snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that my partner had a pet and it was a very large snake. it was living in my closet and i was very upset because, you know, there was a fucking snake living in my closet and also, there were people coming over who had kids and he didn't know what kind of snake it was and if it was dangerous at all, but it did have a somewhat aggressive behavior, so i just tried to keep the closet door shut and tried to not think about it. then, somehow, the snake died under mysterious circumstances and my partner was very upset and i was sorry but also relieved because it seemed very dangerous. i told him to get it out of the closet, so he took it out and stashed it under my desk in a neat little gigantic ball of snake. i tried to find out online what to do with a dead snake, but didn't want me to call the reptile zoo people or the police. then i realized the snake was still moving and told him, so he checked on it and saw that it wasn't dead but also not very alive, just kinda slithering along, exhausted and dying, that made my partner very upset and he started to cry and i was upset because there was still a fucking snake in our room and i didn't want it there. i was angry and i was about to call the police and then i woke up. i stayed upset for the first few hours of the day.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that i was in an episode of x-files. i was a woman whose husband shot someone while driving through the suburbs at night in a white car. i had also gotten shot somehow, and was sitting on the passenger seat when i realized that i didn’t have a bullet in my leg but something that looked like a pencil lead. i could just pull it out, it was weird. a while after the shooting incident, the person i thought was killed contacted us and wanted to meet us in a parking lot during a large event. i suspected that he wanted some sort of duel with the person i was married to in the dream. we drove out to the place he suggested, which was outside the city in the woods. some music festival was going on and cars were parked all along the country roads. it was night and we walked along rows and rows of parked cars to find out where the man was. suddenly a figure dressed in white appeared in the distance and we immediately knew it was him and started running instead of facing the duel. in the blink of an eye, the man in white had transformed into a bear. he chased us down the road, we split up, and the bear came after me. it knocked me to the ground and started eating me. i couldn’t feel it, but i couldn’t get back up either.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that all the pots and pans in my parents’ kitchen had suddenly grown and were four times as big as usual. i didn’t even know how to hold them.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that some of the pigeons on my parents’ roof were suddenly the size of turkeys and had started to breed in gigantic nests on the balcony. the balcony was full of them, they pooped everywhere and some pigeons started eating other pigeons. i stood by the closed balcony door and didn’t know what to do.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that i was in an asian book shop or museum shop with my partner and they had amazing things. like a book about bacteria that had actual crocheted models of bacteria on the inside. i was thinking about buying something and looking for the clothing section when i saw that all the dresses were gigantic. “maybe they’re meant to be worn as a dress with a train.” i said. “but what about these?” my partner answered and pulled out a pair of denim pants that were fit for a giant.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that i had to drive a streetcar at night, into some kind of garage, and i couldn’t see a thing. in the garage, the tracks actually extended beyond the back wall and led into some kind of tunnel system. i realized just in time that the tram was going to go deep, deep down just as on a rollercoaster if i didn’t stop it. later, someone was supposed to give me a genital piercing but i wasn’t sure if they were doing it right. 
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that i got a job at an american ivy league university as the university ghost hunter. it was my first day on the job and i went into the ghost hunter’s office to put on my uniform. the uniform was a white leotard, a yellow pair of slim cut pants and black suspenders. i believe a blazer was also going to go with it.  nobody showed my what to do. there was another dude who was supposed to be a ghost hunter, but he just used the office to make out with his boyfriend and refused to show me anything.  later in the dream, somebody walked in who was supposed to be my boss, but as i asked them what exactly i was supposed to do, they disappeared into thin air. poof!
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that i was in berkeley, ca, and was sitting in the back seat of a car with two other people. i realized a squirrel was in the car, so i let it climb onto my arm and held my arm out the window, hoping the squirrel would jump off, but it held on tight.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
in my dream my friend had died again, but was alive at the same time. his alive self had a different haircut and was walking on the street next to me, so i told his alive self that he had just died, again. i was unsure if both version were him or if he was two different people that just looked very much alike. i was sad about his repeated death, but also so incredibly happy about the fact that he was alive after all that i felt an overwhelming urge to hug him, but he kept walking and did not stop. the urge to give him a hug became so overwhelming that i woke up.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that my brother was a duck and he kept ordering things on ebay and then tricked the sellers into delivering them to our house because he couldn’t carry anything with his duck wings.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream where i happened to sit next to kendrick lamar on a long train ride to klagenfurt and we got along so great that when we got off, he gave me a bottle of white wine with gold flakes in it and two pairs of ginormous denim pants as a present.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that i was back in barcelona, running across an enormous square surrounded by houses similar to houses i have seen near parc de la ciutadella. i knew that huge wave had come and the city was about to flood, so i ran across the square to get home. while i was not sure where home was, i knew it was quite high up in a building, so i’d probably be safe. i ran as fast as i can, but it felt as if i was hardly moving at all. to my right, the water started coming, and it came closer and closer, but so, so slow. it only occurred to me the next day that the whole dream might have been in slow motion.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i dreamed i was on one of tourist ships on the lake, and suddenly i realized that the tourist ships had started some kind of battle, similar as on old paintings of battles on the sea. but nobody had weapons and there were no cannons on the ships, so they just collided, very very slowly, over and over and over again. 
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream in which i was at some event in vienna and was going home. just as i entered the house, i remembered that i had moved out months before and i did not live there anymore. the house had transformed into some kind of palace on the inside; there was marble and gold. i snuck out before anybody could see me and wandered the streets, confused, because i could not remember where i lived.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that my boyfriend and me had to watch over a herd of baby bunnies. there were dozens of them, hopping very closely to each other, which ended up looking as if there were just one big round mass of moving and hopping bunny fur. we were in my old house in vienna and every time somebody would open a door, even if it was just an inch, the bunnies would rush inside. it was so hard to get them to stay in one place! when my neighbors opened their door, the bunnies all squeezed into the apartment, where they started to explore, so i had to run around and make sure they weren’t breaking anything. it was all immensely stressful, but also unbelievably adorable.
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snoozecostume · 9 years
i had a dream that my parents were driving me from carinthia to italy in the car and on the way it started snowing like crazy. along the canal in klagenfurt i saw an enormous brown bear rummaging in a garbage can. i pointed out the window in terror and excitement, going “HEY! THERE’S A  BEAR!” but they didn’t look and didn’t really believe me. when we got to the mountains, it had stopped snowing. we were chatting in the car and i looked back and saw a herbivorous dinosaur climbing across the hill. again, nobody looked as i pointed it out while i just could not believe my eyes and wondered if it was possible to transfer a computer animation into real life or if it was really a fucking dinosaur. when i suddenly saw a gigantic sea turtle to my right in the distance, i realized we weren’t in the mountains anymore but under the sea, and for some strange reason the car was able to drive down there, right into an underwater tunnel. i stopped pointing out dinosaurs because i was scared i would use up too much oxygen. my heart was beating fast. my mom looked at the window. “look!” she said, and nodded towards tiny blue and yellow fish that were eating dirt stuck to the glass and produced miniature bubbles. “pretty!”
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snoozecostume · 10 years
yesterday i sent a package to friends in the republic of karelia, russia, and then had a dream that russia was nothing but an enormous, crazy, rusty and dangerous amusement park, surrounded by sunflower fields and gigantic primeval succulents and roses.
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