socrates-the-bitch · 7 years
fuck cyberbullies
so im pissed as fuck. i literally made this blog to call out a bitch, because im just extra as fuck, and did i mention im aS PISSED AS FUCK?? i have been following accio-shitpost for a while now through one of my other accounts, and was at first delighted with the sass and cleverness of the authors because so many hp fan accounts are complete trash and uncreative. however, whenever the mods of accio-shitpost are challenged in discourse, they don’t even bother to consider the challenger’s opinion if it differs from their own. recently, this was regarding discourse on johnny depp. here’s an example.  And another. And yet another. here’s an anon i completely 100% applaud. recently, other users off anon have called out the mods of accio-shitpost. im joining them, because this is fucking cyberbullying. im not sure if the mods of accio-shitpost understand this, but swearing/screaming at people because their opinion differs from yours, without bothering to listen to what they have to say, is the definition is not fucking okay. how does anyone not understand this? for the love of god, i know johnny depp is an asshole who deserves to rot in prison, but anons saying the evidence against against him is circumstantial are not him and don’t fucking deserve to be screamed at because they voice their opinion. if a fucking ISIL jihadist brought up a topic to me respectfully, even if i thought they were spewing complete and utter bullshit, i would treat them with respect as long as they treated me with respect, because IM NOT A FUCKING ASSHOLE WHO TRIES TO MAKE PEOPLE FEEL UNDESERVING OF THE AIR THEY BREATHE. I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER TREAT SOMEONE AS THOUGH THEY ARE “SUBHUMAN” OR CALL THEM “SUBHUMAN” EVEN IF I THINK THEIR OPINIONS ARE COMPLETE SHIT. THEY ARE FUCKING HUMAN BEINGS, FOR GOD’S SAKE. IF THEY TREAT YOU WITH RESPECT, YOU TREAT THEM WITH RESPECT. I DON’T GIVE A SHIT WHAT THE HELL YOU DISAGREE WITH THEM ABOUT, THIS IS COMMON HUMAN DECENCY, FOR FUCK’S SAKE. DO YOU KNOW WHAT BULLYING IS?? IT IS USING A POSITION OF POWER TO MAKE SOMEONE FEEL SMALL AND DISGUSTING AND UNWANTED. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ACCIO-SHITPOST IS DOING AND I WILL NOT FUCKING STAND FOR IT, BECAUSE I KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE TREATED THAT WAY AND IT FEELS LIKE SHIT. FUCK YOU, SHITPOSTERS. 
sincerely, a haterophobe
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