skyisntthere · 4 months
When I'm ready, It'll be you.
Sebastian SDV X G/N Reader
warnings; Mentions of cheating, Angst (with fluff at the end). if i missed any let me know!
Plot; You caught your boyfriend from Zuzu city cheating on you so you went home to pelican town to be comforted by your best friend Sebastian
Word count; around 900!
a/n; Heya! its my first fanfic on tumblr, honestly a little nervous about this. please feel free to request or ask me a question, always happy to talk!!
There were tears running down your face, luckily the rain covered it up. You knew you would get sick if you stayed out but who cared? You certainly did not after all he broke your heart. 
Was it silly that you thought something was going great in your life for him to rip it away so easily, like those months, years meant nothing to him at all. Now you were waiting, just patiently waiting for someone to say ‘I told you so’ making you feel like the town's clown, a laughing stock. 
You knew it wouldn't work really, moving to pelican town while he stayed in Zuzu city. He promised he stayed for work when you knew it was for her as why else would she be in his bed when you arrived on your visit. Now you were at the top of the mountains standing, looking down at the clouds of mist covering Pelican town wishing, praying someone wouldn't notice. Who goes out in the rain anyways? 
You wanted to scream, to yell as loud as you could until your lungs bled. “Hey” you jumped as Sebastian appeared out of nowhere. For ages you tried to convince the emo guy to get out his basement and the one time he did, you wish he didn't. You couldn't look at the man next to you wishing he would get the hint and leave. “What are you doing out in the rain?” He asked, you stayed staring, you loved your friend but you told yourself you didn't need him now, even though you needed him more than ever. 
You and Sebastian just clicked when you met him, you respected his work and often hung out with him and his group of friends, if life was a game you would have a full bar of friendship with the guy. He was your best friend, the one that makes living here worth it. “Are you ignoring me?” Sebastian looked down at the ground thinking what he's done wrong. You looked at him, if it was possible you felt your heart hurt more. 
Sebastian looked at you studying your facial expressions, your eyes lost the shine they once had, you looked tired… hurt. “What happened?” He asked. “Why are you crying? Are you home sick, i can take you-” you shook your head. “No! No, I just got back” You managed to spit out. “Right, let's have a cigarette, a moment to calm down and then you're telling me all about it” Sebastian offered you a cigarette which you accepted. Lighting the cigarette you inhaled the smoke in. When you exhaled the smoke you felt like you were watching the pain disappear with the comfort of your best friend.   
It was quiet, all you heard was rain hitting the ground, you could tell Sebastian regretted not bringing out an umbrella but you knew it wouldn't be long till you headed to his room. When the two of you finished your cigarettes he softly took your hand and dragged you towards his house. He knew you would try to sneak away, you were stubborn and thought you could handle everything on your own. You went down to his room, he gave you a pair of clothes and disappeared. 
You debated getting changed but you did not want to upset your best friend. After a while of waiting for him he came back down with two mugs of coffee. You smiled as you took it, as he sat next to you on his sofa. Sebastian stayed silent as he knew in your own time you would open up. He wasn't one to rush you and it was one of your favourite things about him. 
“He cheated on me Seb” You muttered it was more like a whisper. “He did what?” Sebastian said in shock. “What a jerk? I feel like taking my motor-" Sebastian caught himself quickly and looked at you, as you looked down at your cup he lifted your chin with his finger. “Hey, He’s not worth it!” He looked softly at you. “He never deserved you anyway and now you never need to go back there” you nodded. He was right, no more wasting money on trips or begging people to help with the farm work while you were gone. 
You started to feel better at the same time noticing the physical contact Sebastian did, you felt your cheeks burn a little as Sebastian was known for the lack of emotions. “Besides, I know it's early but there are some fine people here ya know” He piped up… was he talking about himself? The feelings you buried deep down for your best friend started to rise up. “Yeah I suppose so… wanna set me up with sam?” you tried holding in your laughter but it failed and you both were laughing. It was nothing against Sam, but he wasn't exactly your type. “Thanks Seb” Sebastian smiled back as thunder echoed from outside. “You can stay here if you want, I can sleep on the sofa” He said calmly, acting like he wasn't mentally throwing a party as his soulmate was now single, but this is Sebastian, he would wait a million years for you.  
As you looked at the time on your phone you agreed to staying, it was already pretty late anyways. You and Sebastian spoke for hours. He then asked if you wanted to watch some movie he had and you agreed. You sat next to him on his bed and started watching the movie. As you two were watching the movie you rested your head on his shoulder and your eyelids began to close, Sebastian noticed you were asleep and put his head on yours, after the movie ended he lightly kissed your head and moved to the sofa to get some sleep. 
You weren't ready for someone else, but you knew when you were, it would be him. It would always be Sebastian.
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