic Abuse, Violence, Character Death.
The car slowed to a crawl as it turned down the dead end street just as the rain started to pick up. Houses were boarded up and broken down on either side of the pot hole ridden road. The driver's side window rolled down as the car parked outside a rundown looking house that was really no different from the others aside from the shouting coming from inside its walls. The red glow of a cherry lit up the woman's face as she pulled another drag from her cigarette. It was a nasty habit. She reached into the glove box and pulled her gun out, checking to make sure it was still loaded before she opened the door and stepped out of her car. She flicked the cigarette into the middle of the road before slipping her gun into the waistband of her jeans and pulling her jacket over it.
She made her way over the cracked sidewalk and up the walkway to the door. The street was relatively quiet except for the sounds of cars passing by in the distance, the pitter-patter of the rain, and the yelling of a man she once considered a friend until he'd started to short her on money for the product she'd given him to deal. She was trying to get her foot in the door here in Mexico, and he seemed like the kind of person she could trust given their history. She leaned her head against the door listening hard to what was going on inside. Whatever was going on in there certainly didn't sound like anything good.
Fareeha took a couple steps back before kicking the door in. There was a pause in the banging as they sound of the front door slamming back against the wall seemed to catch their attention. She walked in and slowly looked around. There was a trail of green glass shards leading out of the kitchen towards the steps with drops of crimson staining the steps. She reached for her gun before carefully making her way up the stairs. Judging by the hat and the poncho sitting on the back of the couch and the dirt crusted boots laying on the floor Jesse had to be home.
Her eyes followed the trail until she reached a broken door that was barely hanging on its hinges after someone had kicked it in. She glanced up when she heard a gruff grunt.
"Howdy kiddo." Jesse grinned running his fingers through his blood caked hair before holding his hands out in surrender when he noticed her gun. "You caught me at a bad time."
"What's going on Jesse? The house looks like a wreck." Fareeha questioned as she lowered her weapon.
"Oh don't worry about all that." He said with a shrug as he started to walk towards her. "Why don't you tell me why you're here? Aren't you supposed to be in Egypt with your mother?"
"I'm here on business. You still haven't coughed up the money yet." She stated watching him closely. He seemed a little under the influence, or maybe it was just the gash on his hairline making him act this way.
"Oh right. Well sorry to say kiddo, but I don't have it. The feds got a hold of it while my boys were out selling it." Her eyes narrowed at him when he called her by that nickname again. Too many people still saw her as nothing more than Ana Amari's daughter even now that she was running the family business.
"I'm not a kid anymore Jesse. I'm your boss, and you need to hand over the money or the product. You and I both know you wouldn't be pulling this shit if my mother was standing here."
"Relax Reeha-" He started, but a soft whimper caught their attention and her gaze shifted to the bathroom door he'd clearly been banging on judging by the bloody prints on the white wood before she'd interrupted him.
"Who's there?" Fareeha called out. She didn't need any of Jesse's one night stands overhearing their business. 
“It’s no one. Let’s go.” Jesse said taking Fareeha by arm starting to pull her out of the room, but she stood her ground as the bathroom door creaked open slowly. Her almond gaze fell on a the form of a short woman who was holding onto the door for support. There was a pool of blood smeared at her feet as she stared back at her with eyes that were practically begging her for help.
The sight shocked Fareeha to say the least. She never imagined that Jesse was the kind of man to get violent with his women, but the angered look that crossed his face when he saw the young woman was all the convincing she needed. She shrugged him off before making her way over to the bathroom door. It looked like she was getting more than she bargained for by coming here tonight, but she was a sucker for women in need. When McCree stepped to follow she held up her gun in his direction once more.
"Don't move Jesse." She ordered before turning her gaze back to the girl. "Did he do this to you?"
She nodded quickly. She seemed scared, and Fareeha didn't like how frail she looked. Whatever was going on it had clearly been going on for a while.
"You lying little bitch! You attacked me!" McCree bit out from where he stood by the door. Fareeha turned to shoot him a glare that instantly shut him up.
"Do you want to leave him? I can take you with me." She told her. She wanted to help her. Even if she had taken over her mother's empire, she still had a sense of justice instilled in her. She never hurt women or children when it came down to taking care of business.
"Si. I would like to leave." The smaller woman said. Her voice was hoarse from crying, but Fareeha could see the fire burning in her violet eyes.
"Then you'll come with me tonight until we can figure something out for you." Fareeha assured her before holding out her hand for her to take. “You’re not taking her anywhere Fareeha. She belongs to me. I bought her off her pimp.” McCree argued, taking another step towards them. “Then she will be my compensation for the drugs that you haven’t paid me back for. Unless of course you’d rather I take your life Jesse.” “You wouldn’t kill me. We have history. I’m practically family.” “You know my mother wouldn’t stand for this incompetence. She might not be here to deal with you herself, but I am and if you don’t step aside and let me take the girl I will do what I came here to do in the first place.” Fareeha stated with a glare. She needed men to respect her like they did her mother, and if she gave McCree any slack she knew he would take it a mile. “Now move.” The smaller woman was practically clinging to her free arm as they made their way past McCree. Fareeha could feel the trembles through the hold she had on her. She would have picked her up given the state of her feet, but she needed to keep McCree at bay with the threat of her gun.  Just as they were about to turn the corner of the door she felt the pressure on her arm disappear as Jesse yanked the woman back into the room. He was on her like a rabid dog, his hands tight around her throat. It was a split second decision before the sound of gunfire filled the room, and the woman’s eyes were wide with horror as she was covered in his blood when his body went limp on top of her. Fareeha pushed his body off of her before kneeling down to pick her up. She was light as a feather in her arms as she carried her down the blood stained stairs and out to her car. She handed her a blanket from her trunk after getting her settled into the back seat. She would have to get the interior detailed to get the blood from her clothes off the seat. “Before we go is there anything you need from the house?” “ Arturito. He’s on the bed.” She said softly. She seemed to be in a state of shock after what she’d experienced and Fareeha couldn’t really blame her. “I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” She told her before walking back up to the house while pulling her phone out to have her men clean up the mess, and dispose of McCree’s body. Her mother would be furious with her if she knew how much of a messy job she’d done tonight, but there were more pressing concerns. She shook her head as she stepped over McCree’s body. It was a shame she’d had to resort to killing him, but what other option did she have. He was more of a violent drunk than she’d expected and it wouldn’t surprise her if he’d been the one shooting up the drugs she’d given him to sell.  She lifted the pillows before finding a teddy bear stuffed beneath them. It looked old and worn. There were small stitches along the seams where someone had clearly repaired it over the years. She pocketed her phone before taking the bear back out to the car. She was a bit surprised to see that the woman hadn’t ran off at the first chance she had, but she was relieved to say the least. That woman didn’t look like she could survive a night on the streets. She handed her the bear before walking around the car and getting into the driver’s seat just as her men pulled up behind them to clean up the mess she’d made.  “Let’s get you home. I’ll have the cooks whip up something to eat for you and the maids will run you a bath.” Fareeha told her before starting up the car and driving off.
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
When life gives you lemons... you take the smut to Twitter and AO3 where you can post them since Tumblr doesn't appreciate that quality adult content that's been keeping it alive all these years.
we’re going to have to call smut ‘lemons’ again, aren’t we? 
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
Sombra is giving me life in that outfit. 😍
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When’s it gonna happen Jeff
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
I'm pretty sure Aléjandra told Zarya Sombra's real name, but this is such a funny headcanon that it doesn't even matter if Aléjandra told her.
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
The kind of quality content I didn't know I needed until I saw it on my dash.
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The Widow leaned in and kissed her. Their previous kisses had been short, hesitant things, but this was deep and the Widow dipped her slightly and Sombra forgot to breathe.
The Huntress by @tacticalgrandma
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
I can totally get on board with this ship name. Although, I was calling them White Widow.
Widowmaker x Ashe shall now be known as ‘Ouihaw’
I dont make the rules i just enforce them
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
All’s Fair in Love and War (Prologue)
Content/TW: Overwatch, Gangster AU, Pharah, Sombra, McCree, Domestic Abuse, Attempted Rape, Murder, Ashe.
Setting: Castillo, Mexico
Olivia couldn't shake the feeling that tonight was going to be another one of his bad nights as she scrubbed the remnants of food from the dishes she'd used to make his dinner. She had managed to sneak a few pieces of chicken since he was coming home late. Otherwise he would complain that she was going to get too fat for him. He was probably drunk again. She hated when he was drunk. It always made him more irritable than usual and that meant more bruises for her. Her head snapped up when she heard the jingle of his keys and the creak of the front door as it swung open. She turned off the water and dried her hands before grabbing his food from the microwave and setting it on the table for him. 
"Your dinner is ready Jesse." She called from the kitchen as he took off his poncho and hat before kicking off his boots. She’d have to clean up the dirt he’d surely tracked in again. 
The house was eerily quiet like the calm before a storm as he came into the kitchen. He reeked of alcohol. It was enough to make her want to gag from the smell alone. 
 "Why didn't you cook what I asked you to?" He questioned as he glanced over the table before looking to her again. 
 "That was all we had left in the freezer Jesse, and you didn't leave any money for me to run out to the store." She explained trying her best not to incur his drunken wrath. 
"I don't want this." He grumbled as he grabbed the plate and tossed it into the garage before storming over to her. He backed her against the counter to the point her back was aching from the edge of the counter digging into it. His hand shot up gripping her jaw hard. "When I tell you to make something you make it. Do you hear me?" 
"Yes... I'm sorry." She gasped out looking up at him nervously. It always scared her how different he’d become after she’d taken his offer to move in with him and escape the Los Muertos gang that had marked her as one of their girls. Originally she thought this man walked on water. He was her savior after all. However, it was less than a month before he turned into her worst nightmare between the drinking and the abuse.
"I don't think you are, but you will be." He growled low in his throat as he lifted her up onto the counter. She pushed at his chest to get him off of her as he attacked her neck with rough kisses and bites, marking her skin. Tears welled up at the corners of her eyes when she heard the fabric of her shirt rip as he stretched the collar and yanked it down her body to reveal her bra. 
"Jesse please... I'm still sore from last night." He ignored her pleas and she found herself reaching back on the counter for something she could use to fight him off of her this time. She gripped the neck of a half empty bottle of wine and hit him over the head with it making it shatter. He stumbled back and she jumped down from the counter, shards of glass crunching under her bare feet before she started to run. She stumbled up the stairs, burning her knees on the carpet and bruising her shin as she scrambled to get back to her feet before running into their bedroom and locking the door. She could hear his feet stomping up the staircase, and she didn't have much time. She ran into the bathroom and locked the door just like she’d done to the first. She could climb out the window, but she needed to get the glass out of her feet first and the locked doors would only stall him for a little while. She started frantically picking at the green shards as she listened to the banging on the bedroom door. There was blood on her fingers from her injured feet and it was getting hard to see what other shards were embedded in her feet. 
 "Open the door you little bitch!" He shouted as he banged relentlessly on the wooden door. She could only pray that by some small miracle someone in this godforsaken town would call the police, but then again they’d never called before even when her screams pierced through the night as he took her against her will. When he got tired of her cries his hands would wrap around her throat and the world would fade into a cloud of darkness before she’d wake up to the same nightmare all over again. It was an endless cycle of abuse, and she had nowhere to run. No friends, no family. He was all she had, but she wasn’t what he wanted.
To be continued in Chapter 1.
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
Just Say You Love Me (Angel Jet Hack)
Content: SFW
Pairing: Pharah x Mercy x Sombra
Prompt: Feeling unappreciated.
Angela sighed as she scrubbed the dishes after their Thankgiving dinner. Fareeha and Sombra were cuddling on the couch laughing about something in the Charlie Brown special. Sombra had never seen it before and Fareeha was more than happy to enlighten her on the classic holiday film, but here she was cleaning up the mess of a kitchen by herself. She didn't really expect them to help, and she supposed that the dishes weren't really what was bugging her. It was the fact that she had been away at the Oasis University teaching a semester on advanced medicine and when she came home at last they seemed closer than ever before while she was starting to feel like a third wheel in their relationship.
Her lips had settled into a frown as she washed each dish, dried them, and put them away but still felt frustrated with herself for the creeping jealous. She was cleaning to take her mind off of the distance she'd been feeling from both her lovers lately, but it didn't fill that hole she was feeling in her chest. Two arms wrapped around her waist and a chin settled in the crook of her neck as she reached up to grab a glass for some wine. Fareeha's scent surrounded her earning a soft sigh of content. She leaned her head back against Fareeha's shoulder as she stood there for a moment just taking in her warm embrace.
"What's on your mind habibti?" Fareeha asked pressing a kiss to the side of her neck.
"It's nothing. I just missed you both." She told her softly.
"We both know that's not the only reason you've been in here cleaning instead of cuddling with us on the couch amiga." Sombra chipped in as she hopped up onto the counter beside them.
"I love you both very much, but I guess I just feel like I've missed so much being away at the university. I don't want to be left behind." Angela told them both.
"We're not leaving you behind." Fareeha assured her as she turned Angela around to face her. "Why don't you let the cleaning up wait and come finish the movie with us?"
"You can even be the middle spoon." The hacker grinned before taking her hand and pulling Angela along with her to the living room. "I'll be the little spoon so you can see the movie. Fareeha's big head might block the screen." She teased earning herself an eye roll from the Security Chief.
"I would like that very much." Angela smiled before settling down on the couch with them. It made her heart feel full that they had taken notice that something was upsetting her, and were trying to rectify it. This was her family now, and she wouldn't trade it for the world.
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
Overwatch Gangster AU
I'll be starting work on a multi-chapter fanfic re-imagining the world of Overwatch as one full of criminals and corruption. Some characters will be depicted OOC and others will be depicted IC. I am a sucker for sticking as close to canon as possible, but this is an AU so canon be damned.
This fanfic will be based off an old roleplay between myself and @golden-rayne. It was one of our longest and most elaborate roleplays that we did about a year ago. Hopefully you all like it just as much as we did.
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
Security Breach Week Day 3
Content: Some making out, but otherwise SFW
Pairing: Sombra x Pharah
Day 3 Prompt: AU
Sombra’s nails wrapped against the dark stained glass of her desk as she watched the coding flash by while she ran the program to unzip all the files she’d recently stolen from the Feds who were investigating her cartel. They really had nothing on her. She was quick, clean, and effective in the business she’d been growing since her days as an orphan hustling on the streets for the Los Muertos gang. She’d worked her way up through the ranks and grown what was some measly street cred into an international reputation as one of the most fierce cartel leaders in the world. She’d been through hell to get there and she’d be damned if anyone ruined the empire she’d built with her own blood, sweat, and tears. She was a ruthless queen.
Recently there’d been some unknown gang activity in her territory. It certainly wasn’t her men that were dealing another supplier’s product to her clientele. Her lips were set in a firm frown when a knock sounded from her office door. Who dared to interrupt her while she was busy?
“Come in.” She called as she pushed back from her computer screens to address whoever had the nerve to bother her this afternoon. Her violet eyes widened merely a fraction when she saw two of her men carrying in what looked like a beaten up form of a woman. She was tall, buff, and beautiful minus the ruffled hair and bloodied face. Her hands were tightly bound behind her back, but if she was being honest she was surprised her men had even managed to bring down such a woman. She was certainly larger and stronger than them both.
“We found this one with a wire on her. Seems like she’s been working undercover for a while now.” One of her men spook up as he held the arm of the unknown woman. Sombra’s frown only deepened. Her men obviously hadn’t been properly searching new members for bugs and wires if she’d been at it for a while.
“If you kill me-” The woman started. but Sombra didn’t let her finish.
“Oh carino, I’m not going to kill you.” She grinned as she stood up from her chair and walked around her desk to get a closer look at her. She reached her hand up, gripping the woman’s strong jaw. “What is your name?”
“That’s not your concern.” She growled out at her baring her teeth. 
“So feisty. I like you. I think you’ll be a great asset to my organization once I’m through with you.” The queen-pin looked rather proud of herself before flashing her eyes at her men. “You two are dismissed. I can handle her myself.”
The men left the room, shutting the door behind them. The office was quiet for a moment as both women starred each other down. Sombra broke the silence first.
"Have a seat." She stated gesturing to the chair. "I'm sure you're starting to feel sore after that beating my men gave you."
Fareeha glared but moved to sit in one of the chairs situated in front of the desk. She was mentally chatising herself for getting herself caught up in this situation. "You can't keep me here forever. My team will come looking for me if I don't come back."
"I'm sure they will amiga, but how they find you depends on how this conversation goes right now." Sombra said sitting back against the front side of her desk. "So let's talk."
"What do you want to talk about?" Fareeha grumbled.
"Work for me. Be my inside man, well woman. I'll let you live, and you'll be paid much more than anything you're making right now." The queen-pin proposed after crossing her arms across her chest.
"I'm not a dirty cop. I don't take bribes."
"And I'm sure you don't want to be a dead cop either amiga, but you can only choose one."
"Then kill me." Fareeha stated looking up at her with a fierce glare.
"You must really have a death wish." Sombra chuckled as she stepped closer to Fareeha. Her sharp pointed nails trailed over her jawline until she reached her chin. "But I think I can persuade you to think otherwise."
Her lips were so close to Fareeha's as she spoke that she could feel Sombra's breath fanning out over her skin. Glancing down she could see the cleavage peeking out from the top of the hip hugging black dress that the cartel leader was wearing. Her perfume was intoxicating, and she couldn't help leaning into her.
Sombra smirked. "See something you like officer?"
"Yes." Fareeha breathed out before she surged forward and captured the woman's purple colored lips in a deep kiss. She backed her up against the desk despite her hands cuffed behind her.
The queen-pin was a little surprised by the eagerness behind Fareeha's kiss, but she wasn't complaining. She melted into the kiss, bringing her hands up to the officer's neck and shoulders as their tongues battled for dominance. It didn't take long for her to surrender to her.
"You're going to have to take off these cuffs if you want more of that." Fareeha said as she pulled back slowly from their heated kiss. They were both out of breath and flustered.
"Only if you agree to become my personal guard." Sombra bargained as she gazed up at the taller woman.
"I think that can be arranged." A grin graced Fareeha's lips. This would be a great opportunity to go deep undercover to take down the Los Muertos cartel as long as she didn't lose sight of her goal.
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sombrasdatabase · 6 years
Security Breach Week Day 2
Content: SFW
Pairing: Sombra x Pharah
Day 2 Prompt: Action
Rocket after rocket exploded on the rooftop as she weaved her way between them trying to avoid a deadly blow from the Helix guard flying above her. It seemed almost impossible to hack when she was busy trying not to trip over rubble or stumble into an explosion. She was running low on ammo. She wasn't hitting much since she couldn't turn around to fire long enough. She knew some of shots were making contact, but not nearly enough of them.
One wrong step and she went crashing to the ground. The guard was out of rockets and had decided dropping down on her would be the best move. It was then that she realized she'd been fighting Fareeha Amari. The hacker gritted her teeth as the security chief pinned her to the floor. They'd been fighting for what was starting to feel like forever.
She was losing and she knew it. Her violet colored eyes narrowed to near slits as she stared up at the Amari. She couldn't move. The weight of her suit was too much for her to flip them over. It was starting to look like the end of the road for her until a flash of recognition seemed to pass over Fareeha's face, visible through the broken visor.
"You're that woman from the bar. Camila?" She looked surprised and then angry when Sombra smirked sheepishly.
"You lied to me!" The security chief growled at the woman beneath her. "We had slept together!"
"Sorry. You were really good though. We should do it again sometime." Sombra didn't sound sorry at all and her charm didn't amuse the Amari at all. Time was ticking and the hacker needed to catch up to the rest of her team before they took off on the dropship.
She needed to think quickly if she was going to worm her way out of this one. She reached her hands up to hack the suit but they were quickly pinned above her head as Fareeha leaned down to growl at her. "Don't even think of it little fox. You're not going anywhere."
"We'll see about that pajarita." Sombra said before surging forward and capturing her lips in a searing kiss. It was enough to knock the security chief off guard so the she could free her hands. She moved them to the chest plate of her suit initiating a hack. The suit froze up allowing the hacker to squirm her way out from under Fareeha.
"Damnit. You little vixen." She hissed as she watched Sombra get away while waiting for her systems to reboot.
"I'll call you tonight amiga." She said with a grin while dusting off her jacket and retrieving her gun. "Don't take it personally. I'm just doing my job."
The hacker disappeared into her camo leaving Fareeha stuck there looking like a damned fool. It was embarassing, and she knew there would be repercussions for all of the prisoners freed by her letting her guard down around the hacker.
She should've known better than to trust a girl with such a pretty face hitting on her at the bar. It wasn't long before her men came rushing over to help her ip while the dropship flew off into the distance. It was too late. They'd gotten away.
(Short but to the point. I didn't want to make it too long since I'm trying to get a drabble or fic out for each day and I'm already behind.)
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