you are aratus orioni, the witch of heart. your interests include MYSTERIES, ADVENTURES, DRAWING, and items of a CHILDISH PERSUASION. you wield the SCYTHEKIND.> quadrants|headcanons
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
So/ie/... that's pretty. I /ike it.
> You pause and take in your surroundings. The sun.... right. Your arms tighten over the yellow bundle, and you take one last look at its beady eyes before standing close to Gavril.
I'd fee/ ruude if I went in first. I'// fo//ow....
> You see a familiar face. "G..... GAVRI/!?! IS THAT YOU?!?"
Oh my gods, ArRratus? } O
Wow, it’s been forRreverRr! What’s new?
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> You nod your head at the offer. With a little more petting and coaxing, the bird starts to rumble cheerfully, as if that was possible. Removing the cloth slowly, you see its small eyes widen at the return of sunlight. Its head thrashes wildly to the change in sudden scenery. Caught in the middle, you get several more sharp jabs from its break. You respond with loud hollers, and after the fourth time screaming "NO", it stops and lays still in your lap.
Good.... phew. Gooooood. Gooooooood. Wow. That was suurrea/. Phew. Good. Good. I mean, I wouu/dn't mind having a moirai/-named pet. As /ong as I don't know them.
> Imagine how awkward that'd be! You giggle and look back down the bird, who, so harmful moments ago, now seemed like a tennis-ball shaped pillow.
> You see a familiar face. "G..... GAVRI/!?! IS THAT YOU?!?"
Oh my gods, ArRratus? } O
Wow, it’s been forRreverRr! What’s new?
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I've had a stalker, and some semi-creepyish activity that's still sort of going on in the background that I try and ignore.
These new events make me feel anxious for some reason.
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Aratus finally has a pet ;w; The day has come! Gavril is cutest.
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Panicking? I didn't notice any panicking- Uun/ess......
> Your eyebrows twitch mischievously. Ammo to tease (friendly, of course). The bundles somehow ends up in your possession. It twitches one more time, before finally calming down. Your small palm swipes down the length of its back, patting the poor creature you most certainly terrified just now.
Thanks anyways, Gavri/. Do youu... wanna touuch?
> You gently push the package in front of her, beak away of course.
Maybe youu can even he/p me name it!
> You see a familiar face. "G..... GAVRI/!?! IS THAT YOU?!?"
Oh my gods, ArRratus? } O
Wow, it’s been forRreverRr! What’s new?
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> You panic. What’s around? WHAT’S AROUND? You’re surrounded by colourful leaves and wood, but there is literally nothing useful as far as you can see. Rock? Stick? Scraps of cloth? STICK. Your fingers grab the nearest branch, which happened to have dead leaves attached to its other broken end.
> You take the tree wand and lightly swat the bundle.
> Not surprisingly, it doesn’t not understand your language and/or it did not take the swatting kindly. It thrashes wildly, until you press the branch towards its feet. The talons tighten and pierce and dead foliage, but it would seem that the illusion to catching something has temporarily calmed the bird.
Ph-phew. I probab/y shou/d have thouught that out some more, huuh?
> You tie its legs together just in case.
> You see a familiar face. "G..... GAVRI/!?! IS THAT YOU?!?"
Oh my gods, ArRratus? } O
Wow, it’s been forRreverRr! What’s new?
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> You turn around slower, seeing the two beady eyes rest on you. Whatever signals your learned were probably not universal, but you point at your friend, to the bird, and make simple jumping gestures.
> Underestimating nature was never a good sign. Overestimating the extent to which Gavril understood your signage, as well as not keeping an eye on your 'hunting partner' was also a fault on your part. You end up hopping up first, diving for the bird. The cloth is immediately impaled by the bill, though it wraps nicely around the rotund body.
> The second mistake was to not hold the legs. You earn yourself three gnarly gashed on your arm, as well as a shredded shirt.
> You see a familiar face. "G..... GAVRI/!?! IS THAT YOU?!?"
Oh my gods, ArRratus? } O
Wow, it’s been forRreverRr! What’s new?
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Don't worry, it won't be muuch huunting. I intend to keep it. I.... I /earned on my trave/s that if youu want to catch a winged anima/, you need a piece of c/oth....
> You pause to unravel your tote, displaying an unfortunate, raggy piece of cloth.
... This'// do. We juust have to throw it over the.... thing..... pierce the c/oth with its beak, and wrap the rest of the c/oth around the body uunti/ it ca/ms down!
> You imagine the end result resembling a terribly made cotton candy treat. Nature is relentless, and you made the rookie mistake of successive sudden movements. The yellow creature drops its prey and turns its sharp, long beak towards you.
> You see a familiar face. "G..... GAVRI/!?! IS THAT YOU?!?"
Oh my gods, ArRratus? } O
Wow, it’s been forRreverRr! What’s new?
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> Your surroundings turn bright green before materializing into a more realistic scenario. Gavril's hive! You think about calling Delsul's name, though as a last minute though, you avoid the awkward confrontation.
> As you are about to take up on the offer and enter the hive, you see a flash of yellow dart across the bushes to the right.
> The leaves rustle, and two branches snap before a mid-sized bird emerges from the foliage with a small prey pressed tightly between its beaks.
IT'S BEAUUTIFUU/! Pst. Gavri/, /ook!
> You lower your voice quickly, as to not frighten the winged animal.
> A mischievous smile crosses your face. You pull your hair back and crouch towards the floor.
Wanna..... try and catch it?
> You see a familiar face. "G..... GAVRI/!?! IS THAT YOU?!?"
Oh my gods, ArRratus? } O
Wow, it’s been forRreverRr! What’s new?
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friendly reminder, i don’t mind starting interactions with pre-established relationships. we don’t always have to start at the first meeting.
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