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solazarslotherin · 1 month ago
Calling all the fanfic writers out there!
Please make this a thing in the fandom🥺
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solazarslotherin · 1 month ago
Calling all fanfic writers to develop a fic with Esteban and absolutely any other driver.
I'm of the opinion that he can be shipped with anyone, so please prove me right.
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solazarslotherin · 6 months ago
Esteban deserves the world for overcoming it
i just need a fellow esteban fan to talk to about this. do you really ACTUALLY think he will be happier or do better at haas? i feel like a bad fan for thinking this but i don't know that he will be any happier and it scares me
Hi anon! Sorry I sat on this for a little bit, my fiance is in America right now and I've been spending a lot of time with him.
I do genuinely think that Esteban will be happier and do better at Haas! I'm not saying like, ASTRONOMICALLY better, but better. Happier, more than anything. He will be on a team that wants him and working with a man that was his first race engineer and that loves him. I think the change of pace after YEARS on the same team will be good for him.
Ollie will be really good as a teammate too. He's already come out and said that technically Ollie has more experience in the Haas car than he does and that he's proven himself and won't need too much from Esteban haha. So I think they will have an interesting dynamic for sure.
Haas is really doing better and better and I think they will continue to improve. And I hope that they do! But I'm not expecting them to like suddenly be a top team or anything like that, I try to be as realistic as possible. I can't make too many predictions on what next year will be like because I simply don't know. I wish I had a crystal ball but I don't. I just hope that Haas continues to do well and that Esteban will be happy someplace he's wanted.
When Esteban is involved, I try to stay as positive as is realistically possible and right now I see no reason not to trust in Haas and Esteban's move. He signed with them for a reason, I think he believes in them too and hopefully they can live up to that! :)
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solazarslotherin · 6 months ago
This also applies to every other part of the fandom.
I know Esteban is a polarizing figure. I cannot change that. However, I want to request the entire F1 fandom to please exclude his tag if you want to talk about anything that is negative in nature. His tag brings us something to look forward to and you taging his name with negativity makes it an unenjoyable experience for all of his fans. The 'anti' tag exists for a reason, please use that.
We cannot change your hate, however, please take the extra step to exclude us from seeing it.
It's a humble request to the entire F1 fandom.
# f1
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solazarslotherin · 6 months ago
F1 stories
welcome to my attempt at being organized!!
i've compiled a masterlist of my fic that i've written just to have it all in one convenient place on my blog. listed below the cut here:
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Pierre/Esteban; 12.7k; M
“You smell like a wildfire, Pierre,” Esteban hisses. “I always smell it when I’m around you. The smoke. I’m sick to death of it.” “Mais, non!” Pierre gets right in his face, pointing a finger at Esteban's chest. “I only smell the fire when I’m around you, Esteban." Esteban and Pierre did a magic spell together when they were little. The spell is flaring up again now that they're teammates. They're trying to figure out how to break it — or, are they?
This Beautiful Charade
Pierre/Esteban; Charles/Carlos & Logan/Oscar Chapters 2/2; 38k; M *grief/mourning tag Esteban takes a step backwards, gawking at Pierre. “Why would I break off our engagement?” “Because of Oscar!” Pierre yells. “Because of Charles. Because Charles has been trying to set me up with Oscar.” Goddammit, Pierre thinks. The whole thing sounds so stupid when spoken out loud like this. Pierre and Esteban have just gotten engaged. They’re planning to tell Charles the good news in person but, when they hear that Charles has taken up matchmaking and that he has been meddling in other peoples’ relationships, they decide to keep their relationship a secret for the time being. This is an AU based on the novel Emma as told by Frank Churchill (Pierre) and Jane Fairfax (Esteban).
Night Flight to Venice
Pierre/Esteban; 10.6k; M “We were in Venice,” Esteban says. Pierre sets his hands on his hips. “We’re at the Venetian, Esteban,” he says in a firm voice. “We are in Las Vegas. We’ve been staying at the Venetian.” “No,” Esteban insists, “we were in Venice together.”
après moi, le déluge
Pierre/Esteban; 14.5k; M Of course Pierre cares about Esteban. He cares so much that he’s been driven to the brink of sheer lunacy over it. All this time, he’s been caught between his wish for Esteban to kiss him, and Esteban’s absolute refusal to do it.
La Révolution
Pierre/Esteban; 10.3k; M Esteban gives a little eye roll. As though Pierre had started the French Revolution himself. As though Pierre had stormed the Bastille and stolen all the gunpowder. Esteban laughs softly to himself. After all, it does sound like something Pierre would do.
Day without the Night
Pierre/Esteban & Charles/Carlos; 26.9k; M Chapters 3/3 *grief/mourning tag Pierre looks at Esteban now. The two of them are standing off to the side, away from the crowd. The wall of glass windows seems to stretch out infinitely on either side of them, the sun streaming in, throwing the two of them into relief. At this moment, it somehow feels to Pierre as though they’re the only two people in the whole godforsaken airport, stranded here together. How could that be possible? The entire situation is unacceptable.
Dreaming in your Language
Charles/Carlos; 9k; M *grief/mourning tag “Then you have to learn Spanish for me,” Carlos says. “If you lose. You have to really learn it.” Charles draws closer to him yet again. He brings a hand up and grips the collar of Carlos’ red polo shirt. “Okay,” Charles agrees. He tugs at Carlos’ collar. “But I won’t lose.”
Franchise Tag
Charles/Carlos; 10k; M Carlos signs a new contract with Aston Martin, Ferrari is courting Alex to take his seat, and Charles has a lot of emotions about all of it. Meanwhile, maybe Charles and Carlos can work out a way to be close with each other, despite everything.
Control of the Knife
Charles/Carlos; 7.4k; M Carlos wouldn’t want him to back down. That’s their game. Carlos would never want Charles to back down against him. Carlos is unable to race in Qatar and Charles seems emotionally distant after the race. Carlos goes to Pierre and Esteban for some advice.
Wildflowers in the Desert
Charles/Carlos; 7k; M Charles ends the third practice session grumbling “yeah, whatever,” to Xavi over the radio, like a disconsolate teenager. This is why he doesn’t think in the car. What’s the point? It never does any good.
Shield our Hopes from the Raining Sky
Charles/Carlos; 4.9k; T “Something was wrong with the car,” Charles says to him. “They are working on it.” Carlos tries to reassure him. But Charles gives a violent shake of his head. It’s late at night, and it’s just the two of them here in the quiet meeting room. If they can’t speak the truth to each other now, when can they?
Purple Incense
Charles/Carlos & Carlos/Lando; 5.8k; M Maybe Charles can just move on from it, but Carlos can’t. How could he ever communicate it? Carlos always sits, crowded into the dusty pew with his sisters, as wisps of smoky incense swirl around them. “I really don’t know, Charles,” is all Carlos says.
trompe l'œil
Fernando/Esteban; 3.6k; M “Fernando,” Esteban huffs, pinching at the bridge of his nose, “what do you want? I do not have the patience right now.” Fernando is quiet for a moment. He glances at the floor and then looks back up at Esteban. His brown eyes seem to ripple with a satin sheen. “I know,” he murmurs. “You must have patience, Esteban. This is what I’ve been trying to tell you.”
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solazarslotherin · 6 months ago
Max x esteban. Maxteban(?). It's my main ship now. Too much lore to ignore at this point.
Just curious to know what the general consensus is on what ship/s are most popular involving Esteban! Thanks for your help. Reblog for bigger sample size, if you don't mind <3
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solazarslotherin · 6 months ago
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I wanna video of them spend talking about cats so bad 😫
Imagine they bought their cats like a daycare kids
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solazarslotherin · 7 months ago
este with children 💕
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
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I am bored enough for the odd Esteban/Lando dynamic to intrigue me. This is from China 2024, so they'd made up by then perhaps, haha? The last one looks a little intense.
Source: Getty
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
Please someone write an au with Carlos and pierre where pierre is like it's Esteban
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I saw a tiktok that was just these two slides and let me tell you it was the wildest single swipe I’ve ever experienced.
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
"#anti Esteban ocon" exists for a reason
Please avoid using #esteban ocon.
Humble request :)
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
The revisionism on all the collisions of Esteban and his teammates is seriously getting out of hand, particularly the ones with Perez. People really just repeat what others say without checking the facts anymore.
Perez was the dangerous one of the two (3/4 was on Perez, 1/4 was on Esteban). Even then the one in Baku was more driver error on Esteban's part rather than agression. I can't say the same for some of Perez's.
With Alonso, those two were equally aggressive with each other, most just love to focus on Ocon's moves and not Alonso's. But lets not forget the only collission between the two, Alonso was wholly responsible for that.
Just read a thread on reddit discussing all these (Perez incidents). It's a good read if you want to properly inform your self rather than blindly repeating the popular and absolutely false narrative about Esteban.
Yes, Esteban can be aggressive at times but I swear if you count all the perceived aggressive and "dirty" driving of every driver on the grid, he ain't going to be high up the order.
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
You know what I'm mad about actually? That Esteban had to post this statement on his OWN account. All week there has been baseless rumours, clickbait articles and shit stirring from every single goddamm F1 outlet - and not just the trashy ones, we're talking about huge sources like Sky Sports! And all this because Alpine's Team Principal blasted their own driver on live TV and never bothered to issue another follow up statement clarifying his comments to stop these rumours. Alpine have had ALL WEEK to put out their own statement to squash these rumours and have decided instead to stay radio silent which has only increased the heat on Esteban. Absolute joke of a team.
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
i’ve been reflecting on that tweet/article about esteban’s switch to williams being blocked by alpine over the course of this hungarian gp weekend and i am truly disgusted and angered at what alpine has been trying to pull with esteban this year. let me explain. and buckle in because it’s gonna be a long one.
[disclaimer i will not be touching on the logan and james vowles of it all in this post but i will say this: i wish him the best in his career and personally i would just let him finish out the season without worrying about his seat being taken at any moment.]
[also i want to use this bit to sincerely thank @macaiv @promiscuousasexual @lafaerie @pinkcarsupremacy @oconist and @starlightiing for their help with source gathering and proofreading - i truly could not have done this without you <3]
first of all, i think it’s important to clear up the misconception that esteban was “fired” by alpine. as the original statement reads, alpine and esteban AGREED to part ways for 2025. let’s also remember there were claims even before alpine launched their 2024 livery that BOTH esteban and pierre were looking for alternatives. and of course, esteban was quick to point out his mercedes ties. i think it’s clear that esteban was not planning to stay with alpine after 2024. but don’t feel like you’re at fault for thinking that esteban was “fired” - that’s exactly what alpine wanted you to think. they have never corrected this assumption because it benefits them.
now let me be clear here and say that esteban was at fault for monaco 2024 - he absolutely shouldn’t have done what he did and accordingly he took responsibility for it. however, the magnitude of vitriol directed at esteban for a lap one error (which can and does happen to any driver) was excessive and disproportionate. first of all let’s remember that in that exact same race, kevin literally crashed out himself, his teammate, AND checo but was completely overlooked by the public. and far more importantly, no one deserves death threats, racism, and xenophobia. it got to the point that he published a statement on instagram asking for the hate to stop and if you know esteban, you know that he does not speak up for himself like that. ever. 
and how did alpine respond to the hate directed at their driver after monaco? three blue heart emojis. no statement condemning the hate. no statement extending their support for esteban. just three blue heart emojis. oh and the formal announcement of esteban leaving the team, propelling a new wave of hate. convenient timing for alpine, don’t you think?
to fully dissect how the false narrative about how “esteban is a horrible teammate” and is “always hyperfocused on beating and crashing into them” and how “no one on the grid likes him” is a product of racism (due to his algerian heritage), classism (due to his family’s working class status), and f1 media needing a “villain” to editorialize the spectacle of f1, i would need a whole other post. not to mention that esteban has been paired with very accomplished drivers throughout his whole career and has performed roughly equal to all of them; unfortunately for him almost all of esteban’s teammates are drivers who are the primary representative of their country and therefore have very large and very nationalistic fanbases, which has typically amplified the hate. but i’ll say this. of the clashes with his previous teammates, esteban was to blame for two of them in the past seven years [baku 2017 and monaco 2024]; checo was recognized to be responsible for three [belgium 2017, hungary 2017, and singapore 2018]; fernando was recognized to be responsible for one [brazil 2022] ; pierre was recognized to be responsible for one[australia 2023, a racing incident but esteban is known to have vouched for pierre in the stewards meeting so he could avoid a race ban]. individuals on the grid who are said to currently have a “strong dislike” for esteban have had kind words for him in recent years: fernando and max. esteban also is clearly friendly with a number of the drivers: lance, mick, jack, oscar, nico, kevin, lewis, fernando, max, charles, guanyu.
this narrative began in 2018 and has only grown with the explosion in f1’s popularity in large part due to “drive to survive”, a highly-editorialized show that has capitalized on this perception of esteban in their most recent season. and although esteban has been affiliated with lotus/renault/alpine since 2010 (literally since he was 14 years old - about half of his life), they have never once tried to publicly show support for their driver in response to hate. their social media pages have been filled pure hatred directed at esteban for years yet they have never said a thing. almost all of alpine’s team principals and executives have never truly given esteban the respect he deserves: rossi, szafnauer, famin. yet esteban has largely stayed silent through it all. 
but when esteban finally chose to prioritize himself over the team he has been loyal to for over a decade, alpine chose to weaponize the narrative they allowed to take root.
those may remember a claim that james vowles was not considering esteban for a williams seat because of his “history of aggressive behavior against his teammates”. there was never a direct quote from james saying this but we do have video of him defending esteban after monaco. 
but now this tweet/article suggests that both james vowles and esteban were interested in a move to williams that was blocked by alpine because they were concerned that esteban could help williams in the constructors. it was initially assumed that alpine wanted this move to happen because they wanted to get rid of esteban so badly. so why didn’t they correct this assumption? why did they release the formal announcement of esteban leaving the team when the hate reached heights not previously seen before? because they knew it would weaken esteban’s position in the driver’s market. and even still, esteban has been actively sought out by haas and audi in addition to williams. he has been praised by many team principals of past and present: james vowles, fred vasseur, toto wolff, eddie jordan. esteban remains a well-respected driver in the paddock...much to alpine’s chagrin. 
i truly believe that alpine tried to take advantage of esteban’s reputation (a reputation that they have never tried to mitigate) to try to fuck over his market value...and failed. they effectively attempted to sabotage esteban's future in f1. it is truly deplorable of them to do this, especially with the driver who’s been with the project for 14 years and is their first (and so far only) victor in their current iteration. and if you think that it would be truly horrendous of a team to do that to one of their drivers, remember that alpine has done this to fernando, to oscar, and to kevin. not to mention the disrespect they showed to jolyon and to alain.
the bwt alpine f1 team has truly lost all of my respect with what they’ve done this year. and they barely had any of it in the first place.
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
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Super old and tiny Este sketch that i found while cleaning out my stuff
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solazarslotherin · 8 months ago
I know Esteban is a polarizing figure. I cannot change that. However, I want to request the entire F1 fandom to please exclude his tag if you want to talk about anything that is negative in nature. His tag brings us something to look forward to and you taging his name with negativity makes it an unenjoyable experience for all of his fans. The 'anti' tag exists for a reason, please use that.
We cannot change your hate, however, please take the extra step to exclude us from seeing it.
It's a humble request to the entire F1 fandom.
# f1
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