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family first
This piece was one of my favorite that we have read; not because I feel like it can apply to any generation or time, but because it sums up Aristotle. We learned about courage and love and last was friendship, and I think the most important take away that I got from this reading was that we all need the courage to love and we need love to establish friendships. I think @katponders and @helloimadethisforclass both put it best by saying that Aristotle doesn’t explore how a friendship over time changes the way you perceive virtues. Aristotle points out that “complete friendship is that of good people, those who are alike in their virtue: they each alike wish good things to each other in so far as they are good, and they are good in themselves” (144) which is only true in some cases. I think many of us have had friendships that we have realized were only negative or bringing us down; maybe because we as friends were drifting apart or maybe because we realized our virtues and morals were different. Furthermore, I really liked when Aristotle pointed out that friendships come in many different forms, including between a child and a parent (141). I felt this so strongly because in many of my Political Science classes I have learned that many of our view points come directly from our parents. I feel that this also stands true with virtues- many of us look up towards our parents and the people they are, which includes how they treat others. If we watch our parents treat a teacher with disrespect then we in turn will end up treating teachers the same way or not viewing them as authority figures. This falls into a similar place of the “hierarchy of friendship” as @rileymayne11 spoke about in her post because she is completely valid in saying that a child could never love a parent as much as a child but their is still a friendship between them. Although their love is different, it is still not or shouldn’t be a obedient/servant dynamic as Aristotle kind of hints out.
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Final Debate Coaching Session
Today was one of the best coaching days I think my group has had at Benjamin Franklin. We started off by grasping the students attention to inform them that we really only had one week to prepare for the debate topics. Immediately, the students became really focused and ambitious on understanding our explanations of each of the topics. The team as a whole broke down all four topics to refresh the students memories and surprisingly they retained a lot of information, some that I had even forgotten. We then spent a majority of the time talking about two topics: E-Sports being in the Olympic Games and if the US should create a universal guaranteed annual income. They were able to come up with some incredible points so my group felt comfortable enough to break them up into a group to have a mock debate. Although they only had 1 minute to talk for each prop and opp speaker, they showed dedication to the topic at hand and courageousness to stand up and speak in front of their peers. I was highly impressed and am so excited to see what they bring to the debate this Saturday.
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Wrong Love
beI found this reading to be one of the most interesting because in one form or another we have all loved. Love comes in a variety of ways, wether that be a mothers love, or a friendship love, every person has felt the affection of love at one point in time. I found my classmates points interesting on reflecting how Socrate’s focuses too much on style and comparing it to the way we teach the middle school debate teams (235A). However, I found @stephclark and @rochleavitt posts more appealing because they focused more on the friendship aspect of the talk. The points that Lysias’ speech involves about love intrigued me because they not only sound like a lot of relationships I have experienced and seen throughout my college career, but further more they also seem to be very unhealthy. I notice that throughout the speech he refers to a man loving a young boy and I recall that in Greece a lot of older men would sleep with their younger apprentices, so I am assuming that is what this is referring to. However, at one point, Lysias says “a lover prevents the boy he loves from spending time with other people..”, which to me sounds like the opposite of love (512D). Love is about accepting the other person and although their may be jealousy at times, controlling a persons friendships or actions is an unhealthy way of living. Furthermore, Lysias says that “lovers generally start to desire your body before they know your character” which I feel may be only applicable to that time period. Now, if a person is attracted to another first rather than getting to know them, their only goal is to sleep with them, not fall in love. However, I feel this is better explained when Socrates mentions that people have two principles that rule them: one being pleasure and the other is our acquired judgement (237E). This sensation of pleasure can be so overwhelming one may assume he is in love but if they are in it just for the attraction or to control someone, I would have to say they are “in love” for all the wrong reasons.
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Coaching Week 4 or 5....
I think we are on coaching week 5 if the debate counted as week 4 but I just don’t really know so...😬. Anyway, today was very similar to the first week of coaching. We started off by introducing the students to the topics and then breaking our Monday class discussion up to just the universal guaranteed annual income and Olympic Games including E-sports. However, I found a difference in today than previous meetings because I felt like not only did we know the students on a better level but they seemed eager to learn. At this point I almost knew all of the students names and because we seemed less like superiors and more like “cool” teachers they were more obedient and respectful. It reminded me of Quintilians points that if teachers were given the opportunity to just teach one student, teaching would be a lot easier. I feel like we each received that opportunity during the debate and building this closer relationship to the students overall helped us teach them with these new topics.
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The “War System”
As @jlfoster13 points out, a major part of debating that we have learned from Socrates is mastering the method of argumentation, which is the questioning and deconstruction of your opponents point, leading to the acceptance of defeat from the opponent. We see Socrate’s use this method again in Laches. In @joe‘s post he comments on how, “Socrate’s argumentation shouldn’t be avoided but rather embraced”, which I believe Socrate’s states as well in Laches by saying, “you would not want to trust [these craftsmen] when they said they were good...unless they should have some well-executed product of their art to show you- and not just one but more than one (186a). This point stands out because although debating is not something you can see, many of Socrate’s debates are written down and studied. Socrate’s has proven time and time again that his method works and to be a great debater, we must also embrace some if not all of his teachings.
Furthermore, I found both @leahvaidya and @katponders points on courage interesting. As Leah points out, fear and hope are both hard to define since no one is the same person. For example, I’m sure my unexplainable fear of holes is not applicable to everyone in class. I think Aristotles and Nicias points are similar to the teachings of Quintilian because virtues are gained from the teachings within ourselves. Courage is a virtue that cannot be learned in the classroom but rather from our own personal experiences, which do include “knowledge of the fearful and the hopeful” (195a1-2). This topic of courage, however, wants me to comment on the sexism of the reading as a whole. Throughout the entire piece I could not shake how courage continuously was referenced to only males and it made me look at my reading for my political science course by Betty Reardon. In the reading, she comments on how the “war system” is made up of a patriarchy because the elites who are in charge and make war time and peace time decisions are males. Reardon’s argument is that due to this emphasis on courage being applicable just towards the male gender, creates an environment where only males are able to be trusted enough in these war decision making positions. However, she also comments that if women were included the percent of ceasefires would not only increase but so would the amount of successful longterm peace agreements. This point just blew my mind because women were not included in these discussions back during Socrate’s times and they are still shut out in many areas today. So, maybe its possible that if Laches wasn’t just focused on males, the philosophers would have a different outlook on what courage is and what it takes to obtain it.
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Teaching the Kiddos #3
Today was probably the smoothest day teaching the kids about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. We had a lot of new students join us today that were not there the other days so we broke them up in different groups for the first time based off their favorite debating position whether that be 1,2, or 3. Each of us took a group and refreshed their memories on the subject which a lot of students seemed to be able to explain in a quick summary. Once they seemed ready, we placed them in 5 separate groups, each group had a 1,2, and 3 and we named these groups Prop 1, Opp 1, Prop 2, Opp 2 and the odd group out was Prop 3 and would be given one of the Opposition groups. We did a debate trial and it went really smoothly. I was excited to see how far the kids had come in their knowledge on the two-state vs. one-state solution and overall feel decently prepared for our upcoming tournament Saturday.
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You Only Live Once
I think Steph, India and Riley make a good point by disagreeing with Senecca’s view of wasting time as a negative. They all seem to agree that time one enjoys wasting is actually not wasted at all. As Riley states, she has enjoyed her time here at Tulane because she has been having fun with friends as well as learning more about her field of study. I think, however, that what they are saying is actually similar to Senecca's argument. Senecca seems to conclude that wasted time is how you view it because this “time that is given to us rushes by so swiftly and rapidly” if we choose to use it poorly (1). If you enjoy being with others or you enjoy a certain field of study then dedicate time to it, because you aren’t really wasting time. However, we are all a little guilty of actually wasting time that we may have enjoyed all the same. I think its safe to say we all have been guilty of getting home from classes and just wanting to watch Netflix or play video games and the next time you check the clock 3 hours have flown by. To me, that is wasted time. Yes, we may have enjoyed playing those games or watching that tv show but in the time we allotted to that we could have been exploring this incredible city or met new people or just gotten a drink with one of our friends. Doesn’t that seem like a better way to spend ones time?
I, however, do agree with Riley that Senecca’s point, “it is a sign of a great man, and one who is above human error, not to allow his time to be frittered away, he has the longest possible life because whatever time was available he devoted entirely to himself”, does not seem like the most enjoyable or worthwhile time to live a life. Furthermore, this applies to @nicbonin criticism of Senecca’s push for philosophy stating that, “of all people only those are at leisure who make time for philosophy, only those are really alive” (23). Why make life all about yourself when you have so many people to share it with? I have found that a life devoted to helping others as well as the world is the sign of a great person and a person whose time was well spent. Life isn’t enjoyable with just yourself, you have to surround yourself with friends and family and sometimes sacrifice what you want to do for the happiness of others, but in the end its worth it. Furthermore, why dedicate your entire life to philosophy when there are so many other topics that interest human beings. I agree with Nic that philosophy is an activity worth practicing, but dedicating an entire life to just one topic doesn’t seem like the best way to spend time either.
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