snk-facts · 8 years
Maneuvering Gear
This goes off of the main manga, and Before the Fall.
Name: Vertical Maneuvering equipment, Three-dimensional maneuver gear, or Omni-directional mobility gear.
For this, we’ll be calling it maneuvering gear.
What the device includes and its uses: Maneuvering gear consists of grappling hooks, blades, wire propellers, and is powered by gas. Hand grips with triggers are connected to the grappling hook so it can be released. Wire propellers can be aimed at different areas, which brings out arrows to hook to buildings and help its user move around the area they are in and move closer to places. The device is not very efficient in places with no high buildings, trees, etc. This brings in the event of a titan to be harder to defeat. Blades are used to slice the nape of a titan. Blades are placed in a box like under the gas tanks.
Maneuvering gear uses gas to help glide its user through the area, with the help of wire propellers. Gas tanks are released from the back of the device to help push the user to their destination.
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Training: The gear also needs its user to have physical and mental strength and skill to use it. Cadets go through training to learn and be able to use the maneuvering gear.
Usage: In the event of a person needing to defeat a titan, the user aims for the buildings or other landmarks around the area to get a better vantage point to defeat it. When the user gets to a higher area, they can send out the wire propellers and its hooks by using the hand grip on the blades to hook the titan near its nape and realize their gas to get to it. Then the said user can use the blades to slice the titan’s nape.
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When a user’s gas is used up, the user falls from their position and towards the ground area.
Other Skills: Besides the main usages, users can use other techniques with the device by spinning and reeling into areas.
History: This part is where we talk about Before the Fall. The series is a spin-off, so we don’t know if this is what Isamaya was planning.
The maneuvering gear was created by Angel, a weaponsmith from Shinganshina district. The prototype was used to kill the first titan and was later updated and improved by Xenophon Harkimo. The first ‘real’ user was Kuklo.
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Anti-Maneuvering Gear: In chapter 52, the first Military Police squad was shown using Anti-Maneuvering gear. Anti-maneuvering gear works the same way as normal maneuvering gear, expect instead of blades it was shown to have firearms. Anti-maneuvering gear was placed on the shoulders and upper back as normal maneuvering gear is placed on the hips of its user. This gear is not shown to be useful against titans, but it is efficient against other human beings. While normal maneuvering gear is useful only to titans.
Fact: Maneuvering gear has also been sold illegally in the SnK universe also. In the spin-off series for Levi, it is shown that Levi used maneuvering gear in the underground. Another reference is in an OVA episode for the Anime, thieves steal the trainees maneuvering gear and state they will be selling it on the black mark.
If you spotted any mistakes, please tell me! It’s my first time writing anything like this so any advice is helpful.
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