skynightrev · 8 years
Keep a journal of everyday bad day you have. Don’t write down what happened, just write down the date and how you feel.
When a year has passed, look back at the dates that were bad. Sometimes, it takes time but eventually you’ll forget what was bad in the first place. Things get better. Things that seem big now you can overcome.
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skynightrev · 8 years
Creative Writing lesson Masterpost
Want to learn how to write creatively? Here are some free lessons and courses to help improve your writing. Note that all resources listed below are online, free to use and require no payment or credit card. 
Be warned that many of these links are aimed at people at the university / college level.
General Creative Writing:
Open University: Start writing fiction [Full length]
Creative Writing Course [ Full Length]
MITOpenCourseware - Writing and Reading Short stories [Full Length]
MIT - Genre FIction [Full Length]
Coursera - Writing for young readers [ Full length]
Coursera - Creative writing (plot) [Full Length]
Coursera - Creative writing (Style) [Full Length]
Coursera - Creative writing (Setting& Description) [Full Length]
Coursera - Creative Writing (Characters) [Full Length]
Coursera - Capstone: Your Story [Full Length]
Alison - English Writing Skills [Full Length]
edX - How to write a novel[Full Length]
Coursera - Poetry Workshop [Full Length]
Coursera - Script Writing: Write a Pilot episode for a TV [Full Length]
Itunes: Creative Writing Masterclass [Audio]
Writing tutorial Playlist [Video playlist]
How to write fiction stories [Video]
Developing voice or style [Video]
How to write a story that rocks [Video series]
Mystery and crime:
Mystery Writing tips [Video]
Crime writing workshop Robin Masserman [Long Video]
Fantasy & Scifi:
Fantasy and Scifi writing course  [Full length]
MIT - Modern Science fiction [Full Length]
MIT - Writing science fiction [Full Length]
Ted-Ed- How to make your writing funnier  [Video]
Chuck Roy - The Reverse [Video]
Chuck Roy - How to Write a Joke (double entendre) WARNING: Adult content [Video]
Go ahead, Make me laugh [ebook]
Misc & Resources:
Gotham writing questionnaire [Form]
Marcel Proust Character Questionnaire [Form]
Freelance Writing [Ebooks]
Warm up writing tips [Video]
[ Full Length] = Long course with sections, sometimes free university courses.
[Ebook] = Free Ebook to read online or download.
[Form] = Form to fill out to help you
[Video] = A short video
[Audio] = Audio based learning
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skynightrev · 9 years
Write a letter to your future self. Include positive things, and write things you may need to hear. Open it after a year has passed.
*Open this letter on a bad day or just to make yourself smile.
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Go to the word generator in the link provided (Or click the image) and select 5 of the nonsense words generated for you. Give those five words a dictionary meaning (preferably something funny) and write a story containing all five of your made up words.
Here are some words generated and meanings I gave them.
landbap: "The process in which the land is cultivated in preparation to plant an olive plant." 
Tastejem: "That one incredibly tasting fruit/berry that is bared while the others are tasteless and bland."
Tina continued to landbap, wiping her brow and admiring her work. 
'months from now,' Tina thought to herself. 'perhaps this plant will produce a true tastejem some day..."
For a comical effect, make the words ultra specific. In writer's craft, my friend made a word meaning "To propose marriage on a white horse"
Don't worry if your word meanings don't match up. You can find some way to do it.
Stereotypical fairytales written usually turn out great!
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Write about two kids who are best friends. When they grow up, they have grown apart. No matter how much they try in the story, they will never be the same as they were before.
For an emotional experience, Try to explore the concept that childhood is a carefree and non-judgmental time where you can be friends without having common interests. End it where they accept that they can't go back and move on.
To make it more compelling, try the fox and the hound approach: "I can't be with you because you're my enemy."
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Take your OTP and change their names, looks and switch their personalities. Write a climactic confession scene.
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skynightrev · 10 years
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The story starts with the main character stealing a stick of gum from the dollar store. Stealing the gum is a matter of life or death.
For a real challenge, make this super serious without making it sound silly. Try to think of a logical reason as to why it is so important without it being comical.
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Write a script between you and your favorite fictional character.
-Make it a super cheesy romance
- Make it an interview
- Make it an epic fight scene
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Write a short tragedy that starts with the person's death and then goes back and explains how they died.
Expert level ending:
Complete the story with how they actually survive the incident. 
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Write a story about a very small incident and how it changed someone's life.
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Personify your favorite websites and write a story about their war to be the very best.
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Write a crime story in the first person where it is revealed at the end that the main character is the culprit
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Create a sensory Journey. Write about a fantasy world you dream was real. Include sounds, sights and smells.
Beginner rules:
- Must include at least one location
- have at least one scent, one well-described sight and one sound
Advanced rules:
- must have two locations
- must have personification in at least one of the senses description
- Must have dialogue
Expert rules:
- Must have two locations
- One of each of the senses described with personification, similes and metaphors
- Must have at least one named character other than the hero
- Written in second person
- Must not end as a dream sequence (No "I woke up")
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Write a romance where the hero is in love, but realizes the love of their life was at their side all along
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Think of your favorite childhood comfort toy/object.
Write a fantasy story about you and that toy/object. 
This can be either as you now, or you as a child
Other ideas:
- That object/toy is the hero of the story
- modern you re-discovering that object/toy after so long
- Personify the toy/object.
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Just a quick PSA for all aspiring novel writers:
November is national novel writing month, and NaNoWriMo is gearing up to start on the first. It's free to register and participate! Here are some details.
Registration will be in October
They have forums for adoption of lines, characters, plots, scenarios...everything that can be used year round for free- all ideas posted can be used without credit.
During the writing month, you will be given a daily goal as well as your estimated time of completion given your average number of words per day
You track your words yourself- you write on your own software and not the website
Prizes are provided for all winners (Such as free copies of your book from Lulu.com, or $2,000 sweepstakes from wattpad)
Learn more about the event at nanowrimo.org!
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skynightrev · 10 years
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Look at the first object on your right. Write a story in its point of view in regards to its every day 'life'.
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