slug-at-work-comic · 4 years
Sluglady is back! And with a new name! Ducklady! Ducklady will now only do duck-related content, including her comic: Duck At Work! QUACK QUACK QUACK!
Check out the new video here: https://youtu.be/OXLzvDABLPo
Check out all news and updates on my twitter: https://twitter.com/tegandumpleton?lang=en
Images courtesy of Wikipedia
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slug-at-work-comic · 5 years
On Hiatus for an Indefinite Amount of Time
Hey all, just wanted to leave this here so new folks will see this on the front page.
So because of my ongoing health problems, Chapter 2 is delayed. When Chapter 2 does start, I will also have a brand new dedicated website for Slug At Work as well. But until then, you can catch any other new art (including art of my fishies) at: https://slugladystudio.com/blog/
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
My new website is live! News and new art will be up tomorrow!
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
Update coming Feb 28th! Keep an eye on Twitter or Facebook for more information
(Not exactly what I meant by updates in February, but life has forced me to push everything back. This has been my last 6-8 months in a nutshell)
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
Happy New Year!
Now. I did not lie. I just miswrote. I wrote, there will be an "update next week" on what I'm doing. What I FAILED to write was that there would be an "update next week on ART SLUG". Only just noticed this error when I glanced at the site here.
SO *claps hands together* Long story short, there will be updates in the new year, but on a brand new site since Tumblr has become as trustworthy as my sister's dog when he's alone with a box of cookies.
I have no date because that will be a surprise!
Sam: You have no idea do you?
But seriously, 2018 was kinda a bust physically and psychologically for me. So I want to make sure 2019 goes. I want to have a stronger plan so I don't burn out or have to call a hiatus everytime I need a medication adjustment.
So, stick around. 2019 is going to be good (even if I have to drag it kicking and screaming)
Anyway, you can find the update here:
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
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Hey all! Boy, has it been a long time.
First, I want to apologize for not posting something sooner. I’ve been posting on my main website, ArtSlug, but I realize now that posting news here would have been the polite thing to do. Basically, between new prescriptions and a busy Halloween, I have been unable to work on Slug At Work. I keep SAYING I’m working on it, but haven’t actually been able to finish something fully.
So, later this week, I’ll post news about what my plans are for the next 2 months. But for now, have a few Halloween sketches of myself, Sam and Media.
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
Emergency Hiatus Until July- more info below
Hey guys. Sorry to do this, but something personal has come up and I`m basically going to be away for the rest of June. No art, no lets plays, no reviews. You’ll see me favorite or retweet some stuff like I always do, but other than that, I`m basically going radio silent right now. I won`t get into what`s going on. Just know that I am okay, but I need the next couple of weeks. Pride is this weekend so maybe you might see some photos from that.
Till then, This is the Sluglady, signing off.
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
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Ch 2: H(N)TTYB
Page 1: Meet The Family
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
Slug At Work will update... whenever
I can`t believe I`m changing this again but... I`ll be honest, I`m still getting used to drawing in traditional media again ( Which feels GREAT to be doing again! You have no idea!😍) But I`m still a little slower then I expected. I'm doing something new with this chapter. The page is almost done but just needs the finishing touches, but it's 11:37. So I'm not getting it done today.
So, let's just go back to all my projects being weekly, but with no set "day" that it will be posted. Juuust until I'm back to my old painting speed
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
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Chapter 2: How (Not) To Train Your Betta
It’s time to get fishy.
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
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Preview of Chapter 2 Cover. Full cover is delayed.
Sooo. I am literally only a few edits away from finishing the cover. Buuuut photoshop updated again and now I can't get it to do what I want. So the cover is delayed. Because of course, it is.
However, Chapter 2 of Slug at Work is going to be done in TRADITIONAL media. Which means even if the cover can't be finished, I can at least giving you guys a peek at the cover.
Keep in mind that this image is not the final product, but mostly is. And there I am, with my 5 betta fish. That's right. FIVE. The family has grown since then.
Until tomorrow, when hopefully the patron saint of Photoshop will give me the wisdom to figure out what the heck to do. Till then!
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
Hey guys! Just wanted to give an update on future events to come.
So, first off, I am going on vacation this week! This week I will be only posting the last speed draw for Slug At Work, as I will be out of town and away from my scanner. (my phone is having trouble posting anything, even if it’s ready to go.) Where am I going?
Well, okay, I’m going to a Nightvale live show in Calgary, but close enough. It’s the final performance of their show “All Hail”, and they’ve come to Canada! It’s the last chance to see it, so if you’re a Canadian Nightvale fan, head over and get some tickets!
Next up, Slug At Work Chapter 2 is coming… *drum roll* IN MAY!
Okay, okay, I know I’ve been keeping you guys waiting. But there are some BIG things happening in May in Edmonton, and if I wanna be ready to participate, I’m going to need the next three weeks to get the comic and everything ELSE, ready to go!  What big things? Well, I’m going to keep that a secret for now.
It’s gonna be one hell of a month ;)
So I’ll see you soon!
Tegan Dumpleton aka The SlugLady
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slug-at-work-comic · 6 years
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Bonus Comic 3: Clothing Shopping
If there is one thing that is guaranteed to put me in a bad mood, it’s trying to find new clothes. Especially pants. I can get away with shopping for shirts in the men's section, but pants are the most depressing thing to look for, leading to many of my pants not looking quite right on me, even with a belt.
Luckily, I’m an artist, so that means I can work in my pajama’s.
But yeah, I’m planning to learn how to sew. My grandma sews her own clothes, my mom sews her own clothes. I might as well too. It’s the only way I’m gonna get something that fits decently.
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slug-at-work-comic · 7 years
So yes, I got my computer back! And I’ve been working on getting everything back in order. So next week will be (most likely) the last bonus comic before we begin chapter 2!
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The Computer Saga Finale: Well that was anti-climatic
So my mini adventure comes to an end. A LOT sooner then I thought. I got the message, quickly sketched this and then took off to get it. Now everything is plugged and working. All I have to do is reinstall and re-register all of my many many programs. Good thing I have my back log of videos now!
See you all tomorrow!
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slug-at-work-comic · 7 years
Remember to check out my website: http://artslug.blogspot.ca/, or my official art tumbler at https://tegandumpleton.tumblr.com/ for new art!
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Achievement unlocked: Substitute computer
Alright! We’re back! Sorta. My computer is currently in the shop for a week being repaired. But I’m not going to let a little thing like a broken computer stop me!
I have another one that I’m borrowing and the my scanner works with it! So, we’re gonna be a sketchbook week!
Bad news: my finished videos are on the MY computer. (which of course i didn’t back up, guh.) and this one is a wee limited in what it can or cannot do (so anything requiring photoshop or premier is probably a no. I’ll see what I can do.)
See you tomorrow!
Tegan Dumpleton aka the Sluglady
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