sknnybch2003 · 5 months
New goal: be skinnier than my grandma. I can tell she has disordered eating behaviours and she’s underweight 5’8 105lbs. I wanna weigh less than her😩
Wish me luck 🫶🫶
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
I hate a jealous bitch who pretends to be your friend and pretends to be there for you meanwhile pointing out new insecurities you can’t change and you’ve never even thought of before until they point them out. Like just admit you’re insecure and move on with your life. It’s fucking sad and pathetic tbh. At least I’m skinnier than they are🤭
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
you already know what that food will taste like, why not find out how skinny feels?
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
i’m starting to think the seasonal depression isn’t just seasonal
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
I got my period :(
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
Weighing myself the morning after a binge will always be in top 5 scariest moments of my life bro
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
I wish I had irl ed friends I could go to 7/11 with and get a diet coke big gulp
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
(in case you guys care lol)
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
Decided to weigh myself today and I lost a pound!
I’m 115 only 5 more pounds to lose, wish me luck🤭
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
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Girl dinner
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
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sad late night thoughts go brrrr
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
i'm looking for 20+ y/o people to follow or even become friends with! 🎀
please reblog this if you have an active EDBLR account as of: MAY 2024
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
dear restaurants who don’t put calories on their menus, even the ones online, and no matter how much you search, you can’t track down cals-
fuck you. fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. how fucking hard is it???
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
Ugh I’m going to a car meet with my ex which I’m really excited about but I’m not gonna have control over food what so ever. I’ll just try to eat as little as possible. I’ve thought about throwing up but I’ve tried it before and it never really worked properly for me. I’ll just starve for a few days afterwards
I NEED to be as skinny as possible for summer
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
I swear the feeling you get when you step on the scale and it goes down is more addictive than drugs
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
I was talking to my mom about my ed and she says I look as skinny as my grandma (she’s 105lbs) IT FELT SO VALIDATING only made me wanna starve more. Ik she said that because she wanted me to eat more but that shit doesn’t work on me💀
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sknnybch2003 · 5 months
Life update:
Man I been stressing sm about life. I just started a new job and I already hate it so I’m going back to my old job with a creep manager but at least I’ll get a consistent schedule. My family is supposed to come over tomorrow and my mom is making a bunch of food including a cake😭
I’m not gonna eat anything though I’ll just say I don’t feel good or sum. I just hope my mom doesn’t call me out in front of everyone. It’s a risk I’m willing to take.
I’ve been doing really good on my diet. I haven’t been getting my period anymore which is a fucking blessing. I don’t want kids anyways so I don’t really care if I go infertile
I’ll give an update on how tomorrow goes. Wish me luck😀
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