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“Supergirl might have saved me but Kara Danvers, you are my hero!”🏳️‍🌈non-binary🏳️‍🌈
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kyleparker01 · 2 years ago
"A place where the only happy ending will be mine"
*immediately cuts to a scene with Regina and Emma*
Unintentional my ass
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kyleparker01 · 3 years ago
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What if we start this all over but this time Katie plays the nerdy friend who helps Kara from the beginning?
Bonus: and she usually looks like this.
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kyleparker01 · 3 years ago
Supercorp / The Old Guard au, that’s all I have to say 🤷‍♀️
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kyleparker01 · 3 years ago
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wow the opening scene for ep 6x21 of supergirl was really something
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kyleparker01 · 3 years ago
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What happens in the tower stays in the tower.
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
Parallel Dracula | Supergirl
Dracula  TV-14
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Supergirl  TV-PG
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So basically the same thing, except Kara loves Lena in return, and cw’s version is more pg. Though intensity for sure higher in SG. I’m still waiting to collect my Supercorp canon. =_=
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
A little lesson in Kryptonian
…and, yes, I am sticking with “Kryptonian” for the name of the language over “Kryptonese”. 
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Today’s topic: “mother (mom)”
Especially in SC fics I’ve come across …well, gay-babies, or science-babies or… well, Kara becoming a mother and teaching her child(ren) how to call her in her native tongue. 
Written in these stories is “jeju”.
Which is not wrong. …if you expect your readers to read this as phonetic reading. Which I bet you, they don’t. And since (/when) these stories are written in English, the result would be pronounced or read in their heads like “dshedshu” or something.. You know, like how the English tongue would pronounce a ‘J’. (I want to liken this commonly made misreading to the Supers’ crest being read as an ‘S’… so, yeah, you can’t really fault anyone, but it’s just not right.)
Thing is….
If you want your readers to read this properly, you should write the term either as “ieiu” or “yeyu”. 
Because, what you will find in a good Kryptonian dictionary (*cough**cough*)  is the following:
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…a happy little pair of glyphs, which the dictionary will helpfully provide the phonetic reading for: [je.ju]
Now, test it yourself. Google a phonetic reader of your choice and paste the part inside the brackets into it (the brackets themselves indicating a phonetic reading) and give it a listen.  Surprised? You will find, while it looks like “jeju” it is pronounced “yeyu”, or as a better dictionary may have pointed out already:  /ieiu/ (here, the slashes indicate the reading - for a presumably English speaker)
So, my recommendation for fanfic writers who want to use that term:
Write the Kryptonian word for “mother / mom” as “yeyu” or “ieiu”.
Not only are you avoiding a misreading / mispronunciation on your readers part that way, you also are actually doing in right. Because, since when do we try to pass phonetic reading as actual spelling of a word?  I mean, really, ðɪs lʊks wɪəd, doesn’t it? AND because of the alphabetical letter ‘j’ (in English) having such a different sound from the phonetic latter ‘j’… well, it’s just a no-brainer now, right?  It’s not even the easy way out, since there isn’t a proper romanization for Kryptonian to Latin script (no less a standardized one as there are FOUR Kryptonian alphabets in the whole DC canon, plus most often they are (mis-)used as a cipher, rather than its own language…) - which is very likely why this problem even came up in the first place…
So - even if you chose to ignore my advice and keep using ‘jeju’ - I hope you found this at least somewhat entertaining / interesting.
Languages are fun! …?
Kue out.
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
Things I’ll never get over:
Kara acting like she can never have love while she was Supergirl because of what her secret did with her and Lena’s girl that’s 🍒🫐🍏🍋🍇🍑🍍🍌🍓. That proves she viewed the situation like it was a breakup just like the audience did 💀
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
"It all started when this bitch 👇
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Hit a cinnamon roll
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And activated her Irish bar-fight side
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And it's been on ever since.
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Hi, I'm Lena.
And my life is kinda crazy" 😂
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While we wait for the show to return, I needed my dose of adorable badass Irish baby.
Mama Luthor better watch her mouth or she's next 😆
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
Why do you ship Supercorp?
(just curious)
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No reason at all
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
Today's topic: Drunk-Lena [3x05]
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Since I recently dissected Drunk-Kara, I figured it would only be fair to dissect Drunk-Lena as well.
…since Lena has a drink in her hands way too many times, we’re going with her being actually drunk - slurring-her-words, uninhibitedly drunk. Which happened after she got framed by Morgan Edge for lead-poisoning children. Hence, the premise is already much less fun than Drunk-Kara was, but let’s take a dive…
Keep reading
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
Lena and the Kelpie
You know after sleeping and processing the midseason finale, I have to say that I’m glad that the Kelpie turned into her mother instead of Kara because that means she’s finally learning to move on from her mother’s passing. Something she couldnt do with Kara, I mean we have literally seen parallels between her and Kara how they need each other. Hell, the recent episode where Lena had to choose between Kara or the Phantoms is clear evidence enough!
I believe that this is a first step for Lena to take a chance to move on from the hurt and let herself love again without having that fear of abandonment and I believe our girl Kara is the one to do that, especially since Melissa said that their relationship is one of the most important ones and even Katie said we wont get the full Lena until Kara returns. Can’t wait to clown again in August (my birthday month) lol
Anyways, what do you guys think about that scene?
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
Everything about this screams… relationship. Love this.
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
On Lena wearing that NCU sweater
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I keep trying to find in-canon reasons for that.
Could it be Lena’s? Lena went to and graduated from MIT. (For all non-american fans, that’s the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts - east coast, presumably close to Metropolis. The National City University is - as the name says - in National City (not necessarily related to the real life National City), which is canonically in California / west coast.)
Canonically, genius Lena graduated from MIT at the age of 18 (in 2011) and either was already or started working as an advocate at LuthorCorp that same year, when and where she first met Sam. A year later, Lena was fired by Lex, because she didn’t share his hatred and obsession for Superman. Around that time she met Jack Spheer and they started working together from a garage, to find a cure for cancer(s) using nanotech. It wasn’t until 2016, when Lex was convicted to 32 consecutive life-sentences and sent to Striker’s Island after (kidnapping Lena and) “turning the sun red” to try and kill Superman (resulting in numerous fatalities), that Lena ended things with Jack in Metropolis and moved to National City, taking over LuthorCorp…
While Lena may have taken some online-courses at NCU, to continue learning and expand her knowledge / in other fields, during that time, she was still living in Metropolis. Boston and a vast variety of high-praised universities in an even wider variety of fields are right around the corner. So, somehow I doubt she would have enrolled in at a decent, but not as high-class university across the country. However, there is a slim chance, she did exactly that, if she had been somehow cut off financially after her fall-out with Lex, and NCU was simply the cheaper choice - for some additional credits, she officially didn’t even need(?). So, she maybe got the sweater via mail? Or/and visited NC occasionally before her permanent move for her studies/exams/I-have-no-idea-how-long-distance-universiting-works?
To my best knowledge, we first saw Lena wearing it while staying with the Arias girls. So, could it be Sam’s? “Samantha […] pulled through by herself as a single mother once graduating school from to one job and city to the next to ensure that she and her daughter would have a future together.” [arrowverse wiki]
…I don’t know about you, but to me that doesn’t sound like Sam ever really went to university, but got to where she ended up (COO for L-Corp) for being a hard worker and through experience …and for having happened to catch Lena’s attention.
Sooooooo…. outside of Lena plainly purchasing herself that sweater to show/feel her alliance to National City folks… What’s my non-canon / head-canon explanation for Lena wearing that sweater?
Scenario 1:
Game night at Kara’s. Kara trips, bumps into Lena and has her spill her red wine over her sweater. Kara: “Oh, my gosh! I’m soooo sorry, Lena! Here, let me grab you something to change into! I will totally pay the cleaning of your probably incredibly expensive-… is that cashmere!? Oh, Rao..!” Lena: “Don’t worry. I got it on a discount from Brunello.” Lena grabs the offered sweater, goes to the bathroom and changes into it. Lena, smiling to herself: “Yepp, I’m so gonna walk outta here wearing this and never return it…” (Lena returns to Kara googling Brunello Cucinelli sweater prizes; wide-eyed, sweaty and really pale… Poor thing.)
Scenario 2:
Kara learned that Lena’s horrible childhood deprived her of watching Disney and Pixar movies. Kara: “I am��so gonna make up for that.” Lena: “Do I have a word in tha–” Kara: “No.” So, Lena shows up at Kara’s apartment after work, still wearing her business attire. Kara: “That won’t do. Watching movies and chill requires comfy clothes!” Kara goes and fetches Lena her NCU sweater…
3 hours, two movies, 3 pizzas (3 slices for Lena and 2 ½ pizzas “slowly” consumed by Kara) and a good amount of ice-cream later: Lena: “This was… actually lovely. But it’s getting late. I’ve got to go. Thank you, Kara. I had a wonderful evening.” Kara: “I knew it! Nobody can resist cute widdle Wall-E’s charm!” Lena: “…he was really sweet, adorable and excitable, but I associated more with EVE.” Kara: “Hey, you are still wearing my–” Lena: “Oh, your sweater? I didn’t realize. It really is much more comfortable than most anything I own. And it does smell ni–.. Ehem. Hold on, I’ll go change.” Kara: “Huh, what? Wait! You know, keep it. It suits you. Soft-Lena is a nice look on you.” Lena: “Oh, uh, okay… Thank you again. I will see you Thursday at lunch?” Kara: “Count on it!”
And then she wore it at her low point, because it gave her comfort… ❤
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
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i love supercorp’s dynamic because kara would wax poetic about pacifism then lena would just stand next to her with a gun
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kyleparker01 · 4 years ago
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💀 Fans out here writing peak comedy
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