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smhmyheaddude · 3 months ago
My dear friends🫂🇵🇸
a new year is approaching and the children of the world are preparing to celebrate it‼️🫶🇵🇸
Our children live a difficult life that lacks all means of life💔🇵🇸
Save our children and help us provide them with a decent life🙏🇵🇸
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smhmyheaddude · 3 months ago
Hello 👋,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Aziz, and I’m reaching out with a heartfelt plea to help my family find safety and reunite with our mother. 😞
The ongoing war in Gaza has torn my family apart. My mother and newborn sister are stranded in Egypt, while I, along with the rest of my sex family members, am trapped in the midst of the genocide in Gaza. We have not only been separated but have also lost our home and are enduring unimaginable hardships. 💔
Your support can make a difference. Whether by reading our story, donating, or sharing our campaign with others, you can help us reunite, find safety, and start anew. 🙏🕊
Thank you, from the depths of my heart, for your kindness, compassion, and solidarity during this difficult time. ❤🍉 🔗
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smhmyheaddude · 4 months ago
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Disproportionate Retribution Poll Round 3 Side B:
Danny Fenton's (Danny Phantom) Disproportionate Retribution:
"He cheated on a test and as a result his entire family, all his friends, and the one teacher who genuinely cared about him died in a fast food explosion. He was adopted by his greatest enemy, who he convinced to separate the ghost and human halves of himself to try and lessen the pain, which in retrospect feels a lot like a form of assisted suicide for people who are already dead.
His ghost half killed the human half, fused with his enemy's ghost half, and used their combined power to destroy the entire world. His current fate is indefinite imprisonment in a container the size of a soup thermos. Because he cheated on a test."
"Crime: Cheated on an ungraded test
Punishment: LITERALLY ALL OF HIS FAMILY AND FRIENDS ARE KILLED (during a parent teacher meeting at a fast food restaurant?), he's forcibly adopted by his "rival" (aka the adult man who has repeatedly tortured this 14 year old because he wants to kill Danny's dad and marry his mom) only to have his literal humanity ripped out of him- his ghost fuses with his enemy's ghost half, turns evil, and then VIOLENTLY KILLS HUMAN DANNY (and then destroys the entire world)
Sounds excessive? Yeah! Sure, it could just be tragic coincidences so far, but stick with me. We're going to reset the timeline, we can make this better, right???:
Crime: THOUGHT ABOUT cheating on an UNGRADED test
Punishment: The Master of Time sends ghosts from the future to ASSASSINATE HIM, then is sent to EXECUTE DANNY HIMSELF (BECAUSE CHEATING ON THE TEST IS THE DIRECT CAUSE OF THE END OF THE WORLD APPARENTLY), but then he THROWS DANNY TEN YEARS INTO THE FUTURE OF THE PREVIOUS TIMELINE TO BE FACED WITH HIS ABSOLUTE WORST FEARS MADE REAL: the entire world was ended by HIM, everyone he's ever loved is DEAD, he was told of everything that happened in this timeline including the forcible adoption and his own death at his own ghost's hands, evil future ghost him TORTURES HIM AND TAKES AWAY HIS ONLY MEANS OF GOING HOME, THEN REPLACES HIM AND TRIES TO MURDER HIS FAMILY to ensure the bad future! Meanwhile Danny is being pummeled by the future versions of his rogues gallery because they think he's the evil version that destroyed their afterlives. Anyway he makes it back eventually (after his rival RIPS THE THING TRAPPING HIM OUT OF HIS CHEST WITH A DEVICE THAT COULD KILL HIM) and his family been captured by this impostor wearing his face, and after fighting for his life he finds out he was too late and HAS TO WATCH EVERYONE HE'S EVER LOVED EXPLODE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Of course then the Master of Time shows up, says it was all a lesson, then resets the timeline to before the test again, leaving Danny with all the memories of what happened to traumatize him into confessing he willingly "stole" the test answers (which he didn't even do, they ended up in his possession due to an accident that only happened BECAUSE HE WAS DEFENDING HIMSELF FROM ONE OF THE FUTURE GHOSTS SENT TO KILL HIM) because he was fully intending to cheat on the test (again, false- his friends accuse and berate him for planning to cheat before he even considered it, which he later only thought about seemingly because he was already being treated as a criminal and he had no time to study since he was busy DEFENDING HIMSELF FROM GHOSTS SENT TO KILL HIM SUPPOSEDLY TO PREVENT THIS SITUATION), because of course that's a proportionate response
Why it's over the top: In what world is physical and psychological torture, kidnapping, repeated attempted murder, permanently traumatizing a child, making them absolutely terrified of themself and setting them up to be their own worst fear, and MORE a reasonable response to ANYTHING, much less a 14 year old kid (who just wants to keep people safe) accidentally acquiring the answer key to an ungraded test?!"
Joyce Dagen's (Saw 3D) Disproportionate Retribution:
"Literally nothing.
Her husband lied about being a victim of Jigsaw, and rather than him receiving any punishment for it, his punishment is that SHE has to suffer in a brazen bull, which is literally one of the worst methods of torture. There are many reasons this is the worst Saw film, but this just adds to the rampant undercurrent of misogyny throughout the whole thing. Her husband’s plot ends there, and he does not appear again in any other film! It’s just a last minute middle finger to everyone."
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smhmyheaddude · 4 months ago
Do You Ever Dream?
of a kinder world? of a world more just and more loving? one time when i was 10 and feverish i had a dream that people were reading books faster than we could write them and books were a finite resource and we'd run out forever. nothing has made me feel more anxious before or since
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smhmyheaddude · 4 months ago
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smhmyheaddude · 4 months ago
combine your first real fandom with your current one to create a terrible, terrible au
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smhmyheaddude · 4 months ago
Jimmy knew how to make a mocktail Jimmy knew how to knock someone out Jimmy knew how to make sure they don't even remember it Jimmy knew Jimmy knew Jimmy knew
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smhmyheaddude · 5 months ago
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smhmyheaddude · 5 months ago
ive been watching some mouthwashing gameplay and one thing that really sticks out to me is how Jimmy continually harasses Anya about how squeamish she is around Curly, "We have to earn our titles, right nurse Anya?" But here's the thing: nurses do not typically handle extreme patient cases. That would primarily be handled by people in the emergency unit. If Anya was studying to be a basic RN, then probably the uppermost limits of gore she would be exposed to is stuff like broken bones, and mild burns. NOT A GUY MISSING MOST OF HIS SKIN. Also, nursing is a TEAM JOB. She would not have to do all this by herself. And it's also a job that is built off of support networks. None of these are things she has.
Not only does this show how shitty of a guy Jimmy is, it also shows how little he knows about her and her interests. He hears "nurse" and thinks: "well guess you can handle all of this by yourself! Bye!!!" Which I feel also ties into how he's not truly 'taking responsibility'. Even if Curly's condition wasn't his fault, he still refuses to help, dumping all of the responsibilities of his care on the person he thinks is supposed to handle it, even though she's objectively not supposed to!!! Fuck!!!!
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smhmyheaddude · 5 months ago
Hello! I am a very weird guy and I happen to be hopelessly obsessed with sea creatures. Anemones, cucumbers, and even fish. And thus ive made a tournament blog specifically for sea creatures. I plan on doing multiple tourneys here but im starting with a particular itch. BEST FICTIONAL OCTOPUS. That's right do you know an octopus from somewhere that isn't real life. Than submit it here!
Be civil, be kind, and Do not be mean to people
Dont submit octopi from outright hentai lol. Fictional octopuses can be hard to find but I dont want that
I will probably make a mistake at some point just message me or ask and ill fix it
DO NOT SUBMIT SQUID. This is for octopi not squid.
@who-do-i-know-this-man-s4 @who-jumps-for-the-beef @yall-hate-kids-tourney @theultimatejackoff @tournament-announcer @guess-that-ship @besttropeveershowdown @quote-tournament
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smhmyheaddude · 5 months ago
how long do you think we got until mouthwashing shows up in the YouTube slop content farms
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smhmyheaddude · 5 months ago
i admittedly have not seen all too much of mouthwashing gameplay but from what I can gather it's essentially a story where a guy is asked to take responsibility for his bad actions just one (1) time and decides this is a good reason to kill 3 other people
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smhmyheaddude · 6 months ago
I don't know what 15 year old needs to hear this but please please please for the love of God stop engaging with lolcow-based content. I beg of you.
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smhmyheaddude · 6 months ago
Quick and messy fix of that weird baby from The Authority
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Original for perspective:
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smhmyheaddude · 6 months ago
Ever since I was a little girl I've always known I wanted a penis
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smhmyheaddude · 6 months ago
twitter can be fun sometimes
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smhmyheaddude · 7 months ago
I've been thinking, with October and Halloween quickly approaching, would those in the phandom be interested in a M.A.P? I'm not sure how many animators are in here, but I feel like it could be a fun project, especially considering the show's 20th anniversary being this year.
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