skybergs-blog · 6 years
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              ‘ i ate a brownie the other day & it was magnificent. pretty intense feeling , almost felt as though i was floating. ’ pausing in her words , bonnie looked at the other with a small smile. ‘ oh —- oh , there was no pot in it. just was a really good brownie. ’
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the boy couldn’t help but smile. it was the girl’s excitement and enthusiasm when it came to food and baking that always reminded him a bit of home. “bestomer,” his norwegian accent apparent. “that’s what we call our uh, grandma back home - makes the best brownies i know. one time me and my brother wanted to sneak in some weed in it just to see how’d she react to it. think it would’ve been healthy for her, right?”
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
idk why but i can’t focus on replies rn i have them open……… its not happening……..we will try again tomorrow 
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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“nothing important, really.” he shrugs, smirking to himself.
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alex was insistent in getting something out of forrest - anything. “spill it, you’re smiling all funny. what is it?”
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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   the complimentary words coming from the other male are definitely different from what he’s become accustomed to believing. it’s nice to hear however and there’s no hiding the smile that it brings to his lips. “now, now, don’t go making me get all emotional or i’ll toss your arse into the ocean.” milo teases with a short laugh.
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alex rolled his eyes playfully at him. “you should learn to process your emotions more healthily milo, violence is never the way.” he shook his head, teasing him further. “maybe that’s why people don’t like you, hm?” 
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
so i  just saw sza, miguel & vince staples live last night & i’m still in Shock,, but i’m really tired today i’ll try if i can to reply to some threads its just tired me = i can’t function to make sentences blah blah & i have a dinner to go later as well but i’ll try at one point or another i’m sorry i keep making excuses i swear i’ll get to it !!!
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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 “i don’t feel like deciding right now, so you’re gonna have to ask me later.”
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“and what is it that you’re doing or thinking about right now that’s getting in the way of our bonding time?”
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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hand falling to her side, delilah’s smile didn’t falter, even as she felt a small flush of embarrassment spreading along her cheeks over jumping to conclusions. all it took was the tiniest flash of discomfort and her mind shifted automatically into nurse-mode. “ that’s pretty common, ” she assured him with a sympathetic nod. “ sometimes just an idea is enough to bring on the nausea. ” while she’d only barely been flushed before, she was sure her face was positively pink with his compliment, unwarranted as it was. “ that’s me, ol’ reliable. ”
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he could feel the slight tension between them. it wasn’t often of them to be bumping into each other. in fact, he was sure this was their first proper conversation together, and yet it had already seemed like it was coming to an end. “ - so, how’s it been for you here?” the boy blurted. “i mean, you’ve only been here for a couple months, right? i hope you’ve been doing ok. not missing home too much?” he continued, hoping to ease her. alex himself had a bit of a tough start adjusting and all he needed was a friend. there he was hoping that he could be just that for her.
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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     “if i’m being completely honest with you, i’m just relaying some information i found on google after one too many rum and cokes and a sleepless night. gotta love the occasional deep dive ––- first you’re looking up an IMDb profile to see if the actor you think is in a movie you’re watching is actually the right person, the next you’re watching videos that discuss the concept of time and space.” a laugh billowed from the blonde’s lips before her fingers began to drum along her chin. “y’know, despite the lourve and other prestigious museums across the globe, the ocean remains the largest. there are more artifacts and remnants of history miles deep under the ocean than there are on land. crazy, right ?”
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reflecting on his own boozy experiences, he doesn’t remember any instances he had that hadn’t done him any harm. but it’s always when he’s the most intoxicated that the world just becomes a more interesting place - a place the boy wanted to discover without the fear. “i’ll admit to being a huge nerd for conspiracy theories. you never really know if its fake, you know? the world is a more interesting place that way.” alex replied. “guess the ocean’s a part of that too. the amount of things people speculate about whats hiding in there like its just waiting to come out - it’s really cool until of course, you’re drowning in an endless void of it.” 
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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“but like they’re people there watching the sharks, like shark experts, they wouldn’t let that happen, right?” austyn’s eyes were wide and curious as she asked the blonde, “they wouldn’t let the sharks get ‘em, they couldn’t,” she continued on more trying to convince herself then anything, “ok ok ok, maybe we should do something else like snorkling or jet skiing…”
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he couldn’t help but laugh as she tried to convince herself otherwise but only to end up even more doubtful. he was relieved to finally hear her agree with his suggestion. “there you go,” alex cooed. “that’s a bit more like it. maybe focus on keeping them out of as much danger for the sake of the baby but remember to point the parents in my direction if they’re ever in need of a drink.” 
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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monroe LOVED her job but the long days at sea called for EXCESSIVE planning and lots of guest interaction and not a lot of time for anything fun. however , she decided to spend her day off relaxing , lounged by a pool. she pulls her dark sunglasses to rest of his head , looking around the deck. “ sometimes , i feel like the casino is the only exciting thing on this ship. “ monroe speaks , mainly to herself but is aware of the person that’s now near her. “ i’ve inspected every possible angle and that’s no way to jump from one deck into another decks pool so now my only option is , clearly , to jump straight into the ocean. “
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alex had been swimming a few laps at the pool but had decided to take a rest. reaching the side, he pulled himself up and sat on the ledge then to accidentally overhear the girl’s comment. “as someone who has to work at the casino, i have to say that’s one hundred percent true. i could go on and on about the craziest things that have actually happened there.” alex chimed. “but as fun as just jumping into the ocean sounds, don’t think that’s the best idea around. i get the whole just wanting to do something though. i can’t wait for us to dock and actually start exploring.”
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
his blue eyes were childlike, filled with curiosity and intrigue, as he listened to the other male. frankly, alex was also struggling back and forth between focusing on his accent or his hilarious little anecdote. “so are you ready for round two? right here, right now - norway versus australia. think it’d be exciting, people could start calling bets, we could win big.” the blonde teased with a cheeky smile before gulping down his beer. it was clear that if these two were to be intoxicated, the repercussions might just get a little out of hand. 
“this friendship will just be built out of both of us daring each other to do dumb shit. it doesn’t help that i have access to alcohol either.” he shook his head, unsure whether out of disapproval or excitement. being the bartender had its perks. it meant figuring out just how much he could ‘borrow’ before it became suspicious. maybe, he hoped, that alex had finally found his partner in crime.
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     “–and so me mate and i got into a little bet to see who could hold their bevvies down the longest last night. it didn’t end well for the both of us, but i definitely lost. might be australian, but i’ve never been good at holding me liquor.” blue grinned crookedly, stroking away the condensation from the cold glass of beer in his hand. “since i’m a lifeguard and all, me mate had the idea that i should put a little sticker or somethin’ on me hipbone to see if i would end up having a little tan tattoo.” 
     without prompt, blue lifted the hemline of his tank top, proudly showing off the small heart shaped spot on his freckled hipbone. he always tanned easily during the summer, so it wasn’t much of a surprised that it actually worked. “i reckon it’s like havin’ a tattoo without havin’ to pay for one! ain’t it cute, mate? think ima do this more often!”
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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  “alright, have fun with that one, then.” the male states, shrugging his shoulders towards him. “who said you were getting on my nerves?”
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“buddy, ok - you got to pick one or the other. you either like me and contribute into this friendship i’m trying so hard to make work or you hate me so much you get obsessed, choose one.”
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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SEASICKNESS, she’d learned, came in varying degrees. cases ranged from i don’t feel so good to i’m gonna upchuck my large intestine and delilah had the misfortune of attempting to treat them all. cautiously pressing a hand to his shoulder, delilah frowned, gauging where he fell on the spectrum. “ it’s probably not the smartest place for.. your friend to be, no. ”she offered a small smile of sympathy. “ ginger tea works wonders, if you’d like me to make you some. ” then his words registered in her mind and her brows furrowed. “ unless you’renot actually sick? if it’s fear of the water, then i suggest finding something to distract you —them. ”
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he couldn’t help but focus on her delicate features as she spoke, even then with a soft voice as well. he saw the appeal and success to her as a nurse - who wouldn’t feel comfortable or better around her? an airy laugh escaped his lips as he scratched the back of his head. “yeah, sometimes my brain likes to trick my body that its sick just for the fun of it. you know, give it a hard time to keep it on its toes.” the blonde looked up at her and smiled gingerly. “but it’s nice to know we have someone as reliable as you around just in case shit really hits the fan.” although, to think of it he wouldn’t like for her to see him as a snotty mess either. 
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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“ - why thank you good sir.” a grin lifts at the corners of his lips. “you’d be surprised though. there’s several people on this very ship who  probably wish i were six feet under.” his shoulders roll in a shrug.
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there was a slight change in alex’s face as he heard the other male talk. he wasn’t the best at coping with trouble and a part of him admired milo for how well he dealt with it, at least from the looks of it, or with anything else for that matter. “think it’s just because you’re one of the best lads around, and if in any occasion any of them try anything, they’ve got to get through me. but don’t think that would take them that long though.” he shrugged. 
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skybergs-blog · 6 years
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