softsealclaws · 6 years
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“Oho~? Picking up bad habits already?”
Clearly Shirokuma-chan isn’t such a great mother if she allows her daughter to dab on haters. How distasteful. Still, there’s a small, sharp grin to the orca’s face as he watches the little scamp. Out of all the isle’s residents, Mafuyu certainly was the most entertaining. So naive with so much plasticity. Ah, the molding of young minds…
Sticking the cig back into his mouth, he sucks in a drag from it, turning his attention back to the frigid snowscape. “Were you offering your hellspawns to me as a sacrifice?”
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“Bad habits?... I don’t smoke, you do.” Mafuyu hadn’t seen anything wrong dabbing on the orca, she’d do it again if she wasn’t busy picking up the now snowy figures. 
“Just the scrappy one-” She was referring to the one now thrown off into the wind, not that is was much of a figure anyway. “Everyone else still has to see my little guys.” Mafuyu once again presented them out, now covered in a little wet layer of snow, it didn’t matter to the pup she was about to go boast them around the isle.
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softsealclaws · 6 years
It’s actually amazing the fearlessness of children. Or perhaps Rocma’s precious seal baby is really just that stupid. How many times now has this little girl come running up to the big bad orca to interact with him? Truly incredible.
Foul smoke spews between jagged teeth as his mindless daydreaming is abruptly interrupted by a small voice and yarn being yeeted onto his leg. He picks the clump up with two fingers and inspects it briefly. Oh, if only his sweet Shirokuma-chan would do that to him and not his yarn doppleganger. Idate smirks smally before flicking the yarn into the wind, watching her bring out terrible yarn abominations. Are they supposed to be everyone else..?
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“They’re ugly,” he states as he snatches one up- the piss boy doggy. “Wouldn’t even make for a good chew toy.” He further inspects the messed up yarn figure, making small faces at it before tossing it back at the seal pup.
The poor little clump flew off, quickly picked by the sharp wind that thankfully kept most of Idates smoke from her face too. 
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“They’re ugly like you.” The seal declared and dabbed as if the come back was a victory. Clumbsy hands dropped a few more figures, adding to the shirogane in the snow. Mafuyu paused before finally picking them up not wanting to soil her moment. The dolls where made on a whim so they didn’t matter to much beyond the fact that she had made them, and would likely tear them up when she got home pulling yarn apart was to tempting. 
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softsealclaws · 6 years
starter for @blackfxsh
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“Look, look.” The seal had completely waddled up and began pestering the orca as soon as she seen him sitting by the cliffs and smoking. Inside her claws was a matted up clump of black and white yarn, torn to shreds by something obviously sharper then the young ones claws. 
“It used to be you-” Without even asking she dropped the clump on his leg and pulled out other bits of yarn, ones not entirely destroyed but in the shape of small and poorly made figures of the other residents. “Look at these ones too.”
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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Who ever this person was, their smell was gross, they smelt like a bloody fish left out on the ice to long, even the little glutton Mafuyu wouldn’t eat rotten fish. 
“Have you ever heard of a shower?” The seal rudely put it in their sweet voice, going bluntly to the point of her main conflict with this stranger who came walking onto the shore and leaving red foot prints. Rocma had told her to not talk to strangers, and to tell her right away if anyone showed up who was weird. The seal was pretty ready to turn tail and waddle back home so Rocmama could handle whoever this was.
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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i wanted to take a shot at the parent swap of Ice Scream, though Mafuyu is probably more of a teenager
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softsealclaws · 6 years
//like/reblog for a starter
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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Rocma baby and Mafuyu adult ᵒᴥᵒ
Rocma baby design @niklenakle
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softsealclaws · 6 years
Polar bears are all left handed!
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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those types of guys are just so un-bear-able 💙
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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crossover. a product of art block… kinda–
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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( ━ ❝ … good .  good girl . ❞  nodding ,  his ears perked up at that last part .  she…  she liked him ?  even though she was always with rocma ?  he was sure that she would have brainwashed her or something .  no-! now wasn’t the time to be touched or moved by the little seal pup !  it was time to go . 
     kneeling down ,  shirogane easily lifted the pup into his arms and held her tightly to his chest .  his eye scanned around the area for a split second to ensure that idate wasn’t hiding somewhere nearby .  the air had a familiar scent of his presence but  …  it seemed old .  hopefully that was the case . 
     ❝ let’s go play over at your house then ,  yeah ? ❞  the wolf quickly began to walk into the direction of rocma’s home .  hopefully she wasn’t there …  actually- ❝ mafuyu ,  where is rocma anyway ? ❞ ) 
“Wee!” She squealed being lifted and hugged onto the wolfs neck and scarf with her flippers and little black claws. Her tail cape flapped a little with amusement and she watched the wolf finally move, enjoying the backwards scene without the effort of having to walk backwards. 
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“I think mama is hunting.” The pup said, more like hoped as the pup was known to be a glutton. That and the seal didn’t imagine Rocma going out to do anything else since Rocma never wanted to help build snowmen or sled.
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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for a polite request, plus bear girls are cute 
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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Gives the wolf a fish, because band-aids mean your hurt, and if your hurt, you should eat-
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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          APATHY sinks his teeth in you , the taste BITTER in your mouth .
                                            but oh , do you LOVE it .
independent / selective / idate from mogeko’s ice scream . as loved by LATIN 
blood , smoking , and death are on this blog .
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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( ━  oh no .  no , no , no .  did he risk it ?  should he ?  if he helped out mafuyu ,  then maybe rocma would come after him .  oh … peraco might come too .  rock also .  was it fine ?  would it be worth getting beaten up half to death for this- no !  what the hell kind of thinking was that ?  this was a small kid and idate had no morals !  he’d eat this poor little pup alive !  there was … no ,  no .  it was time to stop crying and time to be a hero .  
     like a good dog ,  he stopped hiding his tail between his legs and inhaled deeply .  ❝ it doesn’t matter if you can’t see him .  he’s probably waiting underwater to attack when you’re least expecting it . ❞ 
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     ❝ i …  know you probably don’t like me or respect me ,  but please do me a favor and let me carry you somewhere safe .  we’re losing time .  he could come out at any minute ! mafuyu ,  please .  for me .  let’s go somewhere safe and um … play . ❞ ) 
To attack? It made sense, since Rocmama wouldn’t allow her to swim often, that linger want to swim paused her a moment before Shiroganes more confident voice drew the childs attention again. 
“Okay!” Being carried, and the offering to play was a quick way to make Mafuyu do what you wanted, and let the worry only occupy the back of her mind. “I do like you, you carry me and play with me-” Okay so it was a quick way to any child’s heart especially one as oblivious as the seal. But the pup really didn’t have a reason not like like Shirogane. Picking up her big flippers, the idle waddle turned to a faster limp across the snow as an obvious request to be lifted.
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softsealclaws · 6 years
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cookat_ ღ on ig
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