soehlu · 7 years
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soehlu · 7 years
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soehlu · 7 years
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soehlu · 7 years
if you’re having a bad day, just watch this video and thank me later. 😍
Credits to @my_aussie_gal on instagram!
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soehlu · 7 years
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soehlu · 8 years
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soehlu · 8 years
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Kunikida Doppo ♡ phone wallpapers [540x960px] °˖ ✧
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soehlu · 8 years
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no piece of media has the emotional depth and complexity of chopped
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soehlu · 8 years
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soehlu · 8 years
I thought i hit rock bottom already but man im currently falling towards bikini bottom next
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soehlu · 8 years
Yuzuru Hanyu on Ice vs. off Ice
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soehlu · 8 years
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soehlu · 8 years
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soehlu · 8 years
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what a cinematic masterpiece
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soehlu · 8 years
Yes, i do think i have a problem
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soehlu · 8 years
Wtf V omg i need V in my life pls
hi hi could i request the rfa members seeing mc a little sad/pretending that everything is okay and they refuse to open up but then one day they find mc crying/a sobbing mess and finally confess that they no longer can reach their dream career please
thank for requestanon-nim
this is a bit toorelatable for me…haha…ha
you were on your wayto becoming a principal dancer 
but you hurt yourselfduring warm up and you were desperate to hide it from Yoosung
but he’s not an idiot
he is extremely receptive towards even the tiniest change in yourattitude
when he asks ifyou’re okay and you say you’re ‘perfectly fine’ with a smile that’s a bit toostiff
he knows you’re notfine at all
he makes more of aneffort to observe any changes in your behaviour
so when he sees thatyou’re clutching your lower back more often, he confronts you right away
you want to staystrong
but you fail
and you flop to theground, not caring about how bruised your knees were going to be
“I’m just gonna sayit. I hurt my back while I was warming up last week and I got an x-ray…and thedoctor said I have a huge crack on my tailbone…and I was told that if I try todance on it again…the crack would grow…so he told me…”
you couldn’t continuethe sentence
he held your hands,silently reassuring you that it was okay
“I have to quit.”
he swallowed the spitthat had built up in his throat
“MC…I…I’m so sorrythat you can’t achieve your dream anymore. I will do everything in my power tomake sure I can help you. I’m not exactly sure how, I will damn well try tohelp you.”
he hugged youtightly. it hurt a little, but this pain was miniscule in comparison to thefact that you wouldn’t be able to dance anymore
“I will find the bestsurgeon out there to see if they can fix your back. I don’t care about howexpensive it is…let me help you.”
you flat out refused.there was no way in hell you would let him use his money on you. you couldn’t…
he retorted that youhelped him with his eye surgery. this was no different
you finally agreed,but there wasn’t a guarantee that you would bounce back to the level you werebefore your injury. the future was terrifying, but as long as Yoosung radiatedwith positivity, you had hope
there wasn’t muchthat changed with your attitude for Zen to notice that you were slowly losingyour positivity towards life
you had worked yourass off in that lab, studying diseases and finding ways to eradicate them
it wasn’t until onemorning, Zen woke up a loud sound erupting from the kitchen
he ran to the sourceof the noise and he saw you staring at the coffee mug that had shattered on theground
and then you startedslamming your hand on the kitchen counter
Zen went intoprotective mode
holding your hand asif it were a feather, he slowly turned it around to see a bruise slowlystarting to form
“jagiya, it was justa coffee mug. there’s no need to get so upset…”
you looked up at himas if he’d set your body on fire
he steps back, notsure how to quell your mounting rage
“you wanna talk aboutit…?” he can see that this isn’t just petty anger towards a broken cup
where to startthough?
“my research is inshambles. my hand has been twitching non stop and because of it, I messed upsome of the samples in the petri dishes. I got fired Zen…I’m such a failure.”
he’s in tears by thetime you finish saying what you have to say
Zen tries to besympathetic, imagining how he would feel if his body refused to cooperate withhim and he had to quit performing…
he stops short ofactually letting those thoughts materialize. it doesn’t matter how he wouldfeel hypothetically, right now it was all about you and your tangible pain
it’s time forpragmatic Zen to step up
“MC…I feel terriblefor you…I mean- I can’t even imagine how it would feel to have to give up onyour dream. But that doesn’t mean that you should wallow in self-pity. Howabout this? Why don’t you become my manager? Sure, it’s not as rewarding asyour research, and you’ll have to spend ALL day with me…”
you ponder, “wouldsuch a drastic career change be good for me?”
you weigh it up for afew minutes and Zen is starting to regret ever making such a stupid suggestion.“she won’t just drop everything for you, you piece of-”
“I’ll do it!”
he’s glad to see thatyou’ve still got some positivity in your mind
it was your ambitionto serve your country
so being told thatyou had failed the health exam crushed you
how were you going toexplain to this to her?
she didn’t need this.the café was going so well for her
your mind was going ahundred miles an hour, so you didn’t even hear the front door opening
it was unusually darkinside the apartment
and when she turnedthe light on for the living room, her heart broke at the sight in front of her
you were sittingcross-legged on the floor, staring at the letter you’d received from the doctor
the instant you feltJaehee’s presence, you swept the letter under the couch
but Jaehee’s reflexeswere faster, grabbing the piece of paper before it could disappear
you were ready to runaway
but she spoke upbefore you could react
“MC…I’m so sorry thatthis is happening to you.”
she was hesitant inholding about holding you in the fear that you would break out of her embrace
but you reciprocatedand molded yourself to her body
Jaehee took this as asign to wrap her arms around you and rock you from side to side, the way hermum used to comfort when she felt hopeless
an idea popped intoJaehee’s head
so she straightenedyou back up and held your shoulders
there was apassionate fire burning in her eyes
“MC, I know you’dplanned to join me with operating the café after you’d gotten back fromtraining, but if you don’t mind, how about you just start now?”
well when she put it thatway
“thank you for alwaysbeing so positive Jaehee.”
you fell back intoher embrace and stayed there for a few minutes more
you were ready to becrushed by the universe
rejection letterafter rejection piled up on your desk
your skills as an actuarywere deteriorating before your eyes
not a single companywas willing to hire you
a single hollowchuckle fell out of you as you sat at your desk
at that exact moment Jumincame through the front door
you hastily wipedyour tears and went to greet him, helping him out of his coat
he was exhaustedafter dealing with clients all day
but the moment hemade eye contact with you, he knew
you were cryingagain. and you were doing a horrendous job of hiding that fact from him
“MC, can we talk?”
oh shit. he’s mad.HIDE!
“w-we c-ca-ca-can,b-but are-aren’t yo-you tired? d-dinner’s ready…”
he was having none ofthis
your ass was draggedto the bedroom and you were flung onto the bed
you wanted to runaway so bad
but you couldn’t. Juminwrapped his arm around your waist and started cuddling you
this simple act ofbeing close to you was just too much for you. you know he knew, but it felt soembarrassing to tell the man who was always successful
you just felt likeanother adversity: the wash-up of the relationship. the partner whosecontributions were lacking
the pillow eventuallybecame soaked with tears
“my dreams were nevermeant to be…” you wheezed out
Jumin turned youover, clearly distressed.
“what’s going on MC?you look so…broken…”
there was no way toavoid this. you explained between sobs about how companies kept rejecting youand that you felt hopeless because you worked so hard, only to get told thatyou weren’t good enough to work with them
as Jumin listened, hethought about what she could do
and then
he rushed out of thebedroom and into the office, locking the door
you started pacingoutside the door
an hour later, hecame out of the door with a piece of paper in his hand  
you looked down at it
it was an acceptanceletter
“welcome to C &R, MC. I look forward to your work.”
you burst into tearsand couldn’t stop yourself from enveloping him a hug
it was mocking you
the grand pianotaking up so much space in the living room
if your hands were stillworking, you would smash it to bits
I mean, why wouldyour own immune system attack you to the point of paralyzing them?
the universe justloooooved to fuck with you
Seven could donothing but gaze at you as you stared at the piano whenever you passed by it
he tried to get youtell him about all the pain you were holding in your heart
but he recognisedthat you were acting the same way he did when he was struggling with hisemotional issues
and the fact thatyour emotional trauma was linked to horrific physical trauma made him feelworse
and seeing your handsin the braces
he wanted to grab godby the collar and punch them in the face
but he knows thatwon’t help
he realises thatyou’re still standing there
and when he turns youaround to face him
holy fuck
your face is blank,save for the tears that just won’t stop spilling from your eyes
he reckons you’vebeen standing for at least an hour now
so he escorts you tobed and makes you lie under the thickest blanket he owns
while you’re resting,he calls Saeran to help him with some manual labour
Saeran, clearlydisgruntled, complains about having to do anything
until he finds outthe reason
together, they movethe piano out of the house and into an warehouse Seven just happens to have
he returns to throwhimself into research to get a hold of all the doctors who can help his 606 gettheir happiness back
‘money makes theworld go round’
and it made yourbrain roll around in your skull
why did it cost sofucking much to be in animation school?
there was so muchdebt your family was dealing with and the last thing you wanted to do wasburden them even more
and to ask V…
nope. out of thequestion
if you were going todo this, then you’d figure it out somehow
but you couldn’t
and V could slowlysee your façade falling apart
every time he’d tryto bring it up, you’d shoot him down with a half-hearted giggle, and justcontinue with whatever task was in front of you
however, V waspersistent
and now he regretsbeing persistent
you’ve lockedyourself in the bathroom
he’s banging on thedoor, yelling for you to open the door
you ignore hisrequest, so he tries again
“MC please saysomething, anything! You don’t have to open the door!”
he hears your bodyweight shift against the door, yet you refuse to still say anything to him.
“MC, I’m sorry…I’msorry for confronting you. I know you want to have your independence, but I’dbe more than willing to help you with the tuition fee.”
whoop there it is
you open the door,but the action is so sudden that V falls over
he stands back up andgathers you in his arms
he rubs circles onyour back as he waits for your response
“Jihyun…I-I don’twant to be another person who just takes from you simply because you offer.Please, for my sake, don’t worry about me. I can handle this…somehow…” yourvoice trailing off broke V’s heart again
but he had an idea!
“MC, this is a crazyproposal, but hear me out. Why don’t we collab? Your characters coming to life insidemy photos! And if you want to learn something, just search up a tutorial onNaver. It may not seem as prestigious as having the tutelage of all thoseartists, but hey, at least you’re not worrying about paying ludicrous amountsof money to learn how to draw.”
you just stare at him
he gets scared
“M-MC? Ah! I’m sorryfor even suggesting that…”
but you kiss him onthe lips before he can ramble out any more apologies
“it’s a great idea!”
he smiles in relief
“glad to see mylittle cactus flower flourishing again!”
when Saeran firstlearned about your dream career, he couldn’t understand why you would pursuesuch a career
no matter how manytimes you explained to him
“so you’re telling methat your dream is to stand around all day and have someone take photos of youin different clothes? I can do that for you right now!”
when he saw yourexpression drop, it took him a bit of brainpower to understand it wasn’t right forhim to judge what you wanted out of life
you had asked him toaccompany you to the interview that would determine the way the rest of yourlife panned out
he sat outside, visiblytensed
and that tensenessonly grew when he saw you walk out of the room, a ghost of a smile sitting onyour face
“MC, how did it go?”
you turn to him,keeping up appearances so that he doesn’t suspect that you’re falling apart
however, he’spainfully aware that you’re struggling to keep your composure
so the moment the twoof you enter through the front door, he corners you
you try to wriggleaway, but he holds you against the wall by your shoulders
“MC you can’t hidethings from me.”
you feel increasinglyuncomfortable
your resolve fallingapart
bursting into tears,you nearly collapse
but his reflexes kickin and he grabs you before you can make contact with the floor
“the-they told me Iwas too fat to join…that my presence would ruin the company…”
Saeran is riled up byyour confession. he’s ready to hurt everyone
but he manages toreel himself back to reality, back to you
he leads you to thekitchen and feeds you ice cream
you feel so emptyafter all that crying
and all you canregister is Saeran’s firm grip around your waist
for now, he’ll juststand by your side
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soehlu · 8 years
gdi i really miss you even after all the shit you put me through
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