sn0wybranches-blog · 6 years
YO I got ANOTHER thing for yall
YET ANOTHER dumb excerpt from that other fic. Y’all getting swarmed with my heck today lol but like i enjoy writing it so iss cool
A hint of pain appeared in Oakley’s eyes as he thought about what he’d done to his body. “I really let myself go…” he muttered.
Damon didn’t know what to say to reassure his best friend, so instead he did the first thing that popped into his head. He put his hand on Oakley’s soft belly and leaned into him until their lips were touching. “You’re so sexy, Oakley.” It took him a moment to realize what was happening, but eventually Oakley returned the gesture and leaned in farther, and he didn’t stop even after Damon slipped his tongue into his mouth.
It went on like that for another two minutes or so until Oakley finally pushed Damon away, cheeks still bright red. “I一 I don’t like boys. I’m sorry….”
“Oakley…” Damon realized that what he’d done might’ve only made him more uncomfortable. “I’m the one who should be sorry. I probably just made things worse… It’s just that it was the only way I could think of off the top of my head to show you that I think you’re perfect; And that I….” he trailed off.
“That you what?”
“It’s nothing. Forget about it.”
“No, Damon,” Oakley took a step closer and stood on his tiptoes to kiss Damon on the cheek. “I want to know what you have to say.”
They both stood frozen for a while, staring deep into each other's eyes until Damon gulped nervously and finally opened his mouth to speak. “It was the only way I could think of to show you that I love you, Oakley.”
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sn0wybranches-blog · 6 years
heyyyyyyy you guys iss me again
mmkay so this is an excerpt from a different story i wrote, with different characters and a different scenario. So basically this wasn’t originally about Damon and Oakley. It was about these immortal wizard fellas and all i really did was change the names. So yeah if it’s confusing then that’s why lol
After that, Damon and Oakley met up in the closet once every two weeks or so to eat and cuddle together, Oakley usually eating more than three times as much as Damon. While the weight gain wasn’t terribly noticeable, Damon could see it. Oakley’s chin was slowly becoming softer and rounder and cuter, and his once-loose shirts were recently being stretched more and more by his round belly. “You’re getting so big, Oakley!” he beamed.
Oakley sighed loudly. “Damon?” he began, “I just wanna clarify something with you quick.”
“.... yeah buddy?”
“This isn’t a romantic thing, right?”
“Well of course not. Didn’t we decide that weeks ago?”
“Yes, but….” he paused, “I feel like you’ve been enjoying it a little too much. I need you to keep in mind that I can’t be your ‘big soft fatty’, or whatever it is you’ve been calling me. I belong to someone else.”
“So you don’t enjoy this?” Damon pouted.
“It一 It’s not that. You know that’s not it. I really do enjoy this. I enjoy trying new foods, and I enjoy feeling full, and I like the feeling of your hands on my belly, and the tight clothes, and playing with my fat and everything…. It’s just that the other day E pointed out that I’ve put on a little weight. And Ella has been even worse.”
Damon remembered, he’d been there to experience Ella’s harassment as well.
“Oakley!” Ella exclaimed, “You’re huge!”, she grabbed him by the shoulders and inspected his shirtless torso. “I leave for a month and I come home to see the fattest wizard I’ve ever laid my eyes on, and it’s my little Oakley.” she sighed, “.... I taught you to eat healthy, didn’t I?”
“Ella, I一” he began, but was cut off when Ella slapped his butt so hard it stung. “Ow.”
“It’s so jiggly!” she ogled at his behind for a few more seconds before redirecting her attention back to his face.
“I’m sorry Ella, but I can expla一” he was cut off once again.
“Is…. Is that what I think it is?”
“.... What?”
“Is that a….” Ella slowly brought her hand up and Oakley closed his eyes, expecting a slap to the face. He opened them, however, when he felt her hand grab the almost unnoticeable pocket of fat under his chin. “.... a double chin?”
His cheeks flared red with embarrassment and he quickly smacked her hand away, “No! Of course it’s not a double chin!” he shouted defensively, however he began to doubt himself almost immediately after.
“Yeah I remember that….” Damon said quietly, “So, what, do you wanna lose weight?”
“I mean not necessarily….” as much as he hated to admit it, he had been a little turned on by the whole incident. He shook his head, “I like being chubby and squishy, and I don’t think E minds either, but we should stop before my weight gets out of hand.”
Oakley had been around 158 pounds when he’d weighed himself 50 years prior, but when he first started his stuffing sessions with Damon he found that over the past few decades he had put on nearly 50 pounds, and had been 205. As of their current conversation, the last time he’d weighed himself he had been getting close to 230.
“I’m obese, Damon.”
Damon breathed a heavy sigh and began subconsciously petting Oakley’s rounded belly, “I know. I’m well aware of that. I think it’s wonderful….” he took a moment to once again examine Oakley’s soft body, “Are you sure you wanna stop gaining?”
“Mhm.” Oakley nodded, “You know I enjoy it. But since we’re immortal, if I developed some kind of health problem I’d have to live with it for the rest of eternity. I hope you understand, Damon, how difficult that would be for me.”
“I understand.” the younger wizard muttered.
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sn0wybranches-blog · 6 years
Another story by winter
Elias was at the entrance of the zoo waiting for his girlfriend to arrive. He looked down at his watch. “Where is that girl?”
“Elias! Eliaaaaas! I'm over here!”
Elias looked up to see Rosa running toward him at full speed. Expecting a normal hug from his girlfriend, he opened his arms for her but instead she jumped onto him and wrapped her legs around him. She then gave him a rough kiss on the lips. Elias quickly returned the gesture and hugged her tightly.
“I can't wait to see all the pretty and colorful birds!”
After walking around for a bit they saw that a new exhibit had just opened.
“Look Elias, a butterfly exhibit! Let's go in!”
After getting in line an employee had to explain the rules about the exhibit before they went in. When they went in they both went wide eyed when the saw all the pretty butterflies and flowers. There was even a bridge going over a pond with fish and lily pads in it.
“Ahhh, it's so pretty!”
Rosa said excitedly.
Before they even took ten steps a butterfly landed on Rosas nose.
“Elias, quickly, take a picture!”
Elias took out his phone and snapped a picture right before the butterfly flew away.
“What does it look like? Let me see!”
Rosa snatched the phone out of her boyfriend’s hand. After a couple seconds she handed the phone back to Elias. He looked down to see that she had changed his phone’s background to that picture. Elias smiled and turned off his phone.
When it got dark out they decided to head home.
“Did you have fun?” Elias asked.
“Yup! Lots of fun.”
When they got home they could see their dog Ferb barking at them through the window.
“Ferb, my poor baby! You must have been so bored here all by yourself.”
After feeding Ferb and eating a quick dinner they decided to watch a movie before bed. After the movie finished Elias looked down at the sleeping Rosa.
“Jeez, you just couldn't have waited until we were in bed?”
Elias lifted the girl into his arms and carried her to the bed.
“Good night Elias.”
“You were awake!? Why did I have to carry you then?”
“Cause I love you.”
“That's not a good explanation.”
“It's true though.” Rosa said as she kissed him on the cheek. “Night Elias, I love you.”
“....I love you too Rosa.”
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sn0wybranches-blog · 6 years
Hellooooooo :D i’m autumn and i’ll be taking care of some of the kinky heck on here. but not like... kinky kinky, more like.... yall gotta put up with my belly kink lolololol. hey but like if someone else on here has a fat fetish like i do then thats super cool
so yeahhhh enjoy :)
-ALSO- theres a couple burps in this fic but like since im not suuuuuuuper into gas like.... that’s kinda what happens when you eat too much lol so just tiiiny burps lol
“Oakley, I’m home!” Damon called into the house.
“Daaaaaaaamon!!!” the younger man cried excitedly, and leapt into his boyfriend’s arms. “I missed you so much….”
“I was only at work.” Damon chuckled quietly.
“I know,” Oakley smiled, “But I was stuck here alone and bored all day.”
Damon raised one eyebrow questioningly, “Did you go shopping like I asked?”
Oakley nodded, “And I made dinner.”
“Good boy.” Damon ruffled Oakley’s hair affectionately before venturing into the kitchen. “It smells wonderful in here, baby.”
“That would be the rosemary potatoes.”
Oakley served up a plate for the older man and joined him on the couch soon after. “I’ve been craving cuddles all day but my big strong Damon’s been away at work….”
“Y’know someone’s gotta get the bread in this house. And since I want you to have a choice in whether or not you work, that means I gotta get all the bread.”
“I know. Thank you.” Oakley had to stretch his neck to reach the taller man’s lips, even despite the fact that they were both sitting down. “I love you,” he whispered and planted a soft kiss on Damon’s stubbly cheek.
“I love you too, baby.”
After dinner, Oakley fell asleep with his head resting on his boyfriend’s shoulder. Damon found himself subconsciously moving his thumb in small circles over the smaller man’s chubby belly. “Ah. Cutie.” he whispered.
“Don’t touch that. I’m getting fat.” Oakley said sleepily.
“I told you I don’t mind, didn’t I?”
Oakley hesitated before opening his eyes slightly “.... I mean I guess....”
“I like how cuddly my chubby little Oakley is, and you look so cute with a little extra meat on your bones.”
“It’s cuz since I’ve been at home with nothing to do all day, I just eat and eat.”
“The whole time I’m at work?” Oakley nodded his head and Damon’s eyes widened. “I’m impressed, baby. And you cook it all by yourself, too?”
Oakley nodded once again, “Most of it… Sometimes when I go to the store I buy treats.”
“Well like I said, I really don’t mind.” Damon smiled, “Now go back to sleep, it’s late.”
Over the course of the next few weeks, Damon started to notice that Oakley was still gaining weight at a steady pace. Sometimes little things would catch his eye, such as a once loose shirt looking a little tighter, or the exponentially growing amount of jeans that had ‘shrunk in the wash’, and more often than not, it made Damon extremely happy. Oakley was only 5’ 8”, and while he was already slightly chubby when the duo had met a few years prior (one of the things that had attracted Damon to the younger man in the the first place), Damon guessed that he’d put on about 30 pounds even since then. As of late, Oakley probably weighed close to 200 pounds. Even the thought of this excited the older man.
“Damon, dinner’s readAH!” Oakley shrieked when he felt the taller man’s arms wrap around his middle. He quickly escaped Damon’s grip and whipped around to see an amused smirk on his boyfriend’s face. “You scared me!”
“I’m sorry, baby.” Damon apologized, still grinning wryly. He glanced at the copious amount of food on the dining room table, “You hungry, Oakley? Cuz you know I’m not gonna be able to eat even half of this.”
“Uhuh. Super hungry.” he wasn’t. In fact he hadn’t even realized that he’d made so much food until he was done cooking; but he felt that it was his own responsibility to finish what he’d started.
After two large plates of food Damon felt stuffed to the brim, but Oakley was still going. “Baby, you sure that’s not too much?”
“Mm.” Oakley hummed through a mouthful of food. And his answer remained the same even after his third, fourth, and fifth plates.
Damon couldn’t do much more but stare in awe as his boyfriend shoveled forkful after forkful into his already stuffed cheeks. Slowly his eyes drifted down towards Oakley’s stomach, which had grown to at least twice its previous size since that morning. With each bite it seemed his shirt rode up more, exposing almost his whole belly. “Oakley!” Damon shouted.
The younger man froze, and dropped his fork onto his plate before swallowing the bite of food already in his mouth. “.... Damon?”
“Does your belly hurt, Oakley? Be honest….”
Oakley hesitated, but finally opened his mouth to speak. Instead of words though, what escaped was a quiet burp. “Oh….” he said, “I— I lied. I’m really full. It hurts.”
“Did— Do you want a tummy rub?”
Oakley’s eyes lit up, “I think that would really help.”
Damon nodded, “Let’s get you somewhere more comfortable then.” he lifted Oakley from his chair and carried him to the sofa.
“Just rub it gently please, Damon, it hurts so bad….”
“Mhm.” Damon grunted, and began to massage his boyfriend’s round belly, “How does that feel?”
“Wonderful.” Oakley moaned. “Keep going.”
Every couple of minutes Oakley would let out another soft burp, and Damon couldn’t help but smile each time. “I’ve never heard someone burp as cute as you do, baby.” he said, but soon realized that Oakley had fallen asleep. “Ah. Well then, goodnight, my love.” he bent down to kiss the younger man’s pudgy tummy, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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sn0wybranches-blog · 6 years
A Walk in The Park By Winter
“Alright Nan, I'm going out now!” Erin called from the front hallway.
“Heavens, child, it's already past nine! Where do you think you’re going at this hour?” she saw her grandma come out from her bedroom holding her favorite romance novel.
“Looks like you won't be too bored without me.” Erin chuckled, gesturing toward the book in her grandmother’s hand. “Relax, I'm only going to Colette’s place. I'll see you tomorrow morning, alright?”
“Fine… but promise to pick me up some blueberries from the store on your way home.”
“Alright I promise.” she smiled, “I love you Nan. Seeya tomorrow.”
“I love you too, dear. And send Colette my regards”
“I will.”
Colette was in the kitchen preparing dinner, a new pasta recipe at the diner she worked at. “Erin’s gonna like this.” she muttered to herself. Bacon broccoli pasta. After she was done setting the table she sat down on the couch awaiting for her girlfriend's arrival.
Two minutes later she heard a knock on the door. “It's about damn time!” she yelled at the door. “You can let yourself in!”
She saw the door open and Erin’s head peek through. “Sorry I'm late, I had to pick something up.” She held up a bag with the words “Cran’s Bakery” on it. Colette’s eyes lit up when she saw the the bag.
“Fine, you’re forgiven; but only because I love Cran’s Bakery.” Colette went over to the door to help Erin with the bag. “I’m fine carrying it on my own. You go set the table.”
“It’s been set for the past five minutes, now go sit down.”
Erin sat at her normal place at the table while Colette brought the pasta out. She set it on the table.
“Well, dig in.”
After dinner they both enjoyed the apple pie Erin had picked up from the bakery. “Yum! That was delicious! Thanks for dinner.”
“Thanks for the pie, what do ya wanna do now?”
“Let’s go for a walk and get some fresh air.” Colette was about to object the idea of the walk but then she remembered how cute Erin looks in a winter hat. “Alright, let's go.”
After they got all bundled up they linked hands and went out the door. When they got outside it was snowing and there was even a full moon. “Ooh, how romantic.” Erin said as she nudged Colette’s arm. Colette failed an attempt to hide her smile.
“Come on, let's go to the park; there probably won't be anyone there.”
When the got there they sat on a bench with a perfect view of the moon. Erin rested her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder and sighed heavily.
“Something on your mind?”
“No I'm just glad that we get to spend this time together. I'm usually studying for a test or something, but I get to hang out with you and it makes me realize how much I really needed this break. Colette put her hand on Erins cheek and planted a quick peck on her girlfriend’s lips. The kiss left a warm and soft feeling between both girls.
“I'm so glad that I have you, Colette. I love you.”
“I love you too, Kitty.” Colette said as she leaned in for another kiss.
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