snebbeit · 3 years
All the men out there - if you want an independent women, modern and bold!
Ensure to have a mindset to accept their intelligence and outspokenness.
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snebbeit · 3 years
Fake it to be real
Is it wrong to find your own happiness? Why is it wrong to live your life in your own terms - if its wrong to keep yourself happy in your own terms, then whats the reason of life.
Does it make me any human, living my life for someone elses happiness and acceptance. 
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snebbeit · 3 years
Master the art of detachment!
It's the only way you can do justice to your present actions
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snebbeit · 3 years
How much is enough?
is it enough to have a 7 digit figue?
is it enough to just have love?
is it enogh to just have a partner?
OR is it just enough to be living, being in the moment fully awake to experience that moment to its truest form.
So, people just BE
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snebbeit · 3 years
Your true self is - how you react to a situation.
That's what defines u!
So be true to yourself and people around and always ensure to display the best in you.
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