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[ ❂: @monaluxsrpblog my brain is fried, baked, saluted, roasted, and any other term you can come up with for throughly cooked to death because five finals crammed into a span of three days was STUPID. Here's to your recovery as well. /sends hugs in return ]
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[ ❂: greetings all! currently trying to get my motivation back after wasting all of it on my Finals. I have things in my ask box and drafts that I’m hanging on to so bear with me please! I’m also debating starting a Singularity blog but that’s another story. Stay tuned! ]
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Come Tell ME what you think of how I RP MY muse, I can only publish.
I’m curious to know! Do you like how I RP as them? Do you hate it? How can I improve? SEND ME AN ASK; LET ME KNOW!
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Send my muse prying asks about anything and everything… please?
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Send me “Switch!” and I’ll introduce you to another character I’ve RP’ed as in the past
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Date a boy who makes tea with you
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pls reblog this if u have been in the rpc for 4 or more years (2012) and are an active rpher!
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Send in anonymous what you or you muse loves most about my muse!
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↖ is now accepting curious anons.
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[ ❂: also, sincerest apologies for my severe lack of activity, I've been backed up on doing work for Finals and since Finals Week started today, I'm going to put any asks and replies on hold until after school is done because I literally do not have the focus for it. ]
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My muse is currently rolled up in a blanket with no means of escape!
Do whatever you wish to them without immediate repercussion!
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[ ❂: y'all who sent this sweet soft son of mine that 😊meme, you're gonna make him cry because he does adore small soft animals, especially kittens and sometimes puppies. LiKE PLS ]
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RPers, please reblog this if you’re okay with ICONLESS threads!
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das Bibliothek, Olivier Martel Savoie
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I am 3% human 97% stress.
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Winter Starters
Send in a symbol for our muses to:
▦ - Eat fruitcake Δ - Make gingerbread houses ⊙ - Make Christmas dinner ✥ - Roast chestnuts ☄ - Have a snowball fight ❉- Build a snowman ✦- Watch Christmas movies ❥ - Go on a trip ✓ - Buy a Christmas tree ₪ - Go shopping for presents ♬ - Sing carols 回  - Wrap presents ʊ - Open presents ϟ - Go sledding ღ- Catch someone under the mistletoe ❣ - Drink hot chocolate ♨ - Build a bonfire ❂ - Decorate the house ★ - Decorate the tree
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