Tumblr corner for a Joker Game Stage softsub collaboration project. We need all the help we can get, expecially from translators so, if you're one, we'd love if you were to decide to help us! Useful links 1. 「Download」Butai Joker Game Useful links for who wants to help 1. How we go at this 2. Translitterations to use Stage scenes 1. Yuuki being tortured 2. Wolff talking to an underling 3. Yuuki escaping 4. Miyoshi's intro 5. Sakuma and Muto's meeting 6. Sakuma showing up at D Agency 7. Sakuma's intro & opening 8. Sakuma and Yuuki 9. Sakuma and Miyoshi 10. Sakuma thinking at his friends 11. Hatano, Jitsui, Sakuma, Miyoshi and Yuuki discussing the worshipping of the emperor 12. Yuuki and Miyoshi talking 13. Sakuma remembering what one of his friends told him about Yuuki 14. The Joker Game Awesome people who's helping with this project @szk-niina (raws) @kyuukancorbie (translations) @trepidationchance (translations) @stiltedtranslations (translations) @hazyafter-glow (translations)
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Thank you!
I decided to retranslate the opening song after all.
Here’s my attempt:
三角形を崩して 潜む暗号を読み取る
Tear apart the triangle, read between the lines of the hidden cipher.
スライドさせてく プライドを保つ
Keep hold of your pride that slides away.
新しい形で 答えを導く
With a new visage, deduce the answer.
沈黙の 世界を破れ 生き残れ
Break through the silent world and survive.
窓から差し込む 希望の光が
The light of hope shining in through the window
孤独を包んで 影を輝かす
embraces solitude and brightens up the shadows.
瞳は未来と 白夜を捉えた
With eyes that seize the future and the midnight sun*,
自分を信じて 自分を操れ
believe in yourself and maintain your composure.
境界線ギリギリで 揺れる心を弾(はじ)**いて
Shed your heart that trembles at the boundary line
研ぎ澄まされてく 指先を向ける
Point your fingertip that you have honed
預けられた運命より 掴み取る命
The life you grasped from the fate entrusted to you
一瞬の 表情を見抜け 生き残れ
See through the split second expression and survive
暗闇の中で 暗闇を奪う
In the darkness, snatch away the dark.
溢れ出す黒い 羽根が舞い上がる
Overflowing black feathers soar into the sky
回る鳥達が 創造していく
The circling birds create
誰かの夢から 誰かになるのさ
from someone’s dream, another self to become.***
At the boundary line,
三角形を崩して 潜む暗号を読み取る
tear apart the triangle, read between the lines of the hidden cipher.
スライドさせてく プライドを保つ
Keep hold of your pride that slides away.
新しい形で 答えを導く
With a new form, deduce the answer.
沈黙の 世界を破れ 生き残れ
Break through the silent world and survive
窓から差し込む 希望の光が
The light of hope shining in through the window
孤独を包んで 影を輝かす
embraces solitude and brightens up the shadows.
瞳は未来と 白夜を捉えた
With eyes that seize the future and the midnight sun,
自分を信じて 自分を操れ
believe in yourself and maintain your composure.
暗闇の中で 暗闇を奪う
In the darkness, snatch away the dark.
溢れ出す黒い 羽根が舞い上がる
The overflowing black feathers soar into the sky
回る鳥達が 創造していく
The circling birds create
誰かの夢から 誰かになるのさ
from someone’s dream, another self to become.
*白夜 literally means ‘white night’ and is usually translated as such, but it never makes much sense to me. What is a ‘white night’ anyways? I looked into it, and it’s the Japanese word for a midnight sun, a phenomenon that occurs near the polar circles wherein the sun is visible 24 hours a day.
**弾く (when pronounced hajiku) can also mean to flick or repel.
***I think this line is a continuation off the ‘circling birds’ line, but I could be wrong.
4 notes
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Joker Game Stage Part 4
And so we reach part 4 and with it we’re at a more than 1/4 of the whole Joker game stage.
@stiltedtranslations was so awesome to translate all this for us so please enjoy and, if you can, help!
0,0:21:11.50,0:21:12.30 Jitsui: ベット Bet.
0,0:21:19.00,0:21:20.00 Kaminaga: コール Call.
0,0:21:25.00,0:21:26.00 Odagiri: レイズ Raise.
0,0:21:31.50,0:21:32.30 Miyoshi: レイズ Raise.
0,0:21:38.30,0:21:39.00 Amari: コール Call.
0,0:21:44.30,0:21:45.30 Jitsui: フォールド Fold.
0,0:21:50.00,0:21:51.30 Kaminaga: コール Call.
0,0:21:56.30,0:21:57.30 Odagiri: コール Call.
0,0:22:05.30,0:22:06.30 Miyoshi: オープン Open.
0,0:22:07.30,0:22:08.00 Miyoshi: フルハウス Full house.
0,0:22:08.30,0:22:10.00 Amari: ツィーペア Two pairs.
0,0:22:10.30,0:22:11.30 Kaminaga: ワ���ペア Pair. lit. ‘one pair’
0,0:22:12.00,0:22:13.00 Odagiri: フラッシュ Flush.
0,0:22:13.30,0:22:14.00 Odagiri: やられた! Damn, I’m done./Got me.
0,0:22:14.00,0:22:15.00 Miyoshi: し Four. (Might just be 'four’.)
0,0:22:18.00,0:22:19.00 Odagiri: 俺はここまでだ That’s it for me.
0,0:22:24.30,0:22:25.30 Amari: 来ましたね So you came./So you decided to come.
0,0:22:28.00,0:22:29.30 Miyoshi: 佐久間さんも参加しますか Are you going to join us, Sakuma-san? Lit. 'participate’
0,0:22:30.00,0:22:31.30 Sakuma: ポーカか Poker, is it?
0,0:22:32.30,0:22:34.30 Jitsui: ゲームですから楽しんで It’s a game, so please enjoy. (maybe? I don’t think it means ‘please enjoy a game’ so…)
0,0:23:08.30,0:23:09.30 Odagiri: おい、一本くれよ Hey, give me a smoke. lit. 'give me one’ but in English it sounds weird unless the person already has their cigarettes out.
0,0:23:10.30,0:23:11.30 Amari: ほらよ Here you go.
0,0:23:30.00,0:23:31.00 Sakuma: ベット Bet.
0,0:23:33.00,0:23:33.50 Jitsui: コール Call.
0,0:23:44.50,0:23:45.30 Kaminaga: コール Call.
0,0:23:54.30,0:23:55.30 Miyoshi: レイズ Raise.
0,0:23:59.00,0:24:00.50 Amari: コール Call.
0,0:24:03.30,0:24:04.30 Sakuma: コール Call.
0,0:24:06.30,0:24:07.10 Jitsui: コール Call.
0,0:24:08.50,0:24:09.30 Kaminaga: コール Call.
0,0:24:11.30,0:24:12.00 Miyoshi: レイズ Raise.
0,0:24:14.10,0:24:15.00 Amari: コール Call.
0,0:24:17.00,0:24:18.00 Sakuma: レイズ Raise.
0,0:24:27.30,0:24:28.50 Jitsui: フォールド Fold.
0,0:24:32.50,0:24:34.00 Kaminaga: フォールド Fold.
0,0:24:37.30,0:24:38.30 Miyoshi: コール Call.
0,0:24:42.00,0:24:42.50 Amari: フォールド Fold.
0,0:24:49.50,0:24:50.30 Sakuma: オープン Open.
0,0:24:51.00,0:24:52.30 Sakuma: フルハウス Full house.
0,0:24:55.30,0:24:56.00 Miyoshi: フォーカーど Four of a kind.
0,0:25:13.00,0:25:14.00 Sakuma: なんだそりゃ What was that about?
0,0:25:15.30,0:25:16.50 Odagiri: 一本どうぞ Here, have one.
0,0:25:17.30,0:25:18.50 Sakuma: 遠慮しておくよ No thanks./I’ll have to decline. lit. 'I’ll hold back/decline.’
0,0:25:19.00,0:25:20.00 Odagiri: そうですか Is that so?
0,0:25:20.30,0:25:21.00 Sakuma: ありがとうな Thanks, though.
0,0:25:31.30,0:25:33.00 Miyoshi: 苦手ですか Are you bad at this game? Unfortunately, this sounds weird in English, which tends to go for positives. But then it would mess up Sakuma’s answer.
0,0:25:33.30,0:25:34.00 Sakuma: いや No,
0,0:25:35.00,0:25:36.00 Sakuma: むしろ得意だ in fact, I’m quite good at it. 得意=one’s specialty
0,0:25:45.00,0:25:45.50 Sakuma: ベット Bet.
0,0:25:46.00,0:25:47.00 Jitsui: レイズ Raise.
0,0:25:46.00,0:25:47.00 Miyoshi: レイズ Raise.
0,0:25:48.00,0:25:48.50 Kaminaga: コール Call.
0,0:25:49.00,0:25:49.50 Amari: レイズ Raise.
0,0:25:50.00,0:25:50.50 Sakuma: コール Call.
0,0:25:51.00,0:25:51.50 Jitsui: レイズ Raise.
0,0:25:52.00,0:25:52.50 Miyoshi: コール Call.
0,0:25:53.00,0:25:53.30 Kaminaga: レイズ Raise.
0,0:25:54.00,0:25:54.50 Amari: フォールド Fold.
0,0:25:55.00,0:25:55.50 Sakuma: レイズ! Raise. !
0,0:25:56.00,0:25:56.50 Jitsui: コール Call.
0,0:25:57.00,0:25:57.50 Miyoshi: コール Call.
0,0:25:58.00,0:25:59.00 Kaminaga: フォールド Fold.
0,0:26:05.00,0:26:05.50 Sakuma: オープン Open.
0,0:26:07.50,0:26:08.30 Sakuma: ツィーペア Two pairs.
0,0:26:10.00,0:26:10.50 Miyoshi: ワンペア Pair. lit. ‘one pair’
0,0:26:11.00,0:26:12.00 Sakuma: 悪いな Too bad.
0,0:26:12.10,0:26:13.00 Sakuma: いただいた I’ll take that/this. The verb is いただく.
0,0:26:14.00,0:26:15.00 Jitsui: フラッシュ Flush.
0,0:26:54.00,0:26:55.00 Sakuma: 『YES!』 YES! (That was in English. xD)
0,0:26:58.00,0:27:01.00 Sakuma: まだまだこれからだ I’m just getting started.
0,0:27:10.00,0:27:10.50 Sakuma: ベット! Bet!
0,0:27:11.00,0:27:11.50 Miyoshi: コール Call.
0,0:27:12.00,0:27:12.50 Kaminaga: コール Call.
0,0:27:13.00,0:27:13.50 Amari: コール Call.
0,0:27:14.00,0:27:14.50 Jitsui: レイズ Raise.
0,0:27:15.00,0:27:15.50 Sakuma: レイズ Raise.
0,0:27:16.00,0:27:16.50 Miyoshi: レイズ Raise.
0,0:27:17.00,0:27:17.50 Kaminaga: レイズ Raise.
0,0:27:18.00,0:27:18.50 Amari: レイズ Raise.
0,0:27:19.00,0:27:19.50 Jitsui: フォールド Fold.
0,0:27:20.00,0:27:20.50 Sakuma: レイズ! Raise!
0,0:27:21.00,0:27:21.50 Miyoshi: コール Call.
0,0:27:22.00,0:27:22.50 Kaminaga: フォールド Fold.
0,0:27:23.00,0:27:23.50 Amari: フォールド Fold.
0,0:27:24.00,0:27:24.50 Sakuma: 『YES!』 YES! English again.
0,0:27:26.50,0:27:27.30 Sakuma: 待ってました! Just what I’ve been waiting for!
0,0:27:31.00,0:27:32.50 Sakuma: 今までの借りが全部…もらうぞ
0,0:27:34.00,0:27:36.00 Miyoshi: 随分と上機嫌ですね You’re in quite the good mood.
0,0:27:36.50,0:27:38.00 Sakuma: はっ!片してば Ha! Ready when you are. (Very loose translation. I think I heard 片してば, implying 'if you have everything in order, we can get started’)
0,0:27:38.50,0:27:39.50 Sakuma: オープン Open.
0,0:27:41.00,0:27:42.00 Sakuma: フォーカーど Four of a kind!
0,0:27:44.00,0:27:45.00 Miyoshi: ストレイトフラッシュ Straight flush.
0,0:27:46.00,0:27:47.30 Jitsui: あらら Oh, my.
0,0:27:47.50,0:27:49.30 Jitsui: さすが! As expected!
0,0:27:50.00,0:27:51.30 Sakuma: くそ! Damn!
0,0:27:54.00,0:27:56.30 Sakuma: たまにはこんなこともあるさ These things happen from time to time.
0,0:27:57.50,0:27:58.00 Sakuma: また誘ってくれ Invite me again sometime. (Hm 'Let’s play again sometime’ might sound better in English?)
0,0:27:58.00,0:27:59.00 Miyoshi: ぜひ Certainly.
0,0:28:04.50,0:28:07.00 Odagiri: 佐久間さんはフォーカーどで負けていませんよ Sakuma-san, you did not lose with that four of a kind.
0,0:28:07.50,0:28:08.00 Sakuma: ん? Hm?
0,0:28:09.00,0:28:10.00 Sakuma: どういうことだ? What do you mean?
0,0:28:11.00,0:28:15.00 Odagiri: 僕があなたのカードを覗いてサインを出していたんです I peeked at your cards and signed to the others.
0,0:28:16.00,0:28:16.50 Sakuma: なんだと? What was that?
0,0:28:21.00,0:28:23.00 Sakuma: イカサマをX何が楽し!? What’s so fun about cheating!? (Can’t hear this X word but the meaning is clear without it.)
0,0:28:27.50,0:28:31.00 Miyoshi: 僕たちは何もポーカをしていうわけではないです It’s not like we were playing poker at all.
0,0:28:31.50,0:28:32.00 Sakuma: 何? What?
0,0:28:32.10,0:28:34.00 Sakuma: だったら何をしていた!? Then what were you doing!?
0,0:28:35.00,0:28:40.00 Miyoshi: 一応 ジョーカゲームと呼んでいますが We call it the 'Joker Game’. (一応=more or less; for the time being)
0,0:28:44.50,0:28:47.00 Sakuma: ジョーカゲーム…だ? The 'Joker Game'…?
0,0:28:47.30,0:28:53.50 Miyoshi: つまりですね、テーブルの上でカードゲームが行われますがそれは見せかけにすぎません In other words, the card game being played out on top of the table is merely for pretense. (Or: ‘a card game is being played out on top of the table, but it is merely for pretense’ I thought this was too wordy.)
0,0:28:53.00,0:28:58.00 Miyoshi: プレイヤーは食堂にいる者を味方につけ、盗み見たカードサインに知らせてもらう The player convinces the others in the room to ally with them, then has them read and sign the others’ cards to them.
0,0:28:59.00,0:29:03.00 Miyoshi: だが、誰がどちらの側についているかわからないHowever, you have no way of knowing who is on your side.
0,0:29:04.00,0:29:10.00 Miyoshi:サインは偽物かもしれないし敵方のサインを読んで手を変えることもある The sign might be a ploy, and reading the enemy’s sign, you may change your hand.(偽物=something fake)
0,0:29:11.00,0:29:12.00 Odagiri: おい、一本くれよ Hey, give me a smoke.
0,0:29:13.00,0:29:13.50 Amari: ほらよ Here you go.
0,0:29:15.00,0:29:20.00 Miyoshi: 場合によっては敵のスパイは裏切らせて味方にすることができる Depending on the situation, you can get an enemy spy to turn sides and become an ally.
0,0:29:23.00,0:29:26.00 Sakuma: そんな騙し合いをして一体何が楽し!? What’s so fun about cheating each other like that!?
0,0:29:26.50,0:29:27.50 Sakuma: なんの意味があるというんだ!? What meaning is there in doing that!?
0,0:29:28.00,0:29:32.00 Amari: さあ、せいぜい国際政治くらいなものですかね Well, it’s a close approximation of international politics.
0,0:29:32.50,0:29:34.00 Sakuma: 国際政治だっと? International politics?
0,0:29:36.00,0:29:38.41 Fukumoto: デーブルの上が国際政治だと思ってください Please imagine the tabletop as an international meeting.
0,0:29:39.00,0:29:41.00 Fukumoto: 情報が筒抜けならゲームに勝てるわけがない If your intelligence is leaked, you have no hope of winning the game.
0,0:29:42.00,0:29:46.00 Fukumoto: 先年ワシントンで行われた軍縮会議の時の日本のように Take Japan, for instance, few years ago at the disarmament conference in Washington.
0,0:29:47.00,0:29:53.00 Fukumoto: あの時テーブルに着いた他国のプレイヤー達は日本が最大限どこまで譲歩するきがあるのかあらかじめ全ての情報を知っていたのです The other countries’ players at the table knew beforehand the limits to which Japan was willing to compromise.
0,0:29:55.00,0:29:58.00 Amari: 見せかけのルールに囚われていた日本がそんなゲームで勝てるわけがない Japan had no chance of winning such a game while caught up in the pretense of those rules.
0,0:29:59.00,0:30:05.00 Amari: ゲームの本質にすら気付いていなかった日本の外交団 Japan’s diplomats never even realized the true nature of the game.
0,0:30:06.00,0:30:11.00 Miyoshi: つまりそれは僕たちのゲームのルールを知らせる飛び込んできた あなたのようものだ In other words, they were like you, who jumped into our game without knowing the rules.
0,0:30:18.00,0:30:20.00 Sakuma: そ��は… That's…
0,0:30:22.00,0:30:22.50 Yuuki: どうした? What is it?
0,0:30:23.00,0:30:24.00 Kaminaga: いつものゲームですよ。 Just our usual game.
0,0:30:25.00,0:30:28.00 Kaminaga: ただ佐久間さんが納得できないと It’s just that Sakuma-san cannot seem to grasp the concept of it./…cannot seem to comprehend it.
0,0:30:29.00,0:30:31.00 Sakuma: 自分は別に勝ち負けにどうこう言ってるではなく I’m not complaining about who won and who lost. (*this is the official subs)
0,0:30:32.00,0:30:32.50 Sakuma: やり方が卑怯だと! It’s your methods that are cowardly!
0,0:30:33.00,0:30:36.00 Yuuki: 勝負をするなら正々堂々と…か So you think that all games/contests should be fair?
0,0:30:38.00,0:30:44.00 Yuuki:でがこいつらが種明かししてなければ 果たして貴様は今と同じことを言えっていたか However, if they hadn’t informed you of their deception, would you be saying the same things as you are now?
0,0:30:44.50,0:30:51.00 Yuuki: それが今の日本の姿ということだ That is the state Japan is in right now.
0,0:30:52.00,0:30:53.00 Sakuma: どういうことでしょう What do you mean by that-
0,0:30:54.00,0:30:58.00 Yuuki: 忘れるな ここはスパイ養成学校だ Don’t forget. This is a spy training academy.
0,0:30:59.00,0:31:07.00 Yuuki: この連中はここを出た後(のち)世界各地に散らばって自らを見えない存在としなければならない Once these men leave this place and are scattered across the world, they will have to lead invisible existences.
0,0:31:08.00,0:31:24.00 Yuuki: 10年、20年、あるいはもっと長く見知らぬ土地にたった一人留まりその地に飛び込み見えない存在としてその国の情報を集め本国に送る仕事に従事することになる For ten, twenty years, or even longer they will have to become invisible, gathering information and sending it back home, in an unfamiliar land all alone.
0,0:31:26.00,0:31:29.00 Yuuki: それがどんな生活になるか貴様に想像できるか? Can you imagine what it must be like to lead such a life?
0,0:31:32.00,0:31:38.20 Yuuki: 諸君の未来に待っているのは真っ黒な孤独だ The future awaiting these young men is pitch black solitude.
0,0:31:40.00,0:31:45.00 Yuuki: 当然として 中間国家は貴様らをうらぎ As a matter of course, your own allies may betray you.
0,0:31:48.00,0:31:49.00 Yuuki: もう一度聞く Let me ask you once more.
0,0:31:50.00,0:31:56.00 Yuuki: もし貴様がスパイだったら敵に正体を暴かれたらどうする? If you were a spy, and the enemy discovered your identity, what would you do?
0,0:31:58.00,0:32:02.00 Sakuma: その時は、敵を殺すか さもなければその場で自決します! At that moment, I would kill my enemy. And if that is not possible, I would commit suicide on the spot!
0,0:32:04.00,0:32:08.00 Yuuki: 殺人及び自殺はスパイにとって最悪のー Both murder and suicide are the worst choices a spy can-
0,0:32:08.00,0:32:09.00 Sakuma: おっしゃてる意味がわかりません! I do not understand the meaning of what you are saying!(Keigo~)
0,0:32:11.00,0:32:14.00 Yuuki: 平時に人が死ねばその国の警察が動き出す If a person dies in a time of peace, the country’s police will investigate.
0,0:32:15.00,0:32:23.00 Yuuki: 考えるまでもなく スパイは敵を殺しあるいは自決するなどは無意味で馬鹿げた行為だという For a spy to either kill the enemy or commit suicide without thought is a meaningless, foolish act.
0,0:32:25.00,0:32:28.00 Sakuma: それは死を恐れる卑怯な考えです That is something those who fear death think!
0,0:32:29.00,0:32:34.00 Sakuma: 自分にはやはりスパイは卑怯な存在だとしか思えません I cannot think of spies as anything but cowardly after all!
0,0:32:34.00,0:32:38.00 Yuuki: ならば聞くが貴様が自決してどうなる Then, let me ask: what happens after you commit suicide?
0,0:32:40.00,0:32:43.00 Sakuma: 死ねば向こうで胸を張って同期に会えます! If I die, I will proudly meet my comrades on the other side!
0,0:32:44.00,0:32:50.00 Yuuki: ほう、貴様は同期に会って自慢するために死ぬわけか Oh, so you mean you will die just to meet and boast to your friends?
0,0:32:51.00,0:32:53.00 Yuuki: だがもし会えなかったらどうする But, what would you do if you couldn’t meet them?
0,0:32:53.00,0:32:55.00 Sakuma: 会えないはずはありません! There is no possible way that would happen!
0,0:32:57.00,0:33:01.00 Yuuki: なるほど。三好。どう思う? I see. Miyoshi. What do you think?
0,0:33:02.00,0:33:03.00 Miyoshi: トートロジー Tautology.
0,0:33:05.00,0:33:06.00 Miyoshi: 見事な鰯の頭です "With enough faith, you can worship a sardine’s head.“(I don’t think there is a way to get around the official subs. 見事な鰯の頭 literally means 'a splendid sardine head')
0,0:33:07.00,0:33:11.00 Miyoshi: よく仕込んだものですが新興宗教と同じですよ It’s a deeply entrenched belief, but it’s the same as a new religion.
0,0:33:12.00,0:33:16.00 Miyoshi: 閉鎖集団を離れてはとても長く持たない観念です It is an idea that does not last very long once away from the confines of the group.
0,0:33:16.50,0:33:17.00 Yuuki: 神永 Kaminaga.
0,0:33:17.00,0:33:18.00 Kaminaga: 三好と同意見です I agree with Miyoshi.
0,0:33:19.00,0:33:27.00 Kaminaga: 例えば日本が戦争に負けた場合たちまちまったく反対の事を容易かつ同程度に信じるでしょう For instance, if Japan were to lose the war, they would easily believe in the exact opposite in an instant.
0,0:33:28.00,0:33:30.00 Sakuma: 日本が戦争に負けた場合だと!? If Japan were to lose the war!?
0,0:33:32.00,0:33:37.00 Yuuki: 金���名誉・国家への忠誠心、あるいは人の死さえも全ては虚構だ Money, honor, loyalty to one’s homeland, and even death are all false.(虚構=fiction, fabrication)
0,0:33:39.00,0:33:57.00 Yuuki: 諸君の未来に待ち受けてる真っ黒な孤独、その中で唯一諸君を支えてくれるのは常に変化し続ける多様な状況の中で咄嗟に判断を下す能力だけだ In the pitch black solitude awaiting you all, what will support you in the midst of your ever changing circumstances is your ability to make split second decisions.
0,0:34:06.00,0:34:07.00 Miyoshi: 佐久間さん Sakuma-san.
0,0:34:09.00,0:34:12.00 Miyoshi: お金はしんと払ってくださいね Please pay up. (He actually adds ‘quietly’ lol.)
0,0:34:17.00,0:34:19.00 Tazaki: 何か飲みますか Can I get you something to drink?
0,0:34:20.00,0:34:20.50 Sakuma: いらん! No!
0,0:34:22.00,0:34:26.50 Sakuma: 何も思わんのか、本当に? Do you truly feel nothing?
0,0:34:30.00,0:34:36.00 Sakuma: 結局あんたらがスパイとして働くのは名誉や愛国心のためですらない In the end, none of you took up work as a spy for honor nor patriotism.
0,0:34:36.30,0:34:38.00 Sakuma: 自身だけだ! You did it for no one but yourself!
0,0:34:38.30,0:34:39.50 Sakuma: 違うか? Am I wrong?
0,0:34:41.00,0:34:43.00 Odagiri: 本音合うここにはありません You will not find anyone’s true motives here. (本音=real intention, motive, what one really thinks)
0,0:34:44.00,0:34:46.00 Odagiri: その問いでさえも Nor an answer to your question.
0,0:34:47.00,0:34:52.00 Sakuma: 一生誰も愛さず 何者も信じない生きていうことなどできると思うか! Do you think you can live your entire life without loving or trusting anyone at all!?
0,0:34:53.00,0:34:56.00 Odagiri: それがここだと 私は(思って) That’s what this place is. I- (Dunno what comes after the ‘watashi’ since Sakuma SCREAMS over him.)
0,0:34:56.00,0:35:01.00 Sakuma:そんな風に生きていけるは人でなしだけだ! Only a monster would be able to live like that!
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You're awesome!
I’ll add this to the next part! Thank you so much!
@stiltedtranslations said: I’m currently working on the part when they’re playing cards…it’s really tedious xD
I’m really sorry about it being tedious but I thank you a lot for all your hard work!
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Thank you a lot @stiltedtranslations and @hazyafter-glow! I’ve also added the bits @kyuukancorbie did though if someone has changes to propose please just let me know!
Joker Game Stage Part 3
And so we reach part 3… and, if this part get’s done we’ll reach 1/6 of the whole stage!!! (the video lasts 2:30 but the last half is just about the ending theme and actors talking to the viewers…)
Just in case you hadn’t read it yet HERE there’s an useful explanation on how I think we could go at this. Please, read it before coming to make questions, as it might answer them faster then me… :P
And now let’s go on.
Under the ‘read more’ there is the first bit of dialogue in the Joker Game Live Action Stage.
Also @stiltedtranslations was so awesome to attempt translating the dialogue between Sakuma and his friend about Yuuki for us so I could add it to this part! ^____^ (You might notice I’ve also kept @stiltedtranslations’s notes)
When this part is done we can move to a new section of the stage.
So… is there someone who feels like attempting to translate something else? It doesn’t have to be it all, but if we piece together the various bits we can get a full translation.
Keep reading
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To @kyuukancorbie, @trepidationchance, @stiltedtranslations, @i-dedicate-this-kill-to-the-fans, @hazyafter-glow and whoever wishes to help with the translations.
It dawned on me that maybe it’ll make things easied tor everyone if we keep common translitterations (in the situations in which there could be more than one) so as not to have parts of the script in which there’s Yuuki, Yuki or Yūki.
So, so far I’ve been going with:
D Agency
For now I ask to whoever is taking part to this project to be patient and go with them.
When the whole script is done we can decide to change them en masse.
I’m not sure if something will come up in the future that will have multiple translitterations but we’ll cross that bridge when/if we'll find one.
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@stiltedtranslations said: I’m currently working on the part when they’re playing cards…it’s really tedious xD
I’m really sorry about it being tedious but I thank you a lot for all your hard work!
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Joker Game Stage Part 3
And so we reach part 3... and, if this part get’s done we’ll reach 1/6 of the whole stage!!! (the video lasts 2:30 but the last half is just about the ending theme and actors talking to the viewers...)
Just in case you hadn’t read it yet HERE there’s an useful explanation on how I think we could go at this. Please, read it before coming to make questions, as it might answer them faster then me… :P
And now let’s go on.
Under the ‘read more’ there is the first bit of dialogue in the Joker Game Live Action Stage.
Also @stiltedtranslations was so awesome to attempt translating the dialogue between Sakuma and his friend about Yuuki for us so I could add it to this part! ^____^ (You might notice I've also kept @stiltedtranslations's notes)
When this part is done we can move to a new section of the stage.
So… is there someone who feels like attempting to translate something else? It doesn’t have to be it all, but if we piece together the various bits we can get a full translation.
Edit 9/11/2017: Thanks to @stiltedtranslations, @kyuukancorbie and @hazyafter-glow we've an almost complete translation!
0,0:12:58.00,0:13:27.00 Soldier1: (No translation yet... maybe what we're hearing is the Imperial Rescript to Soldiers and Sailors Miyoshi mentioned previously? It sure sounds like some sort of proclamation...)
0,0:13:28.00,0:13:29.00 Sakuma's short friend 1: Sakuma!
0,0:13:33.00,0:13:40.00 Sakuma's tall friend 1: もし、もしお国に帰れなっがた時は、その時は、靖国でお。If, if there comes a time when we can’t go back to our home country, when that happens, let us meet at the Yasukuni shrine.
0,0:14:00.50,0:14:02.00 Hatano1: 昨日の新聞 In yesterday’s newspaper…
0,0:14:03.00,0:14:08.00 Jitsui1: あ、学校の教員は天皇の御真影に捨てて触れた話ですが?Ah, the news about a school’s faculty member accidentally touching the imperial portrait with his bare hand?
0,0:14:08.50,0:14:11.80 Hatano2: 首位(しゅい)の執拗(しつよう?しつよ/質よ? )なる虚誕で、遂には自殺だと。It caused a public outrage and in the end, he had to commit suicide.
0,0:14:12.00,0:14:14.50 Jitsui2: 新聞は至極もっともの論調ですね。The newspaper seem to really exaggerate it.
0,0:14:15.00,0:14:18.00 Hatano3: 天皇の神学(しんがく?しんかく/神格?)かも、行き過ぎているていうことが。The deification of the emperor has gone overboard.
0,0:14:19.50,0:14:20.50 Sakuma1: 貴様ら!You bastard!
0,0:14:21.00,0:14:24.00 Jitsui3: 佐久間さんですね?実井です、こちらは波多野ーーAren't you Sakuma-san? I'm Jitsui. And he is...
0,0:14:24.50,0:14:25.20 Sakuma2: 退て!Stand back!
0,0:14:26.50,0:14:31.00 Sakuma3: 貴様、それは現人神やらせられる天皇絵顔知らねんが?You, don’t you know that is a picture of the Emperor who is the living god?
0,0:14:31.50,0:14:34.00 Hatano4: 御真影に触れることが(あったんだ?)、ならんぬと?You mean we shouldn’t touch the emperor’s portrait?
0,0:14:34.00,0:14:36.00 Sakuma4: 当たり前だ!Of course!
0,0:14:40.00,0:14:42.20 Jitsui4: 波多野さんには構わないと思いますよ。I don’t believe you are any match for Hatano-san.
0,0:14:43.00,0:14:46.00 Sakuma5: 何というフケン(ふざけん?不健?)なこと!What nonsense!
0,0:14:49.00,0:14:51.00 Hatano5: 可能性を議論をしただけだ。All we did was discuss the possibilities.
0,0:14:58.00,0:15:05.00 Miyoshi1: 天皇制に置ける、制度制度(生徒?)、合法性の問題を彼らは確認していたですよ。They were just confirming the problem of legitimacy and the lawfulness with regards to the emperor’s system.
0,0:15:11.00,0:15:13.00 Jitsui5: 三好さん、街へは?Miyoshi-san, what about going down town?
0,0:15:13.50,0:15:16.00 Miyoshi2: 結城さんに案内を頼んまれたんだね。Yuuki-san asked me to show him around.
0,0:15:16.50,0:15:23.00 Hatano6: 天皇の名を聞いて、直立不動の姿勢を取るは、軍人だけだ。Hearing the emperor’s name, and then standing upright at attention is only something a soldier would do.
0,0:15:26.00,0:15:39.00 Hatano7 (pretending to be Yuuki):いくら背広着て髪を伸ばしてようが、「天皇」と聞こえてくる度に、「自分は軍人でございます」と、首位にに知られるやつを、で入れさせるつもりはない。Doesn’t matter if you wear a suit, or how long you grow your hair, every time you hear the emperor’s name, ‘I am a soldier’. I have no intention of associating with someone like that.
0,0:15:39.60,0:15:41.00 Jitsui6: 結城さんですね!That was Yuuki-san, right?
0,0:15:42.00,0:15:43.00 Hatano8: あ。Yeah.
0,0:15:43.00,0:15:51.60 Sakuma6: も一度聞く、では恐れ億劫も、現人神てあらせられる天皇陛下の正統性を議論していると言うのだ。I’ll ask you one more time. Are you questioning the present god-like existence of His Majesty the Emperor?
0,0:15:52.00,0:16:07.00 Jitsui7: および合法性の問題です。そもそも今日の天皇制に見られる特殊性は、他のアジア諸国においてはとうて受けられるものではないですからね。も一度根本原理から組み立てなおしてほうがいい。と言うのがぼくの持論です。It is also the problem of lawfulness. To begin with, the present emperor’s system distinctiveness that we can see, is that with regards to other Asia’s various regions, it is something that absolutely cannot be accepted. It is better to reassemble from the fundamental principles. But that’s my own opinion.
0,0:16:08.50,0:16:10.00 Jitsui8: 佐久間さんはーーWhat do you think of it, Sakuma-san?
0,0:16:11.00,0:16:13.00 Miyoshi3: 背広ですから。You’re wearing a suit.
0,0:16:15.00,0:16:19.00 Jitsui9: そう興奮なさらずに。一緒に話し合いましょうよ。Don’t get so worked up. Let’s discuss it together.
0,0:16:20.00,0:16:23.00 Sakuma7: 貴様らと話し合うことなど何もない!There’s nothing for me to discuss with the lot of you!
0,0:16:25.70,0:16:32.00 Sakuma8: このことは明日参謀本部に報告する。首をわなて待っていろ。Tomorrow, I’ll report this to the general staff headquarters. Prepare yourself for execution.
0,0:16:36.70,0:16:37.20 Yuuki1: 続けろ。Continue.
0,0:16:38.00,0:16:41.00 Hatano9: 現人神についての正統性ですよ。We were just talking about the emperor’s god-like existence and the legitimacy.
0,0:16:41.30,0:16:44.00 Yuuki2: 決まりきったことだ。くだらん。That’s something that has already been decided. How pointless.
0,0:16:44.50,0:16:45.50 Sakuma9: 何ということ。How can you say such a thing?
0,0:16:46.00,0:17:09.00 Yuuki3: 天皇が生きた神だと、そんなこと日本人がへいけいくち(???)するようになたんのはタカタか十年くらいなものだ。天皇の存在時代、京都の人間以外はそんあものがあることさい忘れていたんだ。It’s only been ten years since the Japanese people began calling the emperor a living god. Before the Meiji era, aside from people from Kyoto, most had forgotten the existence of the emperor himself.
0,0:17:11.00,0:17:18.00 Yuuki4: それをきゅうに「生きたの神様」などと祭り挙げられたんじゃ、向こうだって迷惑だろうよ。貴様は何を信じてようが構わん。キリストだろうがマホメットだろうがイワシ頭だろうが、勝手に信じるがいい。And now suddenly we raise him to become a god living in human form. Even he will probably feel troubled by it. I don’t care whatever it is you believe in. Whether it is Christ or Muhammad or the heads of sardines. Believe in whatever you want.
0,0:17:19.00,0:17:20.00 Sakuma10: 私は! I —
0,0:17:23.00,0:17:30.00 Yuuki5: もし本当に自分の頭で考え抜いた末に、それを信じるならな。If that’s something you’ve really thought through, then believe it.
0,0:17:45.00,0:17:48.00 Amari1: 気を取り直して、トランプでもやりますーー(が?)How about a game of trump, to get your spirits back up?
0,0:17:48.00,0:17:49.00 Sakuma11: いらん!No!
0,0:17:50.00,0:17:54.00 Amari2: 気分転換はなると思うけど。But I think it’ll change your mood.
0,0:17:54.00,0:17:55.00 Sakuma12: 一人にさせてくれ。Leave me alone.
0,0:17:57.00,0:17:59.00 Amari3: でわ、落ち着いたら構いませんよ。Well then, let’s play when you’ve calmed down.
0,0:18:06.00,0:18:17.50 Sakuma13: 信じるものはある。あるんだ。こんな奴にはわからん!There is something I believe in. There is. I don’t get these guys!
0,0:18:21.00,0:18:22.00 Yuuki6: Miyoshi.
0,0:18:23.00,0:18:27.00 Yuuki7: 結構は二日後、0800.It’ll be two days from now. At 08:00.
0,0:18:29.00,0:18:30.00 Miyoshi4: わかりました。Understood.
0,0:18:32.00,0:18:34.00 Miyoshi5: 皆には僕から伝えておきます。I will let everyone know.
0,0:18:35.00,0:18:36.00 Sakuma’s friend1: Sakuma!
0,0:18:41.00,0:18:43.00 Sakuma’s friend2: 知ってるか?Hey, did you know?
0,0:18:45.00,0:18:48.50 Sakuma’s friend3: D期間には「魔王」と呼ばれる男がいる。Within D Agency is a man they call ‘The Devil’.
0,0:18:49.00,0:19:00.00 Sakuma’s friend4: 長年に渡って敵国に潜伏し、その国の貴重な���部情報を齎していらしいが、味方の裏切りによってスパイ行為が発覚、捉えられ、拷問にかけられた! He spent many years undercover in enemy territory and apparently obtained vital [valuable]* intelligence, but he was betrayed by his allies. As a result, he was discovered to be a spy, captured, and tortured!
0,0:19:00.10,0:19:01.05 Sakuma14: 本当か?Is that true**
0,0:19:02.00,0:19:04.00 Sakuma’s friend5: あぁ、だが、隙を見て出そう!Yeah, but he saw an opening, and escaped
0,0:19:05.00,0:19:06.00 Sakuma’s friend6: 機密情報を持ち合った! With all that confidential information!
0,0:19:08.00,0:19:15.00 Sakuma’s friend7: 拷問のせいで右手の*指がねじ曲がり、左足が引きずり、ついなしではあることさえできないそうだ。Thanks to the torture, the finger on his right hand got twisted***, and it seems he has [no choice but] to drag his left foot behind him.
0,0:19:16.00,0:19:20.00 Sakuma’s friend8: その「魔王」のなが…結城中佐だ。That Devil’s name was…Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki.
* [valuable] I think ‘vital’ sounds better but 貴重 is literally precious/valuable.
** [might work better as ‘Really?’ because he has a split second to gasp this as he is getting placed in a head lock]
*** *Sorry, I can’t make out this word. Sounds like gouhou/gohou/gouho but it is definitely talking about one of the fingers of his right hand.
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AWESOME! Thank you so much for your hard work! ^_______^
Joker Game Stage Softsub Project
This is the tumblr for the Joker Game Stage Softsub Project.
If you feel like helping with translation we’ll love you forever!
Now… since we’ve to start somewhere, here there’s my idea of where.
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That’s not butting in, that’s helping and it’s always very welcomed!
Thank you for your suggestions, I’ll correct the sentence.
Personally i think to keep it a single one because I’ve the feeling it’ll go better with the audio... though maybe it’s just me.
Joker Game Stage Part 1
So, let’s start with the first part.
Just in case you hadn’t read it yet HERE there’s an useful explanation on how I think we could go at this. Please, read it before coming to make questions, as it might answer them faster then me… :P
And now let’s go on.
Under the ‘read more’ there is the first bit of dialogue in the Joker Game Live Action Stage. Fundamentally it’s around 10 minutes of video.
Yes, it’s a lot but that’s because this first part also contained the song and the opening titles as well as huge parts of the dialogues we already heard in the anime.
When this first part is done we can move to a new section of the stage.
So… is there someone who feels like attempting to translate something? It doesn’t have to be it all, but if we piece together the various bits we can get a full translation.
Edit (6/11/2017): @kyuukancorbie was so awesome to attempt translating something for us and @trepidationchance helped fixing some things! So do check it and if you too can help please, do!
Keep reading
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Joker Game Stage Part 2
Previous parts: Part 1
@kyuukancorbie and @trepidationchance were so awesome to help with Part 1 and @kyuukancorbie even attempted to go further and translate bits of Part 2 so I’m posting it here so that it can be edited should need arise.
So, let’s go on with the second part.
Just in case you hadn’t read it yet HERE there’s an useful explanation on how I think we could go at this. Please, read it before coming to make questions, as it might answer them faster then me… :P
And now let’s go on.
Under the ‘read more’ there is the second bit of dialogue in the Joker Game Live Action Stage.
3 minutes of video this time as their translation is a gift from @kyuukancorbie.
We’ll love it if someone will feel like helping us!
0,0:09:35.10,0:09:37.00 Yuuki1: So.
0,0:09:39.00,0:09:46.30 Yuuki2: That means you’re the spy sent by the General Staff Office, right?
0,0:09:47.00,0:09:48.00 Sakuma1: I am not!
0,0:09:49.00,0:09:52.00 Sakuma2: I will not do such a cowardly thing as…(spying) (This sentence is cut off probably because Sakuma remembers that he is talking to a spymaster. The literal translation should be “such a cowardly thing as spying…(I will not do)”)
0,0:09:55.00,0:09:56.00 Yuuki3: Oh.
0,0:09:57.00,0:09:58.50 Yuuki4: Spying is cowardly?
0,0:09:59.00,0:10:01.00 Sakuma3: I think – (knocking noise at the door)
0,0:10:02.00,0:10:03.00 Miyoshi1: I’m coming in.
0,0:10:04.00,0:10:09.00 Yuuki5: Sakuma, this is Miyoshi from the D-Agency. Miyoshi, show Sakuma around.
0,0:10:10.00,0:10:11.00 Miyoshi2: Got it.
0,0:10:11.00,0:10:12.60 Yuuki6: Memorize all of it.
0,0:10:13.00,0:10:14.00 Sakuma4: Yes sir!
0,0:10:18.00,0:10:19.00 Yuuki7: Also, Sakuma,
0,0:10:19.00,0:10:20.00 Sakuma5: Yes?
0,0:10:21.00,0:10:26.00 Yuuki8: If you were a spy, when you’re found out by the enemy,
0,0:10:27.00,0:10:28.00 Yuuki9: what would you do?
0,0:10:31.00,0:10:35.00 Sakuma6: If that time comes, I will kill the enemy, or else I will end my own life.
0,0:10:42.00,0:10:46.00 Miyoshi3: We’ll be heading out to the streets later, would you like to join us, Sakuma-san?
0,0:10:47.00,0:10:49.00 Sakuma7: Allow me to decline.
0,0:10:49.00,0:10:50.00 Sakuma8: Your name’s Miyoshi isn’t it?
0,0:10:51.00,0:10:53.00 Miyoshi4: Yeah. Though it’s a false name after all.
0,0:10:54.00,0:10:55.00 Sakuma9: A false name?
0,0:10:56.00,0:10:57.00 Miyoshi5: It should be written over there.
0,0:11:03.00,0:11:04.00 Miyoshi6: So what is it?
0,0:11:05.00,0:11:06.00 Sakuma10: Why did you laugh?
0,0:11:07.00,0:11:08.00 Miyoshi7: About what?
0,0:11:09.00,0:11:10.00 Sakuma11: My conversation with Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki earlier.
0,0:11:11.00,0:11:13.00 Miyoshi8: Ah, that huh?
0,0:11:15.00,0:11:17.00 Miyoshi9: I just thought that’s a foolish thing to say.
0,0:11:18.00,0:11:20.00 Sakuma12: Hey! Are you making fun of me?
0,0:11:20.00,0:11:24.00 Miyoshi10: (逆に聞きますが、ここわスパイ養成所ですよ。Not sure how to translate this properly, but he is reminding sakuma that this is a spy training agency)
0,0:11:24.00,0:11:32.00 Miyoshi11: The truth is meaningless here. Just like how your opinion is. (貴方がどう思うでようがね。Again not particularly sure.)
0,0:11:39.00,0:11:41.00 Miyoshi12: So, what do you want to do about the tour?
0,0:11:42.00,0:11:43.00 Sakuma13: I don’t need it!
0,0:11:45.00,0:11:47.00 Miyoshi13: I’ll leave you be then. (I’m failing more and more now as I can’t find any word that might really match this sentence)
0,0:11:49.00,0:11:56.00 Miyoshi14: Also, there’s no curfew here, you’re completely free with your nightlife.
0,0:12:00.00,0:12:04.00 Miyoshi15: Courting women is also part of the training you know.
0,0:12:08.00,0:12:09.00 Miyoshi16: Well then…
0,0:12:10.00,0:12:11.00 Sakuma14: No need! I’ll learn everything myself. (literally “investigate”)
0,0:12:12.00,0:12:20.00 Miyoshi17: The salute in the Imperial Rescript* (see your wiki), in other words the saying that you should trust your comrades, that is also quite meaningless. (I’m missing a word or two here I can’t make out)
0,0:12:21.00,0:12:24.00 Miyoshi18: Or rather, it is deadly.
0,0:12:26.00,0:12:32.00 Sakuma15: When I was in the army academy, I had comrades who swore to give their bodies to our country.
0,0:12:34.00,0:12:38.00 Sakuma16: I will give my life if it’s for these people.
0,0:12:39.00,0:12:44.00 Miyoshi19: But we here are just false names.
0,0:12:51.00,0:12:52.00 Sakuma17: Shit!
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I’ll reblog this but I’ll also report it in the usual format so if something will need to be fixed it won’t be too troublesome for me to do the edit.
Oh, and yes, I was thinking to keep the ‘-san’ as well, translating it as Mr. Sakuma would feel weird but skipping it wouldn’t deliver well the way the others refer to Sakuma.
Besides I think that the fandom who’s interested in this translation is familiar enough with ‘-san’ they won’t have problems with it even if we keep it as it is...
JG Stage Scene 2
1. I am sorry if I’m doing this wrong as I do not know how to notate scripts. My personal comments about possible alternative or literal meanings are in parenthesis, cut-off sentences will also have parts left in the parenthesis. That is a lot of parentheses. Apologies again for not being the cleanest script to work with.
2. Suggestions and improvements are appreciated, though if you are better at Japanese I’d really appreciate you seeking out @softsubproject to help out and save me from embarrassing myself instead.
3. My literal understanding of the scripts is very limited so this is not something I intend to regularly or even continue, since I’m not equipped enough to tranlsate every sentence.
@jgfiles Feel free to repost or edit so it fits with your formating.
Continua a leggere
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Thank you a lot to you and to @trepidationchance for your work! It’s greatly apprecciated!
So... hum... as for the German dialogues... let’s hope someone who speak German will come to our help and confirm things.
Shame on me but I know German even less than Japanese and my Japanese is not even worth talking about... -_-
Joker Game Stage Part 1
So, let’s start with the first part.
Just in case you hadn’t read it yet HERE there’s an useful explanation on how I think we could go at this. Please, read it before coming to make questions, as it might answer them faster then me… :P
And now let’s go on.
Under the ‘read more’ there is the first bit of dialogue in the Joker Game Live Action Stage. Fundamentally it’s around 10 minutes of video.
Yes, it’s a lot but that’s because this first part also contained the song and the opening titles as well as huge parts of the dialogues we already heard in the anime.
When this first part is done we can move to a new section of the stage.
So… is there someone who feels like attempting to translate something? It doesn’t have to be it all, but if we piece together the various bits we can get a full translation.
Keep reading
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Joker Game Stage Part 1
So, let’s start with the first part.
Just in case you hadn’t read it yet HERE there’s an useful explanation on how I think we could go at this. Please, read it before coming to make questions, as it might answer them faster then me... :P
And now let’s go on.
Under the ‘read more’ there is the first bit of dialogue in the Joker Game Live Action Stage. Fundamentally it’s around 10 minutes of video.
Yes, it’s a lot but that’s because this first part also contained the song and the opening titles as well as huge parts of the dialogues we already heard in the anime.
When this first part is done we can move to a new section of the stage.
So… is there someone who feels like attempting to translate something? It doesn’t have to be it all, but if we piece together the various bits we can get a full translation.
Edit (6/11/2017): @kyuukancorbie was so awesome to attempt translating something for us and @trepidationchance helped fixing some things! So do check it and if you too can help please, do!
0:00:47.50 - 0:00:49.00 Soldier1: (No translation yet)
0:00:49.30 - 0:00:53.00 Soldier2: Who are you working with!?
0:00:57.50 - 0:00:58.00 Soldier3: (No translation yet)
0:01:17.50 - 0:01:21.30 Wolff1: Your homeland sold you out.
0:01:22.50 - 0:01:27.90 Wolff2: There's no longer any need to keep your allegiance.
0:01:29.00 - 0:01:32.90 Wolff3: Tell us everything you know.
0:01:33.00 - 0:01:37.00 Wolff4: Make this easy on yourself.
0:01:46.50 - 0:01:49.00 Wolff5: You damned monster!
0:02:16.80 - 0:02:19.00 Soldier4: He passed out.
0:02:19.50 - 0:02:23.00 Wolff6: Wake him up and continue.
0:02:25.00 - 0:02:28.00 Soldier5: Is he really a spy?
0:02:29.00 - 0:02:33.00 Wolff7: Without a doubt.
0:03:15.00 - 0:03:21.00 Wolff8: That guy... That guy... That guy...
0:03:21.00 - 0:03:24.00 Wolff9: Where is he?!
0:03:27.00 - 0:03:31.00 Miyoshi1: As the embers of world war smoldered in autumn of 1937 -
0:03:31.30 - 0:03:35.00 Miyoshi2: the Imperial Army established a clandestine spy training agency.
0:03:36.00 - 0:03:38.00 Miyoshi3: The histories - names and even ages of the elite men who pass its rigorous application process
0:03:38.30 - 0:03:45.00 Miyoshi4: are all treated as top-secret information.
0:03:45.00 - 0:03:46.00 Muto1: Army First Lieutenant Sakuma.
0:03:46.30 - 0:03:47.00 Sakuma1: Yes, sir!
0:03:50.30 - 0:03:58.00 Muto2: You will now be a contact between the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff Office (陸軍参謀本部)and the intelligence officer training school(情報勤務要員養成所), informally called the D-Agency.
0:03:58.30 - 0:03:59.30 Sakuma2: D Agency?
0:04:01.00 - 0:04:06.00 Muto3: The person you’ll meet (?) is Lieutenant Colonel Yuuki. He is the commander of the D-Agency.
0:04:07.00 - 0:04:14.00 Muto4: Outsiders like you probably don’t know this yet, to but it bluntly, it’s the secretly founded spy training school of the Imperial Japanese Army.
0:04:15.00 - 0:04:19.00 Muto5: Do you own a business suit?
0:04:20.00 - 0:04:21.00 Sakuma3: A business suit?
0:04:21.30 - 0:04:23.00 Muto6: If you don’t have one go get it!
0:04:23.30 - 0:04:24.00 Sakuma4: Yes, sir.
0:04:25.00 - 0:04:32.00 Muto7: That’s their demand. Tsk, spying is the work of despicable people don’t you think?
0:04:33.00 - 0:04:34.00 Sakuma5: Yes, sir.
0:04:36.00 - 0:04:47.00 Muto8: If those people in the D-Agency do anything wrong report to me immediately. Any tiny mistake is fine. Then these people will be finished.
0:05:14.65 - 0:05:15.03 Sakuma6: Unbelievably,
0:05:15.30 - 0:05:20.00 Sakuma7: none of them are graduates of the Imperial Japanese Army Academy.
0:05:20.50 - 0:05:23.00 Sakuma8: They graduated from Imperial universities or ordinary colleges.
0:05:23.50 - 0:05:26.00 Sakuma9: In other words, they're all so-called ordinary citizens.
0:05:27.00 - 0:05:33.00 Sakuma10: They easily complete training exercises that push them to their physical and mental limits.
0:05:34.00 - 0:05:41.00 Sakuma11: And then finally, only eight people remained.
0:05:45.00 - 0:05:46.00 Sakuma12: Excuse me!
0:05:47.00 - 0:05:52.00 Sakuma13: “I am First Lieutenant Sakuma, the one the General Staff Office sent to assist (?) the (secret) intelligence agency.
0:05:57.00 - 0:05:58.00 Yuuki1: Are you stupid?
0:05:59.00 - 0:05:59.50 Sakuma15: Sir?
0:06:13.00 - 0:06:16.00 Yuuki2: Who salutes while wearing a business suit?
0:06:18.00 - 0:06:24.00 Sakuma16: They easily complete training exercises that push them to their physical and mental limits.
0:06:25.00 - 0:06:30.00 Sakuma17: And then finally, only eight people remained.
0:08:23.00 - 0:08:30.00 Sakuma18: Long live (His Majesty the Emperor)! Long live (His Majesty the Emperor)! Long live (His Majesty the Emperor)! Long live (His Majesty the Emperor)!
0:09:24.50 - 0:09:25.00 Sakuma19: No...
0:09:26.50 - 0:09:27.00 Sakuma20: Eight monsters.
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Joker Game Stage Softsub Project
This is the tumblr for the Joker Game Stage Softsub Project.
If you feel like helping with translation we’ll love you forever!
Now... since we’ve to start somewhere, here there’s my idea of where.
Basically let’s cut the movie into tinier bits and see what can be translated from them.
I’ll make a post here and under the ‘read more’ there will be a bit of the dialogues in the Joker Game Live Action Stage... or better the time in which each sentence is said and who’s saying it. Next to the name of the person who’s speaking I’ll add a number. The number merely means that the sentence is the first, the second or the third or so on that particular speaker said so, who can translate only a line can identify it by giving the name of the speaker as well as the number next to him.
I hope this will make things easier though, of course, if someone has a better plan is welcomed to share it!
Also if the dialogues matches the one in the anime I’ll also placed them under the read more.
Mind you, I don’t think it’s all right for us to use the ‘official’ sub as we don’t have permission to do it.
I’ll just place it there as reference so even less confident translators can have an idea of what’s going on and help retranslate them when possible (I get it would be hard if not impossible to translate differently certain things)
If translators feel more comfortable with me just leaving blank spaces, well for me it's fine (less work to do is always apprecciated! :P ).
Now... the stage contains also lines in German so if someone isn't knowledgeable in Japanese but knows German it can still help with translations.
When a part is done we can move to a new section of the stage.
So… is there someone who feels like attempting to translate something? It doesn’t have to be it all, but if we piece together the various bits we can get a full translation.
Also, if you feel like translating something, please, reblog this with your translation or send it in form of answer or of ask. When there are translations I’ll add them at the right spots.
And if you can’t do any translating… just REBLOG. Who knows maybe it’ll catch the eyes of who can translate something.
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