solomonverda · 4 years
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solomonverda · 4 years
Credit: @jackthepoolboy
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solomonverda · 4 years
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Bly Manor + Flora’s Dolls
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solomonverda · 4 years
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so my tablet finally got replaced and the new one seems to be working well (yayyyyy). Started doing some warm up and that ended up turning into Nate from @seraphinitegames amazing series The Wayhaven Chronicles. so yeah, seemed like a good character to jumpstart this abandoned little blog. Hopefully now that the tablet works I can start making more of these :D
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solomonverda · 4 years
Dog bringing home his new friend
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solomonverda · 4 years
i just think everyone should listen to Sawayama and scream about it with me 🤷🏽
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solomonverda · 4 years
good morning
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles Characters: Farah Hauville, Noah Grahame Pairings: Farah/Noah Words: 2.0k
Prompt: Mirror (Day 3 of 31)
When she wakes, she is alone.
The room is awash in golden light, as thick beams of sunlight stream in through the half-open blinds and Farah rolls onto her back, eyes sliding closed again. Stretches, until the tips of her toes can just about touch the edge of the bed and her fingers tap against the headboard. Feels something in her back pop and goes loose, body languid.
Rolls over again, onto her side this time, and reaches for the now empty spot beside her.
It is still warm, so he hasn’t been up too long, at least. His scent still clings to the sheets, lingers all around her, and she inhales — cedar and sage, a heady scent, reminding her of the woods he loves so much. Allows it to curl around her, like a hug, and smiles.
Farah has never been much of a nature buff; there’s always plenty of fun stuff to do inside or in a city, but Noah might just be winning her over to the idea. A little. A tinsy, tiny bit.
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solomonverda · 4 years
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Young Veera Adaar
I just finished playing DAI and all, so I’m in the mood to make art about my inquisitor ;; I really want to play around with her life before the inquisition and after it.
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solomonverda · 4 years
Day 22: window
Adam was fully aware that the detective was already there: her heartbeat was loud and clear in his ears. But he wanted to verify that she was all right after the events of the night. Checking on her would ease his soul… For professional reasons, mostly.
When he stepped into the meeting, his icy green eyes searched anxiously for Eve. She was not on the sofa, as she usually did. Nate was there, instead. She also was not on any of the victorian wingchairs, where Agent Greene and Felix conversed. Mason was lurking in the shadowy corner of the dining room, hidden behind puffs of smoke, although Adam knew that his grey gaze was intently focused on him with some sort of amusement. It was inconceivable for him that he found this whole situation even remotely fun although he suspected that his shit-eating grin was fed by Adam’s reactions at the news, rather than anything else…
But he didn’t have time for that. 
He emitted a sigh of relief when finally found her, safe and sound, leaned next to the window, peering at the shadows outside the Warehouse.
Adam took two rushed steps towards her, not knowing well why. He just wanted to feel her. Feel that she was fine.
But when she stared at him with her sapphire-like irises, welcoming, the quirk of a smile blooming on her plump lips, he froze on the spot.
That was not right. It was not professional. He would not do that. 
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solomonverda · 4 years
Day 22: Window
31 days of Wayhaven
pairing: Lissia x Mason
words: ~2.2k
"Mason!" He didn't respond. "Hey, Mason!" When he still wouldn't acknowledge her, she ran up to him and grabbed his arm.
He swung around with a growl. "What do you want?"
Confused, she dropped her hand to her side. "Nate forgot to inform you about the progress of the mission yesterday. It's--"
"Shit." The single word was muttered and his gaze focused fully on her. "Who are you?"
Who are you? "Mason?" She took a step back. "Is that really you?"
He grabbed her arm and held it in a hard grip. "Who are you? How have you gotten our information?"
She cried out and tried to wrench away from his hold, but it held fast. "Ow! Mason, you're hurting me!"
He only tightened his grip, leaving her feeling like he was crushing her bones with his vampire strength. He probably could. "Answer me!"
"Mason, you know me! It's me, Lissia! What has gotten into you?" she pleaded, desperate. He had never acted like this before. Was he under a spell?
"I don't know anything about you, just that you know things you shouldn't." He looked her up and down. "You're not a supernatural." After a moment's pause, he took out his phone with the other hand and punched in a number. "Adam, we've got a security breach. Should I bring her in? Alright." His grip on her arm somehow got even harder. "You're coming with me."
"Is that code for something? Have we been discovered?" He didn't deign to reply, just shoved his free hand over her mouth as they made their way to his car. What was wrong with him today?
She didn't try to speak to him in the car. It was apparent that something was missing. Had his memories gone blank again? At least Adam and the others could convince him of the truth that they knew her, but... what about what they had? When they'd finally gotten somewhere, was it all just going to disappear? It wasn't fair.
He pushed her into a cold room where Adam was pacing, and their gazes locked. Finally. She rushed forward, trying to hide behind him, but he took a firm grip on her arms. "Adam! I don't know what happened to Mason, but he doesn't remember me! Do you know any way to fix this?"
He frowned at her. "Why are you talking as if we know each other? Mason brought you here because you have knowledge that only should be available to certain people, which does not include you. I have no idea who you are."
She held back a sob, trying desperately to come up with some possible logical explanation for all of this. "I'm Rebecca's daughter! Agent Eleni, your handler."
He stared blankly at her. "Agent Eleni doesn't have a daughter. Whatever you're trying to fool us into believing, it isn't working. Just confess what you know and why, and everything will be fine."
"I know everything because I am a part of your team! Unit Bravo. I joined you because of my special blood. Please, don't you remember?"
Adam just sighed. "I think we'll have to bring in Agent Eleni to decide what we should do with her."
Please, let Mom believe me. She'll tell them the truth.
It took an hour for Rebecca to arrive, but the vampires weren't much for conversation with her in the meantime, anymore. Finally, the door to the tiny room they were sitting in opened. She could swear she'd never been so happy to see her mom.
"Lissia! What are you doing here?" Rebecca cast worried glances all around the room before settling.
Adam's jaw hung open. "Ma'am, is she truly your daughter?"
"Yes." And that simple fact, the reassurance that not everybody had forgotten her, almost made her cry. It will be alright. But then she continued, and Lissia could feel her heart sinking through her shoes. "What are you doing here? You got the job in Wayhaven to get away from... does she know?"
Mason touched her shoulder, a lot gentler now that he knew she wasn't just some random person. "Do you?"
She swallowed. "Yes, I know everything. Supernaturals exist, you guys are vampires, supernaturals want my blood to make themselves stronger, all that jazz."
Rebecca blinked a few times. "What? Your blood doesn't make supernaturals stronger, it makes you immune against their psychic abilities such as pheromones. Where have you heard this?"
Through her panic, an idea made its way to her mind. "Mom. What date is it?"
"14th May. Do you have an important event coming up or something?" Okay, so it's not time travel. It has to be a spell, right?
"Where are Nate and Felix? Can you bring them here?"
Rebecca stared at her confusedly. "How do you know the names of my team? Agent Mason told me you addressed both him and Commanding Agent Adam informally when you first met."
"Because it's not our first meeting! You let me become a member of your team after the showdown with Murphy. I think you're under a spell that won't let you remember."
Her mom gasped. "You met Murphy? But how... are you okay?" She took a step forward, but Lissia stopped her with a forced smile.
"I'm fine now. It was almost half a year ago." Desperate to make Rebecca believe her, she reached for another way. "Do you remember what you did yesterday? Last week?"
Her brow furrowed as she tried to think back. "No," she concluded, "it's all foggy." Turning to Adam and Mason, she asked, "Do you two remember?"
"It appears not," Adam said after a moment's thought.
"I mean, my memory issues aren't new, but I don't," Mason drawled, looking remarkably bored.
"Then... if we all don't, maybe there's some truth in my daughter's statement. We could be under a spell. Do you know of any supernaturals who have the ability to do this?" The question was directed towards the vampires, who both shook their heads.
"Most of those who cause people to forget can only do it to one at a time, and it usually takes away all memories one has. This doesn't seem to be the case now." Mason nodded his agreement, fingering his crystal absentmindedly.
"Then it must be a species we do not know about."
She found her voice again. "We should call Felix and Nate. Not only might they remember me, Nate has extensive knowledge that most definitely surpasses ours."
"Right. Of course you know that." Rebecca shook her head, looking disoriented. "This is going to take some getting used to."
When Nate and Felix came around, her heart sank further to learn that they didn't remember her either. Nate was very kind and assured her that they would figure it out even though he didn't have the answer in his head, but it was clear that he didn't trust her as much as he had.
Felix gave her a charming greeting, but it was an introduction, still. Like they didn't know each other. There was no high five, no secret handshake. No grin that was reserved just for her. It was as if their friendship had never existed.
Even in the same room as the team, she was on the outside looking through a window. Conversations started and ended on the other side, without her.
But it was nothing compared to Mason. Gone were the touches, the comfort, everything. After they had established the situation, he simply disappeared. He didn't even ask how all this was for her.
It - it reminded her of the time that they first met. Before she loved, before she hoped. He wouldn't even put out his cigarette for her. Was that how it was going to be now? It was impossible to fathom. After everything they had been through, was it all going to be for nothing?
She found herself outside of his door, nervously tapping her foot. Why was she so on edge? This was Mason. The guy who saw her and liked it. The guy who kissed her in the rain, telling her that he would never let go of her again. The guy who told her that her loved her in a thousand different ways every day. The guy who was now glaring at her, like she meant nothing.
She rocked back on her heels, meeting his gaze and wishing his eyes would soften like they used to. "Hey."
"What do you want now?"
She tried to smile at him, despite the knives digging into her heart. "There must be something you remember about me." Her words were met by a blank stare. "Mason, we are in love! Please," she cried, "you have to remember."
He scoffed, throwing her a irritated look. "Oh, you're one of them."
"Let me guess. We had fun, you got attached, you were heartbroken when I left. Look, sweetheart, the terms were on the table when we did it. You gave me full consent." He blew out smoke into her face. "Go away and deal with it."
Yeah, she was crying now. "But we didn't sleep together! I... we were going to, but we never had the chance. You had only just admitted your feelings, and--"
He raised a hand. "I'm gonna stop you right there, sweetheart. You have clearly made up scenarios that doesn't exist. If you have no connection to me, what are you doing here?" She hated that the nickname still made her flush, even through the utter nonchalance and irritation that colored it now.
"Really? There's nothing left? Can't you just," her voice broke, "try to remember? For me, if nothing else."
He scoffed. "You mean nothing to me. Are you done?"
She was left gasping, feeling as if she'd fallen off the cliff's edge. Tears ran freely down her cheeks, burning trails of utter destruction. She was shattering, broken pieces falling around her as she fought to say something, anything that could make him change his mind.
But she couldn't, could she? To him, there was nothing to save. He didn't understand what they had lost. He didn't seem to care. With a wretched sob, she ran away, far down the corridor until she could lock herself in her room, lying down on the bed with the moment playing a thousand times in her memory.
Of course, the vampires heard her sobs. After several minutes, Felix popped in his head, frowning. "How are you? I heard your fight with Mason."
She dragged her hand over her eyes, which proved to be pretty much useless when there were still new tears shaping. "How do you think? Why are you even here? Haven't you forgotten me too?"
He walked fully into the room and sat down on the bed beside her. "I understand we're supposed to be best friends, no?" She nodded, not trusting her voice. "Then of course I'm here to comfort you. The fact that I don't remember it doesn't mean I shouldn't try to make it real again."
She sniffled. "I wish Mason would see it that way."
"Yeah." Felix appeared lost in thought for a moment. "I get it. Loving him and then having this happen must be hard. But, hey, he would've left anyway. It's his loss."
"No, didn't you hear what I said to him? We loved each other. He loved me! He didn't leave," she mumbled, "he never left me. Until now. But it's not his fault."
He let out a laugh, and she winced. What could he possibly find funny in that moment? "Oh, that's a good one. We won't believe everything you say just because you're the one who remembers, you know. Mason, in love... yeah, and I'm a unicorn."
He doesn't believe you. Nobody does. Cold gripped her heart. "Felix, I'm serious."
His laughter diminished, but he still looked skeptical. "Look, I'm sorry. But you have to admit that sounds absolutely ridiculous. Mason doesn't love anyone."
No. Not anymore, apparently. "He did. I swear, Felix, he did!" His pitying smile gave her everything that she needed to know.
Nobody in the team, nor Rebecca believed her.
"Mason told you clearly what it would and wouldn't mean," Adam said with a stony expression.
"You must realise that Mason doesn't do relationships in the way that we others want. I'm sorry," Nate said and patted her shoulder.
"Agent Mason doesn't have those sorts of connections. I'm sorry that you got hurt, but there's nothing I can do," her mom said with a pitiful frown.
Please believe me, she'd said. But nobody did. Her only hope was a cure, but after they read through almost all the books in Nate's library, there was still nothing. Would there ever be anything? Or was this her reality now?
I'm sorry. The word was whispered in her company, placed upon her like a weight. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Never we'll fix this. Just I'm sorry.
After a couple of months, people stopped apologizing.
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solomonverda · 4 years
unseen footage from the carnival mission
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solomonverda · 4 years
Flufftober Day 23: Stuck Together
“Sweetheart, we’re going to have to–”
“Well, we can’t just–”
“I’ll get you a new one, a Porsche, a Lamborghini, anyth–”
“Mason, if you break my car, I’ll never touch you again.”
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solomonverda · 4 years
31 days of wayhaven | day 23: decay
A letter found in A du Mortain’s journal.
My dearest,
They say that every dawn is a new beginning. That we should look forward to that sky dashed with red. But after you see a thousand nights turn into day, that hope begins to decay.
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solomonverda · 4 years
You Go First
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles
Pairing: Natalie Sewell/F!detective
Rating: T (legitimately just because I wrote some swears)
Other proposal fics: Ava | Morgan | Farah
   Nat smooths down the already-immaculate lines of her skirt, attempting to allay the tiny doubts that hang in her head. She knows she shouldn’t worry, that the detective loves her more than air itself and likes to remind her of this often, but still she does. The detective has never truly been in a committed relationship before Nat, and while it’s not as though they have never talked about marriage before, her reaction was confusing. When she’d broached the subject, the detective had gone quiet, staring off into space, surprisingly introspective. All she said when Nat gently brought her back to reality was a quiet “I hadn’t considered that.” It wasn’t a negative response, certainly, but it wasn’t exactly positive either. Just contemplative. Hesitant. But the way the detective’s heart raced in that moment gave Nat hope.
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solomonverda · 4 years
Despite the fact that you've left me speechless I could talk about this for hours
Wayhaven Day 23: Decay
Warning: Descriptions of body horror
It is the fourth day since the Trappers took Sophia. Unit Omicron have heard nothing from their underworld contacts, and Adam wonders, not for the first time, why the Agency still allows one of their units to fraternise with such–
We are running out of time. I am running out of time.
He has been ordered to sleep, told that he will be no good to the Detective–Sophia, and even her name tastes like failure–if he is dead on his feet, and apparently his body agrees, dragging him into a deep sleep against his will, like quicksand.
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solomonverda · 4 years
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so i spent most of yesterday trying to draw cece (@seravadumortain's detective) and have been moderately successful.
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solomonverda · 4 years
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Art by Mattia Cerenzia
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