sockjamsstuff · 6 days
Celeste Irish translation, Build #1
It's about time I got something out, it's why I set that deadline after all! So I'm officially releasing the first build of the translation: Demo Version 1, today! It's not too much right now, just UI and menus with plenty of random English text still present to jump scare you, but now that I've got more time and motivation to work on this project the next few updates should come out quicker. You can download the translation here! Or at least I hope you can, this is a scheduled post and it'll be a while until I can check it again. So if it doesn't work, oopsies! And that's pretty much all I had to day, hope you check it out and lemme know what you think, provided you want me to know of course. Have a good one! 🩵
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sockjamsstuff · 10 days
Celeste Irish translation, update #4
Howdy once again folks, been a while, huh? I'm aware that it's been a while since I've had anything to say in regards to my progress on this project, and, to be perfectly honest, it has been painfully slow. To try and keep it brief, life got real hectic for me shortly after starting the project. Between managing my social life, school stuff, immense mental health struggles and an overall lack of motivation, I haven't been able to work on this project as much as I would've liked. That aside, I'm doing much better now, and I'm determined to get something out sooner rather than later. So I'm giving myself a deadline. I'm going to be releasing whatever I've got done as a first build this Sunday, September 15th. I've got the time and I'm in the mental state to do so, and I'm pretty excited to finally get something out, even if it took a little while. All that being said, I'm gonna leave it here. Thanks for reading, take care of yourself, and if you choose to check it out, I hope you'll like it 🩵
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sockjamsstuff · 25 days
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sockjamsstuff · 1 month
Celeste Irish translation, update #3
Hey again folks! It's been almost a week since I last posted, but I'm glad to say that I'm feeling a lot better now and slowly getting back into my usual routine after gettin' real sick. That aside, now that I'm feeling better, I will be resuming work on the project! I wanted to provide a quick overview of how this entire thing is being done, so here it is:
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Pretty simple stuff, all of the game's text is stored in a single text file in the game files. Everything near the top of the file is used for things such as menus and UI. The bottom half (With the dividing line) is where all the in-game dialogue is stored. Given how the file is formatted, I'll be doing all the non-dialogue stuff first, I also have no intention of making any texture changes, as they are not done in any other language (with the exception of Japanese in some places). Plus, I don't really have the technical know-how to get the game to swap textures depending on language :,) All that being said, I'm hoping to release something soon and I would like to gradually release more and more of the translation as I work on it for y'all to see where I'm at and potentially provide feedback! On the topic of feedback, I've also been thinking about opening an email for it when I release the first build, so that anyone more knowledgeable than me can correct my mistakes (which there will most definitely be!). The first build I put out is going to be a complete non-dialogue translation, pretty much everything in terms of menus and UI will be finished. After polishing that up a little, I'll move onto the dialogue. Anyways, that's all I had to say for this update, apologies for the long post and lack of stuff to show, I'm doing my best to get back into the swing of things and I hope you'll all enjoy what I put out. Stay safe and have a good one!
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
Hey again folks, just wanted to provide a lil' update on where I'm at, mostly in regards to my Irish translation of Celeste. Progress hasn't been as fast as I've been wanting it to be, I was hoping to have at least a translation of the game's UI done sometime around now, but the rate at which I can work has been severely hindered because:
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I got really goddamn sick. I ran a test and came up positive for COVID, this is the first time I've ever had it and it is absolutely WHOOPING my ass. Because of this, I really don't have the energy nor mental capacity to be translating much of anything right now, so the project has been put on pause until I get better, alongside any art projects I had planned. Though rest assured that once I get better, I'll get right back to work and have something out for all you lovely peeps as soon as possible. To close off, here are some screenshots from the Minecraft world I've been playing to pass the time. I hope you're all feeling a lot better than I am right now, and I'll see you all again soon <3
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
Howdy folks! I got bored, and wanted a way to improve my Irish skills, so I decided to start TRANSlating the game Celeste into Irish!
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I started the project yesterday (2nd of August as of writing) after discovering just how easy the game is to translate.
Right now, I've only got the opening text, main menu and base settings page complete. I'm gonna keep working on this whenever I can, and I'll provide updates along the way!
Additionally, I want to make it clear that I am not fluent in Irish (Pretty far from it tbh) and I started this project to help improve my skills while engaging with something I love. With that in mind, I can't guarantee that all the translations will be perfect and there'll probably be a good few mistakes around, I'm just doin' my best out here.
Finally, I might release a demo every now and again for anyone who's interested, if you wanna follow my progress, actually check out the translation if you know any Irish, or just go "hehe" at the funny words you can't pronounce or know the meaning of, I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm planning to release something when all the menus are translated and chapter one is complete.
Stay safe and have a good one!
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
Mura bhfuil sé le bheith i nGaeilge beidh mé an-díomách
In 2030 the first ever Irish anime will be produced.
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
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It is good day to be not AI!
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
This is a super sick design! I love this computer catto and anyone who harms them is my ENEMY and I will DESTROY them.
revenge/design attack for @chxckenstriips!
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
This feels like it was targeted directly at me wth
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
Where did he get that shirt. I need it for like, everything I'll ever do.
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
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This little guy popped into my head today and I had to draw him. Hope he makes your day better.
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
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Wasn't in much of a drawing mood today, but I still wanted to put something out. So here's a quick drawing of my kitty as a lil' goober, their name is Josie :)
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
I've just realised now that I would quite enjoy being a lighthouse operator. Chilling by the sea with like one other person, carrying around a cool lamp every night and being able to let your mind run wild with all sorts of mythical wonders in the surrounding areas. That sounds nice.
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I'm so enamoured with this man
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
Tis' only a wee cubie
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because it is only one little cubie
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sockjamsstuff · 2 months
Here's a map of the United States as made by a European who knows nothing about US geography or states. Enjoy.
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