snowyleopardess · 2 months
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The Sheep King, Chuuya Nakahara
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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A messy comic and introduction to my catboy chuuya au ❤️
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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Reading lesson
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
A pot of boiling water is heavy.
If you're afraid someone is going to throw it at you, the natural response would be to move away from them and try to shield yourself. They'd have no chance of chasing after you while carrying the heavy pot and also being careful not to spill it on themself.
If you're moving closer to someone because you're afraid they're going to throw hot water at you, then you're not really afraid. You're just looking for an excuse to murder them.
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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You got your boys. Now, where's mine? 💙🔥
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
Imagine that everyone jumped through the expected hoops when interacting with police. They went out of their way to avoid any words or gestures that could in any way be twisted as threatening. They always kept their hands visible and explained every single movement they made before making it.
This wouldn't stop the police from murdering people. It would only embolden them. If everyone followed strict patterns, then the police would feel entitled to murdering anyone who slightly deviates from it.
Maybe someone reaches into their pocket and forgets to explain it this one time. Maybe someone has an involuntary twitch that the police officer panics in response to. Maybe someone is deaf and can't hear the instructions. Maybe the instructions are unclear and someone misinterprets.
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
As an autistic monster fucker and a furry (stay with me) I feel confident in saying Laios is not a monster fucker. Laios hyperfixates on monsters like irl people hyperfixate on dinosaurs. Not once have I seen him interested in a monster sexually. He is all about fun facts and recipes.
He is, however, definitely a furry and I'd bet money he's got a fursona and a monstersona.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
“luo binghe” this “luo binghe” that. all of you seem to forget that lbh has a major attitude problem like that man loves nothing more than sassing lqg, and in the second book he RELISHES in sassing sqq wayyyyy too much. sqq is like omg he cured my hand curse! such is the power of a Heavenly Demon, perhaps he is not quite so angry- nvm this fucker just shoved blood mites down my throat. meanwhile binghe is looking at him deranged like “shizun 🥰 who’s going to believe you if you tell people i did this 🥰”. people talk about the“sassy man apocalypse” luo binghe is THERE!
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
We always call lbh a freak for keeping sqq's corpse for 5 years and try to bring him back to life, and yeah that's intense, but we really need to talk more about how sqq, after the abyss, stopped eating because it wasn't lbh's food, went every day to lbh's tomb that HE MADE, and the sect leaders and disciples were so worried about him thay they didn't let him go anywhere alone. AND LBH WASN'T EVEN DEAD!!!!!
Thank god that lbh can't die because let's be real, sqq would totally do something as dramatic and insane as hugh a corpse for 5 years.
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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maid chuuya 🍓☕️
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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Endhawks 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
Enji, sleep deprived: Can you pass the thing?
Mirko, sleep deprived: *picks up Hawks and hands him to Enji*
Hawks, sleep deprived: *confused bird noise*
Enji: *still holding Hawks* Thank you, but I meant the stapler.
Mirko: Oh, sorry. Here you go.
Mirko, still sleep deprived: You forgot to put him down.
Enji, still sleep deprived Oh, right.
Hawks, suddenly very awake: No, I live here now. No take backs.
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
ed zitron, a tech beat reporter, wrote an article about a recent paper that came out from goldman-sachs calling AI, in nicer terms, a grift. it is a really interesting article; hearing criticism from people who are not ignorant of the tech and have no reason to mince words is refreshing. it also brings up points and asks the right questions:
if AI is going to be a trillion dollar investment, what trillion dollar problem is it solving?
what does it mean when people say that AI will "get better"? what does that look like and how would it even be achieved? the article makes a point to debunk talking points about how all tech is misunderstood at first by pointing out that the tech it gets compared to the most, the internet and smartphones, were both created over the course of decades with roadmaps and clear goals. AI does not have this.
the american power grid straight up cannot handle the load required to run AI because it has not been meaningfully developed in decades. how are they going to overcome this hurdle (they aren't)?
people who are losing their jobs to this tech aren't being "replaced". they're just getting a taste of how little their managers care about their craft and how little they think of their consumer base. ai is not capable of replacing humans and there's no indication they ever will because...
all of these models use the same training data so now they're all giving the same wrong answers in the same voice. without massive and i mean EXPONENTIALLY MASSIVE troves of data to work with, they are pretty much as a standstill for any innovation they're imagining in their heads
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snowyleopardess · 2 months
well he certainly nailed that
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