dead account go here
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hm actually hold on i’ll just remake this blog so it’s not a sideblog
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alright here’s the comeback ft. a drawing of my cutest toon Cap’n Pillowfluff
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hm i   should use this blog again
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slappyquackintosh turned 2 today!
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yeah he played the main dude in bbq's Shorlack
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some toons i managed to make without the game crashing
thank you for the pick-a-name update toontown rewritten
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are there still beta keys left???
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some clarification about beta key toontasks
now, i don't know if my knowledge is outdated, as they might have changed how the tasks work since the first batch; however, i think it's unlikely they changed anything other than the chances of getting one
first off, if you're going around to every shopkeeper looking for a beta key task, don't waste your time. when i got mine, every single hq officer was giving one out (the task itself differed-- 10 cold callers, 10 2+ cogs, etc)
basically, you'll know if you're eligible to get a beta key task
to be eligible:
- get to daisy gardens -- this requirement will be met the moment you get lure/drop from donald's dock - be marked for a key task 
how marking works:
i'll be using what i've been told by devs on the irc; the numbers may have changed, but the concept (likely) remains the same
if you meet the requirements, you are eligible to be "marked" for a beta key task. if you reach daisy gardens, you'll have to relog to be eligible-- i did this and got a beta key task immediately
10 people (again, maybe different) can be marked for a key at a time; if you're not marked, you'll have to relog in order to get another chance
to increase your chances: relog frequently, do this at a time when few people are on (when i got mine, there were about 60 people on and i got it immediately after relogging)
i hope this clears things up, i've seen people confused or people not knowing what they're doing, and i just wanted to help them out
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[angry yelling]
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i'm fondly remembering how i maxed my watering can in tto. i was a serial gardener, i would friend random people and ask to go to their house, then water their plants and unfriend them, repeat
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[10:05] <Kenlok> Hi [10:06] <Roxytheredcat> i know what you mean @princessviolet I have so much free time to [10:07] <Kenlok> I said hi [10:08] <Kenlok> mean [10:09] <+sylveon> i'm waiting for someone to help with a building on oak street but they pass me and go to sbhq [10:09] <+sylveon> cri [10:09] <Kenlok> I said hi [10:09] <Kenlok> ... [10:09] <Kenlok> Guys that's gross [10:09] <ynmsgames> lol I'd help but I'm not playing [10:10] <Kenlok> If i was another guy you would respond [10:10] <Kenlok> I hate you [10:10] <Kenlok> That's the end [10:10] <Kenlok> Im leaving [10:11] <Temas> bye [10:11] <+sylveon> bye [10:11] <SegaRising> bye
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the district names sound great but there's one problem
where is tickled paws
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[16:17] <NOOT> I don't like applying for this :( I applied last time and didn't win, now I can't think of an answer for this question! Toontown rewritten is great, I haven't experienced anything horrible! [16:17] <@Joey19982> NOOT: That's okay to answer with!
here we go
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[16:22] <NOOT> Awesome! I've sent in my entry for an alpha key! THANK YOU SO MUCH Joey19982 And the rest of the devs for making toontown awesome again! :)
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[5/19/14, 12:41:21 PM] burn heal: hey kiwi [5/19/14, 12:41:33 PM] kiwipuppy67: hey pl [5/19/14, 12:41:39 PM] burn heal: FKLI-IXYK-2CNA [5/19/14, 12:42:39 PM] kiwipuppy67: http://puu.sh/8SGgx.png [5/19/14, 12:42:47 PM] burn heal: thanks
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I REBLOGGED THIS ON MY MAIN oh well they can enjoy
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staying up til midnight playing toontown is worth it
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well to be fair it IS an honest answer; REALLY stupid but still not trolling
the worst one i think was when they asked like "what's the worst thing about toontown rewritten?" or something like that and someone was literally like "no cogs :( :( i like fighting cogs"
it bugs me too  but i guess it really can't be helped, we can only hope that a bunch of people are like "gib beda key" so they'll be disqualified and cooler people have a better chance
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severe-fangirlitis replied to your post: tbh i really hope they actually look o…
too bad they said they weren’t going to :/ i find it really unfair but whatever -.-
i mean at the very least go ahead and pull the random names, but rechoose some if answers match or don’t make sense, yknow? “there should be a sports section” is a part of the alpha giveaway that still irks me. there wasnt any reasoning behind why a sports section would be a good addition to the toon hq report/newspaper/whatever, or what ‘sports’ it could include (since theres already something for most golf/fishing/racing done by toons and they earn some clothes if i remember right) so it just???? they should at least make sure something like that doesn’t happen again ;;;;
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